spire.random.Random.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spire.random
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, Builder}
import scala.collection.SeqLike
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.{specialized => spec}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
sealed trait Op[+A] {
def flatMap[B](f: A => Op[B]): Op[B] =
this match {
case FlatMap(a, g) => FlatMap(a, (x: Any) => g(x).flatMap(f))
case o => FlatMap(o, f)
def map[B](f: A => B): Op[B] =
flatMap(a => Const(f(a)))
final def resume(gen: Generator): Either[() => Op[A], A] =
this match {
case Const(a) =>
case More(k) =>
case Next(f) =>
case FlatMap(a, f) =>
a match {
case Const(x) => f(x).resume(gen)
case More(k) => Left(() => FlatMap(k(), f))
case Next(g) => f(g(gen)).resume(gen)
case FlatMap(b, g) => (FlatMap(b, (x: Any) => FlatMap(g(x), f)): Op[A]).resume(gen)
def run(gen: Generator): A = {
def loop(e: Either[() => Op[A], A]): A = e match {
case Right(a) => a
case Left(k) => loop(k().resume(gen))
case class Const[+A](a: A) extends Op[A]
case class More[+A](k: () => Op[A]) extends Op[A]
case class Next[+A](f: Generator => A) extends Op[A]
case class FlatMap[A, +B](sub: Op[A], k: A => Op[B]) extends Op[B]
object Random extends RandomCompanion[rng.Cmwc5] {
def initGenerator(): spire.random.rng.Cmwc5 = rng.Cmwc5.fromTime()
def spawn[B](op: Op[B]): RandomCmwc5[B] = new RandomCmwc5(op)
trait RandomCompanion[G <: Generator] { self =>
type R[X] = Random[X, G]
def initGenerator(): G //IO
def generatorFromSeed(seed: Seed): G = {
val gen = initGenerator()
def spawn[B](op: Op[B]): R[B]
def next[B](f: Generator => B): R[B] = spawn(Next(f))
def fromDist[B](dist: Dist[B]): R[B] = spawn(Next(g => dist(g)))
def constant[B](b: B): R[B] = spawn(Const(b))
def unit: R[Unit] = constant(Unit)
def boolean: R[Boolean] = next(_.nextBoolean)
def byte: R[Byte] = next(_.nextInt.toByte)
def short: R[Short] = next(_.nextInt.toShort)
def char: R[Char] = next(_.nextInt.toChar)
def int: R[Int] = next(_.nextInt)
def int(n: Int): R[Int] = next(_.nextInt(n))
def int(n1: Int, n2: Int): R[Int] = next(_.nextInt(n1, n2))
def float: R[Float] = next(_.nextFloat)
def long: R[Long] = next(_.nextLong)
def double: R[Double] = next(_.nextDouble)
def string(size: Size): R[String] =
def stringOfSize(n: Int): Random[String, G] =
char.foldLeftOfSize(n)(new StringBuilder) { (sb, c) => sb.append(c); sb }.map(_.toString)
implicit class RandomOps[A](lhs: R[A]) {
def collection[CC[_]](size: Size)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[CC[A], A, CC[A]]): Random[CC[A], G] =
def collectionOfSize[CC[_]](n: Int)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[CC[A], A, CC[A]]): Random[CC[A], G] =
foldLeftOfSize(n)(cbf()) { (b, a) => b += a; b }.map(_.result)
def foldLeftOfSize[B](n: Int)(init: => B)(f: (B, A) => B): Random[B, G] = {
def loop(n: Int, ma: Op[A]): Op[B] =
if (n <= 0) Const(init)
else More(() => loop(n - 1, ma)).flatMap(b => ma.map(a => f(b, a)))
spawn(loop(n, More(() => lhs.op)))
def unfold[B](init: B)(f: (B, A) => Option[B]): Random[B, G] = {
def loop(mb: Op[B], ma: Op[A]): Op[B] =
mb.flatMap(b => ma.flatMap(a => f(b, a) match {
case Some(b2) => More(() => loop(Const(b2), ma))
case None => Const(b)
spawn(loop(Const(init), More(() => lhs.op)))
def tuple2[A, B](r1: R[A], r2: R[B]): R[(A, B)] =
r1 and r2
def tuple3[A, B, C](r1: R[A], r2: R[B], r3: R[C]): R[(A, B, C)] =
for { a <- r1; b <- r2; c <- r3 } yield (a, b, c)
def tuple4[A, B, C, D](r1: R[A], r2: R[B], r3: R[C], r4: R[D]): R[(A, B, C, D)] =
for { a <- r1; b <- r2; c <- r3; d <- r4 } yield (a, b, c, d)
abstract class Random[+A, G <: Generator](val op: Op[A]) { self =>
def companion: RandomCompanion[G]
def map[B](f: A => B): Random[B, G] =
def flatMap[B](f: A => Random[B, G]): Random[B, G] =
def run(): A =
op.run(companion.initGenerator) //IO
def run(seed: Seed): A = { //IO
val gen = companion.initGenerator()
def some: Random[Some[A], G] = map(Some(_))
def left: Random[Left[A, Nothing], G] = map(Left(_))
def right: Random[Right[Nothing, A], G] = map(Right(_))
def option: Random[Option[A], G] =
companion.boolean.flatMap(b => if (b) some else companion.constant(None))
def or[B](that: Random[B, G]): Random[Either[A, B], G] =
companion.boolean.flatMap(b => if (b) left else that.right)
def and[B](that: Random[B, G]): Random[(A, B), G] =
for { a <- this; b <- that } yield (a, b)
def recurse[B](body: => Random[B, G]): Random[B, G] =
companion.spawn(More(() => body.op))
def list(size: Size): Random[List[A], G] =
def listOfSize(n: Int): Random[List[A], G] =
companion.RandomOps(this).foldLeftOfSize(n)(List.empty[A])((as, a) => a :: as)
class RandomCmwc5[+A](op: Op[A]) extends Random[A, rng.Cmwc5](op) {
def companion: Random.type = Random
sealed trait Size {
def random[G <: Generator](r: RandomCompanion[G]): Random[Int, G]
object Size {
def apply(n: Int): Size = Exact(n)
def upTo(n: Int): Size = Between(0, n)
def between(n1: Int, n2: Int): Size = Between(n1, n2)
case class Exact(n: Int) extends Size {
def random[G <: Generator](r: RandomCompanion[G]): Random[Int, G] = r.spawn(Const(n))
case class Between(n1: Int, n2: Int) extends Size {
def random[G <: Generator](r: RandomCompanion[G]): Random[Int, G] = r.int(n1, n2)
class Seed private[spire] (private[spire] val bytes: Array[Byte])
object Seed {
val zero = Seed(Array[Byte](0, 0, 0, 0))
def apply(n: Int): Seed = new Seed(spire.util.Pack.intToBytes(n))
def apply(n: Long): Seed = new Seed(spire.util.Pack.longToBytes(n))
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte]): Seed = new Seed(bytes.clone)
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