org.springframework.boot.json.JsonWriter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2012-2024 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.boot.json;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
import org.springframework.boot.json.JsonValueWriter.Series;
import org.springframework.boot.json.JsonWriter.Member.Extractor;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
* Interface that can be used to write JSON output. Typically used to generate JSON when a
* dependency on a fully marshalling library (such as Jackson or Gson) cannot be assumed.
* For standard Java types, the {@link #standard()} factory method may be used to obtain
* an instance of this interface. It supports {@link String}, {@link Number} and
* {@link Boolean} as well as {@link Collection}, {@code Array}, {@link Map} and
* {@link WritableJson} types. Typical usage would be:
* JsonWriter<Map<String,Object>> writer = JsonWriter.standard();
* writer.write(Map.of("Hello", "World!"), out);
* More complex mappings can be created using the {@link #of(Consumer)} method with a
* callback to configure the {@link Members JSON members} that should be written. Typical
* usage would be:
* JsonWriter<Person> writer = JsonWriter.of((members) -> {
* members.add("first", Person::firstName);
* members.add("last", Person::lastName);
* members.add("dob", Person::dateOfBirth)
* .whenNotNull()
* .as(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE::format);
* });
* writer.write(person, out);
* The {@link #writeToString(Object)} method can be used if you want to write the JSON
* directly to a {@link String}. To write to other types of output, the
* {@link #write(Object)} method may be used to obtain a {@link WritableJson} instance.
* @param the type being written
* @author Phillip Webb
* @author Moritz Halbritter
* @since 3.4.0
public interface JsonWriter {
* Write the given instance to the provided {@link Appendable}.
* @param instance the instance to write (may be {@code null}
* @param out the output that should receive the JSON
* @throws IOException on IO error
void write(T instance, Appendable out) throws IOException;
* Write the given instance to a JSON string.
* @param instance the instance to write (may be {@code null})
* @return the JSON string
default String writeToString(T instance) {
return write(instance).toJsonString();
* Provide a {@link WritableJson} implementation that may be used to write the given
* instance to various outputs.
* @param instance the instance to write (may be {@code null})
* @return a {@link WritableJson} instance that may be used to write the JSON
default WritableJson write(T instance) {
return WritableJson.of((out) -> write(instance, out));
* Return a new {@link JsonWriter} instance that appends a new line after the JSON has
* been written.
* @return a new {@link JsonWriter} instance that appends a new line after the JSON
default JsonWriter withNewLineAtEnd() {
return withSuffix("\n");
* Return a new {@link JsonWriter} instance that appends the given suffix after the
* JSON has been written.
* @param suffix the suffix to write, if any
* @return a new {@link JsonWriter} instance that appends a suffixafter the JSON
default JsonWriter withSuffix(String suffix) {
if (!StringUtils.hasLength(suffix)) {
return this;
return (instance, out) -> {
write(instance, out);
* Factory method to return a {@link JsonWriter} for standard Java types. See
* {@link JsonValueWriter class-level javadoc} for details.
* @param the type to write
* @return a {@link JsonWriter} instance
static JsonWriter standard() {
return of(Members::add);
* Factory method to return a {@link JsonWriter} with specific {@link Members member
* mapping}. See {@link JsonValueWriter class-level javadoc} and {@link Members} for
* details.
* @param the type to write
* @param members a consumer, which should configure the members
* @return a {@link JsonWriter} instance
* @see Members
static JsonWriter of(Consumer> members) {
// Don't inline 'new Members' (must be outside of lambda)
Members initializedMembers = new Members<>(members, false);
return (instance, out) -> initializedMembers.write(instance, new JsonValueWriter(out));
* Callback used to configure JSON members. Individual members can be declared using
* the various {@code add(...)} methods. Typically, members are declared with a
* {@code "name"} and a {@link Function} that will extract the value from the
* instance. Members can also be declared using a static value or a {@link Supplier}.
* The {@link #add(String)} and {@link #add()} methods may be used to access the
* actual instance being written.
* Members can be added without a {@code name} when a {@code Member.using(...)} method
* is used to complete the definition.
* Members can filtered using {@code Member.when} methods and adapted to different
* types using {@link Member#as(Function) Member.as(...)}.
* @param the type that will be written
final class Members {
private final List> members = new ArrayList<>();
private final boolean contributesPair;
private final Series series;
private final JsonWriterFiltersAndProcessors jsonProcessors = new JsonWriterFiltersAndProcessors();
Members(Consumer> members, boolean contributesToExistingSeries) {
Assert.notNull(members, "'members' must not be null");
Assert.state(!this.members.isEmpty(), "No members have been added");
this.contributesPair = this.members.stream().anyMatch(Member::contributesPair);
this.series = (this.contributesPair && !contributesToExistingSeries) ? Series.OBJECT : null;
if (this.contributesPair || this.members.size() > 1) {
this.members.forEach((member) -> Assert.state(member.contributesPair(),
() -> String.format("%s does not contribute a named pair, ensure that all members have "
+ "a name or call an appropriate 'using' method", member)));
* Add a new member with access to the instance being written.
* @param name the member name
* @return the added {@link Member} which may be configured further
public Member add(String name) {
return add(name, (instance) -> instance);
* Add a new member with a static value.
* @param the value type
* @param name the member name
* @param value the member value
* @return the added {@link Member} which may be configured further
public Member add(String name, V value) {
return add(name, (instance) -> value);
* Add a new member with a supplied value.
* @param the value type
* @param name the member name
* @param supplier a supplier of the value
* @return the added {@link Member} which may be configured further
public Member add(String name, Supplier supplier) {
Assert.notNull(supplier, "'supplier' must not be null");
return add(name, (instance) -> supplier.get());
* Add a new member with an extracted value.
* @param the value type
* @param name the member name
* @param extractor a function to extract the value
* @return the added {@link Member} which may be configured further
public Member add(String name, Function extractor) {
Assert.notNull(name, "'name' must not be null");
Assert.notNull(extractor, "'extractor' must not be null");
return addMember(name, extractor);
* Add a new member with access to the instance being written. The member is added
* without a name, so one of the {@code Member.using(...)} methods must be used to
* complete the configuration.
* @return the added {@link Member} which may be configured further
public Member add() {
return from(Function.identity());
* Add all entries from the given {@link Map} to the JSON.
* @param the map type
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param extractor a function to extract the map
* @return the added {@link Member} which may be configured further
public , K, V> Member addMapEntries(Function extractor) {
return from(extractor).usingPairs(Map::forEach);
* Add members from a static value. One of the {@code Member.using(...)} methods
* must be used to complete the configuration.
* @param the value type
* @param value the member value
* @return the added {@link Member} which may be configured further
public Member from(V value) {
return from((instance) -> value);
* Add members from a supplied value. One of the {@code Member.using(...)} methods
* must be used to complete the configuration.
* @param the value type
* @param supplier a supplier of the value
* @return the added {@link Member} which may be configured further
public Member from(Supplier supplier) {
Assert.notNull(supplier, "'supplier' must not be null");
return from((instance) -> supplier.get());
* Add members from an extracted value. One of the {@code Member.using(...)}
* methods must be used to complete the configuration.
* @param the value type
* @param extractor a function to extract the value
* @return the added {@link Member} which may be configured further
public Member from(Function extractor) {
Assert.notNull(extractor, "'extractor' must not be null");
return addMember(null, extractor);
* Add a filter that will be used to restrict the members written to the JSON.
* @param predicate the predicate used to filter members
public void applyingPathFilter(Predicate predicate) {
Assert.notNull(predicate, "'predicate' must not be null");
* Add the a {@link NameProcessor} to be applied when the JSON is written.
* @param nameProcessor the name processor to add
public void applyingNameProcessor(NameProcessor nameProcessor) {
Assert.notNull(nameProcessor, "'nameProcessor' must not be null");
* Add the a {@link ValueProcessor} to be applied when the JSON is written.
* @param valueProcessor the value processor to add
public void applyingValueProcessor(ValueProcessor> valueProcessor) {
Assert.notNull(valueProcessor, "'valueProcessor' must not be null");
private Member addMember(String name, Function extractor) {
Member member = new Member<>(this.members.size(), name, Extractor.of(extractor));
return member;
* Writes the given instance using the configured {@link Member members}.
* @param instance the instance to write
* @param valueWriter the JSON value writer to use
void write(T instance, JsonValueWriter valueWriter) {
for (Member> member : this.members) {
member.write(instance, valueWriter);
* Return if any of the members contributes a name/value pair to the JSON.
* @return if a name/value pair is contributed
boolean contributesPair() {
return this.contributesPair;
* A member that contributes JSON. Typically, a member will contribute a single
* name/value pair based on an extracted value. They may also contribute more complex
* JSON structures when configured with one of the {@code using(...)} methods.
* The {@code when(...)} methods may be used to filter a member (omit it entirely from
* the JSON). The {@link #as(Function)} method can be used to adapt to a different
* type.
* @param the member type
final class Member {
private final int index;
private final String name;
private Extractor extractor;
private BiConsumer> pairs;
private Members members;
Member(int index, String name, Extractor extractor) {
this.index = index;
this.name = name;
this.extractor = extractor;
* Only include this member when its value is not {@code null}.
* @return a {@link Member} which may be configured further
public Member whenNotNull() {
return when(Objects::nonNull);
* Only include this member when an extracted value is not {@code null}.
* @param extractor an function used to extract the value to test
* @return a {@link Member} which may be configured further
public Member whenNotNull(Function extractor) {
Assert.notNull(extractor, "'extractor' must not be null");
return when((instance) -> Objects.nonNull(extractor.apply(instance)));
* Only include this member when it is not {@code null} and has a
* {@link Object#toString() toString()} that is not zero length.
* @return a {@link Member} which may be configured further
* @see StringUtils#hasLength(CharSequence)
public Member whenHasLength() {
return when((instance) -> instance != null && StringUtils.hasLength(instance.toString()));
* Only include this member when it is not empty (See
* {@link ObjectUtils#isEmpty(Object)} for details).
* @return a {@link Member} which may be configured further
public Member whenNotEmpty() {
return whenNot(ObjectUtils::isEmpty);
* Only include this member when the given predicate does not match.
* @param predicate the predicate to test
* @return a {@link Member} which may be configured further
public Member whenNot(Predicate predicate) {
Assert.notNull(predicate, "'predicate' must not be null");
return when(predicate.negate());
* Only include this member when the given predicate matches.
* @param predicate the predicate to test
* @return a {@link Member} which may be configured further
public Member when(Predicate predicate) {
Assert.notNull(predicate, "'predicate' must not be null");
this.extractor = this.extractor.when(predicate);
return this;
* Adapt the value by applying the given {@link Function}.
* @param the result type
* @param adapter a {@link Function} to adapt the value
* @return a {@link Member} which may be configured further
public Member as(Function adapter) {
Assert.notNull(adapter, "'adapter' must not be null");
Member result = (Member) this;
result.extractor = this.extractor.as(adapter);
return result;
* Add JSON name/value pairs by extracting values from a series of elements.
* Typically used with a {@link Iterable#forEach(Consumer)} call, for example:
* members.add(Event::getTags).usingExtractedPairs(Iterable::forEach, pairExtractor);
* When used with a named member, the pairs will be added as a new JSON value
* object:
* {
* "name": {
* "p1": 1,
* "p2": 2
* }
* }
* When used with an unnamed member the pairs will be added to the existing JSON
* object:
* {
* "p1": 1,
* "p2": 2
* }
* @param the element type
* @param elements callback used to provide the elements
* @param extractor a {@link PairExtractor} used to extract the name/value pair
* @return a {@link Member} which may be configured further
* @see #usingExtractedPairs(BiConsumer, Function, Function)
* @see #usingPairs(BiConsumer)
public Member usingExtractedPairs(BiConsumer> elements, PairExtractor extractor) {
Assert.notNull(elements, "'elements' must not be null");
Assert.notNull(extractor, "'extractor' must not be null");
return usingExtractedPairs(elements, extractor::getName, extractor::getValue);
* Add JSON name/value pairs by extracting values from a series of elements.
* Typically used with a {@link Iterable#forEach(Consumer)} call, for example:
* members.add(Event::getTags).usingExtractedPairs(Iterable::forEach, Tag::getName, Tag::getValue);
* When used with a named member, the pairs will be added as a new JSON value
* object:
* {
* "name": {
* "p1": 1,
* "p2": 2
* }
* }
* When used with an unnamed member the pairs will be added to the existing JSON
* object:
* {
* "p1": 1,
* "p2": 2
* }
* @param the element type
* @param the name type
* @param the value type
* @param elements callback used to provide the elements
* @param nameExtractor {@link Function} used to extract the name
* @param valueExtractor {@link Function} used to extract the value
* @return a {@link Member} which may be configured further
* @see #usingExtractedPairs(BiConsumer, PairExtractor)
* @see #usingPairs(BiConsumer)
public Member usingExtractedPairs(BiConsumer> elements,
Function nameExtractor, Function valueExtractor) {
Assert.notNull(elements, "'elements' must not be null");
Assert.notNull(nameExtractor, "'nameExtractor' must not be null");
Assert.notNull(valueExtractor, "'valueExtractor' must not be null");
return usingPairs((instance, pairsConsumer) -> elements.accept(instance, (element) -> {
N name = nameExtractor.apply(element);
V value = valueExtractor.apply(element);
pairsConsumer.accept(name, value);
* Add JSON name/value pairs. Typically used with a
* {@link Map#forEach(BiConsumer)} call, for example:
* members.add(Event::getLabels).usingPairs(Map::forEach);
* When used with a named member, the pairs will be added as a new JSON value
* object:
* {
* "name": {
* "p1": 1,
* "p2": 2
* }
* }
* When used with an unnamed member the pairs will be added to the existing JSON
* object:
* {
* "p1": 1,
* "p2": 2
* }
* @param the name type
* @param the value type
* @param pairs callback used to provide the pairs
* @return a {@link Member} which may be configured further
* @see #usingExtractedPairs(BiConsumer, PairExtractor)
* @see #usingPairs(BiConsumer)
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public Member usingPairs(BiConsumer> pairs) {
Assert.notNull(pairs, "'pairs' must not be null");
Assert.state(this.pairs == null, "Pairs cannot be declared multiple times");
Assert.state(this.members == null, "Pairs cannot be declared when using members");
this.pairs = (BiConsumer) pairs;
return this;
* Add JSON based on further {@link Members} configuration. For example:
* members.add(User::getName).usingMembers((personMembers) -> {
* personMembers.add("first", Name::first);
* personMembers.add("last", Name::last);
* });
* When used with a named member, the result will be added as a new JSON value
* object:
* {
* "name": {
* "first": "Jane",
* "last": "Doe"
* }
* }
* When used with an unnamed member the result will be added to the existing JSON
* object:
* {
* "first": "John",
* "last": "Doe"
* }
* @param members callback to configure the members
* @return a {@link Member} which may be configured further
* @see #usingExtractedPairs(BiConsumer, PairExtractor)
* @see #usingPairs(BiConsumer)
public Member usingMembers(Consumer> members) {
Assert.notNull(members, "'members' must not be null");
Assert.state(this.members == null, "Members cannot be declared multiple times");
Assert.state(this.pairs == null, "Members cannot be declared when using pairs");
this.members = new Members<>(members, this.name == null);
return this;
* Writes the given instance using details configure by this member.
* @param instance the instance to write
* @param valueWriter the JSON value writer to use
void write(Object instance, JsonValueWriter valueWriter) {
T extracted = this.extractor.extract(instance);
if (Extractor.skip(extracted)) {
Object value = getValueToWrite(extracted, valueWriter);
valueWriter.write(this.name, value);
private Object getValueToWrite(T extracted, JsonValueWriter valueWriter) {
if (this.pairs != null) {
return WritableJson.of((out) -> valueWriter.writePairs((pairs) -> this.pairs.accept(extracted, pairs)));
if (this.members != null) {
return WritableJson.of((out) -> this.members.write(extracted, valueWriter));
return extracted;
* Whether this contributes one or more name/value pairs to the JSON.
* @return whether a name/value pair is contributed
boolean contributesPair() {
return this.name != null || this.pairs != null || (this.members != null && this.members.contributesPair());
public String toString() {
return "Member at index " + this.index + ((this.name != null) ? "{%s}".formatted(this.name) : "");
* Internal class used to manage member value extraction and filtering.
* @param the member type
interface Extractor {
* Represents a skipped value.
Object SKIP = new Object();
* Extract the value from the given instance.
* @param instance the source instance
* @return the extracted value or {@link #SKIP}
T extract(Object instance);
* Only extract when the given predicate matches.
* @param predicate the predicate to test
* @return a new {@link Extractor}
default Extractor when(Predicate predicate) {
return (instance) -> test(extract(instance), predicate);
private T test(T extracted, Predicate predicate) {
return (!skip(extracted) && predicate.test(extracted)) ? extracted : (T) SKIP;
* Adapt the extracted value.
* @param the result type
* @param adapter the adapter to use
* @return a new {@link Extractor}
default Extractor as(Function adapter) {
return (instance) -> apply(extract(instance), adapter);
private R apply(T extracted, Function function) {
if (skip(extracted)) {
return (R) SKIP;
return (extracted != null) ? function.apply(extracted) : null;
* Create a new {@link Extractor} based on the given {@link Function}.
* @param the source type
* @param the extracted type
* @param extractor the extractor to use
* @return a new {@link Extractor} instance
static Extractor of(Function extractor) {
return (instance) -> !skip(instance) ? extractor.apply((S) instance) : (T) SKIP;
* Return if the extracted value should be skipped.
* @param the value type
* @param extracted the value to test
* @return if the value is to be skipped
static boolean skip(T extracted) {
return extracted == SKIP;
* A path used to identify a specific JSON member. Paths can be represented as strings
* in form {@code "my.json[1].item"} where elements are separated by {@code '.' } or
* {@code []}. Reserved characters are escaped using {@code '\'}.
* @param parent the parent of this path
* @param name the name of the member or {@code null} if the member is indexed. Path
* names are provided as they were defined when the member was added and do not
* include any {@link NameProcessor name processing}.
* @param index the index of the member or {@link MemberPath#UNINDEXED}
record MemberPath(MemberPath parent, String name, int index) {
private static final String[] ESCAPED = { "\\", ".", "[", "]" };
public MemberPath {
Assert.isTrue((name != null && index < 0) || (name == null && index >= 0),
"'name' and 'index' cannot be mixed");
* Indicates that the member has no index.
public static final int UNINDEXED = -1;
* The root of all member paths.
static final MemberPath ROOT = new MemberPath(null, "", UNINDEXED);
* Create a new child from this path with the specified index.
* @param index the index of the child
* @return a new {@link MemberPath} instance
public MemberPath child(int index) {
return new MemberPath(this, null, index);
* Create a new child from this path with the specified name.
* @param name the name of the child
* @return a new {@link MemberPath} instance
public MemberPath child(String name) {
return (!StringUtils.hasLength(name)) ? this : new MemberPath(this, name, UNINDEXED);
public final String toString() {
return toString(true);
* Return a string representation of the path without any escaping.
* @return the unescaped string representation
public final String toUnescapedString() {
return toString(false);
private String toString(boolean escape) {
StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder((this.parent != null) ? this.parent.toString(escape) : "");
if (this.index >= 0) {
else {
string.append((!string.isEmpty()) ? "." : "").append((!escape) ? this.name : escape(this.name));
return string.toString();
private String escape(String name) {
for (String escape : ESCAPED) {
name = name.replace(escape, "\\" + escape);
return name;
* Create a new {@link MemberPath} instance from the given string.
* @param value the path value
* @return a new {@link MemberPath} instance
public static MemberPath of(String value) {
MemberPath path = MemberPath.ROOT;
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
boolean escape = false;
for (char ch : value.toCharArray()) {
if (!escape && ch == '\\') {
escape = true;
else if (!escape && (ch == '.' || ch == '[')) {
path = path.child(buffer.toString());
else if (!escape && ch == ']') {
path = path.child(Integer.parseUnsignedInt(buffer.toString()));
else {
escape = false;
path = path.child(buffer.toString());
return path;
* Interface that can be used to extract name/value pairs from an element.
* @param the element type
interface PairExtractor {
* Extract the name.
* @param the name type
* @param element the source element
* @return the extracted name
N getName(E element);
* Extract the name.
* @param the value type
* @param element the source element
* @return the extracted value
V getValue(E element);
* Factory method to create a {@link PairExtractor} using distinct name and value
* extraction functions.
* @param the element type
* @param nameExtractor the name extractor
* @param valueExtractor the value extraction
* @return a new {@link PairExtractor} instance
static PairExtractor of(Function nameExtractor, Function valueExtractor) {
Assert.notNull(nameExtractor, "'nameExtractor' must not be null");
Assert.notNull(valueExtractor, "'valueExtractor' must not be null");
return new PairExtractor<>() {
public N getName(T instance) {
return (N) nameExtractor.apply(instance);
public V getValue(T instance) {
return (V) valueExtractor.apply(instance);
* Callback interface that can be {@link Members#applyingNameProcessor(NameProcessor)
* applied} to {@link Members} to change names or filter members.
interface NameProcessor {
* Return a new name for the JSON member or {@code null} if the member should be
* filtered entirely.
* @param path the path of the member
* @param existingName the existing and possibly already processed name.
* @return the new name
String processName(MemberPath path, String existingName);
* Factory method to create a new {@link NameProcessor} for the given operation.
* @param operation the operation to apply
* @return a new {@link NameProcessor} instance
static NameProcessor of(UnaryOperator operation) {
Assert.notNull(operation, "'operation' must not be null");
return (path, existingName) -> operation.apply(existingName);
* Callback interface that can be
* {@link Members#applyingValueProcessor(ValueProcessor) applied} to {@link Members}
* to process values before they are written. Typically used to filter values, for
* example to reduce superfluous information or sanitize sensitive data.
* @param the value type
interface ValueProcessor {
* Process the value at the given path.
* @param path the path of the member containing the value
* @param value the value being written (may be {@code null})
* @return the processed value
T processValue(MemberPath path, T value);
* Return a new processor from this one that only applied to members with the
* given path (ignoring escape characters).
* @param path the patch to match
* @return a new {@link ValueProcessor} that only applies when the path matches
default ValueProcessor whenHasUnescapedPath(String path) {
return whenHasPath((candidate) -> candidate.toString(false).equals(path));
* Return a new processor from this one that only applied to members with the
* given path.
* @param path the patch to match
* @return a new {@link ValueProcessor} that only applies when the path matches
default ValueProcessor whenHasPath(String path) {
return whenHasPath(MemberPath.of(path)::equals);
* Return a new processor from this one that only applied to members that match
* the given path predicate.
* @param predicate the predicate that must match
* @return a new {@link ValueProcessor} that only applies when the predicate
* matches
default ValueProcessor whenHasPath(Predicate predicate) {
return (path, value) -> (predicate.test(path)) ? processValue(path, value) : value;
* Return a new processor from this one that only applies to member with values of
* the given type.
* @param type the type that must match
* @return a new {@link ValueProcessor} that only applies when value is the given
* type.
default ValueProcessor whenInstanceOf(Class> type) {
return when(type::isInstance);
* Return a new processor from this one that only applies to member with values
* that match the given predicate.
* @param predicate the predicate that must match
* @return a new {@link ValueProcessor} that only applies when the predicate
* matches
default ValueProcessor when(Predicate predicate) {
return (name, value) -> (predicate.test(value)) ? processValue(name, value) : value;
* Factory method to crate a new {@link ValueProcessor} that applies the given
* action.
* @param the value type
* @param type the value type
* @param action the action to apply
* @return a new {@link ValueProcessor} instance
static ValueProcessor of(Class extends T> type, UnaryOperator action) {
return of(action).whenInstanceOf(type);
* Factory method to crate a new {@link ValueProcessor} that applies the given
* action.
* @param the value type
* @param action the action to apply
* @return a new {@link ValueProcessor} instance
static ValueProcessor of(UnaryOperator action) {
Assert.notNull(action, "'action' must not be null");
return (name, value) -> action.apply(value);