spire.math.UShort.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spire.math
import spire.algebra.{IsIntegral, Order, Rig, Signed}
object UShort extends UShortInstances {
@inline final def apply(n: Char): UShort = new UShort(n)
@inline final def apply(n: Short): UShort = new UShort(n.toChar)
@inline final def apply(n: Int): UShort = new UShort(n.toChar)
@inline final def MinValue: UShort = UShort(0)
@inline final def MaxValue: UShort = UShort(Char.MaxValue)
class UShort(val signed: Char) extends AnyVal {
def toByte: Byte = signed.toByte
def toChar: Char = signed
def toShort: Short = signed.toShort
def toInt: Int = signed.toInt
def toLong: Long = signed.toLong
def toFloat: Float = signed.toFloat
def toDouble: Double = signed.toDouble
def toBigInt: BigInt = BigInt(toInt)
def isValidByte: Boolean = signed == toByte
def isValidShort: Boolean = signed == toShort
def isValidChar: Boolean = true
def isValidInt: Boolean = true
def isValidLong: Boolean = true
override def toString: String = toInt.toString
def == (that: UShort): Boolean = this.signed == that.signed
def != (that: UShort): Boolean = this.signed != that.signed
def ===(that: UShort): Boolean = this.signed == that.signed
def =!=(that: UShort): Boolean = this.signed != that.signed
def <= (that: UShort): Boolean = this.signed <= that.signed
def < (that: UShort): Boolean = this.signed < that.signed
def >= (that: UShort): Boolean = this.signed >= that.signed
def > (that: UShort): Boolean = this.signed > that.signed
def unary_- : UShort = UShort(-this.signed)
def + (that: UShort): UShort = UShort(this.signed + that.signed)
def - (that: UShort): UShort = UShort(this.signed - that.signed)
def * (that: UShort): UShort = UShort(this.signed * that.signed)
def / (that: UShort): UShort = UShort(this.signed / that.signed)
def % (that: UShort): UShort = UShort(this.signed % that.signed)
def unary_~ : UShort = UShort(~this.signed)
def << (shift: Int): UShort = UShort((signed & 0xffff) << (shift & 15))
def >> (shift: Int): UShort = UShort((signed & 0xffff) >>> (shift & 15))
def >>> (shift: Int): UShort = UShort((signed & 0xffff) >>> (shift & 15))
def & (that: UShort): UShort = UShort(this.signed & that.signed)
def | (that: UShort): UShort = UShort(this.signed | that.signed)
def ^ (that: UShort): UShort = UShort(this.signed ^ that.signed)
def ** (that: UShort): UShort = UShort(pow(this.toLong, that.toLong).toChar)
trait UShortInstances {
implicit final val UShortAlgebra = new UShortAlgebra
implicit final val UShortBitString = new UShortBitString
import spire.math.NumberTag._
implicit final val UShortTag = new UnsignedIntTag[UShort](UShort.MinValue, UShort.MaxValue)
private[math] trait UShortIsRig extends Rig[UShort] {
def one: UShort = UShort(1)
def plus(a:UShort, b:UShort): UShort = a + b
override def pow(a:UShort, b:Int): UShort = {
if (b < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative exponent: %s" format b)
a ** UShort(b)
override def times(a:UShort, b:UShort): UShort = a * b
def zero: UShort = UShort(0)
private[math] trait UShortOrder extends Order[UShort] {
override def eqv(x:UShort, y:UShort): Boolean = x == y
override def neqv(x:UShort, y:UShort): Boolean = x != y
override def gt(x: UShort, y: UShort): Boolean = x > y
override def gteqv(x: UShort, y: UShort): Boolean = x >= y
override def lt(x: UShort, y: UShort): Boolean = x < y
override def lteqv(x: UShort, y: UShort): Boolean = x <= y
def compare(x: UShort, y: UShort): Int = if (x < y) -1 else if (x > y) 1 else 0
private[math] class UShortBitString extends BitString[UShort] with Serializable {
def one: UShort = UShort(-1: Short)
def zero: UShort = UShort(0: Short)
def and(a: UShort, b: UShort): UShort = a & b
def or(a: UShort, b: UShort): UShort = a | b
def complement(a: UShort): UShort = ~a
override def xor(a: UShort, b: UShort): UShort = a ^ b
def signed: Boolean = false
def width: Int = 16
def toHexString(n: UShort): String = Integer.toHexString(n.toInt)
def bitCount(n: UShort): Int = Integer.bitCount(n.toInt)
def highestOneBit(n: UShort): UShort = UShort(Integer.highestOneBit(n.toInt))
def lowestOneBit(n: UShort): UShort = UShort(Integer.lowestOneBit(n.toInt))
def numberOfLeadingZeros(n: UShort): Int = Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(n.toInt)
def numberOfTrailingZeros(n: UShort): Int = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(n.toInt)
def leftShift(n: UShort, i: Int): UShort = n << i
def rightShift(n: UShort, i: Int): UShort = n >> i
def signedRightShift(n: UShort, i: Int): UShort = n >>> i
def rotateLeft(n: UShort, i: Int): UShort = {
val j = i & 15
(n << j) | (n >>> (16 - j))
def rotateRight(n: UShort, i: Int): UShort = {
val j = i & 15
(n >>> j) | (n << (16 - j))
private[math] trait UShortIsSigned extends Signed[UShort] {
def signum(a: UShort): Int = java.lang.Integer.signum(a.signed) & 1
def abs(a: UShort): UShort = a
private[math] trait UShortIsReal extends IsIntegral[UShort] with UShortOrder with UShortIsSigned {
def toDouble(n: UShort): Double = n.toDouble
def toBigInt(n: UShort): BigInt = n.toBigInt
private[math] class UShortAlgebra extends UShortIsRig with UShortIsReal with Serializable
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