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 * Copyright 2018-2024 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import reactor.util.function.Tuple2;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.action.DocWriteResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkItemResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.get.MultiGetRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.index.get.GetResult;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders;
import org.elasticsearch.index.reindex.BulkByScrollResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.index.reindex.DeleteByQueryRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.index.reindex.UpdateByQueryRequest;
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

 * @author Christoph Strobl
 * @author Mark Paluch
 * @author Farid Azaza
 * @author Martin Choraine
 * @author Peter-Josef Meisch
 * @author Mathias Teier
 * @author Aleksei Arsenev
 * @author Roman Puchkovskiy
 * @author Russell Parry
 * @author Thomas Geese
 * @author Farid Faoudi
 * @author Sijia Liu
 * @since 3.2
 * @deprecated since 5.0
public class ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate extends AbstractReactiveElasticsearchTemplate {

	private final ReactiveElasticsearchClient client;
	private final ElasticsearchExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator;
	protected RequestFactory requestFactory;

	private @Nullable IndicesOptions indicesOptions = IndicesOptions.strictExpandOpenAndForbidClosedIgnoreThrottled();

	// region Initialization
	public ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate(ReactiveElasticsearchClient client) {
		this(client, null);

	public ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate(ReactiveElasticsearchClient client, @Nullable ElasticsearchConverter converter) {


		Assert.notNull(client, "client must not be null");

		this.client = client;
		this.exceptionTranslator = new ElasticsearchExceptionTranslator();
		this.requestFactory = new RequestFactory(this.converter);

	protected ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate doCopy() {

		ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate copy = new ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate(client, converter);
		return copy;

	 * Set the default {@link IndicesOptions} for {@link SearchRequest search requests}.
	 * @param indicesOptions can be {@literal null}.
	public void setIndicesOptions(@Nullable IndicesOptions indicesOptions) {
		this.indicesOptions = indicesOptions;

	// endregion

	// region DocumentOperations

	public  Flux saveAll(Mono> entitiesPublisher, IndexCoordinates index) {

		Assert.notNull(entitiesPublisher, "entitiesPublisher must not be null!");

		return entitiesPublisher //
				.flatMapMany(entities -> Flux.fromIterable(entities) //
						.concatMap(entity -> maybeCallbackBeforeConvert(entity, index)) //
				).collectList() //
				.map(Entities::new) //
				.flatMapMany(entities -> {

					if (entities.isEmpty()) {
						return Flux.empty();

					return doBulkOperation(entities.indexQueries(), BulkOptions.defaultOptions(), index) //
							.index() //
							.flatMap(indexAndResponse -> {
								T savedEntity = entities.entityAt(indexAndResponse.getT1());
								BulkItemResponse bulkItemResponse = indexAndResponse.getT2();

								DocWriteResponse response = bulkItemResponse.getResponse();
								updateIndexedObject(savedEntity, new IndexedObjectInformation(response.getId(), response.getIndex(),
										response.getSeqNo(), response.getPrimaryTerm(), response.getVersion()));

								return maybeCallbackAfterSave(savedEntity, index);

	public  Flux> multiGet(Query query, Class clazz, IndexCoordinates index) {

		Assert.notNull(index, "Index must not be null");
		Assert.notNull(clazz, "Class must not be null");
		Assert.notNull(query, "Query must not be null");

		DocumentCallback callback = new ReadDocumentCallback<>(converter, clazz, index);

		MultiGetRequest request = requestFactory.multiGetRequest(query, clazz, index);
		return Flux.from(execute(client -> client.multiGet(request))) //
				.map(DocumentAdapters::from) //
				.flatMap(multiGetItem -> multiGetItem.isFailed() //
						? Mono.just(MultiGetItem.of(null, multiGetItem.getFailure())) //
						: callback.toEntity(multiGetItem.getItem())
								.map((T item) -> MultiGetItem.of(item, multiGetItem.getFailure())) //

	 * Customization hook on the actual execution result {@link Publisher}. 
* You know what you're doing here? Well fair enough, go ahead on your own risk. * * @param request the already prepared {@link IndexRequest} ready to be executed. * @return a {@link Mono} emitting the result of the operation. */ protected Mono doIndex(IndexRequest request) { return Mono.from(execute(client -> client.index(request))); } @Override public Mono bulkUpdate(List queries, BulkOptions bulkOptions, IndexCoordinates index) { Assert.notNull(queries, "List of UpdateQuery must not be null"); Assert.notNull(bulkOptions, "BulkOptions must not be null"); Assert.notNull(index, "Index must not be null"); return doBulkOperation(queries, bulkOptions, index).then(); } protected Flux doBulkOperation(List queries, BulkOptions bulkOptions, IndexCoordinates index) { BulkRequest bulkRequest = prepareWriteRequest(requestFactory.bulkRequest(queries, bulkOptions, index)); return client.bulk(bulkRequest) // .onErrorMap(e -> new UncategorizedElasticsearchException("Error while bulk for request: " + bulkRequest, e)) // .flatMap(this::checkForBulkOperationFailure) // .flatMapMany(response -> Flux.fromArray(response.getItems())); } protected Mono checkForBulkOperationFailure(BulkResponse bulkResponse) { if (bulkResponse.hasFailures()) { Map failedDocuments = new HashMap<>(); for (BulkItemResponse item : bulkResponse.getItems()) { if (item.isFailed()) { failedDocuments.put(item.getId(), item.getFailureMessage()); } } BulkFailureException exception = new BulkFailureException( "Bulk operation has failures. Use ElasticsearchException.getFailedDocuments() for detailed messages [" + failedDocuments + ']', failedDocuments); return Mono.error(exception); } else { return Mono.just(bulkResponse); } } protected Mono doExists(String id, IndexCoordinates index) { return Mono.defer(() -> doExists(requestFactory.getRequest(id, routingResolver.getRouting(), index))); } /** * Customization hook on the actual execution result {@link Publisher}.
* * @param request the already prepared {@link GetRequest} ready to be executed. * @return a {@link Mono} emitting the result of the operation. */ protected Mono doExists(GetRequest request) { return Mono.from(execute(client -> client.exists(request))) // .onErrorReturn(NoSuchIndexException.class, false); } protected Mono> doIndex(T entity, IndexCoordinates index) { IndexRequest request = requestFactory.indexRequest(getIndexQuery(entity), index); request = prepareIndexRequest(entity, request); return Mono.just(entity).zipWith(doIndex(request) // .map(indexResponse -> new IndexResponseMetaData( // indexResponse.getId(), // indexResponse.getIndex(), // indexResponse.getSeqNo(), // indexResponse.getPrimaryTerm(), // indexResponse.getVersion() // ))); } @Override public Mono get(String id, Class entityType, IndexCoordinates index) { Assert.notNull(id, "Id must not be null!"); GetRequest request = requestFactory.getRequest(id, routingResolver.getRouting(), index); Mono getResult = doGet(request); DocumentCallback callback = new ReadDocumentCallback<>(converter, entityType, index); return getResult.flatMap(response -> callback.toEntity(DocumentAdapters.from(response))); } /** * Customization hook on the actual execution result {@link Publisher}.
* * @param request the already prepared {@link GetRequest} ready to be executed. * @return a {@link Mono} emitting the result of the operation. */ protected Mono doGet(GetRequest request) { return Mono.from(execute(client -> client.get(request))); } protected Mono doDeleteById(String id, @Nullable String routing, IndexCoordinates index) { return Mono.defer(() -> { DeleteRequest request = requestFactory.deleteRequest(id, routing, index); return doDelete(prepareDeleteRequest(request)); }); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see, Class, IndexCoordinates) */ @Override public Mono delete(Query query, Class entityType, IndexCoordinates index) { Assert.notNull(query, "Query must not be null!"); return doDeleteBy(query, entityType, index).map(ResponseConverter::byQueryResponseOf); } @Override public Mono update(UpdateQuery updateQuery, IndexCoordinates index) { Assert.notNull(updateQuery, "UpdateQuery must not be null"); Assert.notNull(index, "Index must not be null"); return Mono.defer(() -> { UpdateRequest request = requestFactory.updateRequest(updateQuery, index); if (updateQuery.getRefreshPolicy() == null && refreshPolicy != null) { request.setRefreshPolicy(RequestFactory.toElasticsearchRefreshPolicy(refreshPolicy)); } if (updateQuery.getRouting() == null && routingResolver.getRouting() != null) { request.routing(routingResolver.getRouting()); } return Mono.from(execute(client -> client.update(request))) .map(response -> new UpdateResponse(UpdateResponse.Result.valueOf(response.getResult().name()))); }); } @Override public Mono updateByQuery(UpdateQuery updateQuery, IndexCoordinates index) { Assert.notNull(updateQuery, "updateQuery must not be null"); Assert.notNull(index, "Index must not be null"); return Mono.defer(() -> { final UpdateByQueryRequest request = requestFactory.updateByQueryRequest(updateQuery, index); if (updateQuery.getRefreshPolicy() == null && refreshPolicy != null) { request.setRefresh(refreshPolicy == RefreshPolicy.IMMEDIATE); } if (updateQuery.getRouting() == null && routingResolver.getRouting() != null) { request.setRouting(routingResolver.getRouting()); } return Mono.from(execute(client -> client.updateBy(request))); }); } @Override public Mono reindex(ReindexRequest postReindexRequest) { Assert.notNull(postReindexRequest, "postReindexRequest must not be null"); return Mono.defer(() -> { org.elasticsearch.index.reindex.ReindexRequest reindexRequest = requestFactory.reindexRequest(postReindexRequest); return Mono.from(execute(client -> client.reindex(reindexRequest))).map(ResponseConverter::reindexResponseOf); }); } @Override public Mono submitReindex(ReindexRequest postReindexRequest) { Assert.notNull(postReindexRequest, "postReindexRequest must not be null"); return Mono.defer(() -> { org.elasticsearch.index.reindex.ReindexRequest reindexRequest = requestFactory.reindexRequest(postReindexRequest); return Mono.from(execute(client -> client.submitReindex(reindexRequest))); }); } protected Mono doDeleteBy(Query query, Class entityType, IndexCoordinates index) { return Mono.defer(() -> { DeleteByQueryRequest request = requestFactory.deleteByQueryRequest(query, routingResolver.getRouting(), entityType, index); return doDeleteBy(prepareDeleteByRequest(request)); }); } /** * Customization hook on the actual execution result {@link Publisher}.
* * @param request the already prepared {@link DeleteRequest} ready to be executed. * @return a {@link Mono} emitting the result of the operation. */ protected Mono doDelete(DeleteRequest request) { return Mono.from(execute(client -> client.delete(request))) // .flatMap(it -> { if (HttpStatus.valueOf(it.status().getStatus()).equals(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)) { return Mono.empty(); } return Mono.just(it.getId()); }) // .onErrorResume(NoSuchIndexException.class, it -> Mono.empty()); } /** * Customization hook on the actual execution result {@link Publisher}.
* * @param request the already prepared {@link DeleteByQueryRequest} ready to be executed. * @return a {@link Mono} emitting the result of the operation. */ protected Mono doDeleteBy(DeleteByQueryRequest request) { return Mono.from(execute(client -> client.deleteBy(request))) // .onErrorResume(NoSuchIndexException.class, it -> Mono.empty()); } /** * Customization hook to modify a generated {@link DeleteRequest} prior to its execution. E.g. by setting the * {@link WriteRequest#setRefreshPolicy(String) refresh policy} if applicable. * * @param request the generated {@link DeleteRequest}. * @return never {@literal null}. */ protected DeleteRequest prepareDeleteRequest(DeleteRequest request) { return prepareWriteRequest(request); } /** * Customization hook to modify a generated {@link DeleteByQueryRequest} prior to its execution. E.g. by setting the * {@link WriteRequest#setRefreshPolicy(String) refresh policy} if applicable. * * @param request the generated {@link DeleteByQueryRequest}. * @return never {@literal null}. */ protected DeleteByQueryRequest prepareDeleteByRequest(DeleteByQueryRequest request) { if (refreshPolicy != null) { if (RefreshPolicy.NONE.equals(refreshPolicy)) { request = request.setRefresh(false); } else { request = request.setRefresh(true); } } if (indicesOptions != null) { request = request.setIndicesOptions(indicesOptions); } return request; } /** * Customization hook to modify a generated {@link IndexRequest} prior to its execution. E.g. by setting the * {@link WriteRequest#setRefreshPolicy(String) refresh policy} if applicable. * * @param source the source object the {@link IndexRequest} was derived from. * @param request the generated {@link IndexRequest}. * @return never {@literal null}. */ protected IndexRequest prepareIndexRequest(Object source, IndexRequest request) { return prepareWriteRequest(request); } /** * Preprocess the write request before it is sent to the server, e.g. by setting the * {@link WriteRequest#setRefreshPolicy(String) refresh policy} if applicable. * * @param request must not be {@literal null}. * @param * @return the processed {@link WriteRequest}. */ protected > R prepareWriteRequest(R request) { if (refreshPolicy == null) { return request; } return request.setRefreshPolicy(RequestFactory.toElasticsearchRefreshPolicy(refreshPolicy)); } // endregion // region SearchOperations @Override public Mono> searchForPage(Query query, Class entityType, Class resultType) { return searchForPage(query, entityType, resultType, getIndexCoordinatesFor(entityType)); } @Override public Mono> searchForPage(Query query, Class entityType, Class resultType, IndexCoordinates index) { SearchDocumentCallback callback = new ReadSearchDocumentCallback<>(resultType, index); return doFindForResponse(query, entityType, index) // .flatMap(searchDocumentResponse -> Flux.fromIterable(searchDocumentResponse.getSearchDocuments()) // .flatMap(callback::toEntity) // .collectList() // .map(entities -> SearchHitMapping.mappingFor(resultType, converter) // .mapHits(searchDocumentResponse, entities))) // .map(searchHits -> SearchHitSupport.searchPageFor(searchHits, query.getPageable())); } protected Flux doFind(Query query, Class clazz, IndexCoordinates index) { return Flux.defer(() -> { SearchRequest request = requestFactory.searchRequest(query, routingResolver.getRouting(), clazz, index); boolean useScroll = !(query.getPageable().isPaged() || query.isLimiting()); request = prepareSearchRequest(request, useScroll); if (useScroll) { return doScroll(request); } else { return doFind(request); } }); } protected Mono doFindForResponse(Query query, Class clazz, IndexCoordinates index) { return Mono.defer(() -> { SearchRequest request = requestFactory.searchRequest(query, routingResolver.getRouting(), clazz, index); request = prepareSearchRequest(request, false); SearchDocumentCallback documentCallback = new ReadSearchDocumentCallback<>(clazz, index); // noinspection unchecked SearchDocumentResponse.EntityCreator entityCreator = searchDocument -> ((Mono) documentCallback .toEntity(searchDocument)).toFuture(); return doFindForResponse(request, entityCreator); }); } @Override public Flux> aggregate(Query query, Class entityType, IndexCoordinates index) { Assert.notNull(query, "query must not be null"); Assert.notNull(entityType, "entityType must not be null"); Assert.notNull(index, "index must not be null"); return Flux.defer(() -> { SearchRequest request = requestFactory.searchRequest(query, routingResolver.getRouting(), entityType, index); request = prepareSearchRequest(request, false); return doAggregate(request); }); } /** * Customization hook on the actual execution result {@link Publisher}.
* * @param request the already prepared {@link SearchRequest} ready to be executed. * @return a {@link Flux} emitting the result of the operation. */ protected Flux> doAggregate(SearchRequest request) { if (QUERY_LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { QUERY_LOGGER.debug(String.format("Executing doCount: %s", request)); } return Flux.from(execute(client -> client.aggregate(request))) // .onErrorResume(NoSuchIndexException.class, it -> Flux.empty()).map(ElasticsearchAggregation::new); } protected Mono doCount(Query query, Class entityType, IndexCoordinates index) { return Mono.defer(() -> { SearchRequest request = requestFactory.searchRequest(query, routingResolver.getRouting(), entityType, index); request = prepareSearchRequest(request, false); return doCount(request); }); } /** * Customization hook on the actual execution result {@link Publisher}.
* * @param request the already prepared {@link SearchRequest} ready to be executed. * @return a {@link Flux} emitting the result of the operation converted to {@link SearchDocument}s. */ protected Flux doFind(SearchRequest request) { if (QUERY_LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { QUERY_LOGGER.debug(String.format("Executing doFind: %s", request)); } return Flux.from(execute(client -> // .onErrorResume(NoSuchIndexException.class, it -> Mono.empty()); } /** * Customization hook on the actual execution result {@link Mono}.
* * @param request the already prepared {@link SearchRequest} ready to be executed. * @param entityCreator * @return a {@link Mono} emitting the result of the operation converted to s {@link SearchDocumentResponse}. */ protected Mono doFindForResponse(SearchRequest request, SearchDocumentResponse.EntityCreator entityCreator) { if (QUERY_LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { QUERY_LOGGER.debug(String.format("Executing doFindForResponse: %s", request)); } return Mono.from(execute(client -> client.searchForResponse(request))) .map(searchResponse -> SearchDocumentResponseBuilder.from(searchResponse, entityCreator)); } /** * Customization hook on the actual execution result {@link Publisher}.
* * @param request the already prepared {@link SearchRequest} ready to be executed. * @return a {@link Mono} emitting the result of the operation. */ protected Mono doCount(SearchRequest request) { if (QUERY_LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { QUERY_LOGGER.debug(String.format("Executing doCount: %s", request)); } return Mono.from(execute(client -> client.count(request))); } /** * Customization hook on the actual execution result {@link Publisher}.
* * @param request the already prepared {@link SearchRequest} ready to be executed. * @return a {@link Flux} emitting the result of the operation converted to {@link SearchDocument}s. */ protected Flux doScroll(SearchRequest request) { if (QUERY_LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { QUERY_LOGGER.debug(String.format("Executing doScroll: %s", request)); } return Flux.from(execute(client -> client.scroll(request))) // .map(DocumentAdapters::from).onErrorResume(NoSuchIndexException.class, it -> Mono.empty()); } /** * Customization hook to modify a generated {@link SearchRequest} prior to its execution. E.g. by setting the * {@link SearchRequest#indicesOptions(IndicesOptions) indices options} if applicable. * * @param request the generated {@link SearchRequest}. * @param useScroll * @return never {@literal null}. */ protected SearchRequest prepareSearchRequest(SearchRequest request, boolean useScroll) { if (indicesOptions != null) { request = request.indicesOptions(indicesOptions); } // request_cache is not allowed on scroll requests. if (useScroll) { request = request.requestCache(null); } return request; } // endregion // region Helper methods @Override public Mono getClusterVersion() { try { return Mono.from(execute(ReactiveElasticsearchClient::info)) .map(mainResponse -> mainResponse.getVersion().toString()); } catch (Exception ignored) {} return Mono.empty(); } /** * @return the vendor name of the used cluster and client library * @since 4.3 */ @Override public Mono getVendor() { return Mono.just("Elasticsearch"); } /** * @return the version of the used client runtime library. * @since 4.3 */ @Override public Mono getRuntimeLibraryVersion() { return Mono.just(Version.CURRENT.toString()); } @Override public Query matchAllQuery() { return new NativeSearchQueryBuilder().withQuery(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery()).build(); } @Override public Query idsQuery(List ids) { Assert.notNull(ids, "ids must not be null"); return new NativeSearchQueryBuilder().withQuery(QueryBuilders.idsQuery().addIds(ids.toArray(new String[] {}))) .build(); } // endregion @Override public Publisher execute(ClientCallback> callback) { return Flux.defer(() -> callback.doWithClient(getClient())).onErrorMap(this::translateException); } @Override public Publisher executeWithIndicesClient(IndicesClientCallback> callback) { return Flux.defer(() -> callback.doWithClient(getIndicesClient())).onErrorMap(this::translateException); } @Override public Publisher executeWithClusterClient(ClusterClientCallback> callback) { return Flux.defer(() -> callback.doWithClient(getClusterClient())).onErrorMap(this::translateException); } @Override public ReactiveIndexOperations indexOps(IndexCoordinates index) { return new ReactiveIndexTemplate(this, index); } @Override public ReactiveIndexOperations indexOps(Class clazz) { return new ReactiveIndexTemplate(this, clazz); } @Override public ReactiveClusterOperations cluster() { return new DefaultReactiveClusterOperations(this); } /** * Obtain the {@link ReactiveElasticsearchClient} to operate upon. * * @return never {@literal null}. */ protected ReactiveElasticsearchClient getClient() { return this.client; } /** * Obtain the {@link ReactiveElasticsearchClient.Indices} to operate upon. * * @return never {@literal null}. */ protected ReactiveElasticsearchClient.Indices getIndicesClient() { if (client instanceof ReactiveElasticsearchClient.Indices) { return (ReactiveElasticsearchClient.Indices) client; } throw new UncategorizedElasticsearchException("No ReactiveElasticsearchClient.Indices implementation available"); } /** * Obtain the {@link ReactiveElasticsearchClient.Cluster} to operate upon. * * @return never {@literal null}. */ protected ReactiveElasticsearchClient.Cluster getClusterClient() { if (client instanceof ReactiveElasticsearchClient.Cluster) { return (ReactiveElasticsearchClient.Cluster) client; } throw new UncategorizedElasticsearchException("No ReactiveElasticsearchClient.Cluster implementation available"); } /** * translates an Exception if possible. Exceptions that are no {@link RuntimeException}s are wrapped in a * RuntimeException * * @param throwable the Throwable to map * @return the potentially translated RuntimeException. * @since 4.0 */ private RuntimeException translateException(Throwable throwable) { RuntimeException runtimeException = throwable instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) throwable : new RuntimeException(throwable.getMessage(), throwable); RuntimeException potentiallyTranslatedException = exceptionTranslator .translateExceptionIfPossible(runtimeException); return potentiallyTranslatedException != null ? potentiallyTranslatedException : runtimeException; } }

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