spire.math.SafeLong.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spire.math
import java.math.BigInteger
import spire.util.Opt
import scala.math.{ScalaNumber, ScalaNumericConversions}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import spire.macros.Checked
import spire.algebra.{EuclideanRing, IsIntegral, NRoot, Order, Ring, Signed}
import spire.std.long._
import spire.std.bigInteger._
//scalastyle:off equals.hash.code
* Provides a type to do safe long arithmetic. This type will never overflow,
* but rather convert the underlying long to a BigInteger as need and back down
* to a Long when possible.
sealed abstract class SafeLong extends ScalaNumber with ScalaNumericConversions with Ordered[SafeLong] { lhs =>
def isZero: Boolean
def isOne: Boolean
def signum: Int
final def +(rhs: SafeLong): SafeLong =
rhs match {
case SafeLongLong(n) => lhs + n
case SafeLongBigInteger(n) => lhs + n
final def -(rhs: SafeLong): SafeLong =
rhs match {
case SafeLongLong(n) => lhs - n
case SafeLongBigInteger(n) => lhs - n
final def *(rhs: SafeLong): SafeLong =
rhs match {
case SafeLongLong(n) => lhs * n
case SafeLongBigInteger(n) => lhs * n
final def /(rhs: SafeLong): SafeLong =
rhs match {
case SafeLongLong(n) => lhs / n
case SafeLongBigInteger(n) => lhs / n
final def %(rhs: SafeLong): SafeLong =
rhs match {
case SafeLongLong(n) => lhs % n
case SafeLongBigInteger(n) => lhs % n
final def /~(rhs: SafeLong): SafeLong =
lhs / rhs
final def /%(rhs: SafeLong): (SafeLong, SafeLong) =
rhs match {
case SafeLongLong(n) => lhs /% n
case SafeLongBigInteger(n) => lhs /% n
final def &(rhs: SafeLong): SafeLong =
rhs match {
case SafeLongLong(n) => lhs & n
case SafeLongBigInteger(n) => lhs & n
final def |(rhs: SafeLong): SafeLong =
rhs match {
case SafeLongLong(n) => lhs | n
case SafeLongBigInteger(n) => lhs | n
final def ^(rhs: SafeLong): SafeLong =
rhs match {
case SafeLongLong(n) => lhs ^ n
case SafeLongBigInteger(n) => lhs ^ n
def ===(that: SafeLong): Boolean =
this == that
def =!=(that: SafeLong): Boolean =
!(this === that)
def +(rhs: Long): SafeLong
def -(rhs: Long): SafeLong
def *(rhs: Long): SafeLong
def /(rhs: Long): SafeLong
def %(rhs: Long): SafeLong
def /%(rhs: Long): (SafeLong, SafeLong)
def &(rhs: Long): SafeLong
def |(rhs: Long): SafeLong
def ^(rhs: Long): SafeLong
final def +(rhs: BigInt): SafeLong = this + rhs.bigInteger
final def -(rhs: BigInt): SafeLong = this - rhs.bigInteger
final def *(rhs: BigInt): SafeLong = this * rhs.bigInteger
final def /(rhs: BigInt): SafeLong = this / rhs.bigInteger
final def %(rhs: BigInt): SafeLong = this % rhs.bigInteger
final def /%(rhs: BigInt): (SafeLong, SafeLong) = this /% rhs.bigInteger
final def &(rhs: BigInt): SafeLong = this & rhs.bigInteger
final def |(rhs: BigInt): SafeLong = this | rhs.bigInteger
final def ^(rhs: BigInt): SafeLong = this ^ rhs.bigInteger
private[math] def +(rhs: BigInteger): SafeLong
private[math] def -(rhs: BigInteger): SafeLong
private[math] def *(rhs: BigInteger): SafeLong
private[math] def /(rhs: BigInteger): SafeLong
private[math] def %(rhs: BigInteger): SafeLong
private[math] def /%(rhs: BigInteger): (SafeLong, SafeLong)
private[math] def &(rhs: BigInteger): SafeLong
private[math] def |(rhs: BigInteger): SafeLong
private[math] def ^(rhs: BigInteger): SafeLong
final def min(that: SafeLong): SafeLong =
if (this < that) this else that
final def max(that: SafeLong): SafeLong =
if (this > that) this else that
def <<(n: Int): SafeLong
def >>(n: Int): SafeLong
* Exponentiation function, e.g. x ** y
* If base ** exponent doesn't fit in a Long, the result will overflow (unlike
* scala.math.pow which will return +/- Infinity).
final def **(k: Int):SafeLong = pow(k)
final def pow(k: Int): SafeLong = {
if (k < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"negative exponent: $k")
@tailrec def loop(total: SafeLong, base: SafeLong, exp: Int): SafeLong = {
if (exp == 0) total
else if ((exp & 1) == 1) loop(total * base, base * base, exp >> 1)
else loop(total, base * base, exp >> 1)
loop(SafeLong.one, this, k)
final def modPow(k: Int, mod: SafeLong): SafeLong = {
if (k < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"negative exponent: $k")
@tailrec def loop(total: SafeLong, base: SafeLong, k: Int, mod: SafeLong): SafeLong = {
if (k == 0) total
else if ((k & 1) == 1) loop((total * base) % mod, (base * base) % mod, k >> 1, mod)
else loop(total, (base * base) % mod, k >> 1, mod)
loop(SafeLong.one % mod, this, k, mod)
def abs: SafeLong
def gcd(that: SafeLong): SafeLong
def unary_-(): SafeLong
def isValidLong: Boolean
def getLong: Opt[Long]
override def toByte: Byte = toLong.toByte
override def toShort: Short = toLong.toShort
override def toInt: Int = toLong.toInt
final def toBigInt: BigInt = toBigInteger
def toBigDecimal: BigDecimal
private[math] def toBigInteger: BigInteger
override def toString: String =
this match {
case SafeLongLong(n) => n.toString
case SafeLongBigInteger(n) => n.toString
final def isWhole: Boolean = true
final def isProbablePrime(c: Int): Boolean =
def bitLength: Int
object SafeLong extends SafeLongInstances {
final val minusOne: SafeLong = SafeLongLong(-1L)
final val zero: SafeLong = SafeLongLong(0L)
final val one: SafeLong = SafeLongLong(1L)
final val two: SafeLong = SafeLongLong(2L)
final val three: SafeLong = SafeLongLong(3L)
final val ten: SafeLong = SafeLongLong(10L)
private[spire] final val big64: BigInteger = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(63)
private[spire] final val safe64: SafeLong = SafeLong(big64)
implicit def apply(x: Long): SafeLong = SafeLongLong(x)
implicit def apply(x: BigInt): SafeLong =
if (x.isValidLong) SafeLongLong(x.toLong) else SafeLongBigInteger(x.bigInteger)
private[math] def apply(s: String): SafeLong =
try {
} catch {
case _: Exception => SafeLong(new BigInteger(s))
def longGcd(x: Long, y: Long): SafeLong = {
def absWrap(x: Long): SafeLong =
if (x >= 0) SafeLong(x)
else if (x == Long.MinValue) SafeLong.safe64
else SafeLong(-x)
if (x == 0) absWrap(y)
else if (y == 0) absWrap(x)
else if (x == Long.MinValue) {
if (y == Long.MinValue) SafeLong.safe64
else spire.math.gcd(y, x % y)
} else if (y == Long.MinValue) SafeLongLong(spire.math.gcd(x, y % x))
else SafeLongLong(spire.math.gcd(x, y % x))
def mixedGcd(x: Long, y: BigInteger): SafeLong =
if (y.signum == 0) {
if (x >= 0) SafeLongLong(x)
else if (x == Long.MinValue) SafeLong.safe64
else SafeLongLong(-x)
} else if (x == 0L) {
} else if (x == Long.MinValue) {
SafeLong(SafeLong.big64 gcd y)
} else {
SafeLongLong(spire.math.gcd(x, (y remainder BigInteger.valueOf(x)).longValue))
private[math] final case class SafeLongLong(x: Long) extends SafeLong {
def isZero: Boolean = x == 0L
def isOne: Boolean = x == 1L
def signum: Int = java.lang.Long.signum(x)
def +(y: Long): SafeLong =
Checked.tryOrReturn[SafeLong](SafeLongLong(x + y))(SafeLongBigInteger(BigInteger.valueOf(x) add BigInteger.valueOf(y)))
def -(y: Long): SafeLong =
Checked.tryOrReturn[SafeLong](SafeLongLong(x - y))(SafeLongBigInteger(BigInteger.valueOf(x) subtract BigInteger.valueOf(y)))
def *(y: Long): SafeLong =
Checked.tryOrReturn[SafeLong](SafeLongLong(x * y))(SafeLongBigInteger(BigInteger.valueOf(x) multiply BigInteger.valueOf(y)))
def /(y: Long): SafeLong =
Checked.tryOrReturn[SafeLong](SafeLongLong(x / y))(SafeLong.safe64)
def %(y: Long): SafeLong =
Checked.tryOrReturn[SafeLong](SafeLongLong(x % y))(SafeLong.zero)
def /%(y: Long): (SafeLong, SafeLong) =
if (x == Long.MinValue && y == -1L)
(SafeLong.safe64, SafeLong.zero)
(SafeLongLong(x / y), SafeLongLong(x % y))
def &(y: Long): SafeLong = SafeLongLong(x & y)
def |(y: Long): SafeLong = SafeLongLong(x | y)
def ^(y: Long): SafeLong = SafeLongLong(x ^ y)
def +(y: BigInteger): SafeLong =
if (y.bitLength <= 63) this + y.longValue
else SafeLong(BigInteger.valueOf(x) add y)
def -(y: BigInteger): SafeLong =
if (y.bitLength <= 63) this - y.longValue
else SafeLong(BigInteger.valueOf(x) subtract y)
def *(y: BigInteger): SafeLong =
if (y.bitLength <= 63) this * y.longValue
else SafeLong(BigInteger.valueOf(x) multiply y)
def /(y: BigInteger): SafeLong =
if (y.bitLength <= 63) this / y.longValue
else if (x == Long.MinValue && (y equals SafeLong.big64)) SafeLong.minusOne
else SafeLong.zero
def %(y: BigInteger): SafeLong =
if (y.bitLength <= 63) this % y.longValue
else if (x == Long.MinValue && (y equals SafeLong.big64)) SafeLong.zero
else this
def /%(y: BigInteger): (SafeLong, SafeLong) =
if (y.bitLength <= 63) this /% y.longValue
else if (x == Long.MinValue && (y equals SafeLong.big64)) (SafeLong.minusOne, SafeLong.zero)
else (SafeLong.zero, this)
def &(y: BigInteger): SafeLong = SafeLong(BigInteger.valueOf(x) and y)
def |(y: BigInteger): SafeLong = SafeLong(BigInteger.valueOf(x) or y)
def ^(y: BigInteger): SafeLong = SafeLong(BigInteger.valueOf(x) xor y)
def unary_-(): SafeLong =
override def <(that: SafeLong): Boolean =
that match {
case SafeLongLong(y) => x < y
case SafeLongBigInteger(y) => y.signum > 0
override def <=(that: SafeLong): Boolean =
that match {
case SafeLongLong(y) => x <= y
case SafeLongBigInteger(y) => y.signum > 0
override def >(that: SafeLong): Boolean =
that match {
case SafeLongLong(y) => x > y
case SafeLongBigInteger(y) => y.signum < 0
override def >=(that: SafeLong): Boolean =
that match {
case SafeLongLong(y) => x >= y
case SafeLongBigInteger(y) => y.signum < 0
def compare(that: SafeLong): Int =
that match {
case SafeLongLong(y) =>
x compare y
case SafeLongBigInteger(y) =>
def <<(n: Int): SafeLong = {
if (x == 0) return this
if (n < 0) return this >> -n
if (n < 64) {
if (x >= 0) {
if (x <= (0x7fffffffffffffffL >> n)) return SafeLongLong(x << n)
} else {
if (x >= (0x8000000000000000L >> n)) return SafeLongLong(x << n)
def >>(n: Int): SafeLong =
if (n >= 64) (if (x >= 0) SafeLong.zero else SafeLong.minusOne)
else if (n >= 0) SafeLongLong(x >> n)
else if (n == Int.MinValue) throw new ArithmeticException(">> MinValue not supported")
else this << -n
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
that match {
case SafeLongLong(y) => x == y
case SafeLongBigInteger(y) => false
case that: BigInt => if (that.bitLength > 63) false else that.toLong == x
case that => that == x
def abs: SafeLong =
if (x >= 0) this
else if (x == Long.MinValue) SafeLong.safe64
else SafeLong(-x)
def gcd(that: SafeLong): SafeLong =
that match {
case SafeLongLong(y) => SafeLong.longGcd(x, y)
case SafeLongBigInteger(y) => SafeLong.mixedGcd(x, y)
def doubleValue: Double = x.toDouble
def floatValue: Float = x.toFloat
def longValue: Long = x.toLong
def intValue: Int = x.toInt
def underlying: java.lang.Long = new java.lang.Long(x)
def isValidLong: Boolean = true
def getLong: Opt[Long] = Opt(x)
override def toLong: Long = x
def toBigInteger: BigInteger = BigInteger.valueOf(x)
def toBigDecimal: BigDecimal = BigDecimal(x)
def bitLength: Int = 64 - java.lang.Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)
private[math] final case class SafeLongBigInteger(x: BigInteger) extends SafeLong {
def isZero: Boolean = false // 0 will always be represented as a SafeLongLong
def isOne: Boolean = false // 1 will always be represented as a SafeLongLong
def signum: Int = x.signum
def +(y: Long): SafeLong =
if ((x.signum ^ y) < 0) SafeLong(x add BigInteger.valueOf(y)) else SafeLongBigInteger(x add BigInteger.valueOf(y))
def -(y: Long): SafeLong =
if ((x.signum ^ y) >= 0) SafeLong(x subtract BigInteger.valueOf(y)) else SafeLongBigInteger(x subtract BigInteger.valueOf(y))
def *(y: Long): SafeLong = SafeLong(x multiply BigInteger.valueOf(y))
def /(y: Long): SafeLong = SafeLong(x divide BigInteger.valueOf(y))
def %(y: Long): SafeLong = SafeLong(x remainder BigInteger.valueOf(y))
def /%(y: Long): (SafeLong, SafeLong) = {
val Array(q, r) = x.divideAndRemainder(BigInteger.valueOf(y))
(SafeLong(q), SafeLong(r))
def &(y: Long): SafeLong = SafeLong(x and BigInteger.valueOf(y))
def |(y: Long): SafeLong = SafeLong(x or BigInteger.valueOf(y))
def ^(y: Long): SafeLong = SafeLong(x xor BigInteger.valueOf(y))
def +(y: BigInteger): SafeLong =
if ((x.signum ^ y.signum) < 0) SafeLong(x add y) else SafeLongBigInteger(x add y)
def -(y: BigInteger): SafeLong =
if ((x.signum ^ y.signum) < 0) SafeLongBigInteger(x subtract y) else SafeLong(x subtract y)
def *(y: BigInteger): SafeLong = SafeLong(x multiply y)
def /(y: BigInteger): SafeLong = SafeLong(x divide y)
def %(y: BigInteger): SafeLong = SafeLong(x remainder y)
def /%(y: BigInteger): (SafeLong, SafeLong) = {
val Array(q, r) = x divideAndRemainder y
(SafeLong(q), SafeLong(r))
def &(y: BigInteger): SafeLong = SafeLong(x and y)
def |(y: BigInteger): SafeLong = SafeLong(x or y)
def ^(y: BigInteger): SafeLong = SafeLong(x xor y)
def unary_-(): SafeLong = SafeLong(x.negate())
def compare(that: SafeLong): Int =
that match {
case SafeLongLong(y) =>
case SafeLongBigInteger(y) =>
x compareTo y
def <<(n: Int): SafeLong = SafeLong(x.shiftLeft(n))
def >>(n: Int): SafeLong = SafeLong(x.shiftRight(n))
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
that match {
case SafeLongLong(y) => false
case SafeLongBigInteger(y) => x == y
case that: BigInt => x equals that.bigInteger
case that => that == BigInt(x)
def abs: SafeLong =
if (x.signum >= 0) this
else SafeLongBigInteger(x.negate())
def gcd(that: SafeLong): SafeLong =
that match {
case SafeLongLong(y) => SafeLong.mixedGcd(y, x)
case SafeLongBigInteger(y) => SafeLong(x gcd y)
def doubleValue: Double = x.doubleValue
def floatValue: Float = x.floatValue
def longValue: Long = x.longValue
def intValue: Int = x.intValue
override def isValidByte: Boolean = false
override def isValidShort: Boolean = false
override def isValidInt: Boolean = false
override def isValidLong: Boolean = false
override def isValidChar: Boolean = false
def underlying: BigInt = BigInt(x)
def getLong: Opt[Long] = Opt.empty[Long]
override def toLong: Long = x.longValue
def toBigInteger: BigInteger = x
def toBigDecimal: BigDecimal = BigDecimal(x)
def bitLength: Int = x.bitLength
trait SafeLongInstances {
implicit object SafeLongAlgebra extends SafeLongIsEuclideanRing with SafeLongIsNRoot with Serializable
implicit object SafeLongIsReal extends SafeLongIsReal with Serializable
implicit final val SafeLongTag = new NumberTag.LargeTag[SafeLong](NumberTag.Integral, SafeLong.zero)
private[math] trait SafeLongIsRing extends Ring[SafeLong] {
override def minus(a:SafeLong, b:SafeLong): SafeLong = a - b
def negate(a:SafeLong): SafeLong = -a
val one: SafeLong = SafeLong.one
def plus(a:SafeLong, b:SafeLong): SafeLong = a + b
override def pow(a:SafeLong, b:Int): SafeLong = a pow b
override def times(a:SafeLong, b:SafeLong): SafeLong = a * b
val zero: SafeLong = SafeLong.zero
override def fromInt(n: Int): SafeLong = SafeLong(n)
private[math] trait SafeLongIsEuclideanRing extends EuclideanRing[SafeLong] with SafeLongIsRing {
def quot(a:SafeLong, b:SafeLong): SafeLong = a / b
def mod(a:SafeLong, b:SafeLong): SafeLong = a % b
override def quotmod(a:SafeLong, b:SafeLong): (SafeLong, SafeLong) = a /% b
def gcd(a:SafeLong, b:SafeLong): SafeLong = a gcd b
private[math] trait SafeLongIsNRoot extends NRoot[SafeLong] {
def nroot(a: SafeLong, k: Int): SafeLong =
a match {
case SafeLongLong(n) => SafeLong(NRoot[Long].nroot(n, k))
case SafeLongBigInteger(n) => SafeLong(NRoot[BigInteger].nroot(n, k))
def fpow(a: SafeLong, b: SafeLong): SafeLong =
if (b.isValidInt) a.pow(b.toInt)
else SafeLong(NRoot[BigInteger].fpow(a.toBigInteger, b.toBigInteger))
private[math] trait SafeLongOrder extends Order[SafeLong] {
override def eqv(x: SafeLong, y: SafeLong): Boolean = x == y
override def neqv(x: SafeLong, y: SafeLong): Boolean = x != y
override def gt(x: SafeLong, y: SafeLong): Boolean = x > y
override def gteqv(x: SafeLong, y: SafeLong): Boolean = x >= y
override def lt(x: SafeLong, y: SafeLong): Boolean = x < y
override def lteqv(x: SafeLong, y: SafeLong): Boolean = x <= y
def compare(x: SafeLong, y: SafeLong): Int = x compare y
private[math] trait SafeLongIsSigned extends Signed[SafeLong] {
def signum(a: SafeLong): Int = a.signum
def abs(a: SafeLong): SafeLong = a.abs
private[math] trait SafeLongIsReal extends IsIntegral[SafeLong] with SafeLongOrder with SafeLongIsSigned {
def toDouble(n: SafeLong): Double = n.toDouble
def toBigInt(n: SafeLong): BigInt = n.toBigInt
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