spire.math.Jet.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spire.math
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.math._
import scala.reflect._
import scala.{specialized => sp}
import spire.algebra._
import spire.std.ArraySupport
import spire.syntax.isReal._
import spire.syntax.nroot._
import spire.syntax.vectorSpace._
* Used to implicitly define the dimensionality of the Jet space.
* @param dimension the number of dimensions.
case class JetDim(dimension: Int) {
require(dimension > 0)
// scalastyle:off regex
* ==Overview==
* A simple implementation of N-dimensional dual numbers, for automatically
* computing exact derivatives of functions. This code (and documentation) closely follow
* the one in Google's "Ceres" library of non-linear least-squares solvers
* (see Sameer Agarwal, Keir Mierle, and others: Ceres Solver.)
* While a complete treatment of the mechanics of automatic differentiation is
* beyond the scope of this header (see
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_differentiation for details), the
* basic idea is to extend normal arithmetic with an extra element "h" such
* that h != 0, but h^2^ = 0.
* Dual numbers are extensions of the real numbers analogous to complex numbers:
* whereas complex numbers augment the reals by introducing an imaginary unit i
* such that i^2^ = -1, dual numbers introduce an "infinitesimal" unit h such
* that h^2^ = 0.
* Analogously to a complex number c = x + y*i, a dual number d = x * y*h has
* two components: the "real" component x, and an "infinitesimal" component y.
* Surprisingly, this leads to a convenient method for computing exact
* derivatives without needing to manipulate complicated symbolic expressions.
* For example, consider the function
* {{{
* f(x) = x * x ,
* }}}
* evaluated at 10. Using normal arithmetic, f(10) = 100, and df/dx(10) = 20.
* Next, augment 10 with an infinitesimal h to get:
* {{{
* f(10 + h) = (10 + h) * (10 + h)
* = 100 + 2 * 10 * h + h * h
* = 100 + 20 * h +---
* +----- |
* | +--- This is zero
* |
* +----------------- This is df/dx
* }}}
* Note that the derivative of f with respect to x is simply the infinitesimal
* component of the value of f(x + h). So, in order to take the derivative of
* any function, it is only necessary to replace the numeric "object" used in
* the function with one extended with infinitesimals. The class Jet, defined in
* this header, is one such example of this, where substitution is done with
* generics.
* To handle derivatives of functions taking multiple arguments, different
* infinitesimals are used, one for each variable to take the derivative of. For
* example, consider a scalar function of two scalar parameters x and y:
* {{{
* f(x, y) = x * x + x * y
* }}}
* Following the technique above, to compute the derivatives df/dx and df/dy for
* f(1, 3) involves doing two evaluations of f, the first time replacing x with
* x + h, the second time replacing y with y + h.
* For df/dx:
* {{{
* f(1 + h, y) = (1 + h) * (1 + h) + (1 + h) * 3
* = 1 + 2 * h + 3 + 3 * h
* = 4 + 5 * h
* Therefore df/dx = 5
* }}}
* For df/dy:
* {{{
* f(1, 3 + h) = 1 * 1 + 1 * (3 + h)
* = 1 + 3 + h
* = 4 + h
* Therefore df/dy = 1
* }}}
* To take the gradient of f with the implementation of dual numbers ("jets") in
* this file, it is necessary to create a single jet type which has components
* for the derivative in x and y, and pass them to a routine computing function f.
* It is convenient to use a generic version of f, that can be called also with non-jet numbers
* for standard evaluation:
* {{{
* def f[@specialized(Double) T : Field](x: T, y: T): T = x * x + x * y
* val xValue = 9.47892774
* val yValue = 0.287740
* // The "2" means there should be 2 dual number components.
* implicit val dimension = JetDim(2)
* val x: Jet[Double] = xValue + Jet.h[Double](0); // Pick the 0th dual number for x.
* val y: Jet[Double] = yValue + Jet.h[Double](1); // Pick the 1th dual number for y.
* val z: Jet[Double] = f(x, y);
* println("df/dx = " + z.infinitesimal(0) + ", df/dy = " + z.infinitesimal(1));
* }}}
* For the more mathematically inclined, this file implements first-order
* "jets". A 1st order jet is an element of the ring
* T[N] = T[t_1, ..., t_N] / (t_1, ..., t_N)^2
* which essentially means that each jet consists of a "scalar" value 'a' from T
* and a 1st order perturbation vector 'v' of length N:
* x = a + \sum_i v[i] t_i
* A shorthand is to write an element as x = a + u, where u is the perturbation.
* Then, the main point about the arithmetic of jets is that the product of
* perturbations is zero:
* {{{
* (a + u) * (b + v) = ab + av + bu + uv
* = ab + (av + bu) + 0
* }}}
* which is what operator* implements below. Addition is simpler:
* {{{
* (a + u) + (b + v) = (a + b) + (u + v).
* }}}
* The only remaining question is how to evaluate the function of a jet, for
* which we use the chain rule:
* {{{
* f(a + u) = f(a) + f'(a) u
* }}}
* where f'(a) is the (scalar) derivative of f at a.
* By pushing these things through generics, we can write routines that at same time
* evaluate mathematical functions and compute their derivatives through automatic differentiation.
object Jet extends JetInstances {
// No-arg c.tor makes a zero Jet
def apply[@sp(Float, Double) T]()(implicit c: ClassTag[T], d: JetDim, s: Semiring[T])
: Jet[T] = Jet(s.zero)
// From real.
def apply[@sp(Float, Double) T](real: T)(implicit c: ClassTag[T], d: JetDim, s: Semiring[T])
: Jet[T] = new Jet(real, Array.fill[T](d.dimension)(s.zero))
// From real, to compute k-th partial derivative.
def apply[@sp(Float, Double) T](a: T, k: Int)(implicit c: ClassTag[T], d: JetDim, r: Rig[T])
: Jet[T] = {
val v = Array.fill[T](d.dimension)(r.zero)
v(k) = r.one
new Jet(a, v)
// Zero real, indicator for k-th partial derivative.
def h[@sp(Float, Double) T](k: Int)(implicit c: ClassTag[T], d: JetDim, r: Rig[T]): Jet[T] =
Jet(r.zero, k)
def one[@sp(Float, Double) T](implicit c: ClassTag[T], d: JetDim, r: Rig[T]): Jet[T] = Jet(r.one)
def zero[@sp(Float, Double) T](implicit c: ClassTag[T], d: JetDim, s: Semiring[T]): Jet[T] = Jet(s.zero)
def fromInt[@sp(Float, Double) T](n: Int)(implicit c: ClassTag[T], d: JetDim, r: Ring[T]): Jet[T] =
implicit def intToJet(n: Int)(implicit d: JetDim): Jet[Double] = {
implicit def longToJet(n: Long)(implicit d: JetDim): Jet[Double] = {
implicit def floatToJet(n: Float)(implicit d: JetDim): Jet[Float] = {
new Jet(n.toFloat, Array.fill[Float](d.dimension)(0.0f))
implicit def doubleToJet(n: Double)(implicit d: JetDim): Jet[Double] = {
new Jet(n, Array.fill[Double](d.dimension)(0.0))
implicit def bigIntToJet(n: BigInt)(implicit d: JetDim): Jet[BigDecimal] = {
implicit def bigDecimalToJet(n: BigDecimal)(implicit d: JetDim): Jet[BigDecimal] = {
implicit val mc = n.mc
new Jet(n, Array.fill[BigDecimal](d.dimension)(0.0))
final case class Jet[@sp(Float, Double) T](real: T, infinitesimal: Array[T])
extends ScalaNumber with ScalaNumericConversions with Serializable { lhs =>
import spire.syntax.order._
def dimension: Int = infinitesimal.size
implicit def jetDimension: JetDim = JetDim(dimension)
* This is consistent with abs
def signum()(implicit r: Signed[T]): Int = real.signum()
def asTuple: (T, Array[T]) = (real, infinitesimal)
def isReal: Boolean = infinitesimal.forall(anyIsZero)
def isZero: Boolean = anyIsZero(real) && isReal
def isInfinitesimal(implicit r: IsReal[T]): Boolean = anyIsZero(real) && !isReal
def eqv(b: Jet[T])(implicit o: Eq[T]): Boolean = {
real === b.real && ArraySupport.eqv(infinitesimal, b.infinitesimal)
def neqv(b: Jet[T])(implicit o: Eq[T]): Boolean = {
!(this eqv b)
def unary_-()(implicit f: Field[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
new Jet(-real, -infinitesimal)
def +(b: T)(implicit f: Field[T]): Jet[T] = new Jet(real + b, infinitesimal)
def -(b: T)(implicit f: Field[T]): Jet[T] = new Jet(real - b, infinitesimal)
def *(b: T)(implicit f: Field[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
new Jet(real * b, infinitesimal :* b)
def /(b: T)(implicit f: Field[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
new Jet(real / b, infinitesimal :/ b)
def +(b: Jet[T])(implicit f: Field[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
new Jet(real + b.real, infinitesimal + b.infinitesimal)
def -(b: Jet[T])(implicit f: Field[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
new Jet(real - b.real, infinitesimal - b.infinitesimal)
// Multiplication rule for differentials:
// (a + du)(b + dv) ~= ab + a dv + b du
// because du dv ~= 0
def *(b: Jet[T])(implicit f: Field[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
new Jet(real * b.real, b.real *: infinitesimal + real *: b.infinitesimal)
def /(b: Jet[T])(implicit f: Field[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
// Division rule for differentials:
// a + du (a + du)(b - dv) ab - a dv + b du a a 1 a 1 a
// ------ = ---------------- ~= ---------------- = - - --- dv + - du = - + - * (du - - dv)
// b + dv (b + dv)(b - dv) b^2 b b^2 b b b b
// which holds because dv dv = du dv = 0.
val br_inv: T = f.one / b.real
val ar_div_br: T = real * br_inv
new Jet(ar_div_br, br_inv *: (infinitesimal - (ar_div_br *: b.infinitesimal)))
def /~(b: Jet[T])(implicit c: ClassTag[T], f: Field[T], r: IsReal[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
val q = this / b
new Jet[T](q.real.floor(), q.infinitesimal.map(r.floor))
def %(b: Jet[T])(implicit c: ClassTag[T], f: Field[T], r: IsReal[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
this - ((this /~ b) * b)
def /%(b: Jet[T])(implicit c: ClassTag[T], f: Field[T], r: IsReal[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): (Jet[T], Jet[T]) = {
val q = this /~ b
(q, this - (q * b))
def **(b: Int)(implicit e: Eq[T], f: Field[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = pow(b)
def nroot(k: Int)(
implicit e: Eq[T], f: Field[T], r: IsReal[T], t: Trig[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T])
: Jet[T] = {
def **(b: Jet[T])(implicit c: ClassTag[T], e: Eq[T], f: Field[T], r: IsReal[T], t: Trig[T],
v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
def floor()(implicit c: ClassTag[T], r: IsReal[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
new Jet(real.floor(), infinitesimal.map(r.floor))
def ceil()(implicit c: ClassTag[T], r: IsReal[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
new Jet(real.ceil(), infinitesimal.map(r.ceil))
def round()(implicit c: ClassTag[T], r: IsReal[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
new Jet(real.round(), infinitesimal.map(r.round))
// Elementary math functions
// In general, f(a + du) ~= f(a) + f'(a) du .
* abs(x + du) ~= x + du or -(x + du)
def abs()(implicit f: Field[T], r: IsReal[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
if (real < f.zero) new Jet(-real, -infinitesimal)
else this
// spire.math. does not define this pow generically, so there it is
private def powScalarToScalar(b: T, e: T)(implicit
f: Field[T], eq: Eq[T], r: IsReal[T], t: Trig[T]): T = {
if (e === f.zero) {
} else if (b === f.zero) {
if (e < f.zero) throw new Exception("raising 0 to a negative power")
else f.zero
} else {
spire.math.exp(e * spire.math.log(b))
// pow -- base is a constant, exponent (this) is a differentiable function.
// b^(p + du) ~= b^p + b^p * log(b) du
def powScalarToJet(a: T)(implicit
c: ClassTag[T], e: Eq[T], f: Field[T], m: Module[Array[T], T], r: IsReal[T], t: Trig[T]): Jet[T] = {
if (isZero) {
} else {
val tmp = powScalarToScalar(a, real)
new Jet(tmp, (spire.math.log(a) * tmp) *: infinitesimal)
* pow -- base (this) is a differentiable function, exponent is a constant.
* pow(a + du, p) ~= pow(a, p) + p * pow(a, p-1) du
def pow(p: T)(implicit
e: Eq[T], f: Field[T], r: IsReal[T], t: Trig[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
val tmp: T = p * powScalarToScalar(real, p - f.one)
new Jet(powScalarToScalar(real, p), tmp *: infinitesimal)
// As above, integer exponent.
def pow(p: Int)(implicit f: Field[T], e: Eq[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
val tmp = p * f.pow(real, p - 1)
new Jet(f.pow(real, p), tmp *: infinitesimal)
* pow -- both base (this) and exponent are differentiable functions.
* (a + du)^(b + dv) ~= a^b + b * a^(b-1) du + a^b log(a) dv
def pow(b: Jet[T])(implicit c: ClassTag[T], e: Eq[T], f: Field[T], m: Module[Array[T], T], r: IsReal[T], t: Trig[T])
: Jet[T] = {
if (b.isZero) {
} else {
val tmp1 = powScalarToScalar(real, b.real)
val tmp2 = b.real * powScalarToScalar(real, b.real - f.one)
val tmp3 = tmp1 * spire.math.log(real)
new Jet(tmp1, (tmp2 *: infinitesimal) + (tmp3 *: b.infinitesimal))
* log(a + du) ~= log(a) + du / a
def log()(implicit f: Field[T], t: Trig[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
new Jet(spire.math.log(real), (f.one / real) *: infinitesimal)
* sqrt(a + du) ~= sqrt(a) + du / (2 sqrt(a))
def sqrt()(implicit f: Field[T], n: NRoot[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
val sa = real.sqrt
val oneHalf = f.one / (f.one + f.one)
new Jet(sa, (oneHalf / sa) *: infinitesimal)
* acos(a + du) ~= acos(a) - 1 / sqrt(1 - a**2) du
def acos()(implicit f: Field[T], n: NRoot[T], t: Trig[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
val tmp = -f.one / spire.math.sqrt(f.one - real * real)
new Jet(spire.math.acos(real), tmp *: infinitesimal)
* asin(a + du) ~= asin(a) - 1 / sqrt(1 - a**2) du
def asin()(implicit f: Field[T], n: NRoot[T], t: Trig[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
val tmp = f.one / spire.math.sqrt(f.one - real * real)
new Jet(spire.math.asin(real), tmp *: infinitesimal)
* atan(a + du) ~= atan(a) + 1 / (1 + a**2) du
def atan()(implicit f: Field[T], n: NRoot[T], t: Trig[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
val tmp = f.one / (f.one + real * real)
new Jet(spire.math.atan(real), tmp *: infinitesimal)
* Defined with "this" as the y coordinate: this.atan2(a) == atan2(this, a) == atan(this / a)
* atan2(b + dv, a + du) ~= atan2(b, a) + (- b du + a dv) / (a^2 + b^2)
def atan2(a: Jet[T])(implicit f: Field[T], t: Trig[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
val tmp = f.one / (a.real * a.real + real * real)
new Jet(spire.math.atan2(real, a.real),
((tmp * (-real)) *: a.infinitesimal) + ((tmp * a.real) *: infinitesimal))
* exp(a + du) ~= exp(a) + exp(a) du
def exp()(implicit f: Field[T], t: Trig[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
val ea = spire.math.exp(real)
new Jet[T](ea, ea *: infinitesimal)
* sin(a + du) ~= sin(a) + cos(a) du
def sin()(implicit f: Field[T], t: Trig[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
new Jet(spire.math.sin(real), spire.math.cos(real) *: infinitesimal)
* sinh(a + du) ~= sinh(a) + cosh(a) du
def sinh()(implicit f: Field[T], t: Trig[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
new Jet(spire.math.sinh(real), spire.math.cosh(real) *: infinitesimal)
* cos(a + du) ~= cos(a) - sin(a) du
def cos()(implicit f: Field[T], t: Trig[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
new Jet(spire.math.cos(real), -spire.math.sin(real) *: infinitesimal)
* cosh(a + du) ~= cosh(a) + sinh(a) du
def cosh()(implicit f: Field[T], t: Trig[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
new Jet(spire.math.cosh(real), spire.math.sinh(real) *: infinitesimal)
* tan(a + du) ~= tan(a) + (1 + tan(a)**2) du
def tan()(implicit f: Field[T], t: Trig[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
val tan_a = spire.math.tan(real)
val tmp = f.one + tan_a * tan_a
new Jet(tan_a, tmp *: infinitesimal)
* tanh(a + du) ~= tanh(a) + (1 - tanh(a)**2) du
def tanh()(implicit f: Field[T], t: Trig[T], v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]): Jet[T] = {
val tanh_a = spire.math.tanh(real)
val tmp = f.one - tanh_a * tanh_a
new Jet(tanh_a, tmp *: infinitesimal)
// Stuff needed by ScalaNumber
override def floatValue: Float = doubleValue.toFloat
override def doubleValue: Double = anyToDouble(real)
override def byteValue: Byte = longValue.toByte
override def shortValue: Short = longValue.toShort
override def intValue: Int = longValue.toInt
override def longValue: Long = anyToLong(real)
override def underlying: Object = this
override def isWhole: Boolean = anyIsWhole(real) && isReal
override def isValidInt: Boolean = anyIsValidInt(real) && isReal
// Object stuff
override def hashCode: Int = {
if (isReal) real.##
else 13 * real.## + infinitesimal.foldLeft(53)((x, y) => x + y.## * 19)
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: Jet[_] => this === that
case that => isReal && real == that
def ===(that: Jet[_]): Boolean =
real == that.real && dimension == that.dimension &&
infinitesimal.zip(that.infinitesimal).forall{ case (x, y) => x == y }
def =!=(that: Jet[_]): Boolean =
!(this === that)
override def toString: String = {
"(%s + [%s]h)".format(real.toString, infinitesimal.mkString(", "))
trait JetInstances {
implicit def JetAlgebra[@sp(Float, Double) T](implicit
c: ClassTag[T], d: JetDim, eq: Eq[T], f: Field[T], n: NRoot[T],
t: Trig[T], r: IsReal[T]): JetAlgebra[T] = {
import spire.std.array.ArrayVectorSpace
new JetAlgebra[T]
implicit def JetEq[T : Eq]: Eq[Jet[T]] = new JetEq[T]
private[math] trait JetIsRing[@sp(Float, Double) T] extends Ring[Jet[T]] {
implicit def c: ClassTag[T]
implicit def d: JetDim
implicit def eq: Eq[T]
implicit def f: Field[T]
implicit def r: IsReal[T]
implicit def t: Trig[T]
implicit def v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]
override def minus(a: Jet[T], b: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a - b
def negate(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = -a
def one: Jet[T] = Jet.one[T](c, d, f)
def plus(a: Jet[T], b: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a + b
override def pow(a: Jet[T], b: Int): Jet[T] = a.pow(b)
override def times(a: Jet[T], b: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a * b
def zero: Jet[T] = Jet.zero(c, d, f)
override def fromInt(n: Int): Jet[T] = Jet.fromInt[T](n)
private[math] trait JetIsEuclideanRing[@sp(Float,Double) T]
extends JetIsRing[T] with EuclideanRing[Jet[T]] {
def quot(a: Jet[T], b: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a /~ b
def mod(a: Jet[T], b: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a % b
override def quotmod(a: Jet[T], b: Jet[T]): (Jet[T], Jet[T]) = a /% b
def gcd(a: Jet[T], b: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = {
@tailrec def _gcd(a: Jet[T], b: Jet[T]): Jet[T] =
if (b.isZero) a else _gcd(b, a - (a / b).round * b)
_gcd(a, b)
private[math] trait JetIsField[@sp(Float,Double) T]
extends JetIsEuclideanRing[T] with Field[Jet[T]] {
override def fromDouble(n: Double): Jet[T] = Jet(f.fromDouble(n))
def div(a: Jet[T], b: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a / b
def ceil(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a.ceil
def floor(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a.floor
def round(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a.round
def isWhole(a: Jet[T]): Boolean = a.isWhole
private[math] trait JetIsTrig[@sp(Float, Double) T] extends Trig[Jet[T]] {
implicit def c: ClassTag[T]
implicit def d: JetDim
implicit def f: Field[T]
implicit def n: NRoot[T]
implicit def r: IsReal[T]
implicit def t: Trig[T]
implicit def v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]
def e: Jet[T] = Jet(t.e)
def pi: Jet[T] = Jet(t.pi)
def exp(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a.exp
def expm1(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a.exp - f.one
def log(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a.log
def log1p(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = (a + f.one).log
def sin(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a.sin
def cos(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a.cos
def tan(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a.tan
def asin(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a.asin
def acos(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a.acos
def atan(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a.atan
def atan2(y: Jet[T], x: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = y.atan2(x)
def sinh(x: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = x.sinh
def cosh(x: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = x.cosh
def tanh(x: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = x.tanh
def toRadians(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a
def toDegrees(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a
private[math] trait JetIsNRoot[T] extends NRoot[Jet[T]] {
implicit def f: Field[T]
implicit def n: NRoot[T]
implicit def t: Trig[T]
implicit def r: IsReal[T]
implicit def c: ClassTag[T]
implicit def v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T]
def nroot(a: Jet[T], k: Int): Jet[T] = a.nroot(k)
override def sqrt(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a.sqrt
def fpow(a: Jet[T], b: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a.pow(b)
def fpow(a: T, b: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = b.powScalarToJet(a)
private[math] class JetEq[T : Eq] extends Eq[Jet[T]] with Serializable {
def eqv(x: Jet[T], y: Jet[T]): Boolean = x eqv y
override def neqv(x: Jet[T], y: Jet[T]): Boolean = x neqv y
private[math] trait JetIsSigned[T] extends Signed[Jet[T]] {
implicit def f: Field[T]
implicit def r: IsReal[T]
implicit def t: Trig[T]
implicit def v: VectorSpace[Array[T],T]
def signum(a: Jet[T]): Int = a.signum
def abs(a: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = a.abs
private[math] class JetAlgebra[@sp(Float, Double) T](implicit
val c: ClassTag[T], val d: JetDim, val eq: Eq[T], val f: Field[T], val n: NRoot[T],
val t: Trig[T], val r: IsReal[T], val v: VectorSpace[Array[T], T])
extends JetIsField[T]
with JetIsTrig[T]
with JetIsNRoot[T]
with JetIsSigned[T]
with VectorSpace[Jet[T], T]
with FieldAlgebra[Jet[T], T]
with Serializable {
def scalar: Field[T] = f
def nroot: NRoot[T] = n
def timesl(a: T, w: Jet[T]): Jet[T] = Jet(a) * w
def dot(x: Jet[T], y: Jet[T]): T = {
x.infinitesimal.zip(y.infinitesimal).foldLeft{scalar.times(x.real, y.real)}{
(xx, yy) => scalar.plus(xx, scalar.times(yy._1, yy._2))}
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