spire.random.rng.Well1024a.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
** Project **
** ______ ______ __ ______ ____ **
** / ____/ / __ / / / / __ / / __/ (c) 2011-2014 **
** / /__ / /_/ / / / / /_/ / / /_ **
** /___ / / ____/ / / / __ / / __/ Erik Osheim, Tom Switzer **
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** /_____/ /_/ /_/ /_/ |_| /____/ All rights reserved. **
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** Redistribution and use permitted under the MIT license. **
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package spire
package random
package rng
import spire.syntax.cfor._
import spire.util.Pack
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util
* This is a Scala implementation of the Well1024a PRNG based on WELL1024a.c.
* The acronym WELL stands for Well Equidistributed Long-period Linear.
* François Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto:
* "Improved Long-Period Generators Based on Linear Recurrences Modulo 2",
* ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 32, No. 1, January 2006, pp 1--16.
* @see WELL1024a.c
* @see Well PRNG Home Page
* @see WELL @ Wikipedia
* @author Dušan Kysel
final class Well1024a protected[random](state: Array[Int], i0: Int) extends IntBasedGenerator {
import Well1024a.{R, R_1, BYTES, M1, M2, M3, mat0pos, mat0neg}
// @inline private final val v0 = new Utils.IntArrayWrapper(i => i, state)
// @inline private final val vm1 = new Utils.IntArrayWrapper(i => (i + M1) & R_1, state)
// @inline private final val vm2 = new Utils.IntArrayWrapper(i => (i + M2) & R_1, state)
// @inline private final val vm3 = new Utils.IntArrayWrapper(i => (i + M3) & R_1, state)
// @inline private final val vrm1 = new Utils.IntArrayWrapper(i => (i + R_1) & R_1, state)
// @inline private final val newV0 = vrm1
// @inline private final val newV1 = v0
private var i: Int = i0
def copyInit: Well1024a = new Well1024a(state.clone(), i)
def getSeedBytes(): Array[Byte] = {
val bytes: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte](BYTES)
val bb: ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes)
cfor(0)(_ < R, _ + 1) { i => bb.putInt(state(i)) }
def setSeedBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): Unit = {
val bs: Array[Byte] = if (bytes.length < BYTES) util.Arrays.copyOf(bytes, BYTES) else bytes
val bb: ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bs)
cfor(0)(_ < R, _ + 1) { i => state(i) = bb.getInt }
i = bb.getInt
def nextInt(): Int = {
@inline def map(r: Int): Int = (i + r) & R_1
val z0: Int = state(map(R_1))
val z1: Int = state(i) ^ mat0pos(8, state(map(M1)))
val z2: Int = mat0neg(-19, state(map(M2))) ^ mat0neg(-14, state(map(M3)))
state(i) = z1 ^ z2
state(map(R_1)) = mat0neg(-11, z0) ^ mat0neg(-7, z1) ^ mat0neg(-13, z2)
i = map(R_1)
// val z0: Int = vrm1(i)
// val z1: Int = v0(i) ^ mat0pos(8, vm1(i))
// val z2: Int = mat0neg(-19, vm2(i)) ^ mat0neg(-14, vm3(i))
// newV1(i) = z1 ^ z2
// newV0(i) = mat0neg(-11, z0) ^ mat0neg(-7, z1) ^ mat0neg(-13, z2)
// i = (i + R_1) & R_1
object Well1024a extends GeneratorCompanion[Well1024a, (Array[Int], Int)] {
// Number of bits in the pool.
@inline private final val K: Int = 1024
// Length of the pool in ints.
@inline private final val R: Int = K / 32
// Length of the pool in ints -1.
@inline private final val R_1: Int = R - 1
// Length of the pool and index in bytes.
@inline private final val BYTES: Int = R * 4 + 4
// First parameter of the algorithm.
@inline private final val M1: Int = 3
// Second parameter of the algorithm.
@inline private final val M2: Int = 24
// Third parameter of the algorithm.
@inline private final val M3: Int = 10
@inline private final def mat0pos(t: Int, v: Int): Int = v ^ (v >>> t)
@inline private final def mat0neg(t: Int, v: Int): Int = v ^ (v << -t)
def randomSeed(): (Array[Int], Int) =
(Utils.seedFromInt(R, Utils.intFromTime()), 0)
def fromSeed(seed: (Array[Int], Int)): Well1024a =
seed match {
case (state, stateIndex) =>
assert(state.length == R)
new Well1024a(state, stateIndex)
def fromArray(arr: Array[Int]): Well1024a =
fromSeed((Utils.seedFromArray(R, arr), 0))
def fromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): Well1024a =
fromArray(Pack.intsFromBytes(bytes, bytes.length / 4))
def fromTime(time: Long = System.nanoTime): Well1024a =
fromSeed((Utils.seedFromInt(R, Utils.intFromTime(time)), 0))