spire.math.prime.SieveSegment.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spire.math.prime
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer}
import System.arraycopy
import spire.math.{SafeLong, min}
import spire.syntax.cfor._
import SieveUtil._
* This respresents a single sieve segment.
* The 'start' field says what this segment's first number
* is. 'primes' is a bitset of possible primes in this
* segment. 'cutoff' specifies the largest prime factor we're
* interested in. This means that cutoff**2-1 is the largest number we
* could reliably identify as prime.
* We are using a mod30 wheel, which means that we don't need to
* manually factor using 2, 3, or 5 (30 is the lcm of 2, 3, and
* 5). Since each wheel turn is 30-bits, and our bitset groups
* elements into 32-bit groups (integers), we have a 480-bit (15
* integer) period between the wheel and the bitset. This requires our
* segment length to be divisible by 480.
* When building a sieve, we will first initialize using the mod30
* wheel. Then, if we are on the first segment, we'll do a traditional
* sieve. We'll save any primes greater than 5 we find as factors,
* either fast factors (if they will show up frequently in each
* segment) or slow factors otherwise. If a factor is larger than
* cutoff we don't save it. After that we'll be done with the first
* segment.
* For later segments, we will use our fast and slow factors to block
* out composites as we find them. Like in the first segment, we'll
* save factors we find (although any new factors we find now will
* always be slow). And of course we won't save any factors above our
* cutoff.
* Once the sieve is initialized it doesn't do anything else
* interesting, besides report prime numbers. Currently its internals
* are made available to the Siever.
object SieveSegment {
val wheel30: Array[Int] = {
var b: Long = 0L
b |= (1 << 1)
b |= (1 << 7)
b |= (1 << 11)
b |= (1 << 13)
b |= (1 << 17)
b |= (1 << 19)
b |= (1 << 23)
b |= (1 << 29)
val n: Long = b | (b << 30L)
val arr = new Array[Int](15)
cfor(0)(_ < 15, _ + 1) { i =>
arr(i) = ((n >>> (i * 2)) & 0xffffffffL).toInt
case class SieveSegment(start: SafeLong, primes: BitSet, cutoff: SafeLong) {
def isPrime(n: SafeLong): Boolean = primes((n - start).toInt)
def isComposite(n: SafeLong): Boolean = !primes((n - start).toInt)
def set(n: SafeLong): Unit = primes += (n - start).toInt
def unset(n: SafeLong): Unit = primes -= (n - start).toInt
def nextAfter(n: SafeLong): SafeLong = {
var i = (n - start + 2).toInt
val len = primes.length
while (i < len) {
if (primes(i)) return start + i
i += 2
SafeLong(-1L) // fail
def init(fastq: FastFactors, slowq: FactorHeap): Unit = {
if (start == 0) {
initFirst(fastq, slowq)
} else {
val limit = min(cutoff ** 2, start + primes.length)
initFromQueue(limit, slowq)
def initMod30(): Unit = {
val arr = primes.array
assert(arr.length % 15 == 0)
val limit = arr.length
val wheel = SieveSegment.wheel30
cfor(0)(_ < limit, _ + 15)(i => arraycopy(wheel, 0, arr, i, 15))
if (start == 0L) {
primes -= 1
primes += 2
primes += 3
primes += 5
private def initFromArray(fastq: FastFactors): Unit = {
val arr = fastq.arr
var i = 0
val len: Long = if (start + primes.length < cutoff)
(cutoff - start).toLong
while (i < arr.length) {
val factor = arr(i)
var j = (factor.m - start).toInt
val k = factor.p
val kk = k + k
val lim = len - kk
primes -= j
while (j < lim) {
j += kk
primes -= j
factor.m = start + j + kk
i += 1
@tailrec private def initFromQueue(limit: SafeLong, q: FactorHeap): Unit = {
if (q.isEmpty) return ()
val factor = q.dequeue
val m = factor.next
if (m < limit) {
val p = factor.p
val len = primes.length
var i = (m - start).toInt
val m2 = if (p < len) {
val k = p.toInt
val kk = k + k
while (i < len) { primes -= i; i += kk }
start + i
} else {
primes -= i
m + p
factor.next = m2
q += factor
initFromQueue(limit, q)
} else {
q += factor
def initFirst(fastq: FastFactors, slowq: FactorHeap): Unit = {
var p: Int = 1
val len = primes.length
val buf = ArrayBuffer.empty[FastFactor]
while (p < len) {
if (primes(p)) {
var m = p.toLong * p.toLong
if (m < len) {
val pp = p + p
var k = m.toInt
primes -= k
val lim = len - pp
while (k < lim) { k += pp; primes -= k }
m = k.toLong + pp
if (p < 7) {
} else if (m - primes.length < primes.length) {
buf += FastFactor(p, SafeLong(m))
} else if (cutoff > p) {
slowq += Factor(SafeLong(p), SafeLong(m))
p += 2
fastq.arr = buf.toArray
def initRest(slowq: FactorHeap): Unit = {
if (start >= cutoff) return ()
val len: Long = if (start + primes.length >= cutoff)
(cutoff - start).toLong
var i = 1
while (i < len) {
if (primes(i)) {
val p: SafeLong = start + i
slowq += Factor(p, p ** 2)
i += 2
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