spire.math.Quaternion.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spire.math
import java.lang.Math
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.math.{ScalaNumber, ScalaNumericConversions}
import scala.{specialized => sp}
import spire.algebra._
import spire.syntax.field._
import spire.syntax.isReal._
import spire.syntax.nroot._
object Quaternion extends QuaternionInstances {
def i[@sp(Float, Double) A](implicit f: Rig[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(f.zero, f.one, f.zero, f.zero)
def j[@sp(Float, Double) A](implicit f: Rig[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(f.zero, f.zero, f.one, f.zero)
def k[@sp(Float, Double) A](implicit f: Rig[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(f.zero, f.zero, f.zero, f.one)
def zero[@sp(Float, Double) A](implicit f: Semiring[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(f.zero, f.zero, f.zero, f.zero)
def one[@sp(Float, Double) A](implicit f: Rig[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(f.one, f.zero, f.zero, f.zero)
def apply[@sp(Float, Double) A](a: A)(implicit f: Semiring[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(a, f.zero, f.zero, f.zero)
def apply[@sp(Float, Double) A](c: Complex[A])(implicit f: Semiring[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(c.real, c.imag, f.zero, f.zero)
// really a skew field
private[math] trait QuaternionAlgebra[A]
extends Field[Quaternion[A]]
with Eq[Quaternion[A]]
with NRoot[Quaternion[A]]
with InnerProductSpace[Quaternion[A], A]
with FieldAlgebra[Quaternion[A], A] {
implicit def f: Fractional[A]
implicit def t: Trig[A]
implicit def r: IsReal[A]
def eqv(x: Quaternion[A], y: Quaternion[A]): Boolean = x == y
override def neqv(x: Quaternion[A], y: Quaternion[A]): Boolean = x != y
override def minus(a: Quaternion[A], b: Quaternion[A]): Quaternion[A] = a - b
def negate(a: Quaternion[A]): Quaternion[A] = -a
def one: Quaternion[A] = Quaternion.one[A]
def plus(a: Quaternion[A], b: Quaternion[A]): Quaternion[A] = a + b
override def pow(a: Quaternion[A], b: Int): Quaternion[A] = a.pow(b)
override def times(a: Quaternion[A], b: Quaternion[A]): Quaternion[A] = a * b
def zero: Quaternion[A] = Quaternion.zero[A]
def div(a: Quaternion[A], b: Quaternion[A]): Quaternion[A] = a / b
def quot(a: Quaternion[A], b: Quaternion[A]): Quaternion[A] = a /~ b
def mod(a: Quaternion[A], b: Quaternion[A]): Quaternion[A] = a % b
def gcd(a: Quaternion[A], b: Quaternion[A]): Quaternion[A] = {
@tailrec def _gcd(a: Quaternion[A], b: Quaternion[A]): Quaternion[A] =
if (b.isZero) a else _gcd(b, a - (a / b).round * b)
_gcd(a, b)
def nroot(a: Quaternion[A], k: Int): Quaternion[A] = a.nroot(k)
override def sqrt(a: Quaternion[A]): Quaternion[A] = a.sqrt
def fpow(a: Quaternion[A], b: Quaternion[A]): Quaternion[A] = a.fpow(b.r) //FIXME
def timesl(a: A, q: Quaternion[A]): Quaternion[A] = q * a
def dot(x: Quaternion[A], y: Quaternion[A]): A = x.dot(y)
trait QuaternionInstances {
implicit def QuaternionAlgebra[A](implicit fr: Fractional[A], tr: Trig[A], isr: IsReal[A]): QuaternionAlgebra[A] =
new QuaternionAlgebra[A] {
val f = fr
val t = tr
val r = isr
def scalar = f
def nroot = f
final case class Quaternion[@sp(Float, Double) A](r: A, i: A, j: A, k: A)
extends ScalaNumber with ScalaNumericConversions with Serializable { lhs =>
// junky ScalaNumber stuff
override def byteValue: Byte = longValue.toByte
override def shortValue: Short = longValue.toShort
def intValue: Int = longValue.toInt
override def longValue: Long = anyToLong(r)
def floatValue: Float = doubleValue.toFloat
def doubleValue: Double = anyToDouble(r)
private[this] def sillyIsReal: Boolean =
anyIsZero(i) && anyIsZero(j) && anyIsZero(k)
def underlying: Object = this
def isWhole: Boolean =
sillyIsReal && anyIsWhole(r)
override final def isValidInt: Boolean =
sillyIsReal && anyIsValidInt(r)
// important to keep in sync with Complex[_]
override def hashCode: Int =
if (sillyIsReal) r.##
else (19 * r.##) + (41 * i.##) + (13 * j.##) + (77 * k.##) + 97
// not typesafe, so this is the best we can do :(
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: Quaternion[_] => this === that
case that: Complex[_] =>
r == that.real && i == that.imag && anyIsZero(j) && anyIsZero(k)
case that =>
sillyIsReal && r == that
def ===(that: Quaternion[_]): Boolean =
r == that.r && i == that.i && j == that.j && k == that.k
def =!=(that: Quaternion[_]): Boolean =
!(this === that)
def isZero(implicit o: IsReal[A]): Boolean = r.isSignZero && i.isSignZero && j.isSignZero && k.isSignZero
def isReal(implicit o: IsReal[A]): Boolean = i.isSignZero && j.isSignZero && k.isSignZero
def isPure(implicit o: IsReal[A]): Boolean = r.isSignZero
def real(implicit s: Semiring[A]): Quaternion[A] = Quaternion(r)
def pure(implicit s: Semiring[A]): Quaternion[A] = Quaternion(s.zero, i, j, k)
def abs(implicit f: Field[A], o: IsReal[A], n: NRoot[A]): A =
(r.pow(2) + i.pow(2) + j.pow(2) + k.pow(2)).sqrt
def pureAbs(implicit f: Field[A], o: IsReal[A], n: NRoot[A]): A =
(i.pow(2) + j.pow(2) + k.pow(2)).sqrt
def eqv(rhs: Quaternion[A])(implicit o: Eq[A]): Boolean =
lhs.r === rhs.r && lhs.i === rhs.i && lhs.j === rhs.j && lhs.k === rhs.k
def neqv(rhs: Quaternion[A])(implicit o: Eq[A]): Boolean =
lhs.r =!= rhs.r && lhs.i =!= rhs.i && lhs.j =!= rhs.j && lhs.k =!= rhs.k
override def toString: String = s"($r + ${i}i + ${j}j + ${k}k)"
def toComplex: Complex[A] = Complex(r, i)
def signum(implicit o: IsReal[A]): Int = r.signum match {
case 0 => i.signum match {
case 0 => j.signum match {
case 0 => k.signum
case n => n
case n => n
case n => n
def quaternionSignum(implicit f: Field[A], o: IsReal[A], n: NRoot[A]): Quaternion[A] =
if (isZero) this else this / abs
def pureSignum(implicit f: Field[A], o: IsReal[A], n: NRoot[A]): Quaternion[A] =
if (isReal) Quaternion.zero[A] else (pure / pureAbs)
def unary_-(implicit s: Rng[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(-r, -i, -j, -k)
def conjugate(implicit s: Rng[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(r, -i, -j, -k)
def reciprocal(implicit f: Field[A]): Quaternion[A] =
conjugate / (r.pow(2) + i.pow(2) + j.pow(2) + k.pow(2))
def sqrt(implicit f: Field[A], o: IsReal[A], n0: NRoot[A]): Quaternion[A] =
if (!isReal) {
val n = (r + abs).sqrt
Quaternion(n, i / n, j / n, k / n) / f.fromInt(2).sqrt
} else if (r.signum >= 0) {
} else {
Quaternion(f.zero, r.abs.sqrt, f.zero, f.zero)
def nroot(m: Int)(implicit f: Field[A], o: IsReal[A], n0: NRoot[A], tr: Trig[A]): Quaternion[A] =
if (m <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"illegal root: $m")
} else if (m == 1) {
} else if (!isReal) {
val s = pureAbs
val n = abs
val t = acos(r / n)
val v = Quaternion(f.zero, i / s, j / s, k / s)
val e = if (sin(t).signum >= 0) v else -v
val tm = t / m
(e * sin(tm) + cos(tm)) * n.nroot(m)
} else if (r.signum >= 0) {
} else {
def unit(implicit f: Field[A], o: IsReal[A], n: NRoot[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(r.pow(2), i.pow(2), j.pow(2), k.pow(2)) / abs
def +(rhs: A)(implicit s: Semiring[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(r + rhs, i, j, k)
def +(rhs: Complex[A])(implicit s: Semiring[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(r + rhs.real, i + rhs.imag, j, k)
def +(rhs: Quaternion[A])(implicit s: Semiring[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(lhs.r + rhs.r, lhs.i + rhs.i, lhs.j + rhs.j, lhs.k + rhs.k)
def -(rhs: A)(implicit s: Rng[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(r - rhs, i, j, k)
def -(rhs: Complex[A])(implicit s: Rng[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(r - rhs.real, i - rhs.imag, j, k)
def -(rhs: Quaternion[A])(implicit s: Rng[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(lhs.r - rhs.r, lhs.i - rhs.i, lhs.j - rhs.j, lhs.k - rhs.k)
def *(rhs: A)(implicit s: Semiring[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(r * rhs, i * rhs, j * rhs, k * rhs)
def *(rhs: Complex[A])(implicit s: Rng[A]): Quaternion[A] =
(r * rhs.real) - (i * rhs.imag),
(r * rhs.imag) + (i * rhs.real),
(j * rhs.real) + (k * rhs.imag),
(j * rhs.imag) + (k * rhs.real)
def *(rhs: Quaternion[A])(implicit s: Rng[A]): Quaternion[A] = Quaternion(
(lhs.r * rhs.r) - (lhs.i * rhs.i) - (lhs.j * rhs.j) - (lhs.k * rhs.k),
(lhs.r * rhs.i) + (lhs.i * rhs.r) + (lhs.j * rhs.k) - (lhs.k * rhs.j),
(lhs.r * rhs.j) - (lhs.i * rhs.k) + (lhs.j * rhs.r) + (lhs.k * rhs.i),
(lhs.r * rhs.k) + (lhs.i * rhs.j) - (lhs.j * rhs.i) + (lhs.k * rhs.r)
def /(rhs: A)(implicit f: Field[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(r / rhs, i / rhs, j / rhs, k / rhs)
def /(rhs: Complex[A])(implicit f: Field[A]): Quaternion[A] =
lhs * Quaternion(rhs).reciprocal
def /(rhs: Quaternion[A])(implicit f: Field[A]): Quaternion[A] =
lhs * rhs.reciprocal
def pow(k: Int)(implicit s: Ring[A]): Quaternion[A] = {
@tailrec def loop(p: Quaternion[A], b: Quaternion[A], e: Int): Quaternion[A] =
if (e == 0) p
else if ((e & 1) == 1) loop(p * b, b * b, e >>> 1)
else loop(p, b * b, e >>> 1)
if (k >= 0) loop(Quaternion.one[A], this, k)
else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"illegal exponent: $k")
def **(k: Int)(implicit s: Ring[A]): Quaternion[A] = pow(k)
def fpow(k0: A)(implicit f: Field[A], o: IsReal[A], n0: NRoot[A], tr: Trig[A]): Quaternion[A] =
if (k0.signum < 0) {
} else if (k0 == f.zero) {
} else if (k0 == f.one) {
} else if (!isReal) {
val s = (i ** 2 + j ** 2 + k ** 2).sqrt
val v = Quaternion(f.zero, i / s, j / s, k / s)
val n = abs
val t = acos(r / n)
(Quaternion(cos(t * k0)) + v * sin(t * k0)) * n.fpow(k0)
} else if (r.signum >= 0) {
} else {
def floor(implicit o: IsReal[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(r.floor, i.floor, j.floor, k.floor)
def ceil(implicit o: IsReal[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(r.ceil, i.ceil, j.ceil, k.ceil)
def round(implicit o: IsReal[A]): Quaternion[A] =
Quaternion(r.round, i.round, j.round, k.round)
// TODO: instead of floor for /~, should be round-toward-zero
def /~(rhs: A)(implicit f: Field[A], o: IsReal[A]): Quaternion[A] =
(lhs / rhs).floor
def /~(rhs: Complex[A])(implicit f: Field[A], o: IsReal[A]): Quaternion[A] =
(lhs / rhs).floor
def /~(rhs: Quaternion[A])(implicit f: Field[A], o: IsReal[A]): Quaternion[A] =
(lhs / rhs).floor
def %(rhs: A)(implicit f: Field[A], o: IsReal[A]): Quaternion[A] =
lhs - (lhs /~ rhs)
def %(rhs: Complex[A])(implicit f: Field[A], o: IsReal[A]): Quaternion[A] =
lhs - (lhs /~ rhs)
def %(rhs: Quaternion[A])(implicit f: Field[A], o: IsReal[A]): Quaternion[A] =
lhs - (lhs /~ rhs)
def /%(rhs: A)(implicit f: Field[A], o: IsReal[A]): (Quaternion[A], Quaternion[A]) = {
val q = lhs /~ rhs
(q, lhs - q)
def /%(rhs: Complex[A])(implicit f: Field[A], o: IsReal[A]): (Quaternion[A], Quaternion[A]) = {
val q = lhs /~ rhs
(q, lhs - q)
def /%(rhs: Quaternion[A])(implicit f: Field[A], o: IsReal[A]): (Quaternion[A], Quaternion[A]) = {
val q = lhs /~ rhs
(q, lhs - q)
def dot(rhs: Quaternion[A])(implicit f: Field[A]): A =
(lhs.conjugate * rhs + rhs.conjugate * lhs).r / f.fromInt(2)
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