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 * Copyright 2017-2023 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;

import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;

 * Central abstraction for reactive Redis data access implementing {@link ReactiveRedisOperations}.

* Performs automatic serialization/deserialization between the given objects and the underlying binary data in the * Redis store. *

* Note that while the template is generified, it is up to the serializers/deserializers to properly convert the given * Objects to and from binary data. * * @author Mark Paluch * @author Christoph Strobl * @author Petromir Dzhunev * @since 2.0 * @param the Redis key type against which the template works (usually a String) * @param the Redis value type against which the template works */ public class ReactiveRedisTemplate implements ReactiveRedisOperations { private final ReactiveRedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory; private final RedisSerializationContext serializationContext; private final boolean exposeConnection; private final ReactiveScriptExecutor reactiveScriptExecutor; private final ReactiveGeoOperations geoOps; private final ReactiveHashOperations hashOps; private final ReactiveHyperLogLogOperations hllOps; private final ReactiveListOperations listOps; private final ReactiveSetOperations setOps; private final ReactiveStreamOperations streamOps; private final ReactiveValueOperations valueOps; private final ReactiveZSetOperations zsetOps; /** * Creates new {@link ReactiveRedisTemplate} using given {@link ReactiveRedisConnectionFactory} and * {@link RedisSerializationContext}. * * @param connectionFactory must not be {@literal null}. * @param serializationContext must not be {@literal null}. */ public ReactiveRedisTemplate(ReactiveRedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory, RedisSerializationContext serializationContext) { this(connectionFactory, serializationContext, false); } /** * Creates new {@link ReactiveRedisTemplate} using given {@link ReactiveRedisConnectionFactory} and * {@link RedisSerializationContext}. * * @param connectionFactory must not be {@literal null}. * @param serializationContext must not be {@literal null}. * @param exposeConnection flag indicating to expose the connection used. */ public ReactiveRedisTemplate(ReactiveRedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory, RedisSerializationContext serializationContext, boolean exposeConnection) { Assert.notNull(connectionFactory, "ConnectionFactory must not be null"); Assert.notNull(serializationContext, "SerializationContext must not be null"); this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory; this.serializationContext = serializationContext; this.exposeConnection = exposeConnection; this.reactiveScriptExecutor = new DefaultReactiveScriptExecutor<>(connectionFactory, serializationContext); this.geoOps = opsForGeo(serializationContext); this.hashOps = opsForHash(serializationContext); this.hllOps = opsForHyperLogLog(serializationContext); this.listOps = opsForList(serializationContext); this.setOps = opsForSet(serializationContext); this.streamOps = opsForStream(serializationContext); this.valueOps = opsForValue(serializationContext); this.zsetOps = opsForZSet(serializationContext); } /** * Returns the connectionFactory. * * @return Returns the connectionFactory */ public ReactiveRedisConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory() { return connectionFactory; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Execution methods // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public Flux execute(ReactiveRedisCallback action) { return execute(action, exposeConnection); } /** * Executes the given action object within a connection that can be exposed or not. Additionally, the connection can * be pipelined. Note the results of the pipeline are discarded (making it suitable for write-only scenarios). * * @param return type * @param action callback object to execute * @param exposeConnection whether to enforce exposure of the native Redis Connection to callback code * @return object returned by the action */ public Flux execute(ReactiveRedisCallback action, boolean exposeConnection) { Assert.notNull(action, "Callback object must not be null"); return Flux.from(doInConnection(action, exposeConnection)); } @Override public Flux executeInSession(ReactiveRedisSessionCallback action) { Assert.notNull(action, "Callback object must not be null"); return Flux .from(doInConnection(connection -> action.doWithOperations(withConnection(connection)), exposeConnection)); } /** * Create a reusable Flux for a {@link ReactiveRedisCallback}. Callback is executed within a connection context. The * connection is released outside the callback. * * @param callback must not be {@literal null} * @return a {@link Flux} wrapping the {@link ReactiveRedisCallback}. */ public Flux createFlux(ReactiveRedisCallback callback) { Assert.notNull(callback, "ReactiveRedisCallback must not be null"); return Flux.from(doInConnection(callback, exposeConnection)); } /** * Internal variant of {@link #createFlux(ReactiveRedisCallback)} bypassing proxy creation. Create a reusable Flux for * a {@link ReactiveRedisCallback}. Callback is executed within a connection context. The connection is released * outside the callback. * * @param callback must not be {@literal null} * @return a {@link Flux} wrapping the {@link ReactiveRedisCallback}. * @since 2.6 */ Flux doCreateFlux(ReactiveRedisCallback callback) { Assert.notNull(callback, "ReactiveRedisCallback must not be null"); return Flux.from(doInConnection(callback, true)); } /** * Create a reusable Mono for a {@link ReactiveRedisCallback}. Callback is executed within a connection context. The * connection is released outside the callback. * * @param callback must not be {@literal null} * @return a {@link Mono} wrapping the {@link ReactiveRedisCallback}. */ public Mono createMono(ReactiveRedisCallback callback) { Assert.notNull(callback, "ReactiveRedisCallback must not be null"); return Mono.from(doInConnection(callback, exposeConnection)); } /** * Internal variant of {@link #createMono(ReactiveRedisCallback)} bypassing proxy creation. Create a reusable Mono for * a {@link ReactiveRedisCallback}. Callback is executed within a connection context. The connection is released * outside the callback. * * @param callback must not be {@literal null} * @return a {@link Mono} wrapping the {@link ReactiveRedisCallback}. * @since 2.6 */ Mono doCreateMono(ReactiveRedisCallback callback) { Assert.notNull(callback, "ReactiveRedisCallback must not be null"); return Mono.from(doInConnection(callback, true)); } /** * Executes the given action object within a connection that can be exposed or not. Additionally, the connection can * be pipelined. Note the results of the pipeline are discarded (making it suitable for write-only scenarios). * * @param return type * @param action callback object to execute * @param exposeConnection whether to enforce exposure of the native Redis Connection to callback code * @return object returned by the action */ Publisher doInConnection(ReactiveRedisCallback action, boolean exposeConnection) { Assert.notNull(action, "Callback object must not be null"); Mono connection = getConnection(); if (!exposeConnection) { connection =; } return Flux.usingWhen(connection, conn -> { Publisher result = action.doInRedis(conn); return postProcessResult(result, conn, false); }, ReactiveRedisConnection::closeLater); } /** * Creates a {@link Mono} which emits a new {@link ReactiveRedisConnection}. Can be overridden in subclasses to * provide a different mechanism for connection allocation for the given method. * * @since 2.5.5 */ protected Mono getConnection() { ReactiveRedisConnectionFactory factory = getConnectionFactory(); return Mono.fromSupplier(() -> preProcessConnection(factory.getReactiveConnection(), false)); } @Override public Mono convertAndSend(String destination, V message) { Assert.hasText(destination, "Destination channel must not be empty"); Assert.notNull(message, "Message must not be null"); return doCreateMono(connection -> connection.pubSubCommands().publish( getSerializationContext().getStringSerializationPair().write(destination), getSerializationContext().getValueSerializationPair().write(message))); } @Override public Flux> listenTo(Topic... topics) { ReactiveRedisMessageListenerContainer container = new ReactiveRedisMessageListenerContainer(getConnectionFactory()); return container .receive(Arrays.asList(topics), getSerializationContext().getStringSerializationPair(), getSerializationContext().getValueSerializationPair()) // .doFinally((signalType) -> container.destroyLater().subscribe()); } @Override @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public Mono>> listenToLater(Topic... topics) { ReactiveRedisMessageListenerContainer container = new ReactiveRedisMessageListenerContainer(getConnectionFactory()); return (Mono) container.receiveLater(Arrays.asList(topics), getSerializationContext().getStringSerializationPair(), getSerializationContext().getValueSerializationPair()) // .map(it -> it.doFinally(signalType -> container.destroyLater().subscribe())) .doOnCancel(() -> container.destroyLater().subscribe()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods dealing with Redis keys // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public Mono copy(K sourceKey, K targetKey, boolean replace) { Assert.notNull(sourceKey, "Source key must not be null"); Assert.notNull(targetKey, "Target key must not be null"); return doCreateMono(connection -> connection.keyCommands().copy(rawKey(sourceKey), rawKey(targetKey), replace)); } @Override public Mono hasKey(K key) { Assert.notNull(key, "Key must not be null"); return doCreateMono(connection -> connection.keyCommands().exists(rawKey(key))); } @Override public Mono type(K key) { Assert.notNull(key, "Key must not be null"); return doCreateMono(connection -> connection.keyCommands().type(rawKey(key))); } @Override public Flux keys(K pattern) { Assert.notNull(pattern, "Pattern must not be null"); return doCreateFlux(connection -> connection.keyCommands().keys(rawKey(pattern))) // .flatMap(Flux::fromIterable) // .map(this::readKey); } @Override public Flux scan(ScanOptions options) { Assert.notNull(options, "ScanOptions must not be null"); return doCreateFlux(connection -> connection.keyCommands().scan(options)) // .map(this::readKey); } @Override public Mono randomKey() { return doCreateMono(connection -> connection.keyCommands().randomKey()).map(this::readKey); } @Override public Mono rename(K oldKey, K newKey) { Assert.notNull(oldKey, "Old key must not be null"); Assert.notNull(newKey, "New Key must not be null"); return doCreateMono(connection -> connection.keyCommands().rename(rawKey(oldKey), rawKey(newKey))); } @Override public Mono renameIfAbsent(K oldKey, K newKey) { Assert.notNull(oldKey, "Old key must not be null"); Assert.notNull(newKey, "New Key must not be null"); return doCreateMono(connection -> connection.keyCommands().renameNX(rawKey(oldKey), rawKey(newKey))); } @Override @SafeVarargs public final Mono delete(K... keys) { Assert.notNull(keys, "Keys must not be null"); Assert.notEmpty(keys, "Keys must not be empty"); Assert.noNullElements(keys, "Keys must not contain null elements"); if (keys.length == 1) { return doCreateMono(connection -> connection.keyCommands().del(rawKey(keys[0]))); } Mono> listOfKeys = Flux.fromArray(keys).map(this::rawKey).collectList(); return doCreateMono(connection -> listOfKeys.flatMap(rawKeys -> connection.keyCommands().mDel(rawKeys))); } @Override public Mono delete(Publisher keys) { Assert.notNull(keys, "Keys must not be null"); return doCreateFlux(connection -> connection.keyCommands() // .mDel(Flux.from(keys).map(this::rawKey).buffer(128)) // .map(CommandResponse::getOutput)) // .collect(Collectors.summingLong(value -> value)); } @Override @SafeVarargs public final Mono unlink(K... keys) { Assert.notNull(keys, "Keys must not be null"); Assert.notEmpty(keys, "Keys must not be empty"); Assert.noNullElements(keys, "Keys must not contain null elements"); if (keys.length == 1) { return doCreateMono(connection -> connection.keyCommands().unlink(rawKey(keys[0]))); } Mono> listOfKeys = Flux.fromArray(keys).map(this::rawKey).collectList(); return doCreateMono(connection -> listOfKeys.flatMap(rawKeys -> connection.keyCommands().mUnlink(rawKeys))); } @Override public Mono unlink(Publisher keys) { Assert.notNull(keys, "Keys must not be null"); return doCreateFlux(connection -> connection.keyCommands() // .mUnlink(Flux.from(keys).map(this::rawKey).buffer(128)) // .map(CommandResponse::getOutput)) // .collect(Collectors.summingLong(value -> value)); } @Override public Mono expire(K key, Duration timeout) { Assert.notNull(key, "Key must not be null"); Assert.notNull(timeout, "Timeout must not be null"); if (timeout.getNano() == 0) { return doCreateMono(connection -> connection.keyCommands() // .expire(rawKey(key), timeout)); } return doCreateMono(connection -> connection.keyCommands().pExpire(rawKey(key), timeout)); } @Override public Mono expireAt(K key, Instant expireAt) { Assert.notNull(key, "Key must not be null"); Assert.notNull(expireAt, "Expire at must not be null"); if (expireAt.getNano() == 0) { return doCreateMono(connection -> connection.keyCommands() // .expireAt(rawKey(key), expireAt)); } return doCreateMono(connection -> connection.keyCommands().pExpireAt(rawKey(key), expireAt)); } @Override public Mono persist(K key) { Assert.notNull(key, "Key must not be null"); return doCreateMono(connection -> connection.keyCommands().persist(rawKey(key))); } @Override public Mono getExpire(K key) { Assert.notNull(key, "Key must not be null"); return doCreateMono(connection -> connection.keyCommands().pTtl(rawKey(key)).flatMap(expiry -> { if (expiry == -1) { return Mono.just(Duration.ZERO); } if (expiry == -2) { return Mono.empty(); } return Mono.just(Duration.ofMillis(expiry)); })); } @Override public Mono move(K key, int dbIndex) { Assert.notNull(key, "Key must not be null"); return doCreateMono(connection -> connection.keyCommands().move(rawKey(key), dbIndex)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods dealing with Redis Lua scripts // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public Flux execute(RedisScript script, List keys, List args) { return reactiveScriptExecutor.execute(script, keys, args); } @Override public Flux execute(RedisScript script, List keys, List args, RedisElementWriter argsWriter, RedisElementReader resultReader) { return reactiveScriptExecutor.execute(script, keys, args, argsWriter, resultReader); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation hooks and helper methods // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Processes the connection (before any settings are executed on it). Default implementation returns the connection as * is. * * @param connection must not be {@literal null}. * @param existingConnection */ protected ReactiveRedisConnection preProcessConnection(ReactiveRedisConnection connection, boolean existingConnection) { return connection; } /** * Processes the result before returning the {@link Publisher}. Default implementation returns the result as is. * * @param result must not be {@literal null}. * @param connection must not be {@literal null}. * @param existingConnection * @return */ protected Publisher postProcessResult(Publisher result, ReactiveRedisConnection connection, boolean existingConnection) { return result; } protected ReactiveRedisConnection createRedisConnectionProxy(ReactiveRedisConnection reactiveRedisConnection) { Class[] ifcs = ClassUtils.getAllInterfacesForClass(reactiveRedisConnection.getClass(), getClass().getClassLoader()); return (ReactiveRedisConnection) Proxy.newProxyInstance(reactiveRedisConnection.getClass().getClassLoader(), ifcs, new CloseSuppressingInvocationHandler(reactiveRedisConnection)); } @Override public ReactiveGeoOperations opsForGeo() { return geoOps; } @Override public ReactiveGeoOperations opsForGeo(RedisSerializationContext serializationContext) { return new DefaultReactiveGeoOperations<>(this, serializationContext); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ReactiveHashOperations opsForHash() { return (ReactiveHashOperations) hashOps; } @Override public ReactiveHashOperations opsForHash( RedisSerializationContext serializationContext) { return new DefaultReactiveHashOperations<>(this, serializationContext); } @Override public ReactiveHyperLogLogOperations opsForHyperLogLog() { return hllOps; } @Override public ReactiveHyperLogLogOperations opsForHyperLogLog( RedisSerializationContext serializationContext) { return new DefaultReactiveHyperLogLogOperations<>(this, serializationContext); } @Override public ReactiveListOperations opsForList() { return listOps; } @Override public ReactiveListOperations opsForList(RedisSerializationContext serializationContext) { return new DefaultReactiveListOperations<>(this, serializationContext); } @Override public ReactiveSetOperations opsForSet() { return setOps; } @Override public ReactiveSetOperations opsForSet(RedisSerializationContext serializationContext) { return new DefaultReactiveSetOperations<>(this, serializationContext); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ReactiveStreamOperations opsForStream() { return (ReactiveStreamOperations) streamOps; } @Override public ReactiveStreamOperations opsForStream( HashMapper hashMapper) { return opsForStream(serializationContext, hashMapper); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ReactiveStreamOperations opsForStream( RedisSerializationContext serializationContext) { return opsForStream(serializationContext, (HashMapper) ObjectHashMapper.getSharedInstance()); } protected ReactiveStreamOperations opsForStream( RedisSerializationContext serializationContext, @Nullable HashMapper hashMapper) { return new DefaultReactiveStreamOperations<>(this, serializationContext, hashMapper); } @Override public ReactiveValueOperations opsForValue() { return valueOps; } @Override public ReactiveValueOperations opsForValue(RedisSerializationContext serializationContext) { return new DefaultReactiveValueOperations<>(this, serializationContext); } @Override public ReactiveZSetOperations opsForZSet() { return zsetOps; } @Override public ReactiveZSetOperations opsForZSet(RedisSerializationContext serializationContext) { return new DefaultReactiveZSetOperations<>(this, serializationContext); } @Override public RedisSerializationContext getSerializationContext() { return serializationContext; } private ReactiveRedisOperations withConnection(ReactiveRedisConnection connection) { return new BoundConnectionRedisTemplate(connection, connectionFactory, serializationContext); } class BoundConnectionRedisTemplate extends ReactiveRedisTemplate { private final ReactiveRedisConnection connection; public BoundConnectionRedisTemplate(ReactiveRedisConnection connection, ReactiveRedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory, RedisSerializationContext serializationContext) { super(connectionFactory, serializationContext, true); this.connection = connection; } @Override Publisher doInConnection(ReactiveRedisCallback action, boolean exposeConnection) { Assert.notNull(action, "Callback object must not be null"); ReactiveRedisConnection connToUse = ReactiveRedisTemplate.this.preProcessConnection(connection, true); Publisher result = action.doInRedis(connToUse); return ReactiveRedisTemplate.this.postProcessResult(result, connToUse, true); } } private ByteBuffer rawKey(K key) { return getSerializationContext().getKeySerializationPair().getWriter().write(key); } private K readKey(ByteBuffer buffer) { return getSerializationContext().getKeySerializationPair().getReader().read(buffer); } }

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