org.springframework.kafka.retrytopic.RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2018-2023 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.kafka.retrytopic;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.springframework.classify.BinaryExceptionClassifier;
import org.springframework.classify.BinaryExceptionClassifierBuilder;
import org.springframework.kafka.config.ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory;
import org.springframework.kafka.core.KafkaOperations;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.retry.backoff.BackOffPolicy;
import org.springframework.retry.backoff.ExponentialBackOffPolicy;
import org.springframework.retry.backoff.ExponentialRandomBackOffPolicy;
import org.springframework.retry.backoff.FixedBackOffPolicy;
import org.springframework.retry.backoff.NoBackOffPolicy;
import org.springframework.retry.backoff.SleepingBackOffPolicy;
import org.springframework.retry.backoff.UniformRandomBackOffPolicy;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
* Builder class to create {@link RetryTopicConfiguration} instances.
* @author Tomaz Fernandes
* @author Gary Russell
* @since 2.7
public class RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder {
private static final String ALREADY_SELECTED = "You have already selected backoff policy";
private final List includeTopicNames = new ArrayList<>();
private final List excludeTopicNames = new ArrayList<>();
private int maxAttempts = RetryTopicConstants.NOT_SET;
private BackOffPolicy backOffPolicy;
private EndpointHandlerMethod dltHandlerMethod;
private String retryTopicSuffix;
private String dltSuffix;
private RetryTopicConfiguration.TopicCreation topicCreationConfiguration = new RetryTopicConfiguration.TopicCreation();
private ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory, ?> listenerContainerFactory;
private String listenerContainerFactoryName;
private BinaryExceptionClassifierBuilder classifierBuilder;
private FixedDelayStrategy fixedDelayStrategy = FixedDelayStrategy.MULTIPLE_TOPICS;
private DltStrategy dltStrategy = DltStrategy.ALWAYS_RETRY_ON_ERROR;
private long timeout = RetryTopicConstants.NOT_SET;
private TopicSuffixingStrategy topicSuffixingStrategy = TopicSuffixingStrategy.SUFFIX_WITH_DELAY_VALUE;
private SameIntervalTopicReuseStrategy sameIntervalTopicReuseStrategy = SameIntervalTopicReuseStrategy.MULTIPLE_TOPICS;
private Boolean autoStartDltHandler;
private Integer concurrency;
/* ---------------- DLT Behavior -------------- */
* Configure a DLT handler method.
* @param beanName the bean name.
* @param methodName the method name.
* @return the builder.
* @since 2.8
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder dltHandlerMethod(String beanName, String methodName) {
this.dltHandlerMethod = RetryTopicConfigurer.createHandlerMethodWith(beanName, methodName);
return this;
* Configure the concurrency for the retry and DLT containers.
* @param concurrency the concurrency.
* @return the builder.
* @since 3.0
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder concurrency(Integer concurrency) {
this.concurrency = concurrency;
return this;
* Configure a DLT handler method.
* @param endpointHandlerMethod the handler method.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder dltHandlerMethod(EndpointHandlerMethod endpointHandlerMethod) {
this.dltHandlerMethod = endpointHandlerMethod;
return this;
* Configure the {@link DltStrategy} to {@link DltStrategy#FAIL_ON_ERROR}.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder doNotRetryOnDltFailure() {
this.dltStrategy = DltStrategy.FAIL_ON_ERROR;
return this;
* Configure the {@link DltStrategy}.
* @param dltStrategy the strategy.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder dltProcessingFailureStrategy(DltStrategy dltStrategy) {
this.dltStrategy = dltStrategy;
return this;
* Configure the {@link DltStrategy} to {@link DltStrategy#NO_DLT}.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder doNotConfigureDlt() {
this.dltStrategy = DltStrategy.NO_DLT;
return this;
* Set to false to not start the DLT handler (configured or default); overrides
* the container factory's autoStartup property.
* @param autoStart false to not auto start.
* @return this builder.
* @since 2.8
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder autoStartDltHandler(@Nullable Boolean autoStart) {
this.autoStartDltHandler = autoStart;
return this;
/* ---------------- Configure Topic GateKeeper -------------- */
* Configure the topic names for which to use the target configuration.
* @param topicNames the names.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder includeTopics(List topicNames) {
return this;
* Configure the topic names for which the target configuration will NOT be used.
* @param topicNames the names.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder excludeTopics(List topicNames) {
return this;
* Configure a topic name for which to use the target configuration.
* @param topicName the name.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder includeTopic(String topicName) {
return this;
* Configure a topic name for which the target configuration will NOT be used.
* @param topicName the name.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder excludeTopic(String topicName) {
return this;
/* ---------------- Configure Topic Suffixes -------------- */
* Configure the suffix to add to the retry topics.
* @param suffix the suffix.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder retryTopicSuffix(String suffix) {
this.retryTopicSuffix = suffix;
return this;
* Configure the suffix to add to the DLT topic.
* @param suffix the suffix.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder dltSuffix(String suffix) {
this.dltSuffix = suffix;
return this;
* Configure the retry topic names to be suffixed with ordinal index values.
* @return the builder.
* @see TopicSuffixingStrategy#SUFFIX_WITH_INDEX_VALUE
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder suffixTopicsWithIndexValues() {
this.topicSuffixingStrategy = TopicSuffixingStrategy.SUFFIX_WITH_INDEX_VALUE;
return this;
* Configure the retry topic name {@link TopicSuffixingStrategy}.
* @param topicSuffixingStrategy the strategy.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder setTopicSuffixingStrategy(TopicSuffixingStrategy topicSuffixingStrategy) {
this.topicSuffixingStrategy = topicSuffixingStrategy;
return this;
* Configure the {@link SameIntervalTopicReuseStrategy}.
* Note: for fixed backoffs, when this is configured as
* {@link SameIntervalTopicReuseStrategy#SINGLE_TOPIC}, it has precedence over
* the configuration done through
* {@link #useSingleTopicForFixedDelays(FixedDelayStrategy)}.
* @param sameIntervalTopicReuseStrategy the strategy.
* @return the builder.
* @since 3.0.4
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder sameIntervalTopicReuseStrategy(SameIntervalTopicReuseStrategy sameIntervalTopicReuseStrategy) {
this.sameIntervalTopicReuseStrategy = sameIntervalTopicReuseStrategy;
return this;
* Configure the use of a single retry topic for the attempts that have the same
* backoff interval (as long as these attempts are in the end of the chain).
* Used for the last retries of exponential backoff (when a {@code maxDelay} is
* provided), and to use a single retry topic for fixed backoff.
* @return the builder.
* @since 3.0.4
* @see SameIntervalTopicReuseStrategy
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder useSingleTopicForSameIntervals() {
this.sameIntervalTopicReuseStrategy = SameIntervalTopicReuseStrategy.SINGLE_TOPIC;
return this;
/* ---------------- Configure BackOff -------------- */
* Configure the maximum delivery attempts (including the first).
* @param maxAttempts the attempts.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder maxAttempts(int maxAttempts) {
Assert.isTrue(maxAttempts > 0, "Number of attempts should be positive");
Assert.isTrue(this.maxAttempts == RetryTopicConstants.NOT_SET,
"You have already set the number of attempts");
this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts;
return this;
* Configure a global timeout, in milliseconds, after which a record will go straight
* to the DLT the next time a listener throws an exception. Default no timeout.
* @param timeout the timeout.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder timeoutAfter(long timeout) {
this.timeout = timeout;
return this;
* Configure an {@link ExponentialBackOffPolicy}.
* @param initialInterval the initial delay interval.
* @param multiplier the multiplier.
* @param maxInterval the maximum delay interval.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder exponentialBackoff(long initialInterval, double multiplier, long maxInterval) {
return exponentialBackoff(initialInterval, multiplier, maxInterval, false);
* Configure an {@link ExponentialBackOffPolicy} or
* {@link ExponentialRandomBackOffPolicy} depending on the random parameter.
* @param initialInterval the initial delay interval.
* @param multiplier the multiplier.
* @param maxInterval the maximum delay interval.
* @param withRandom true for an {@link ExponentialRandomBackOffPolicy}.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder exponentialBackoff(long initialInterval, double multiplier, long maxInterval,
boolean withRandom) {
Assert.isNull(this.backOffPolicy, ALREADY_SELECTED);
Assert.isTrue(initialInterval >= 1, "Initial interval should be >= 1");
Assert.isTrue(multiplier > 1, "Multiplier should be > 1");
Assert.isTrue(maxInterval > initialInterval, "Max interval should be > than initial interval");
ExponentialBackOffPolicy policy = withRandom ? new ExponentialRandomBackOffPolicy()
: new ExponentialBackOffPolicy();
this.backOffPolicy = policy;
return this;
* Configure a {@link FixedBackOffPolicy}.
* @param interval the interval.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder fixedBackOff(long interval) {
Assert.isNull(this.backOffPolicy, ALREADY_SELECTED);
Assert.isTrue(interval >= 1, "Interval should be >= 1");
FixedBackOffPolicy policy = new FixedBackOffPolicy();
this.backOffPolicy = policy;
return this;
* Configure a {@link UniformRandomBackOffPolicy}.
* @param minInterval the minimum interval.
* @param maxInterval the maximum interval.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder uniformRandomBackoff(long minInterval, long maxInterval) {
Assert.isNull(this.backOffPolicy, ALREADY_SELECTED);
Assert.isTrue(minInterval >= 1, "Min interval should be >= 1");
Assert.isTrue(maxInterval >= 1, "Max interval should be >= 1");
Assert.isTrue(maxInterval > minInterval, "Max interval should be > than min interval");
UniformRandomBackOffPolicy policy = new UniformRandomBackOffPolicy();
this.backOffPolicy = policy;
return this;
* Configure a {@link NoBackOffPolicy}.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder noBackoff() {
Assert.isNull(this.backOffPolicy, ALREADY_SELECTED);
this.backOffPolicy = new NoBackOffPolicy();
return this;
* Configure a custom {@link SleepingBackOffPolicy}.
* @param backOffPolicy the policy.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder customBackoff(SleepingBackOffPolicy> backOffPolicy) {
Assert.isNull(this.backOffPolicy, ALREADY_SELECTED);
Assert.notNull(backOffPolicy, "You should provide non null custom policy");
this.backOffPolicy = backOffPolicy;
return this;
* Configure a {@link FixedBackOffPolicy}.
* @param interval the interval.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder fixedBackOff(int interval) {
Assert.isNull(this.backOffPolicy, ALREADY_SELECTED);
FixedBackOffPolicy policy = new FixedBackOffPolicy();
this.backOffPolicy = policy;
return this;
* Configure the use of a single retry topic with fixed delays.
* @return the builder.
* @deprecated in favor of {@link #useSingleTopicForSameIntervals()}.
* @see FixedDelayStrategy#SINGLE_TOPIC
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder useSingleTopicForFixedDelays() {
this.fixedDelayStrategy = FixedDelayStrategy.SINGLE_TOPIC;
return this;
* Configure the {@link FixedDelayStrategy}; default is
* {@link FixedDelayStrategy#MULTIPLE_TOPICS}.
* @param delayStrategy the delay strategy.
* @return the builder.
* @deprecated in favor of
* {@link #sameIntervalTopicReuseStrategy(SameIntervalTopicReuseStrategy)}.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder useSingleTopicForFixedDelays(FixedDelayStrategy delayStrategy) {
this.fixedDelayStrategy = delayStrategy;
return this;
/* ---------------- Configure Topics Auto Creation -------------- */
* Configure the topic creation behavior to NOT auto create topics.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder doNotAutoCreateRetryTopics() {
this.topicCreationConfiguration = new RetryTopicConfiguration.TopicCreation(false);
return this;
* Configure the topic creation behavior to auto create topics with the provided
* properties.
* @param numPartitions the number of partitions.
* @param replicationFactor the replication factor (-1 to use the broker default if the
* broker is version 2.4 or later).
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder autoCreateTopicsWith(int numPartitions, short replicationFactor) {
this.topicCreationConfiguration = new RetryTopicConfiguration.TopicCreation(true, numPartitions,
return this;
* Configure the topic creation behavior to optionall create topics with the provided
* properties.
* @param shouldCreate true to auto create.
* @param numPartitions the number of partitions.
* @param replicationFactor the replication factor (-1 to use the broker default if the
* broker is version 2.4 or later).
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder autoCreateTopics(boolean shouldCreate, int numPartitions,
short replicationFactor) {
this.topicCreationConfiguration = new RetryTopicConfiguration.TopicCreation(shouldCreate, numPartitions,
return this;
/* ---------------- Configure Exception Classifier -------------- */
* Configure the behavior to retry on the provided {@link Throwable}.
* @param throwable the throwable.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder retryOn(Class extends Throwable> throwable) {
return this;
* Configure the behavior to NOT retry on the provided {@link Throwable}.
* @param throwable the throwable.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder notRetryOn(Class extends Throwable> throwable) {
return this;
* Configure the behavior to retry on the provided {@link Throwable}s.
* @param throwables the throwables.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder retryOn(List> throwables) {
.forEach(throwable -> classifierBuilder().retryOn(throwable));
return this;
* Configure the behavior to NOT retry on the provided {@link Throwable}s.
* @param throwables the throwables.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder notRetryOn(List> throwables) {
.forEach(throwable -> classifierBuilder().notRetryOn(throwable));
return this;
* Configure the classifier to traverse the cause chain.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder traversingCauses() {
return this;
* Configure the classifier to traverse, or not, the cause chain.
* @param traversing true to traverse.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder traversingCauses(boolean traversing) {
if (traversing) {
return this;
private BinaryExceptionClassifierBuilder classifierBuilder() {
if (this.classifierBuilder == null) {
this.classifierBuilder = new BinaryExceptionClassifierBuilder();
return this.classifierBuilder;
/* ---------------- Configure KafkaListenerContainerFactory -------------- */
* Configure the container factory to use.
* @param factory the factory.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder listenerFactory(ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory, ?> factory) {
this.listenerContainerFactory = factory;
return this;
* Configure the container factory to use via its bean name.
* @param factoryBeanName the factory bean name.
* @return the builder.
public RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder listenerFactory(String factoryBeanName) {
this.listenerContainerFactoryName = factoryBeanName;
return this;
* Create the {@link RetryTopicConfiguration} with the provided template.
* @param sendToTopicKafkaTemplate the template.
* @return the configuration.
// The templates are configured per ListenerContainerFactory. Only the first configured ones will be used.
public RetryTopicConfiguration create(KafkaOperations, ?> sendToTopicKafkaTemplate) {
ListenerContainerFactoryResolver.Configuration factoryResolverConfig =
new ListenerContainerFactoryResolver.Configuration(this.listenerContainerFactory,
AllowDenyCollectionManager allowListManager =
new AllowDenyCollectionManager<>(this.includeTopicNames, this.excludeTopicNames);
List backOffValues = new BackOffValuesGenerator(this.maxAttempts, this.backOffPolicy).generateValues();
ListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer.Configuration factoryConfigurerConfig =
new ListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer.Configuration(backOffValues);
List destinationTopicProperties =
new DestinationTopicPropertiesFactory(this.retryTopicSuffix, this.dltSuffix, backOffValues,
buildClassifier(), this.topicCreationConfiguration.getNumPartitions(),
sendToTopicKafkaTemplate, this.fixedDelayStrategy, this.dltStrategy,
this.topicSuffixingStrategy, this.sameIntervalTopicReuseStrategy, this.timeout)
return new RetryTopicConfiguration(destinationTopicProperties,
this.dltHandlerMethod, this.topicCreationConfiguration, allowListManager,
factoryResolverConfig, factoryConfigurerConfig, this.concurrency);
private BinaryExceptionClassifier buildClassifier() {
return this.classifierBuilder != null
: new BinaryExceptionClassifierBuilder().retryOn(Throwable.class).build();
* Create a new instance of the builder.
* @return the new instance.
public static RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder newInstance() {
return new RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder();