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org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.kafka.KafkaProperties Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2012-2018 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.kafka;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.kafka.clients.CommonClientConfigs;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.SslConfigs;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer;

import org.springframework.kafka.listener.AbstractMessageListenerContainer.AckMode;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;

 * Configuration properties for Spring for Apache Kafka.

* Users should refer to Kafka documentation for complete descriptions of these * properties. * * @author Gary Russell * @author Stephane Nicoll * @author Artem Bilan * @since 1.5.0 */ @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.kafka") public class KafkaProperties { /** * Comma-delimited list of host:port pairs to use for establishing the initial * connection to the Kafka cluster. */ private List bootstrapServers = new ArrayList( Collections.singletonList("localhost:9092")); /** * Id to pass to the server when making requests; used for server-side logging. */ private String clientId; /** * Additional properties used to configure the client. */ private Map properties = new HashMap(); private final Consumer consumer = new Consumer(); private final Producer producer = new Producer(); private final Listener listener = new Listener(); private final Ssl ssl = new Ssl(); private final Template template = new Template(); public List getBootstrapServers() { return this.bootstrapServers; } public void setBootstrapServers(List bootstrapServers) { this.bootstrapServers = bootstrapServers; } public String getClientId() { return this.clientId; } public void setClientId(String clientId) { this.clientId = clientId; } public Map getProperties() { return; } public void setProperties(Map properties) { = properties; } public Consumer getConsumer() { return this.consumer; } public Producer getProducer() { return this.producer; } public Listener getListener() { return this.listener; } public Ssl getSsl() { return this.ssl; } public Template getTemplate() { return this.template; } private Map buildCommonProperties() { Map properties = new HashMap(); if (this.bootstrapServers != null) { properties.put(CommonClientConfigs.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, this.bootstrapServers); } if (this.clientId != null) { properties.put(CommonClientConfigs.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, this.clientId); } if (this.ssl.getKeyPassword() != null) { properties.put(SslConfigs.SSL_KEY_PASSWORD_CONFIG, this.ssl.getKeyPassword()); } if (this.ssl.getKeystoreLocation() != null) { properties.put(SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_LOCATION_CONFIG, resourceToPath(this.ssl.getKeystoreLocation())); } if (this.ssl.getKeystorePassword() != null) { properties.put(SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_CONFIG, this.ssl.getKeystorePassword()); } if (this.ssl.getTruststoreLocation() != null) { properties.put(SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION_CONFIG, resourceToPath(this.ssl.getTruststoreLocation())); } if (this.ssl.getTruststorePassword() != null) { properties.put(SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_CONFIG, this.ssl.getTruststorePassword()); } if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty( { properties.putAll(; } return properties; } /** * Create an initial map of consumer properties from the state of this instance. *

* This allows you to add additional properties, if necessary, and override the * default kafkaConsumerFactory bean. * @return the consumer properties initialized with the customizations defined on this * instance */ public Map buildConsumerProperties() { Map properties = buildCommonProperties(); properties.putAll(this.consumer.buildProperties()); return properties; } /** * Create an initial map of producer properties from the state of this instance. *

* This allows you to add additional properties, if necessary, and override the * default kafkaProducerFactory bean. * @return the producer properties initialized with the customizations defined on this * instance */ public Map buildProducerProperties() { Map properties = buildCommonProperties(); properties.putAll(this.producer.buildProperties()); return properties; } private static String resourceToPath(Resource resource) { try { return resource.getFile().getAbsolutePath(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Resource '" + resource + "' must be on a file system", ex); } } public static class Consumer { private final Ssl ssl = new Ssl(); /** * Frequency in milliseconds that the consumer offsets are auto-committed to Kafka * if '' true. */ private Integer autoCommitInterval; /** * What to do when there is no initial offset in Kafka or if the current offset * does not exist any more on the server. */ private String autoOffsetReset; /** * Comma-delimited list of host:port pairs to use for establishing the initial * connection to the Kafka cluster. */ private List bootstrapServers; /** * Id to pass to the server when making requests; used for server-side logging. */ private String clientId; /** * If true the consumer's offset will be periodically committed in the background. */ private Boolean enableAutoCommit; /** * Maximum amount of time in milliseconds the server will block before answering * the fetch request if there isn't sufficient data to immediately satisfy the * requirement given by "fetch.min.bytes". */ private Integer fetchMaxWait; /** * Minimum amount of data the server should return for a fetch request in bytes. */ private Integer fetchMinSize; /** * Unique string that identifies the consumer group this consumer belongs to. */ private String groupId; /** * Expected time in milliseconds between heartbeats to the consumer coordinator. */ private Integer heartbeatInterval; /** * Deserializer class for keys. */ private Class keyDeserializer = StringDeserializer.class; /** * Deserializer class for values. */ private Class valueDeserializer = StringDeserializer.class; /** * Maximum number of records returned in a single call to poll(). */ private Integer maxPollRecords; public Ssl getSsl() { return this.ssl; } public Integer getAutoCommitInterval() { return this.autoCommitInterval; } public void setAutoCommitInterval(Integer autoCommitInterval) { this.autoCommitInterval = autoCommitInterval; } public String getAutoOffsetReset() { return this.autoOffsetReset; } public void setAutoOffsetReset(String autoOffsetReset) { this.autoOffsetReset = autoOffsetReset; } public List getBootstrapServers() { return this.bootstrapServers; } public void setBootstrapServers(List bootstrapServers) { this.bootstrapServers = bootstrapServers; } public String getClientId() { return this.clientId; } public void setClientId(String clientId) { this.clientId = clientId; } public Boolean getEnableAutoCommit() { return this.enableAutoCommit; } public void setEnableAutoCommit(Boolean enableAutoCommit) { this.enableAutoCommit = enableAutoCommit; } public Integer getFetchMaxWait() { return this.fetchMaxWait; } public void setFetchMaxWait(Integer fetchMaxWait) { this.fetchMaxWait = fetchMaxWait; } public Integer getFetchMinSize() { return this.fetchMinSize; } public void setFetchMinSize(Integer fetchMinSize) { this.fetchMinSize = fetchMinSize; } public String getGroupId() { return this.groupId; } public void setGroupId(String groupId) { this.groupId = groupId; } public Integer getHeartbeatInterval() { return this.heartbeatInterval; } public void setHeartbeatInterval(Integer heartbeatInterval) { this.heartbeatInterval = heartbeatInterval; } public Class getKeyDeserializer() { return this.keyDeserializer; } public void setKeyDeserializer(Class keyDeserializer) { this.keyDeserializer = keyDeserializer; } public Class getValueDeserializer() { return this.valueDeserializer; } public void setValueDeserializer(Class valueDeserializer) { this.valueDeserializer = valueDeserializer; } public Integer getMaxPollRecords() { return this.maxPollRecords; } public void setMaxPollRecords(Integer maxPollRecords) { this.maxPollRecords = maxPollRecords; } public Map buildProperties() { Map properties = new HashMap(); if (this.autoCommitInterval != null) { properties.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG, this.autoCommitInterval); } if (this.autoOffsetReset != null) { properties.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, this.autoOffsetReset); } if (this.bootstrapServers != null) { properties.put(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, this.bootstrapServers); } if (this.clientId != null) { properties.put(ConsumerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, this.clientId); } if (this.enableAutoCommit != null) { properties.put(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, this.enableAutoCommit); } if (this.fetchMaxWait != null) { properties.put(ConsumerConfig.FETCH_MAX_WAIT_MS_CONFIG, this.fetchMaxWait); } if (this.fetchMinSize != null) { properties.put(ConsumerConfig.FETCH_MIN_BYTES_CONFIG, this.fetchMinSize); } if (this.groupId != null) { properties.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, this.groupId); } if (this.heartbeatInterval != null) { properties.put(ConsumerConfig.HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG, this.heartbeatInterval); } if (this.keyDeserializer != null) { properties.put(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, this.keyDeserializer); } if (this.ssl.getKeyPassword() != null) { properties.put(SslConfigs.SSL_KEY_PASSWORD_CONFIG, this.ssl.getKeyPassword()); } if (this.ssl.getKeystoreLocation() != null) { properties.put(SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_LOCATION_CONFIG, resourceToPath(this.ssl.getKeystoreLocation())); } if (this.ssl.getKeystorePassword() != null) { properties.put(SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_CONFIG, this.ssl.getKeystorePassword()); } if (this.ssl.getTruststoreLocation() != null) { properties.put(SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION_CONFIG, resourceToPath(this.ssl.getTruststoreLocation())); } if (this.ssl.getTruststorePassword() != null) { properties.put(SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_CONFIG, this.ssl.getTruststorePassword()); } if (this.valueDeserializer != null) { properties.put(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, this.valueDeserializer); } if (this.maxPollRecords != null) { properties.put(ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_RECORDS_CONFIG, this.maxPollRecords); } return properties; } } public static class Producer { private final Ssl ssl = new Ssl(); /** * Number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received * before considering a request complete. */ private String acks; /** * Default batch size in bytes. A small batch size will make batching less common * and may reduce throughput (a batch size of zero disables batching entirely). */ private Integer batchSize; /** * Comma-delimited list of host:port pairs to use for establishing the initial * connection to the Kafka cluster. */ private List bootstrapServers; /** * Total bytes of memory the producer can use to buffer records waiting to be sent * to the server. */ private Long bufferMemory; /** * Id to pass to the server when making requests; used for server-side logging. */ private String clientId; /** * Compression type for all data generated by the producer. */ private String compressionType; /** * Serializer class for keys. */ private Class keySerializer = StringSerializer.class; /** * Serializer class for values. */ private Class valueSerializer = StringSerializer.class; /** * When greater than zero, enables retrying of failed sends. */ private Integer retries; public Ssl getSsl() { return this.ssl; } public String getAcks() { return this.acks; } public void setAcks(String acks) { this.acks = acks; } public Integer getBatchSize() { return this.batchSize; } public void setBatchSize(Integer batchSize) { this.batchSize = batchSize; } public List getBootstrapServers() { return this.bootstrapServers; } public void setBootstrapServers(List bootstrapServers) { this.bootstrapServers = bootstrapServers; } public Long getBufferMemory() { return this.bufferMemory; } public void setBufferMemory(Long bufferMemory) { this.bufferMemory = bufferMemory; } public String getClientId() { return this.clientId; } public void setClientId(String clientId) { this.clientId = clientId; } public String getCompressionType() { return this.compressionType; } public void setCompressionType(String compressionType) { this.compressionType = compressionType; } public Class getKeySerializer() { return this.keySerializer; } public void setKeySerializer(Class keySerializer) { this.keySerializer = keySerializer; } public Class getValueSerializer() { return this.valueSerializer; } public void setValueSerializer(Class valueSerializer) { this.valueSerializer = valueSerializer; } public Integer getRetries() { return this.retries; } public void setRetries(Integer retries) { this.retries = retries; } public Map buildProperties() { Map properties = new HashMap(); if (this.acks != null) { properties.put(ProducerConfig.ACKS_CONFIG, this.acks); } if (this.batchSize != null) { properties.put(ProducerConfig.BATCH_SIZE_CONFIG, this.batchSize); } if (this.bootstrapServers != null) { properties.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, this.bootstrapServers); } if (this.bufferMemory != null) { properties.put(ProducerConfig.BUFFER_MEMORY_CONFIG, this.bufferMemory); } if (this.clientId != null) { properties.put(ProducerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, this.clientId); } if (this.compressionType != null) { properties.put(ProducerConfig.COMPRESSION_TYPE_CONFIG, this.compressionType); } if (this.keySerializer != null) { properties.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, this.keySerializer); } if (this.retries != null) { properties.put(ProducerConfig.RETRIES_CONFIG, this.retries); } if (this.ssl.getKeyPassword() != null) { properties.put(SslConfigs.SSL_KEY_PASSWORD_CONFIG, this.ssl.getKeyPassword()); } if (this.ssl.getKeystoreLocation() != null) { properties.put(SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_LOCATION_CONFIG, resourceToPath(this.ssl.getKeystoreLocation())); } if (this.ssl.getKeystorePassword() != null) { properties.put(SslConfigs.SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_CONFIG, this.ssl.getKeystorePassword()); } if (this.ssl.getTruststoreLocation() != null) { properties.put(SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION_CONFIG, resourceToPath(this.ssl.getTruststoreLocation())); } if (this.ssl.getTruststorePassword() != null) { properties.put(SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_CONFIG, this.ssl.getTruststorePassword()); } if (this.valueSerializer != null) { properties.put(ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, this.valueSerializer); } return properties; } } public static class Template { /** * Default topic to which messages will be sent. */ private String defaultTopic; public String getDefaultTopic() { return this.defaultTopic; } public void setDefaultTopic(String defaultTopic) { this.defaultTopic = defaultTopic; } } public static class Listener { /** * Listener AckMode; see the spring-kafka documentation. */ private AckMode ackMode; /** * Number of threads to run in the listener containers. */ private Integer concurrency; /** * Timeout in milliseconds to use when polling the consumer. */ private Long pollTimeout; /** * Number of records between offset commits when ackMode is "COUNT" or * "COUNT_TIME". */ private Integer ackCount; /** * Time in milliseconds between offset commits when ackMode is "TIME" or * "COUNT_TIME". */ private Long ackTime; public AckMode getAckMode() { return this.ackMode; } public void setAckMode(AckMode ackMode) { this.ackMode = ackMode; } public Integer getConcurrency() { return this.concurrency; } public void setConcurrency(Integer concurrency) { this.concurrency = concurrency; } public Long getPollTimeout() { return this.pollTimeout; } public void setPollTimeout(Long pollTimeout) { this.pollTimeout = pollTimeout; } public Integer getAckCount() { return this.ackCount; } public void setAckCount(Integer ackCount) { this.ackCount = ackCount; } public Long getAckTime() { return this.ackTime; } public void setAckTime(Long ackTime) { this.ackTime = ackTime; } } public static class Ssl { /** * Password of the private key in the key store file. */ private String keyPassword; /** * Location of the key store file. */ private Resource keystoreLocation; /** * Store password for the key store file. */ private String keystorePassword; /** * Location of the trust store file. */ private Resource truststoreLocation; /** * Store password for the trust store file. */ private String truststorePassword; public String getKeyPassword() { return this.keyPassword; } public void setKeyPassword(String keyPassword) { this.keyPassword = keyPassword; } public Resource getKeystoreLocation() { return this.keystoreLocation; } public void setKeystoreLocation(Resource keystoreLocation) { this.keystoreLocation = keystoreLocation; } public String getKeystorePassword() { return this.keystorePassword; } public void setKeystorePassword(String keystorePassword) { this.keystorePassword = keystorePassword; } public Resource getTruststoreLocation() { return this.truststoreLocation; } public void setTruststoreLocation(Resource truststoreLocation) { this.truststoreLocation = truststoreLocation; } public String getTruststorePassword() { return this.truststorePassword; } public void setTruststorePassword(String truststorePassword) { this.truststorePassword = truststorePassword; } } }

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