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There is a newer version: 2.5.2.RELEASE
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import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;
import org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;


* @deprecated See the OAuth 2.0 Migration Guide for Spring Security 5. * * @author efenderbosch */ @Deprecated public class RedisTokenStore implements TokenStore { private static final String ACCESS = "access:"; private static final String AUTH_TO_ACCESS = "auth_to_access:"; private static final String AUTH = "auth:"; private static final String REFRESH_AUTH = "refresh_auth:"; private static final String ACCESS_TO_REFRESH = "access_to_refresh:"; private static final String REFRESH = "refresh:"; private static final String REFRESH_TO_ACCESS = "refresh_to_access:"; private static final String CLIENT_ID_TO_ACCESS = "client_id_to_access:"; private static final String UNAME_TO_ACCESS = "uname_to_access:"; private static final boolean springDataRedis_2_0 = ClassUtils.isPresent( "", RedisTokenStore.class.getClassLoader()); private final RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory; private AuthenticationKeyGenerator authenticationKeyGenerator = new DefaultAuthenticationKeyGenerator(); private RedisTokenStoreSerializationStrategy serializationStrategy = new JdkSerializationStrategy(); private String prefix = ""; private Method redisConnectionSet_2_0; public RedisTokenStore(RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory; if (springDataRedis_2_0) { this.loadRedisConnectionMethods_2_0(); } } public void setAuthenticationKeyGenerator(AuthenticationKeyGenerator authenticationKeyGenerator) { this.authenticationKeyGenerator = authenticationKeyGenerator; } public void setSerializationStrategy(RedisTokenStoreSerializationStrategy serializationStrategy) { this.serializationStrategy = serializationStrategy; } public void setPrefix(String prefix) { this.prefix = prefix; } private void loadRedisConnectionMethods_2_0() { this.redisConnectionSet_2_0 = ReflectionUtils.findMethod( RedisConnection.class, "set", byte[].class, byte[].class); } private RedisConnection getConnection() { return connectionFactory.getConnection(); } private byte[] serialize(Object object) { return serializationStrategy.serialize(object); } private byte[] serializeKey(String object) { return serialize(prefix + object); } private OAuth2AccessToken deserializeAccessToken(byte[] bytes) { return serializationStrategy.deserialize(bytes, OAuth2AccessToken.class); } private OAuth2Authentication deserializeAuthentication(byte[] bytes) { return serializationStrategy.deserialize(bytes, OAuth2Authentication.class); } private OAuth2RefreshToken deserializeRefreshToken(byte[] bytes) { return serializationStrategy.deserialize(bytes, OAuth2RefreshToken.class); } private byte[] serialize(String string) { return serializationStrategy.serialize(string); } private String deserializeString(byte[] bytes) { return serializationStrategy.deserializeString(bytes); } @Override public OAuth2AccessToken getAccessToken(OAuth2Authentication authentication) { String key = authenticationKeyGenerator.extractKey(authentication); byte[] serializedKey = serializeKey(AUTH_TO_ACCESS + key); byte[] bytes = null; RedisConnection conn = getConnection(); try { bytes = conn.get(serializedKey); } finally { conn.close(); } OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = deserializeAccessToken(bytes); if (accessToken != null) { OAuth2Authentication storedAuthentication = readAuthentication(accessToken.getValue()); if ((storedAuthentication == null || !key.equals(authenticationKeyGenerator.extractKey(storedAuthentication)))) { // Keep the stores consistent (maybe the same user is // represented by this authentication but the details have // changed) storeAccessToken(accessToken, authentication); } } return accessToken; } @Override public OAuth2Authentication readAuthentication(OAuth2AccessToken token) { return readAuthentication(token.getValue()); } @Override public OAuth2Authentication readAuthentication(String token) { byte[] bytes = null; RedisConnection conn = getConnection(); try { bytes = conn.get(serializeKey(AUTH + token)); } finally { conn.close(); } OAuth2Authentication auth = deserializeAuthentication(bytes); return auth; } @Override public OAuth2Authentication readAuthenticationForRefreshToken(OAuth2RefreshToken token) { return readAuthenticationForRefreshToken(token.getValue()); } public OAuth2Authentication readAuthenticationForRefreshToken(String token) { RedisConnection conn = getConnection(); try { byte[] bytes = conn.get(serializeKey(REFRESH_AUTH + token)); OAuth2Authentication auth = deserializeAuthentication(bytes); return auth; } finally { conn.close(); } } @Override public void storeAccessToken(OAuth2AccessToken token, OAuth2Authentication authentication) { byte[] serializedAccessToken = serialize(token); byte[] serializedAuth = serialize(authentication); byte[] accessKey = serializeKey(ACCESS + token.getValue()); byte[] authKey = serializeKey(AUTH + token.getValue()); byte[] authToAccessKey = serializeKey(AUTH_TO_ACCESS + authenticationKeyGenerator.extractKey(authentication)); byte[] approvalKey = serializeKey(UNAME_TO_ACCESS + getApprovalKey(authentication)); byte[] clientId = serializeKey(CLIENT_ID_TO_ACCESS + authentication.getOAuth2Request().getClientId()); RedisConnection conn = getConnection(); try { conn.openPipeline(); if (springDataRedis_2_0) { try { this.redisConnectionSet_2_0.invoke(conn, accessKey, serializedAccessToken); this.redisConnectionSet_2_0.invoke(conn, authKey, serializedAuth); this.redisConnectionSet_2_0.invoke(conn, authToAccessKey, serializedAccessToken); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } else { conn.set(accessKey, serializedAccessToken); conn.set(authKey, serializedAuth); conn.set(authToAccessKey, serializedAccessToken); } if (!authentication.isClientOnly()) { conn.sAdd(approvalKey, serializedAccessToken); } conn.sAdd(clientId, serializedAccessToken); if (token.getExpiration() != null) { int seconds = token.getExpiresIn(); conn.expire(accessKey, seconds); conn.expire(authKey, seconds); conn.expire(authToAccessKey, seconds); conn.expire(clientId, seconds); conn.expire(approvalKey, seconds); } OAuth2RefreshToken refreshToken = token.getRefreshToken(); if (refreshToken != null && refreshToken.getValue() != null) { byte[] refresh = serialize(token.getRefreshToken().getValue()); byte[] auth = serialize(token.getValue()); byte[] refreshToAccessKey = serializeKey(REFRESH_TO_ACCESS + token.getRefreshToken().getValue()); byte[] accessToRefreshKey = serializeKey(ACCESS_TO_REFRESH + token.getValue()); if (springDataRedis_2_0) { try { this.redisConnectionSet_2_0.invoke(conn, refreshToAccessKey, auth); this.redisConnectionSet_2_0.invoke(conn, accessToRefreshKey, refresh); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } else { conn.set(refreshToAccessKey, auth); conn.set(accessToRefreshKey, refresh); } if (refreshToken instanceof ExpiringOAuth2RefreshToken) { ExpiringOAuth2RefreshToken expiringRefreshToken = (ExpiringOAuth2RefreshToken) refreshToken; Date expiration = expiringRefreshToken.getExpiration(); if (expiration != null) { int seconds = Long.valueOf((expiration.getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000L) .intValue(); conn.expire(refreshToAccessKey, seconds); conn.expire(accessToRefreshKey, seconds); } } } conn.closePipeline(); } finally { conn.close(); } } private static String getApprovalKey(OAuth2Authentication authentication) { String userName = authentication.getUserAuthentication() == null ? "" : authentication.getUserAuthentication().getName(); return getApprovalKey(authentication.getOAuth2Request().getClientId(), userName); } private static String getApprovalKey(String clientId, String userName) { return clientId + (userName == null ? "" : ":" + userName); } @Override public void removeAccessToken(OAuth2AccessToken accessToken) { removeAccessToken(accessToken.getValue()); } @Override public OAuth2AccessToken readAccessToken(String tokenValue) { byte[] key = serializeKey(ACCESS + tokenValue); byte[] bytes = null; RedisConnection conn = getConnection(); try { bytes = conn.get(key); } finally { conn.close(); } OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = deserializeAccessToken(bytes); return accessToken; } public void removeAccessToken(String tokenValue) { byte[] accessKey = serializeKey(ACCESS + tokenValue); byte[] authKey = serializeKey(AUTH + tokenValue); byte[] accessToRefreshKey = serializeKey(ACCESS_TO_REFRESH + tokenValue); RedisConnection conn = getConnection(); try { conn.openPipeline(); conn.get(accessKey); conn.get(authKey); conn.del(accessKey); conn.del(accessToRefreshKey); // Don't remove the refresh token - it's up to the caller to do that conn.del(authKey); List results = conn.closePipeline(); byte[] access = (byte[]) results.get(0); byte[] auth = (byte[]) results.get(1); OAuth2Authentication authentication = deserializeAuthentication(auth); if (authentication != null) { String key = authenticationKeyGenerator.extractKey(authentication); byte[] authToAccessKey = serializeKey(AUTH_TO_ACCESS + key); byte[] unameKey = serializeKey(UNAME_TO_ACCESS + getApprovalKey(authentication)); byte[] clientId = serializeKey(CLIENT_ID_TO_ACCESS + authentication.getOAuth2Request().getClientId()); conn.openPipeline(); conn.del(authToAccessKey); conn.sRem(unameKey, access); conn.sRem(clientId, access); conn.del(serialize(ACCESS + key)); conn.closePipeline(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } @Override public void storeRefreshToken(OAuth2RefreshToken refreshToken, OAuth2Authentication authentication) { byte[] refreshKey = serializeKey(REFRESH + refreshToken.getValue()); byte[] refreshAuthKey = serializeKey(REFRESH_AUTH + refreshToken.getValue()); byte[] serializedRefreshToken = serialize(refreshToken); RedisConnection conn = getConnection(); try { conn.openPipeline(); if (springDataRedis_2_0) { try { this.redisConnectionSet_2_0.invoke(conn, refreshKey, serializedRefreshToken); this.redisConnectionSet_2_0.invoke(conn, refreshAuthKey, serialize(authentication)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } else { conn.set(refreshKey, serializedRefreshToken); conn.set(refreshAuthKey, serialize(authentication)); } if (refreshToken instanceof ExpiringOAuth2RefreshToken) { ExpiringOAuth2RefreshToken expiringRefreshToken = (ExpiringOAuth2RefreshToken) refreshToken; Date expiration = expiringRefreshToken.getExpiration(); if (expiration != null) { int seconds = Long.valueOf((expiration.getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000L) .intValue(); conn.expire(refreshKey, seconds); conn.expire(refreshAuthKey, seconds); } } conn.closePipeline(); } finally { conn.close(); } } @Override public OAuth2RefreshToken readRefreshToken(String tokenValue) { byte[] key = serializeKey(REFRESH + tokenValue); byte[] bytes = null; RedisConnection conn = getConnection(); try { bytes = conn.get(key); } finally { conn.close(); } OAuth2RefreshToken refreshToken = deserializeRefreshToken(bytes); return refreshToken; } @Override public void removeRefreshToken(OAuth2RefreshToken refreshToken) { removeRefreshToken(refreshToken.getValue()); } public void removeRefreshToken(String tokenValue) { byte[] refreshKey = serializeKey(REFRESH + tokenValue); byte[] refreshAuthKey = serializeKey(REFRESH_AUTH + tokenValue); byte[] refresh2AccessKey = serializeKey(REFRESH_TO_ACCESS + tokenValue); byte[] access2RefreshKey = serializeKey(ACCESS_TO_REFRESH + tokenValue); RedisConnection conn = getConnection(); try { conn.openPipeline(); conn.del(refreshKey); conn.del(refreshAuthKey); conn.del(refresh2AccessKey); conn.del(access2RefreshKey); conn.closePipeline(); } finally { conn.close(); } } @Override public void removeAccessTokenUsingRefreshToken(OAuth2RefreshToken refreshToken) { removeAccessTokenUsingRefreshToken(refreshToken.getValue()); } private void removeAccessTokenUsingRefreshToken(String refreshToken) { byte[] key = serializeKey(REFRESH_TO_ACCESS + refreshToken); List results = null; RedisConnection conn = getConnection(); try { conn.openPipeline(); conn.get(key); conn.del(key); results = conn.closePipeline(); } finally { conn.close(); } if (results == null) { return; } byte[] bytes = (byte[]) results.get(0); String accessToken = deserializeString(bytes); if (accessToken != null) { removeAccessToken(accessToken); } } private List getByteLists(byte[] approvalKey, RedisConnection conn) { List byteList; Long size = conn.sCard(approvalKey); byteList = new ArrayList(size.intValue()); Cursor cursor = conn.sScan(approvalKey, ScanOptions.NONE); while(cursor.hasNext()) { byteList.add(; } return byteList; } @Override public Collection findTokensByClientIdAndUserName(String clientId, String userName) { byte[] approvalKey = serializeKey(UNAME_TO_ACCESS + getApprovalKey(clientId, userName)); List byteList = null; RedisConnection conn = getConnection(); try { byteList = getByteLists(approvalKey, conn); } finally { conn.close(); } if (byteList == null || byteList.size() == 0) { return Collections. emptySet(); } List accessTokens = new ArrayList(byteList.size()); for (byte[] bytes : byteList) { OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = deserializeAccessToken(bytes); accessTokens.add(accessToken); } return Collections. unmodifiableCollection(accessTokens); } @Override public Collection findTokensByClientId(String clientId) { byte[] key = serializeKey(CLIENT_ID_TO_ACCESS + clientId); List byteList = null; RedisConnection conn = getConnection(); try { byteList = getByteLists(key, conn); } finally { conn.close(); } if (byteList == null || byteList.size() == 0) { return Collections. emptySet(); } List accessTokens = new ArrayList(byteList.size()); for (byte[] bytes : byteList) { OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = deserializeAccessToken(bytes); accessTokens.add(accessToken); } return Collections. unmodifiableCollection(accessTokens); } }