spire.math.Algebraic.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spire.math
import java.lang.Long.numberOfLeadingZeros
import java.lang.Double.{ isInfinite, isNaN }
import java.math.{ MathContext, RoundingMode, BigInteger, BigDecimal => JBigDecimal }
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.math.{ ScalaNumber, ScalaNumericConversions }
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import spire.Platform
import spire.algebra.{Eq, EuclideanRing, Field, IsAlgebraic, NRoot, Order, Ring, Sign, Signed}
import spire.algebra.Sign.{ Positive, Negative, Zero }
import spire.macros.Checked.checked
import spire.math.poly.{ Term, BigDecimalRootRefinement, RootFinder, Roots }
import spire.std.bigInt._
import spire.std.bigDecimal._
import spire.std.long._
import spire.syntax.std.seq._
* Algebraic provides an exact number type for algebraic numbers. Algebraic
* numbers are roots of polynomials with rational coefficients. With it, we can
* represent expressions involving addition, multiplication, division, n-roots
* (eg. `sqrt` or `cbrt`), and roots of rational polynomials. So, it is similar
* [[Rational]], but adds roots as a valid, exact operation. The cost is that
* this will not be as fast as [[Rational]] for many operations.
* In general, you can assume all operations on this number type are exact,
* except for those that explicitly construct approximations to an Algebraic
* number, such as `toBigDecimal`.
* For an overview of the ideas, algorithms, and proofs of this number type,
* you can read the following papers:
* - "On Guaranteed Accuracy Computation." C. K. Yap.
* - "Recent Progress in Exact Geometric Computation." C. Li, S. Pion, and C. K. Yap.
* - "A New Constructive Root Bound for Algebraic Expressions" by C. Li & C. K. Yap.
* - "A Separation Bound for Real Algebraic Expressions." C. Burnikel, et al.
final class Algebraic private (val expr: Algebraic.Expr)
extends ScalaNumber with ScalaNumericConversions with Serializable {
import Algebraic.{ Zero, One, Expr, MinIntValue, MaxIntValue, MinLongValue, MaxLongValue, JBigDecimalOrder, roundExact, BFMSS, LiYap }
* Returns an `Int` with the same sign as this algebraic number. Algebraic
* numbers support exact sign tests, so this is guaranteed to be accurate.
def signum: Int = expr.signum
* Returns the sign of this Algebraic number. Algebraic numbers support exact
* sign tests, so this is guaranteed to be accurate.
def sign: Sign = Sign(signum)
* Return a non-negative `Algebraic` with the same magnitude as this one.
def abs: Algebraic =
if (this.signum < 0) -this else this
def unary_- : Algebraic =
new Algebraic(Expr.Neg(expr))
def +(that: Algebraic): Algebraic =
new Algebraic(Expr.Add(this.expr, that.expr))
def -(that: Algebraic): Algebraic =
new Algebraic(Expr.Sub(this.expr, that.expr))
def *(that: Algebraic): Algebraic =
new Algebraic(Expr.Mul(this.expr, that.expr))
def /(that: Algebraic): Algebraic =
new Algebraic(Expr.Div(this.expr, that.expr))
* Returns an `Algebraic` whose value is just the integer part of
* `this / that`. This operation is exact.
def quot(that: Algebraic): Algebraic =
this /~ that
/** An alias for [[quot]]. */
def /~(that: Algebraic): Algebraic =
Algebraic((this / that).toBigInt)
* Returns an `Algebraic` whose value is the difference between `this` and
* `(this /~ that) * that` -- the modulus.
def mod(that: Algebraic): Algebraic =
this % that
/** An alias for [[mod]]. */
def %(that: Algebraic): Algebraic =
this - (this /~ that) * that
/** Returns the square root of this number. */
def sqrt: Algebraic = nroot(2)
/** Returns the cube root of this number. */
def cbrt: Algebraic = nroot(3)
/** Returns the `k`-th root of this number. */
def nroot(k: Int): Algebraic = if (k < 0) {
new Algebraic(Expr.Div(Expr.ConstantLong(1), Expr.KRoot(this.expr, -k)))
} else if (k > 0) {
new Algebraic(Expr.KRoot(this.expr, k))
} else {
throw new ArithmeticException("divide by zero (0-root)")
/** Raise this number to the `k`-th power. */
def pow(k: Int): Algebraic =
if (k == Int.MinValue) {
throw new ArithmeticException(s"illegal exponent (${Int.MinValue})")
} else if (k == 0) {
if (signum == 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("undeterminate result (0^0)")
} else {
} else if (k == 1) {
} else if (k < 0) {
new Algebraic(Expr.Div(Expr.ConstantLong(1), this.pow(-k).expr))
} else {
new Algebraic(Expr.Pow(this.expr, k))
def < (that: Algebraic): Boolean = compare(that) < 0
def > (that: Algebraic): Boolean = compare(that) > 0
def <= (that: Algebraic): Boolean = compare(that) <= 0
def >= (that: Algebraic): Boolean = compare(that) >= 0
* Returns an integer with the same sign as `this - that`. Specifically, if
* `this < that`, then the sign is negative, if `this > that`, then the
* sign is positive, otherwise `this == that` and this returns 0.
def compare(that: Algebraic): Int = (this - that).signum
* Returns `true` iff this Algebraic number is exactly 0.
def isZero: Boolean = signum == 0
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case (that: Algebraic) => this === that
case (that: Real) => this.toReal == that
case (that: Number) => this.compare(Algebraic(that.toBigDecimal)) == 0
case (that: Rational) => this.compare(Algebraic(that)) == 0
case (that: BigInt) => isWhole && toBigInt == that
case (that: Natural) => isWhole && signum >= 0 && that == toBigInt
case (that: SafeLong) => isWhole && that == this
case (that: Complex[_]) => that == this
case (that: Quaternion[_]) => that == this
case (that: BigDecimal) => try {
toBigDecimal(that.mc) == that
} catch {
case ae: ArithmeticException => false
case _ => unifiedPrimitiveEquals(that)
def ===(that: Algebraic): Boolean =
this.compare(that) == 0
def =!=(that: Algebraic): Boolean =
!(this === that)
override def hashCode: Int = if (isWhole && isValidLong) {
} else {
val x = toBigDecimal(java.math.MathContext.DECIMAL64)
x.underlying.unscaledValue.hashCode + 23 * x.scale.hashCode + 17
def toExprString: String = {
import Expr._
def recur(e: Expr): String = e match {
case ConstantLong(n) => n.toString
case ConstantDouble(n) => n.toString
case ConstantBigDecimal(n) => n.toString
case ConstantRational(n) => s"(${n})"
case ConstantRoot(poly, i, _, _) => s"root($poly, $i)"
case Neg(sub) => s"-$sub"
case Add(lhs, rhs) => s"(${recur(lhs)}) + (${recur(rhs)})"
case Sub(lhs, rhs) => s"(${recur(lhs)}) - (${recur(rhs)})"
case Mul(lhs, rhs) => s"(${recur(lhs)}) * (${recur(rhs)})"
case Div(lhs, rhs) => s"(${recur(lhs)}) / (${recur(rhs)})"
case KRoot(sub, 2) => s"(${recur(sub)}).sqrt"
case KRoot(sub, 3) => s"(${recur(sub)}).cbrt"
case KRoot(sub, k) => s"(${recur(sub)}).nroot($k)"
case Pow(sub, k) => s"${recur(sub)}.pow(k)"
override def toString: String = {
val approx = toBigDecimal(MathContext.DECIMAL64)
if (this == Algebraic(approx)) {
if (approx.signum == 0) {
} else {
} else {
* Returns the nearest, valid `Int` value to this Algebraic, without going
* further away from 0 (eg. truncation).
* If this `Algebraic` represented 1.2, then this would return 1. If this
* represented -3.3, then this would return -3. If this value is greater than
* `Int.MaxValue`, then `Int.MaxValue` is returned. If this value is less
* than `Int.MinValue`, then `Int.MinValue` is returned.
def intValue: Int = {
val n = toBigInt
if (n < MinIntValue) Int.MinValue
else if (n > MaxIntValue) Int.MaxValue
else n.intValue
* Returns the nearest, valid `Long` value to this Algebraic, without going
* further away from 0 (eg. truncation).
* If this `Algebraic` represented 1.2, then this would return 1. If this
* represented -3.3, then this would return -3. If this value is greater than
* `Long.MaxValue`, then `Long.MaxValue` is returned. If this value is less
* than `Long.MinValue`, then `Long.MinValue` is returned.
def longValue: Long = {
val n = toBigInt
if (n < MinLongValue) Long.MinValue
else if (n > MaxLongValue) Long.MaxValue
else n.longValue
* Returns a `Float` that approximates this value. If the exponent is too
* large to fit in a float, the `Float.PositiveInfinity` or
* `Float.NegativeInfinity` is returned.
def floatValue: Float = toBigDecimal(MathContext.DECIMAL32).toFloat
* Returns a `Double` that approximates this value. If the exponent is too
* large to fit in a double, the `Double.PositiveInfinity` or
* `Double.NegativeInfinity` is returned.
def doubleValue: Double = toBigDecimal(MathContext.DECIMAL64).toDouble
* Returns the nearest, valid `BigInt` value to this Algebraic, without going
* further away from 0 (eg. truncation).
* If this `Algebraic` represented 1.2, then this would return 1. If this
* represented -3.3, then this would return -3.
def toBigInt: BigInt =
toBigDecimal(0, RoundingMode.DOWN).toBigInt
* Absolute approximation to `scale` decimal places with the given rounding
* mode. Rounding is always exact.
def toBigDecimal(scale: Int, roundingMode: RoundingMode): BigDecimal =
BigDecimal(roundExact(this, expr.toBigDecimal(scale + 2), scale, roundingMode))
* Relative approximation to the precision specified in `mc` with the given
* rounding mode. Rounding is always exact. The sign is always correct; the
* sign of the returned `BigDecimal` matches the sign of the exact value this
* `Algebraic` represents.
* @param mc the precision and rounding mode of the final result
* @return an approximation to the value of this algebraic number
def toBigDecimal(mc: MathContext): BigDecimal = {
import Expr._
val roundingMode = mc.getRoundingMode
def rec(e: Expr, digits: Int): JBigDecimal = e match {
case ConstantLong(n) =>
new JBigDecimal(n, new MathContext(digits, roundingMode))
case ConstantDouble(n) =>
new JBigDecimal(n, new MathContext(digits, roundingMode))
case ConstantBigDecimal(n) =>
n.bigDecimal.round(new MathContext(digits, roundingMode))
case ConstantRational(n) =>
val num = new JBigDecimal(n.numerator.toBigInteger)
val den = new JBigDecimal(n.denominator.toBigInteger)
num.divide(den, new MathContext(digits, roundingMode))
case ConstantRoot(poly, _, lb, ub) =>
// Ugh - on an airplane and can't trust BigDecimal's constructors.
val poly0 = poly.map { n => new BigDecimal(new JBigDecimal(n.bigInteger), MathContext.UNLIMITED) }
BigDecimalRootRefinement(poly0, lb, ub, new MathContext(digits, roundingMode)).approximateValue
case Neg(sub) =>
rec(sub, digits).negate()
case Add(_, _) | Sub(_, _) if e.signum == 0 =>
case Add(lhs, rhs) =>
val digits0 = digits + e.separationBound.decimalDigits.toInt + 1
val lValue = rec(lhs, digits0)
val rValue = rec(rhs, digits0)
lValue.add(rValue, new MathContext(digits, roundingMode))
case Sub(lhs, rhs) =>
val digits0 = digits + e.separationBound.decimalDigits.toInt + 1
val lValue = rec(lhs, digits0)
val rValue = rec(rhs, digits0)
lValue.subtract(rValue, new MathContext(digits, roundingMode))
case Mul(lhs, rhs) =>
val lValue = rec(lhs, digits + 1)
val rValue = rec(rhs, digits + 2)
lValue.multiply(rValue, new MathContext(digits, roundingMode))
case Div(lhs, rhs) =>
val rValue = rec(rhs, digits + 2)
if (rValue.compareTo(JBigDecimal.ZERO) == 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("divide by zero")
val lValue = rec(lhs, digits + 2)
.divide(rValue, new MathContext(digits + 2, roundingMode))
.round(new MathContext(digits, roundingMode))
case KRoot(sub, k) =>
Algebraic.nroot(rec(sub, digits + 2), k, new MathContext(digits + 2, roundingMode))
.round(new MathContext(digits, roundingMode))
case Pow(sub, k) =>
val subValue = rec(sub, digits + ceil(log(k.toDouble)).toInt)
subValue.pow(k, new MathContext(digits, roundingMode))
val approx = rec(expr, mc.getPrecision + 2)
val newScale = approx.scale - approx.precision + mc.getPrecision
val adjustedApprox =
if (newScale <= approx.scale) approx.setScale(newScale + 1, RoundingMode.DOWN)
else approx
roundExact(this, adjustedApprox, newScale, roundingMode)
.round(mc) // We perform a final round, since roundExact uses scales.
* Returns `true` iff this Algebraic exactly represents a valid `BigInt`.
def isWhole: Boolean = this == Algebraic(toBigInt)
* Returns `true` if this Algebraic number is a whole number (no fractional
* part) and fits within the bounds of an `Int`. That is, if `x.isValidInt`,
* then `Algebraic(x.toInt) == x`.
override def isValidInt: Boolean = {
val n = toBigInt
(n <= MaxIntValue) &&
(n >= MinIntValue) &&
(this == Algebraic(n))
* Returns `true` if this Algebraic number is a whole number (no fractional
* part) and fits within the bounds of an `Long`. That is, if `x.isValidLong`,
* then `Algebraic(x.toLong) == x`.
def isValidLong: Boolean = {
val n = toBigInt
(n <= MaxLongValue) &&
(n >= MinLongValue) &&
(this == Algebraic(n))
* Returns `true` iff this is a rational expression (ie contains no n-root
* expressions). Otherwise it is a radical expression and returns false.
def isRational: Boolean = expr.flags.isRational
* If this is a rational expressions, then it returns the exact value as a
* [[Rational]]. Otherwise, this is a radical expression and `None` is
* returned.
def toRational: Option[Rational] =
if (expr.flags.isRational) {
implicit val nroot: NRoot[Rational] with RootFinder[Rational] =
new NRoot[Rational] with RootFinder[Rational] {
private def fail =
throw new ArithmeticException(s"Rational cannot support exact algebraic operations")
def nroot(a: Rational, n: Int): Rational = fail
def fpow(a:Rational, b:Rational): Rational = fail
def findRoots(poly: Polynomial[Rational]): Roots[Rational] = fail
} else {
* Evaluates this algebraic expression with a different number type. All
* `Algebraic` numbers store the entire expression tree, so we can use this
* to *replay* the stored expression using a different type. This will
* accumulate errors as if the number type had been used from the beginning
* and is only really suitable for more exact number types, like [[Real]].
* TODO: Eq/ClassTag come from poly.map - would love to get rid of them.
def evaluateWith[A: Field: NRoot: RootFinder: Eq: ClassTag](implicit conv: ConvertableTo[A]): A = {
import spire.syntax.field._
import spire.syntax.nroot._
import Expr._
def eval(e: Expr): A = e match {
case ConstantLong(n) => conv.fromLong(n)
case ConstantDouble(n) => conv.fromDouble(n)
case ConstantBigDecimal(n) => conv.fromBigDecimal(n)
case ConstantRational(n) => conv.fromRational(n)
case ConstantRoot(poly, i, _, _) =>
case Neg(n) => -eval(n)
case Add(a, b) => eval(a) + eval(b)
case Sub(a, b) => eval(a) - eval(b)
case Mul(a, b) => eval(a) * eval(b)
case Div(a, b) => eval(a) / eval(b)
case KRoot(a, k) => eval(a).nroot(k)
case Pow(a, k) => eval(a).pow(k)
* Returns an exact [[Real]] representation of this number.
def toReal: Real = evaluateWith[Real]
// ScalaNumber. Because of course all Scala numbers are wrappers.
def underlying: AnyRef = this
object Algebraic extends AlgebraicInstances {
/** Returns an Algebraic expression equal to 0. */
val Zero: Algebraic = new Algebraic(Expr.ConstantLong(0))
/** Returns an Algebraic expression equal to 1. */
val One: Algebraic = new Algebraic(Expr.ConstantLong(1))
/** Returns an Algebraic expression equivalent to `n`. */
implicit def apply(n: Int): Algebraic =
new Algebraic(Expr.ConstantLong(n))
/** Returns an Algebraic expression equivalent to `n`. */
def apply(n: Long): Algebraic =
new Algebraic(Expr.ConstantLong(n))
* Returns an Algebraic expression equivalent to `n`, if `n` is finite. If
* `n` is either infinite or `NaN`, then an `IllegalArgumentException` is
* thrown.
def apply(n: Float): Algebraic =
* Returns an Algebraic expression equivalent to `n`, if `n` is finite. If
* `n` is either infinite or `NaN`, then an `IllegalArgumentException` is
* thrown.
implicit def apply(n: Double): Algebraic =
if (java.lang.Double.isInfinite(n)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot construct inifinite Algebraic")
} else if (java.lang.Double.isNaN(n)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot construct Algebraic from NaN")
} else {
new Algebraic(Expr.ConstantDouble(n))
/** Returns an Algebraic expression equivalent to `n`. */
def apply(n: BigInt): Algebraic =
new Algebraic(Expr.ConstantBigDecimal(BigDecimal(n)))
/** Returns an Algebraic expression equivalent to `n`. */
def apply(n: BigDecimal): Algebraic =
new Algebraic(Expr.ConstantBigDecimal(n))
/** Returns an Algebraic expression equivalent to `n`. */
def apply(n: Rational): Algebraic =
new Algebraic(Expr.ConstantRational(n))
* Returns an Algebraic expression whose value is equivalent to the `i`-th
* real root of the [[Polynomial]] `poly`. If `i` is negative or does not an
* index a real root (eg the value is greater than or equal to the number of
* real roots) then an `ArithmeticException` is thrown. Roots are indexed
* starting at 0. So if there are 3 roots, then they are indexed as 0, 1,
* and 2.
* @param poly the polynomial containing at least i real roots
* @param i the index (0-based) of the root
* @return an algebraic whose value is the i-th root of the polynomial
def root(poly: Polynomial[Rational], i: Int): Algebraic = {
if (i < 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException(s"invalid real root index: $i")
} else {
val zpoly = Roots.removeFractions(poly)
val intervals = Roots.isolateRoots(zpoly)
if (i >= intervals.size) {
throw new ArithmeticException(s"cannot extract root $i, there are only ${intervals.size} roots")
intervals(i) match {
case Point(value) =>
new Algebraic(Expr.ConstantRational(value))
case Bounded(lb, ub, _) =>
new Algebraic(Expr.ConstantRoot(zpoly, i, lb, ub))
case _ =>
throw new RuntimeException("invalid isolated root interval")
* Returns all of the real roots of the given polynomial, in order from
* smallest to largest.
* @param poly the polynomial to return the real roots of
* @return all the real roots of `poly`
def roots(poly: Polynomial[Rational]): Vector[Algebraic] = {
val zpoly = Roots.removeFractions(poly)
val intervals = Roots.isolateRoots(zpoly)
intervals.zipWithIndex map {
case (Point(value), _) =>
new Algebraic(Expr.ConstantRational(value))
case (Bounded(lb, ub, _), i) =>
new Algebraic(Expr.ConstantRoot(zpoly, i, lb, ub))
case x =>
throw new RuntimeException(s"invalid isolated root interval: $x")
* Returns an Algebraic whose value is the real root within (lb, ub). This is
* potentially unsafe, as we assume that exactly 1 real root lies within the
* interval, otherwise the results are undetermined.
* @param poly a polynomial with a real root within (lb, ub)
* @param i the index of the root in the polynomial
* @param lb the lower bound of the open interval containing the root
* @param ub the upper bound of the open interval containing the root
def unsafeRoot(poly: Polynomial[BigInt], i: Int, lb: Rational, ub: Rational): Algebraic =
new Algebraic(Expr.ConstantRoot(poly, i, lb, ub))
* Returns an Algebraic expression equivalent to `BigDecimal(n)`. If `n` is
* not parseable as a `BigDecimal` then an exception is thrown.
def apply(n: String): Algebraic =
Algebraic(BigDecimal(new JBigDecimal(n)))
* The [[Algebraic]] expression AST. `Algebraic` simply stores an expression
* tree representing all operations performed on it. We then use this tree to
* deduce certain properties about the algebraic expression and use them to
* perform exact sign tests, compute approximations, etc.
* Generally, this should be regarded as an internal implementation detail of
* `Algebraic`.
sealed abstract class Expr extends Serializable {
import Expr._
protected def flagBits: Int
* A set of flags we can quickly compute for an [[Algebraic]] expression.
* @note we have to do this round-about trip between flagsBits and flags
* because of
def flags: Flags = new Flags(flagBits)
private val bounds: Platform.TrieMap[ZeroBoundFunction, Any] = Platform.TrieMap()
* Returns the bound for `zbf`, using a cached value if it is available.
def getBound(zbf: ZeroBoundFunction): zbf.Bound =
bounds.getOrElseUpdate(zbf, zbf(this)).asInstanceOf[zbf.Bound]
private var cachedDegreeBound: Long = 0L
private def radicalNodes(): Set[KRoot] = {
val childRadicals = children.foldLeft(Set.empty[KRoot]) { (acc, child) =>
acc ++ child.radicalNodes()
val radicals = this match {
case expr @ KRoot(sub, k) =>
childRadicals + expr
case _ =>
if (cachedDegreeBound == 0L) {
cachedDegreeBound = radicals.foldLeft(1L) { (acc, kroot) =>
checked { acc * kroot.k }
* Returns a bound on the degree of this expression.
def degreeBound: Long = {
if (cachedDegreeBound == 0L)
* Returns the BFMSS separation bound.
def bfmssBound: BitBound =
new BitBound(getBound(BFMSS).getBitBound(degreeBound))
* Returns the Li & Yap separation bound.
def liYapBound: BitBound =
new BitBound(getBound(LiYap).getBitBound(degreeBound))
* Returns a separation bound for this expression as a bit bound. A
* separation bound is a lower-bound on the value of this expression that
* is only valid if this expression is not 0. This bound can thus be used
* to determine if this value is actually 0 and, if not, the sign, by
* simply approximating the expression with enough accuracy that it falls
* on one side or the other of the separation bound.
def separationBound: BitBound =
bfmssBound min liYapBound
* Returns an asbolute approximation to this expression as a BigDecimal
* that is accurate up to +/- 10^-digits.
def toBigDecimal(digits: Int): JBigDecimal
* Returns an upper bound on the absolute value of this expression as a
* bit bound.
def upperBound: BitBound
* Returns a lower bound on the absolute value of this expression as a
* bit bound.
* TODO: We could do better here wrt to addition (need a fastSignum: Option[Int])
def lowerBound: BitBound = -separationBound
/** Returns an integer with the same sign as this expression. */
def signum: Int
* Returns a list of the children of this expression. A child is a
* sub-expression required by this expression. For instance, `Add` has 2
* children, the left-hand and right-hand side sub-expressions. A numeric
* literal expression, such as `ConstantDouble` or `ConstantRational` has
* no children.
def children: List[Expr]
object Expr {
* A set of flags for algebraic expressions, so we can quickly determine
* some properties, like whether the expression is rational, radical, what
* types of leaf nodes it has, etc. This is used to help guide algorithmic
* choices, such as what separation bound to use.
final class Flags(val bits: Int) extends AnyVal {
import Flags._
/** Returns the union of flags `this` and `that`. */
def | (that: Flags): Flags = new Flags(bits | that.bits)
private def check(n: Int): Boolean = (bits & n) != 0
/** Returns `true` iff this expression is composed only of rational operations. */
def isRational: Boolean = !isRadical
/** Returns `true` iff this expression contains an n-th root operation. */
def isRadical: Boolean = check(RadicalFlag)
/** Returns `true` iff this expression contains a `ConstantDouble` leaf node. */
def hasDoubleLeaf: Boolean = check(HasDoubleLeaf)
/** Returns `true` iff this expression contains a `ConstantBigDecimal` leaf node. */
def hasBigDecimalLeaf: Boolean = check(HasBigDecimalLeaf)
/** Returns `true` iff this expression contains a `ConstantRational` leaf node. */
def hasRationalLeaf: Boolean = check(HasRationalLeaf)
object Flags {
final val RadicalFlag = 1
final val HasDoubleLeaf = 2
final val HasBigDecimalLeaf = 4
final val HasRationalLeaf = 8
final val IntegerLeaf: Flags = new Flags(0)
final val DoubleLeaf: Flags = new Flags(HasDoubleLeaf)
final val BigDecimalLeaf: Flags = new Flags(HasBigDecimalLeaf)
final val RationalLeaf: Flags = new Flags(HasRationalLeaf)
final val IsRadical: Flags = new Flags(RadicalFlag)
/** Constant expressions are leaf nodes, contains literal numbers. */
sealed abstract class Constant[A] extends Expr {
def value: A
def children: List[Expr] = Nil
/** Unary expressions contain only a single child expression. */
sealed abstract class UnaryExpr extends Expr {
val sub: Expr
def children: List[Expr] = sub :: Nil
/** Binary expressions contain 2 child expression. */
sealed abstract class BinaryExpr extends Expr {
val lhs: Expr
val rhs: Expr
val flagBits: Int = (lhs.flags | rhs.flags).bits
def children: List[Expr] = lhs :: rhs :: Nil
case class ConstantLong(value: Long) extends Constant[Long] {
def flagBits: Int = Flags.IntegerLeaf.bits
def upperBound: BitBound =
if (value == 0L) new BitBound(0L)
else if (value == Long.MinValue) new BitBound(64)
else new BitBound(64 - numberOfLeadingZeros(abs(value) - 1))
def signum: Int = value.signum
def toBigDecimal(digits: Int): JBigDecimal =
new JBigDecimal(value).setScale(digits, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)
case class ConstantDouble(value: Double) extends Constant[Double] {
def flagBits: Int = Flags.DoubleLeaf.bits
def upperBound: BitBound = if (value == 0D) {
new BitBound(0)
} else {
new BitBound(ceil(log(abs(value))).toLong)
def signum: Int =
if (value < 0D) -1
else if (value > 0D) 1
else 0
def toBigDecimal(digits: Int): JBigDecimal =
new JBigDecimal(value).setScale(digits, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)
case class ConstantBigDecimal(value: BigDecimal) extends Constant[BigDecimal] {
def flagBits: Int = Flags.BigDecimalLeaf.bits
def upperBound: BitBound = if (value.signum == 0) {
new BitBound(0)
} else {
// We just need a couple of digits, really.
val mc = new MathContext(4, RoundingMode.UP)
new BitBound(ceil(log(value.abs(mc))).toLong)
def signum: Int = value.signum
def toBigDecimal(digits: Int): JBigDecimal =
value.bigDecimal.setScale(digits, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)
case class ConstantRational(value: Rational) extends Constant[Rational] {
def flagBits: Int = Flags.RationalLeaf.bits
def upperBound: BitBound =
new BitBound(value.numerator.abs.bitLength - value.denominator.bitLength + 1)
def signum: Int = value.signum
def toBigDecimal(digits: Int): JBigDecimal = {
val num = new JBigDecimal(value.numerator.toBigInteger)
val den = new JBigDecimal(value.denominator.toBigInteger)
num.divide(den, digits, RoundingMode.DOWN)
case class ConstantRoot(poly: Polynomial[BigInt], i: Int, lb: Rational, ub: Rational) extends Constant[Polynomial[BigInt]] {
def value: Polynomial[BigInt] = poly
def flagBits: Int = Flags.IsRadical.bits
def upperBound: BitBound =
if (ub.signum > 0) {
new BitBound(ub.numerator.bitLength - ub.denominator.bitLength + 1)
} else {
new BitBound(lb.numerator.abs.bitLength - lb.denominator.bitLength + 1)
def signum: Int =
if (lb.signum != 0) lb.signum
else ub.signum
private val refinement: AtomicReference[BigDecimalRootRefinement] = {
val poly0 = poly.map { n => new BigDecimal(new JBigDecimal(n.bigInteger), MathContext.UNLIMITED) }
new AtomicReference(BigDecimalRootRefinement(poly0, lb, ub))
def toBigDecimal(digits: Int): JBigDecimal = {
val oldRefinement = refinement.get
val newRefinement = oldRefinement.refine(digits)
def lead: BigInt = poly.maxTerm.coeff
def tail: BigInt = poly.minTerm.coeff
case class Neg(sub: Expr) extends UnaryExpr {
def flagBits: Int = sub.flags.bits
def upperBound: BitBound = sub.upperBound
def signum: Int = -sub.signum
def toBigDecimal(digits: Int): JBigDecimal =
sealed abstract class AddOrSubExpr extends BinaryExpr {
def upperBound: BitBound =
new BitBound(max(lhs.upperBound.bitBound, rhs.upperBound.bitBound) + 1)
lazy val signum: Int = {
val maxDigits = separationBound.decimalDigits + 1
val approxOnly = maxDigits > Int.MaxValue
// An adaptive algorithm to find the sign. Rather than just compute
// this number to `maxDigits` precision, we start with a smaller
// precision and keep adding digits until we get one that isn't 0.
@tailrec def loop(digits0: Long): Int = {
val digits = min(digits0, min(maxDigits, Int.MaxValue)).toInt
val approx = toBigDecimal(digits + 1).setScale(digits, RoundingMode.DOWN)
if (approx.signum != 0 || digits >= maxDigits) {
} else if (digits == Int.MaxValue) {
throw new ArithmeticException("required precision to calculate sign is too high")
} else {
loop(2 * digits0)
def toBigDecimal(digits: Int): JBigDecimal = {
val lValue = lhs.toBigDecimal(digits + 1)
val rValue = rhs.toBigDecimal(digits + 1)
val sum = this match {
case (_: Add) => lValue.add(rValue)
case (_: Sub) => lValue.subtract(rValue)
val result = sum.setScale(digits, RoundingMode.DOWN)
case class Add(lhs: Expr, rhs: Expr) extends AddOrSubExpr
case class Sub(lhs: Expr, rhs: Expr) extends AddOrSubExpr
case class Mul(lhs: Expr, rhs: Expr) extends BinaryExpr {
def upperBound: BitBound = lhs.upperBound + rhs.upperBound
def signum: Int = lhs.signum * rhs.signum
def toBigDecimal(digits: Int): JBigDecimal = {
val lDigits = checked(rhs.upperBound.decimalDigits + digits + 1)
val rDigits = checked(lhs.upperBound.decimalDigits + digits + 1)
if (lDigits >= Int.MaxValue || rDigits >= Int.MaxValue) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("required precision is too high")
} else {
val lValue = lhs.toBigDecimal(lDigits.toInt)
val rValue = rhs.toBigDecimal(rDigits.toInt)
lValue.multiply(rValue).setScale(digits, RoundingMode.DOWN)
case class Div(lhs: Expr, rhs: Expr) extends BinaryExpr {
def upperBound: BitBound = lhs.upperBound - rhs.lowerBound
def signum: Int = if (rhs.signum == 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("divide by 0")
} else {
lhs.signum * rhs.signum
def toBigDecimal(digits: Int): JBigDecimal = checked {
val lDigits = digits + 2 - rhs.lowerBound.decimalDigits
val rDigits = max(
1 - rhs.lowerBound.decimalDigits,
digits + 4 - 2 * rhs.lowerBound.decimalDigits + lhs.upperBound.decimalDigits
if (lDigits >= Int.MaxValue || rDigits >= Int.MaxValue) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("required precision is too high")
} else {
val lValue = lhs.toBigDecimal(lDigits.toInt)
val rValue = rhs.toBigDecimal(rDigits.toInt)
val quotient = lValue.divide(rValue, digits + 1, RoundingMode.DOWN)
quotient.setScale(digits, RoundingMode.DOWN)
case class KRoot(sub: Expr, k: Int) extends UnaryExpr {
val flagBits: Int = (sub.flags | Flags.IsRadical).bits
def upperBound: BitBound = (sub.upperBound + 1) / 2
def signum: Int = {
val s = sub.signum
if (s >= 0) s
else throw new ArithmeticException(s"$k-root of negative number")
def toBigDecimal(digits: Int): JBigDecimal = {
val digits0 = max(
checked(digits + 1),
checked(1 - (sub.lowerBound.decimalDigits + 1) / 2)
if (digits0 >= Int.MaxValue) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("required precision is too high")
} else {
val value = sub.toBigDecimal(digits0.toInt)
Algebraic.nroot(value, k, digits, RoundingMode.DOWN)
// To avoid multiple traversals during degreeBound, we cache the hashCode
// for KRoots.
override lazy val hashCode: Int =
sub.hashCode * 23 + k * 29 + 13
case class Pow(sub: Expr, k: Int) extends UnaryExpr {
require(k > 1)
def flagBits: Int = sub.flags.bits
def upperBound: BitBound = sub.upperBound * k
def signum: Int = {
val s = sub.signum
if (s == 0) {
if (k < 0) throw new ArithmeticException("divide by 0")
else if (k == 0) throw new ArithmeticException("indeterminate")
else 0
} else if (k % 2 == 0) {
if (s < 0) 1 else s
} else {
def toBigDecimal(digits: Int): JBigDecimal = {
// We could possibly do better here. Investigate.
val height = 32 - java.lang.Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(k - 1) // ceil(lg2(k))
val maxDigits = checked(digits + height * (1 + sub.upperBound.decimalDigits))
if (maxDigits >= Int.MaxValue) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("required precision is too high")
} else {
val leafValue = sub.toBigDecimal(maxDigits.toInt)
* A bit bound represents either an upper or lower bound as some
* power of 2. Specifically, the bound is typically either `2^bitBound` or
* `2^-bitBound`.
final class BitBound(val bitBound: Long) extends AnyVal {
import BitBound.bitsToDecimalDigits
* Returns the minimum number of absolute decimal digits required to
* represent this separation bound.
def decimalDigits: Long = bitsToDecimalDigits(bitBound)
def unary_- : BitBound = new BitBound(-bitBound)
def +(that: BitBound): BitBound = new BitBound(this.bitBound + that.bitBound)
def -(that: BitBound): BitBound = new BitBound(this.bitBound - that.bitBound)
def *(that: BitBound): BitBound = new BitBound(this.bitBound * that.bitBound)
def /(that: BitBound): BitBound = new BitBound(this.bitBound / that.bitBound)
def +(rhs: Int): BitBound = new BitBound(this.bitBound + rhs)
def -(rhs: Int): BitBound = new BitBound(this.bitBound - rhs)
def *(rhs: Int): BitBound = new BitBound(this.bitBound * rhs)
def /(rhs: Int): BitBound = new BitBound(this.bitBound / rhs)
def min(that: BitBound): BitBound =
if (bitBound < that.bitBound) this else that
override def toString: String = s"BitBound($bitBound)"
object BitBound {
private val Epsilon: Double = 2.220446049250313E-16
private val FudgeFactor: Double = 1D + 4D * Epsilon
private val lg2ToLg10: Double = log(2, 10) * FudgeFactor
private def bitsToDecimalDigits(n: Long): Long =
ceil(n.toDouble * lg2ToLg10).toLong
final def apply(n: Int): BitBound = new BitBound(n)
* Returns a number that is approximately equal to `x.pow(1/n)`. This number
* is useful as initial values in converging n-root algorithms, but not as a
* general purpose n-root algorithm. There are no guarantees about the
* accuracy here.
final def nrootApprox(x: JBigDecimal, n: Int): JBigDecimal = {
// Essentially, we'd like to just find `x.doubleValue.pow(1D / n)`, but x
// may not be approximable as a finite Double (eg. exponent is larger than
// 308). So, we basically treat x as a number `a*10^(i+j)`, where
// `a*10^i` is approximable as a Double and `j % n == 0`. Then, we can
// approximate the n-th root as `pow(a*10^i, 1 / n) * 10^(j/n)`.
// If n > ~308, then we could end up with an "approximate" value that is
// an Infinity, which is no good. So, we approximate all roots > 306 with
// 306-th root.
val k = min(n, 306)
// We need to ensure that the scale of our approximate number leaves `j`
// evenly divible by n. So, we start by calculating the scale requried to
// put the decimal place after the first digit
val width = (ceil(x.unscaledValue.bitLength * log(2) / log(10)) - 1).toInt
// We then add in (x.scale - width) % n to our initial scale so that the
// remaining exponenent is divisible by n.
val safeWidth = width + (x.scale - width) % k
val approx = new JBigDecimal(x.unscaledValue.abs, safeWidth).doubleValue
new JBigDecimal(x.signum * pow(approx, 1D / k))
.scaleByPowerOfTen(-(x.scale - safeWidth) / k)
* Approximates the n-th root using the Newton's method. Rather than using a
* fixed epsilon, it may use an adaptive epsilon, provided by `getEps`. This
* function takes the previous approximation, and returns the epsilon as
* `pow(10, -getEps(prev))`. This allows us to use the same algorithm for
* both absolute and relative precision approximations. Absolute
* approximations just returns a fixed epsilon from `getEps`, where as a
* relative approximation returns an adaptive one, that uses the previous
* value to guide the required epsilon.
private final def nroot(signedValue: JBigDecimal, k: Int)(getEps: JBigDecimal => Int): JBigDecimal = {
if (signedValue.compareTo(JBigDecimal.ZERO) == 0)
return JBigDecimal.ZERO
val value = signedValue.abs
val n = new JBigDecimal(k)
@tailrec def loop(prev: JBigDecimal, prevDigits: Int, prevEps: JBigDecimal): JBigDecimal = {
val digits = getEps(prev)
val eps =
if (digits == prevDigits) prevEps
else JBigDecimal.ONE.movePointLeft(digits)
val prevExp = prev.pow(k - 1)
val delta = value
.divide(prevExp, digits, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)
.divide(n, digits, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)
if (delta.abs.compareTo(eps) <= 0) prev
else loop(prev.add(delta), digits, eps)
val init = nrootApprox(value, k)
val unsignedResult = loop(init, Int.MinValue, JBigDecimal.ZERO)
if (signedValue.signum < 0) unsignedResult.negate
else unsignedResult
private val bits2dec: Double = log(2, 10)
* Returns a relative approximation of the n-th root of `value`, up to
* the number of digits specified by `mc`. This only uses the rounding mode
* to chop-off the few remaining digits after the approximation, so may be
* inaccurate.
final def nroot(value: JBigDecimal, n: Int, mc: MathContext): JBigDecimal = {
val result = nroot(value, n) { x =>
x.scale - ceil(x.unscaledValue.bitLength * bits2dec).toInt + mc.getPrecision + 1
* Returns an absolute approximation of the n-th root of `value`, up to
* `scale` digits past the decimal point. This only uses the rounding mode
* to chop-off the few remaining digits after the approximation, so may be
* inaccurate.
final def nroot(value: JBigDecimal, n: Int, scale: Int, roundingMode: RoundingMode): JBigDecimal =
nroot(value, n)(_ => scale + 1).setScale(scale, roundingMode)
private implicit val JBigDecimalOrder: Order[JBigDecimal] = new Order[JBigDecimal] {
def compare(x: JBigDecimal, y: JBigDecimal): Int = x compareTo y
* Rounds an approximation (`approx`) to the `exact` Algebraic value using
* the given `scale` and `RoundingMode` (`mode`). This will always be
* accurate for any algebraic number. So, if `exact` represents 0.15 and the
* rounding mode is set to `HALF_UP` with a scale of 1, then this is
* guaranteed to round up to 0.2.
* @param exact the exact value to use a reference for tricky cases
* @param approx the approximate value to round
* @param scale the final scale of the result
* @param mode the rounding mode to use
private def roundExact(exact: Algebraic, approx: JBigDecimal, scale: Int, mode: RoundingMode): JBigDecimal = {
import RoundingMode.{ CEILING, FLOOR, UP }
if (approx.signum == 0) {
// If the sign is 0, then we deal with it here.
mode match {
case UP | CEILING if exact.signum > 0 =>
new JBigDecimal(BigInteger.ONE, scale)
case UP | FLOOR if exact.signum < 0 =>
new JBigDecimal(BigInteger.ONE.negate, scale)
case _ =>
approx.setScale(scale, RoundingMode.DOWN)
} else if (approx.signum > 0) {
roundPositive(exact, approx, scale, mode)
} else {
val adjustedMode = mode match {
case _ => mode
roundPositive(-exact, approx.abs, scale, adjustedMode).negate()
private def roundPositive(exact: Algebraic, approx: JBigDecimal, scale: Int, mode: RoundingMode): JBigDecimal = {
val cutoff = approx.scale - scale
if (cutoff == 0) {
// Nothing to do here.
} else if (cutoff < 0) {
// Just add some 0s and we're done!
approx.setScale(scale, RoundingMode.DOWN)
} else if (cutoff > 18) {
// We'd like to work with Long arithmetic, if possible. Our rounding is
// exact anyways, so it doesn't hurt to remove some digits.
roundPositive(exact, approx.setScale(scale + 18, RoundingMode.DOWN), scale, mode)
} else {
val unscale = spire.math.pow(10L, cutoff.toLong)
val Array(truncatedUnscaledValue, bigRemainder) =
val truncated = new JBigDecimal(truncatedUnscaledValue, scale)
def epsilon: JBigDecimal = new JBigDecimal(BigInteger.ONE, scale)
val remainder = bigRemainder.longValue
val rounded = mode match {
val dangerZoneStart = (unscale / 2) - 1
val dangerZoneStop = dangerZoneStart + 2
if (remainder >= dangerZoneStart && remainder <= dangerZoneStop) {
val splitter = BigDecimal(new JBigDecimal(
scale + 1
val cmp = exact compare Algebraic(splitter)
val roundUp = (mode: @unchecked) match {
case HALF_DOWN => cmp > 0
case HALF_UP => cmp >= 0
case HALF_EVEN => cmp > 0 || cmp == 0 && truncatedUnscaledValue.testBit(0)
if (roundUp) truncated.add(epsilon)
else truncated
} else if (remainder < dangerZoneStart) {
} else {
case CEILING | UP =>
if (remainder <= 1 && exact <= Algebraic(BigDecimal(truncated))) {
} else {
case FLOOR | DOWN =>
if (remainder <= 0) {
if (exact < Algebraic(BigDecimal(truncated))) {
} else {
} else if (remainder >= (unscale - 1)) {
val roundedUp = truncated.add(epsilon)
if (exact >= Algebraic(BigDecimal(roundedUp))) {
} else {
} else {
private val MaxIntValue: BigInteger = BigInteger.valueOf(Int.MaxValue.toLong)
private val MinIntValue: BigInteger = BigInteger.valueOf(Int.MinValue.toLong)
private val MaxLongValue: BigInteger = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MaxValue)
private val MinLongValue: BigInteger = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MinValue)
* A zero bound function, defined over an algebraic expression algebra.
sealed abstract class ZeroBoundFunction {
* Some state that is computed for each node in the expression tree. This
* state is typically memoized, to avoid recomputation.
type Bound
def apply(expr: Algebraic.Expr): Bound
* An implementation of "A New Constructive Root Bound for Algebraic
* Expressions" by Chen Li & Chee Yap.
case object LiYap extends ZeroBoundFunction {
import Expr._
final case class Bound(
/** Bound on the leading coefficient. */
lc: Long,
/** Bound on the trailing coefficient. */
tc: Long,
/** Bound on the measure. */
measure: Long,
/** Lower bound on the value. */
lb: Long,
/** Upper bound on the value. */
ub: Long
) {
def getBitBound(degreeBound: Long): Long = checked {
ub * (degreeBound - 1) + lc
def apply(expr: Algebraic.Expr): Bound = checked {
// Unfortunately, we must call degreeBound early, to avoid many redundant
// traversals of the Expr tree. Getting this out of the way early on
// means that we will traverse the tree once and populate the degreeBound
// cache in all nodes right away. If we do it in a bottom up fashion,
// then we risk terrible runtime behaviour.
val degreeBound = expr.degreeBound
expr match {
case ConstantLong(n) =>
case ConstantDouble(n) =>
case ConstantBigDecimal(n) =>
case ConstantRational(n) =>
case root @ ConstantRoot(poly, _, _, _) =>
// Bound on the euclidean distance of the coefficients.
val distBound = poly.terms.map { case Term(c, _) =>
2L * c.bitLength
}.qsum / 2L + 1L
root.lead.bitLength + 1L,
root.tail.bitLength + 1L,
case Neg(sub) =>
case expr: AddOrSubExpr =>
val lhsExpr = expr.lhs
val rhsExpr = expr.rhs
val lhs = lhsExpr.getBound(this)
val rhs = rhsExpr.getBound(this)
val lc = lhs.lc * rhsExpr.degreeBound + rhs.lc * lhsExpr.degreeBound
val tc = lhs.measure * rhsExpr.degreeBound + rhs.measure * lhsExpr.degreeBound + 2 * degreeBound
val measure = tc
val ub = max(lhs.ub, rhs.ub) + 1
val lb = max(-measure, -(ub * (degreeBound - 1) + lc))
Bound(lc, tc, measure, lb, ub)
case Mul(lhsExpr, rhsExpr) =>
val lhs = lhsExpr.getBound(this)
val rhs = rhsExpr.getBound(this)
val lc = lhs.lc * rhsExpr.degreeBound + rhs.lc * lhsExpr.degreeBound
val tc = lhs.tc * rhsExpr.degreeBound + rhs.tc * lhsExpr.degreeBound
val measure = lhs.measure * rhsExpr.degreeBound + rhs.measure * lhsExpr.degreeBound
val lb = lhs.lb + rhs.lb
val ub = lhs.ub + rhs.ub
Bound(lc, tc, measure, lb, ub)
case Div(lhsExpr, rhsExpr) =>
val lhs = lhsExpr.getBound(this)
val rhs = rhsExpr.getBound(this)
val lc = lhs.lc * rhsExpr.degreeBound + rhs.tc * lhsExpr.degreeBound
val tc = lhs.tc * rhsExpr.degreeBound + rhs.lc * lhsExpr.degreeBound
val measure = lhs.measure * rhsExpr.degreeBound + rhs.measure * lhsExpr.degreeBound
val lb = lhs.lb - rhs.ub
val ub = lhs.ub - rhs.lb
Bound(lc, tc, measure, lb, ub)
case KRoot(subExpr, k) =>
val sub = subExpr.getBound(this)
val lb = sub.lb / k
val ub = if (sub.ub % k == 0) (sub.ub / k)
else ((sub.ub / k) + 1)
Bound(sub.lc, sub.tc, sub.measure, lb, ub)
case Pow(subExpr, k) =>
val sub = subExpr.getBound(this)
Bound(sub.lc * k, sub.tc * k, sub.measure * k, sub.lb * k, sub.ub * k)
private def rational(n: Rational): Bound = {
// TODO: We can do better here. The + 1 isn't always needed in a & b.
// Also, the upper and lower bounds could be much tighter if we actually
// partially perform the division.
val a = n.numerator.abs.bitLength + 1
if (n.denominator == BigInt(1)) {
Bound(0, a, a, a - 1, a)
} else {
val b = n.denominator.bitLength + 1
Bound(b, a, max(a, b), a - b - 1, a - b + 1)
* An implementation of "A Separation Bound for Real Algebraic Expressions",
* by Burnikel, Funke, Mehlhorn, Schirra, and Schmitt. This provides a good
* [[ZeroBoundFunction]] for use in sign tests.
* Unlike the paper, we use log-arithmetic instead of working with exact,
* big integer values. This means our bound isn't technically as good as it
* could be, but we save the cost of working with arithmetic. We also perform
* all log arithmetic using `Long`s and check for overflow (throwing
* `ArithmeticException`s when detected). In practice we shouldn't hit this
* limit, but in case we do, we prefer to throw over failing silently.
case object BFMSS extends ZeroBoundFunction {
import Expr._
/** Our state that we store, per node. */
final case class Bound(l: Long, u: Long) {
def getBitBound(degreeBound: Long): Long = checked {
l + u * (degreeBound - 1)
def apply(expr: Algebraic.Expr): Bound = expr match {
case ConstantLong(n) => integer(n)
case ConstantDouble(n) => rational(n)
case ConstantBigDecimal(n) => rational(n)
case ConstantRational(n) => rational(n)
case root @ ConstantRoot(poly, _, _, _) =>
Bound(root.lead.bitLength + 1, Roots.upperBound(poly))
case Neg(sub) => sub.getBound(this)
case Add(lhs, rhs) => add(lhs.getBound(this), rhs.getBound(this))
case Sub(lhs, rhs) => add(lhs.getBound(this), rhs.getBound(this))
case Mul(lhs, rhs) => mul(lhs.getBound(this), rhs.getBound(this))
case Div(lhs, rhs) => div(lhs.getBound(this), rhs.getBound(this))
case KRoot(sub, k) => nroot(sub.getBound(this), k)
case Pow(sub, k) => pow(sub.getBound(this), k)
private def integer(n: Long): Bound =
private def integer(n: SafeLong): Bound =
Bound(0, n.abs.bitLength + 1)
private def rational(n: Double): Bound =
private def rational(n: BigDecimal): Bound =
private def rational(n: Rational): Bound =
div(integer(n.numerator), integer(n.denominator))
// We're not being fair to the BFMSS bound here. We're really just
// setting a bound on the max value. However, the alternative would
// require us to work outside of log arithmetic.
private def add(lhs: Bound, rhs: Bound): Bound = checked {
lhs.l + rhs.l,
math.max(lhs.u + rhs.l, lhs.l + rhs.u) + 1
private def mul(lhs: Bound, rhs: Bound): Bound = checked {
lhs.l + rhs.l,
lhs.u + rhs.u
private def div(lhs: Bound, rhs: Bound): Bound = checked {
lhs.l + rhs.u,
lhs.u + rhs.l
private def nroot(sub: Bound, k: Int): Bound = checked {
if (sub.u < sub.l) {
(sub.l + (k - 1) * sub.u) / k,
} else {
(sub.u * (k - 1) * sub.l) / k
private def pow(sub: Bound, k: Int): Bound = {
@tailrec def sum(acc: Long, k: Int, extra: Long): Long =
if (k == 1) {
checked(acc + extra)
} else {
val x =
if ((k & 1) == 1) checked(acc + extra)
else extra
sum(checked(acc + acc), k >>> 1, x)
if (k > 1) {
sum(sub.l, k - 1, sub.l),
sum(sub.u, k - 1, sub.u)
} else if (k == 1) {
} else if (k == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("exponent cannot be 0")
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("exponent cannot be negative")
trait AlgebraicInstances {
implicit final val AlgebraicAlgebra = new AlgebraicAlgebra
import NumberTag._
implicit final val AlgebraicTag = new LargeTag[Algebraic](Exact, Algebraic(0))
private[math] trait AlgebraicIsFieldWithNRoot extends Field[Algebraic] with NRoot[Algebraic] {
def zero: Algebraic = Algebraic.Zero
def one: Algebraic = Algebraic.One
def plus(a: Algebraic, b: Algebraic): Algebraic = a + b
def negate(a: Algebraic): Algebraic = -a
override def minus(a: Algebraic, b: Algebraic): Algebraic = a - b
override def pow(a: Algebraic, b: Int): Algebraic = a pow b
override def times(a: Algebraic, b: Algebraic): Algebraic = a * b
def quot(a: Algebraic, b: Algebraic): Algebraic = a /~ b
def mod(a: Algebraic, b: Algebraic): Algebraic = a % b
def gcd(a: Algebraic, b: Algebraic): Algebraic = euclid(a, b)(Eq[Algebraic])
def div(a:Algebraic, b:Algebraic): Algebraic = a / b
def nroot(a: Algebraic, k: Int): Algebraic = a nroot k
def fpow(a:Algebraic, b:Algebraic): Algebraic = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unsupported operation")
override def fromInt(n: Int): Algebraic = Algebraic(n)
override def fromDouble(n: Double): Algebraic = Algebraic(n)
private[math] trait AlgebraicIsReal extends IsAlgebraic[Algebraic] {
def toDouble(x: Algebraic): Double = x.toDouble
def toAlgebraic(x: Algebraic): Algebraic = x
def ceil(a:Algebraic): Algebraic = Algebraic(a.toBigDecimal(0, RoundingMode.CEILING))
def floor(a:Algebraic): Algebraic = Algebraic(a.toBigDecimal(0, RoundingMode.FLOOR))
def round(a:Algebraic): Algebraic = Algebraic(a.toBigDecimal(0, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN))
def isWhole(a:Algebraic): Boolean = a.isWhole
override def sign(a: Algebraic): Sign = a.sign
def signum(a: Algebraic): Int = a.signum
def abs(a: Algebraic): Algebraic = a.abs
override def eqv(x: Algebraic, y: Algebraic): Boolean = x.compare(y) == 0
override def neqv(x: Algebraic, y: Algebraic): Boolean = x.compare(y) != 0
def compare(x: Algebraic, y: Algebraic): Int = x.compare(y)
class AlgebraicAlgebra extends AlgebraicIsFieldWithNRoot with AlgebraicIsReal with Serializable
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