org.springframework.geode.cache.AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2017-present the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.geode.cache;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Cache;
import org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Region;
import org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEvent;
import org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventListener;
import org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue;
import org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory;
import org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayEventFilter;
import org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter;
import org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender;
import org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender.OrderPolicy;
import org.springframework.geode.cache.RepositoryAsyncEventListener.AsyncEventErrorHandler;
import org.springframework.lang.NonNull;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
* A Spring Data for Apache Geode {@link RegionConfigurer} implementation used to configure a target {@link Region}
* to use {@literal Asynchronous Inline Caching} based on the Spring Data {@link CrudRepository Repositories}
* abstraction.
* @author John Blum
* @see java.util.function.Function
* @see java.util.function.Predicate
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.Region
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventListener
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayEventFilter
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender.OrderPolicy
* @see
* @see
* @see
* @see org.springframework.geode.cache.RepositoryAsyncEventListener.AsyncEventErrorHandler
* @since 1.4.0
public class AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer implements RegionConfigurer {
protected static final Predicate DEFAULT_REGION_BEAN_NAME_PREDICATE = beanName -> false;
* Factory method used to construct a new instance of {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer} initialized with
* the given Spring Data {@link CrudRepository} and {@link Predicate} identifying the target {@link Region}
* on which to configure {@literal Asynchronous Inline Caching}.
* @param {@link Class type} of the entity.
* @param {@link Class type} of the identifier, or {@link Region} key.
* @param repository {@link CrudRepository} used to perform data access operations on an external data source
* triggered by cache events and operations on the identified {@link Region}; must not be {@literal null}.
* @param regionBeanName {@link Predicate} used to identify the {@link Region} by {@link String name} on which
* {@literal Asynchronous Inline Caching} will be configured.
* @return a new {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@link CrudRepository} is {@literal null}.
* @see #AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer(CrudRepository, Predicate)
* @see
* @see java.util.function.Predicate
public static AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer create(@NonNull CrudRepository repository,
@Nullable Predicate regionBeanName) {
return new AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer<>(repository, regionBeanName);
* Factory method used to construct a new instance of {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer} initialized with
* the given Spring Data {@link CrudRepository} and {@link String} identifying the target {@link Region}
* on which to configure {@literal Asynchronous Inline Caching}.
* @param {@link Class type} of the entity.
* @param {@link Class type} of the identifier, or {@link Region} key.
* @param repository {@link CrudRepository} used to perform data access operations on an external data source
* triggered by cache events and operations on the identified {@link Region}; must not be {@literal null}.
* @param regionBeanName {@link String} used to identify the {@link Region} by {@link String name} on which
* {@literal Asynchronous Inline Caching} will be configured.
* @return a new {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@link CrudRepository} is {@literal null}.
* @see
* @see #create(CrudRepository, Predicate)
* @see java.lang.String
public static AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer create(@NonNull CrudRepository repository,
@Nullable String regionBeanName) {
return create(repository, Predicate.isEqual(regionBeanName));
private AsyncEventErrorHandler asyncEventErrorHandler;
private Boolean batchConflationEnabled;
private Boolean diskSynchronous;
private Boolean forwardExpirationDestroy;
private Boolean parallel;
private Boolean persistent;
private Boolean pauseEventDispatching;
private final CrudRepository repository;
private Function asyncEventListenerPostProcessor;
private Function asyncEventQueuePostProcessor;
private Function asyncEventQueueFactoryPostProcessor;
private Integer batchSize;
private Integer batchTimeInterval;
private Integer dispatcherThreads;
private Integer maximumQueueMemory;
private GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter gatewayEventSubstitutionFilter;
private GatewaySender.OrderPolicy orderPolicy;
private List gatewayEventFilters;
private final Predicate regionBeanName;
private String diskStoreName;
* Constructs a new instance of {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer} initialized with the given
* {@link CrudRepository} and {@link Predicate} identifying the {@link Region} on which
* {@literal Asynchronous Inline Caching} will be configured.
* @param repository {@link CrudRepository} used to perform data access operations on an external data source
* triggered by cache events and operations on the identified {@link Region}; must not be {@literal null}.
* @param regionBeanName {@link Predicate} used to identify the {@link Region} by {@link String name} on which
* {@literal Asynchronous Inline Caching} will be configured.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@link CrudRepository} is {@literal null}.
* @see
* @see java.util.function.Predicate
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer(@NonNull CrudRepository repository,
@Nullable Predicate regionBeanName) {
Assert.notNull(repository, "CrudRepository must not be null");
this.repository = repository;
this.regionBeanName = regionBeanName != null ? regionBeanName : DEFAULT_REGION_BEAN_NAME_PREDICATE;
* Gets the {@link Predicate} identifying the {@link Region} on which {@literal Asynchronous Inline Caching}
* will be configured.
* @return the {@link Predicate} used to match the {@link Region} by {@link String name} on which
* {@literal Asynchronous Inline Caching} will be configured; never {@literal null}.
* @see java.util.function.Predicate
protected @NonNull Predicate getRegionBeanName() {
return this.regionBeanName;
* Gets the Spring Data {@link CrudRepository} used to perform data access operations on an external data source
* triggered cache events and operations on the target {@link Region}.
* @return the Spring Data {@link CrudRepository} used to perform data access operations on an external data source
* triggered cache events and operations on the target {@link Region}; never {@literal null}.
* @see
protected @NonNull CrudRepository getRepository() {
return this.repository;
* Configures the target {@link Region} by {@link String name} with {@literal Asynchronous Inline Caching}
* functionality.
* Effectively, this Configurer creates an {@link AsyncEventQueue} attached to the target {@link Region} with a
* registered {@link RepositoryAsyncEventListener} to perform asynchronous data access operations triggered by
* cache operations to an external, backend data source using a Spring Data {@link CrudRepository}.
* @param beanName {@link String} specifying the name of the target {@link Region} and bean name
* in the Spring container.
* @param bean {@link PeerRegionFactoryBean} containing the configuration of the target {@link Region}
* in the Spring container.
* @see
* @see #newAsyncEventQueue(Cache, String)
public void configure(String beanName, PeerRegionFactoryBean, ?> bean) {
if (getRegionBeanName().test(beanName)) {
AsyncEventQueue queue = newAsyncEventQueue((Cache) bean.getCache(), beanName);
* Generates a new {@link String ID} for the {@link AsyncEventQueue}.
* @param regionBeanName {@link String name} of the target {@link Region}.
* @return a new {@link String ID} for the {@link AsyncEventQueue}.
protected @NonNull String generateId(@NonNull String regionBeanName) {
Assert.hasText(regionBeanName, () -> String.format("Region bean name [%s] must be specified", regionBeanName));
return regionBeanName.concat(String.format("-AEQ-%s", UUID.randomUUID().toString()));
* Constructs a new instance of an {@link AsyncEventQueue} to attach to the target {@link Region} configured for
* {@literal Asynchronous Inline Caching}.
* @param peerCache reference to the {@link Cache peer cache}; must not be {@literal null}.
* @param regionBeanName {@link String name} of the target {@link Region}; must not be {@literal null}.
* @return a new {@link AsyncEventQueue}.
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
* @see #generateId(String)
* @see #newAsyncEventQueueFactory(Cache)
* @see #newAsyncEventQueue(AsyncEventQueueFactory, String, AsyncEventListener)
* @see #newRepositoryAsyncEventListener()
* @see #postProcess(AsyncEventListener)
* @see #postProcess(AsyncEventQueue)
* @see #postProcess(AsyncEventQueueFactory)
protected AsyncEventQueue newAsyncEventQueue(@NonNull Cache peerCache, @NonNull String regionBeanName) {
AsyncEventQueueFactory asyncEventQueueFactory = newAsyncEventQueueFactory(peerCache);
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(this.pauseEventDispatching)) {
String asyncEventQueueId = generateId(regionBeanName);
AsyncEventListener asyncEventListener = newRepositoryAsyncEventListener();
asyncEventListener = postProcess(asyncEventListener);
asyncEventQueueFactory = postProcess(asyncEventQueueFactory);
AsyncEventQueue asyncEventQueue =
newAsyncEventQueue(asyncEventQueueFactory, asyncEventQueueId, asyncEventListener);
asyncEventQueue = postProcess(asyncEventQueue);
return asyncEventQueue;
* Constructs (creates) a new instance of {@link AsyncEventQueue} using the given {@link AsyncEventQueueFactory}
* with the given {@link String AEQ ID} and {@link AsyncEventListener}.
* @param factory {@link AsyncEventQueueFactory} used to create the {@link AsyncEventQueue};
* must not be {@literal null}.
* @param asyncEventQueueId {@link String} containing the {@literal ID} for the {@link AsyncEventQueue};
* must not be {@literal null}.
* @param listener {@link AsyncEventListener} registered with the {@link AsyncEventQueue} to process cache events
* from the {@link AsyncEventQueue} attached to the {@link Region}.
* @return a new {@link AsyncEventQueue} with the {@link String ID} and registered {@link AsyncEventListener}.
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventListener
protected @NonNull AsyncEventQueue newAsyncEventQueue(@NonNull AsyncEventQueueFactory factory,
@NonNull String asyncEventQueueId, @NonNull AsyncEventListener listener) {
return factory.create(asyncEventQueueId, listener);
* Constructs (creates) a new instance of the {@link AsyncEventQueueFactory} from the given {@literal peer}
* {@link Cache}.
* @param peerCache {@literal Peer} {@link Cache} instance used to create an instance of
* the {@link AsyncEventQueueFactory}; must not be {@literal null}.
* @return a new instance of {@link AsyncEventQueueFactory} to create a {@link AsyncEventQueue}.
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
protected @NonNull AsyncEventQueueFactory newAsyncEventQueueFactory(@NonNull Cache peerCache) {
return peerCache.createAsyncEventQueueFactory();
* Constructs a new Apache Geode {@link AsyncEventListener} to register on an {@link AsyncEventQueue} attached to
* the target {@link Region}, which uses the {@link CrudRepository} to perform data access operations on an external
* backend data source asynchronously when cache events and operations occur on the target {@link Region}.
* @return a new {@link RepositoryAsyncEventListener}.
* @see org.springframework.geode.cache.RepositoryAsyncEventListener
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventListener
* @see #newRepositoryAsyncEventListener(CrudRepository)
* @see #getRepository()
protected @NonNull AsyncEventListener newRepositoryAsyncEventListener() {
return newRepositoryAsyncEventListener(getRepository());
* Constructs a new Apache Geode {@link AsyncEventListener} to register on an {@link AsyncEventQueue} attached to
* the target {@link Region}, which uses the given {@link CrudRepository} to perform data access operations on an
* external, backend data source asynchronously when cache events and operations occur on the target {@link Region}.
* @param repository Spring Data {@link CrudRepository} used to perform data access operations on the external,
* backend data source; must not be {@literal null}.
* @return a new {@link RepositoryAsyncEventListener}.
* @see org.springframework.geode.cache.RepositoryAsyncEventListener
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventListener
* @see #getRepository()
protected @NonNull AsyncEventListener newRepositoryAsyncEventListener(@NonNull CrudRepository repository) {
return new RepositoryAsyncEventListener<>(repository);
* Applies the user-defined {@link Function} to the framework constructed/provided {@link AsyncEventListener}
* for post processing.
* @param asyncEventListener {@link AsyncEventListener} constructed by the framework and post processed by
* end-user code encapsulated in the {@link #applyToListener(Function) configured} {@link Function}.
* @return the post-processed {@link AsyncEventListener}.
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventListener
* @see #applyToListener(Function)
protected @NonNull AsyncEventListener postProcess(@NonNull AsyncEventListener asyncEventListener) {
return resolveAsyncEventListenerPostProcessor().apply(asyncEventListener);
* Applies the user-defined {@link Function} to the framework constructed/provided {@link AsyncEventQueue}
* for post processing.
* @param asyncEventQueue {@link AsyncEventQueue} constructed by the framework and post processed by
* end-user code encapsulated in the {@link #applyToQueue(Function) configured} {@link Function}.
* @return the post-processed {@link AsyncEventQueue}.
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
* @see #applyToQueue(Function)
protected @NonNull AsyncEventQueue postProcess(@NonNull AsyncEventQueue asyncEventQueue) {
Function asyncEventQueuePostProcessor =
return asyncEventQueuePostProcessor != null
? asyncEventQueuePostProcessor.apply(asyncEventQueue)
: asyncEventQueue;
* Applies the user-defined {@link Function} to the framework constructed/provided {@link AsyncEventQueueFactory}
* for post processing.
* @param asyncEventQueueFactory {@link AsyncEventQueueFactory} constructed by the framework and post processed by
* end-user code encapsulated in the {@link #applyToQueueFactory(Function) configured} {@link Function}.
* @return the post-processed {@link AsyncEventQueueFactory}.
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
* @see #applyToQueueFactory(Function)
protected @NonNull AsyncEventQueueFactory postProcess(@NonNull AsyncEventQueueFactory asyncEventQueueFactory) {
Function asyncEventQueueFactoryPostProcessor =
return asyncEventQueueFactoryPostProcessor != null
? asyncEventQueueFactoryPostProcessor.apply(asyncEventQueueFactory)
: asyncEventQueueFactory;
private @NonNull Function resolveAsyncEventListenerPostProcessor() {
AsyncEventErrorHandler asyncEventErrorHandler = this.asyncEventErrorHandler;
Function resolvedListenerPostProcessor = asyncEventErrorHandler != null
? listener -> {
if (listener instanceof RepositoryAsyncEventListener) {
((RepositoryAsyncEventListener) listener).setAsyncEventErrorHandler(asyncEventErrorHandler);
return listener;
: Function.identity();
Function asyncEventListenerPostProcessor =
if (asyncEventListenerPostProcessor != null) {
resolvedListenerPostProcessor = resolvedListenerPostProcessor.andThen(asyncEventListenerPostProcessor);
return resolvedListenerPostProcessor;
* Builder method used to configure the given user-defined {@link Function} applied to the framework constructed
* and provided {@link AsyncEventListener} for post processing.
* @param asyncEventListenerPostProcessor user-defined {@link Function} encapsulating the logic applied to
* the framework constructed/provided {@link AsyncEventListener} for post-processing.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventListener
* @see java.util.function.Function
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer applyToListener(
@Nullable Function asyncEventListenerPostProcessor) {
this.asyncEventListenerPostProcessor = asyncEventListenerPostProcessor;
return this;
* Builder method used to configure the given user-defined {@link Function} applied to the framework constructed
* and provided {@link AsyncEventQueue} for post processing.
* @param asyncEventQueuePostProcessor user-defined {@link Function} encapsulating the logic applied to
* the framework constructed {@link AsyncEventQueue} for post-processing.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
* @see java.util.function.Function
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer applyToQueue(
@Nullable Function asyncEventQueuePostProcessor) {
this.asyncEventQueuePostProcessor = asyncEventQueuePostProcessor;
return this;
* Builder method used to configure the given user-defined {@link Function} applied to the framework constructed
* and provided {@link AsyncEventQueueFactory} for post processing.
* @param asyncEventQueueFactoryPostProcessor user-defined {@link Function} encapsulating the logic applied to
* the framework constructed {@link AsyncEventQueueFactory} for post-processing.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
* @see java.util.function.Function
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer applyToQueueFactory(
@Nullable Function asyncEventQueueFactoryPostProcessor) {
this.asyncEventQueueFactoryPostProcessor = asyncEventQueueFactoryPostProcessor;
return this;
* Builder method used to configure a {@link AsyncEventErrorHandler} to handle errors thrown while processing
* {@link AsyncEvent AsyncEvents} in the {@link AsyncEventListener}.
* @param errorHandler {@link AsyncEventErrorHandler} used to handle errors thrown while processing
* {@link AsyncEvent AsyncEvents} in the {@link AsyncEventListener}.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
* @see org.springframework.geode.cache.RepositoryAsyncEventListener.AsyncEventErrorHandler
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer withAsyncEventErrorHandler(
@Nullable AsyncEventErrorHandler errorHandler) {
this.asyncEventErrorHandler = errorHandler;
return this;
* Builder method used to enable all {@link AsyncEventQueue AEQs} attached to {@link Region Regions} hosted
* and distributed across the cache cluster to process cache events.
* Default is {@literal false}, or {@literal serial}.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
* @see #withSerialQueue()
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer withParallelQueue() {
this.parallel = true;
return this;
* Builder method used to enable the {@link AsyncEventQueue} to persist cache events to disk in order to
* preserve unprocessed cache events while offline.
* Keep in mind that the {@link AsyncEventQueue} must be persistent if the data {@link Region}
* to which the AEQ is attached is persistent.
* Default is {@literal false}.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer withPersistentQueue() {
this.persistent = true;
return this;
* Builder method used to configure the {@link AsyncEventQueue} to conflate cache events in the queue.
* When conflation is enabled, the AEQ listener will only receive the latest update in the AEQ for cache entry
* based on key.
* Defaults to {@literal false}.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer withQueueBatchConflationEnabled() {
this.batchConflationEnabled = true;
return this;
* Builder method used to configure the {@link AsyncEventQueue} {@link Integer batch size}, which determines
* the number (i.e. threshold) of cache events that will trigger the AEQ listener, before any set period of time.
* The batch size is often used in tandem with the batch time interval, which determines when the AEQ listener
* will be invoked after a period of time if the batch size is not reached within the period so that cache events
* can also be processed in a timely manner if they are occurring infrequently.
* Defaults to {@literal 100}.
* @param batchSize the {@link Integer number} of cache events in the queue before the AEQ listener is called.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
* @see #withQueueBatchTimeInterval(Duration)
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer withQueueBatchSize(int batchSize) {
this.batchSize = batchSize;
return this;
* Builder method used to configure the {@link AsyncEventQueue} {@link Duration batch time interval} determining
* when the AEQ listener will be trigger before the number of cache events reaches any set size.
* The {@link Duration} is converted to milliseconds (ms), as expected by the configuration
* of the {@link AsyncEventQueue}.
* The batch time interval is often used in tandem with batch size, which determines for how many cache events
* in the queue will trigger the AEQ listener. If cache events are occurring rather frequently, then the batch size
* can help reduce memory consumption by processing the cache events before the batch time interval expires.
* Defaults to {@literal 5 ms}.
* @param batchTimeInterval {@link Duration} of time to determine when the AEQ listener should be invoked with
* any existing cache events in the queue.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer withQueueBatchTimeInterval(Duration batchTimeInterval) {
this.batchTimeInterval = batchTimeInterval != null
? Long.valueOf(batchTimeInterval.toMillis()).intValue()
: null;
return this;
* Builder method used to configure the {@link String name} of the {@link DiskStore} used by
* the {@link AsyncEventQueue} to persist or overflow cache events.
* By default, the AEQ will write cache events to the {@literal DEFAULT} {@link DiskStore}.
* @param diskStoreName {@link String name} of the {@link DiskStore}.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer withQueueDiskStore(String diskStoreName) {
this.diskStoreName = diskStoreName;
return this;
* Builder method used to configure the {@link AsyncEventQueue} to perform all disk write operations synchronously.
* Default is {@literal true}.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer withQueueDiskSynchronizationEnabled() {
this.diskSynchronous = true;
return this;
* Builder method to configure the number of {@link Thread Threads} to process the cache events (contents)
* in the {@link AsyncEventQueue} when the queue is parallel.
* When a queue is parallel, the total number of queues is determined by the number of Geode members
* hosting the {@link Region} to which the queue is attached.
* When a queue is serial and multiple dispatcher threads are configured, Geode creates an additional copy of
* the queue for each thread on each Geode member that hosts the queue. When the queue is serial and multiple
* dispatcher threads are configure, then you can use the {@link GatewaySender} {@link OrderPolicy} to control
* the distribution of cache events from the queue by the threads.
* Default is {@literal 5}.
* @param dispatcherThreadCount {@link Integer number} of dispatcher {@link Thread Threads} processing cache events
* in the queue.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer withQueueDispatcherThreadCount(int dispatcherThreadCount) {
this.dispatcherThreads = dispatcherThreadCount;
return this;
* Builder method used to configure whether the {@link AsyncEventQueue} is currently processing cache events
* or is paused.
* When paused, cache events will not be dispatched to the AEQ listener for processing. Call the
* {@link AsyncEventQueue#resumeEventDispatching()} to resume cache event processing and AEQ listener callbacks.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer withQueueEventDispatchingPaused() {
this.pauseEventDispatching = true;
return this;
* Builder method to configure the {@link AsyncEventQueue} with a {@link List} of
* {@link GatewayEventFilter GatewayEventFilters} to filter cache events sent to the configured AEQ listener.
* @param eventFilters {@link List} of {@link GatewayEventFilter GatewayEventFilters} used to control and filter
* the cache events sent to the configured AEQ listener.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayEventFilter
* @see java.util.List
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer withQueueEventFilters(List eventFilters) {
this.gatewayEventFilters = eventFilters;
return this;
* Builder method used to configure the {@link AsyncEventQueue} with a
* {@link GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter cache event substitution filter} used to replace (or "substitute")
* the original cache entry event value enqueued in the AEQ.
* @param eventSubstitutionFilter {@link GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter} used to replace/substitute the value
* in the enqueued cache entry event.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer withQueueEventSubstitutionFilter(
@Nullable GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter eventSubstitutionFilter) {
this.gatewayEventSubstitutionFilter = eventSubstitutionFilter;
return this;
* Builder method used to configure whether cache {@link Region} entry destroyed events due to expiration
* are forwarded to the {@link AsyncEventQueue}.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer withQueueForwardedExpirationDestroyEvents() {
this.forwardExpirationDestroy = true;
return this;
* Builder method used to configure the maximum JVM Heap memory in megabytes used by the {@link AsyncEventQueue}.
* After the maximum memory threshold is reached then the AEQ overflows cache events to disk.
* Default to {@literal 100 MB}.
* @param maximumMemory {@link Integer} value specifying the maximum amount of memory in megabytes used by the AEQ
* to capture cache events.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer withQueueMaxMemory(int maximumMemory) {
this.maximumQueueMemory = maximumMemory;
return this;
* Builder method used to configure the {@link AsyncEventQueue} order of processing for cache events when the AEQ
* is serial and the AEQ is using multiple dispatcher threads.
* @param orderPolicy {@link GatewaySender} {@link OrderPolicy} used to determine the order of processing
* for cache events when the AEQ is serial and uses multiple dispatcher threads.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
* @see org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender.OrderPolicy
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer withQueueOrderPolicy(
@Nullable GatewaySender.OrderPolicy orderPolicy) {
this.orderPolicy = orderPolicy;
return this;
* Builder method used to enable a single {@link AsyncEventQueue AEQ} attached to a {@link Region Region}
* (possibly) hosted and distributed across the cache cluster to process cache events.
* Default is {@literal false}, or {@literal serial}.
* @return this {@link AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer}.
* @see #withParallelQueue()
public AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer withSerialQueue() {
this.parallel = false;
return this;
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