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 * Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009 Acegi Technology Pty Limited
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.springframework.context.MessageSource;
import org.springframework.context.MessageSourceAware;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.web.filter.GenericFilterBean;

 * Processes a HTTP request's Digest authorization headers, putting the result into the
 * SecurityContextHolder.

* For a detailed background on what this filter is designed to process, refer to * RFC 2617 (which superseded RFC 2069, * although this filter support clients that implement either RFC 2617 or RFC 2069). *

* This filter can be used to provide Digest authentication services to both remoting * protocol clients (such as Hessian and SOAP) as well as standard user agents (such as * Internet Explorer and FireFox). *

* This Digest implementation has been designed to avoid needing to store session state * between invocations. All session management information is stored in the "nonce" that * is sent to the client by the {@link DigestAuthenticationEntryPoint}. *

* If authentication is successful, the resulting * {@link Authentication} object will be * placed into the SecurityContextHolder. *

* If authentication fails, an * {@link * AuthenticationEntryPoint} implementation is called. This must always be * {@link DigestAuthenticationEntryPoint}, which will prompt the user to authenticate * again via Digest authentication. *

* Note there are limitations to Digest authentication, although it is a more * comprehensive and secure solution than Basic authentication. Please see RFC 2617 * section 4 for a full discussion on the advantages of Digest authentication over Basic * authentication, including commentary on the limitations that it still imposes. * * @author Ben Alex * @author Luke Taylor * @since 1.0.0 */ public class DigestAuthenticationFilter extends GenericFilterBean implements MessageSourceAware { // ~ Static fields/initializers // ===================================================================================== private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DigestAuthenticationFilter.class); // ~ Instance fields // ================================================================================================ private AuthenticationDetailsSource authenticationDetailsSource = new WebAuthenticationDetailsSource(); private DigestAuthenticationEntryPoint authenticationEntryPoint; protected MessageSourceAccessor messages = SpringSecurityMessageSource.getAccessor(); private UserCache userCache = new NullUserCache(); private UserDetailsService userDetailsService; private boolean passwordAlreadyEncoded = false; private boolean createAuthenticatedToken = false; // ~ Methods // ======================================================================================================== @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() { Assert.notNull(this.userDetailsService, "A UserDetailsService is required"); Assert.notNull(this.authenticationEntryPoint, "A DigestAuthenticationEntryPoint is required"); } public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req; HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res; String header = request.getHeader("Authorization"); if (header == null || !header.startsWith("Digest ")) { chain.doFilter(request, response); return; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Digest Authorization header received from user agent: " + header); } DigestData digestAuth = new DigestData(header); try { digestAuth.validateAndDecode(this.authenticationEntryPoint.getKey(), this.authenticationEntryPoint.getRealmName()); } catch (BadCredentialsException e) { fail(request, response, e); return; } // Lookup password for presented username // NB: DAO-provided password MUST be clear text - not encoded/salted // (unless this instance's passwordAlreadyEncoded property is 'false') boolean cacheWasUsed = true; UserDetails user = this.userCache.getUserFromCache(digestAuth.getUsername()); String serverDigestMd5; try { if (user == null) { cacheWasUsed = false; user = this.userDetailsService .loadUserByUsername(digestAuth.getUsername()); if (user == null) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "AuthenticationDao returned null, which is an interface contract violation"); } this.userCache.putUserInCache(user); } serverDigestMd5 = digestAuth.calculateServerDigest(user.getPassword(), request.getMethod()); // If digest is incorrect, try refreshing from backend and recomputing if (!serverDigestMd5.equals(digestAuth.getResponse()) && cacheWasUsed) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Digest comparison failure; trying to refresh user from DAO in case password had changed"); } user = this.userDetailsService .loadUserByUsername(digestAuth.getUsername()); this.userCache.putUserInCache(user); serverDigestMd5 = digestAuth.calculateServerDigest(user.getPassword(), request.getMethod()); } } catch (UsernameNotFoundException notFound) { fail(request, response, new BadCredentialsException(this.messages.getMessage( "DigestAuthenticationFilter.usernameNotFound", new Object[] { digestAuth.getUsername() }, "Username {0} not found"))); return; } // If digest is still incorrect, definitely reject authentication attempt if (!serverDigestMd5.equals(digestAuth.getResponse())) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Expected response: '" + serverDigestMd5 + "' but received: '" + digestAuth.getResponse() + "'; is AuthenticationDao returning clear text passwords?"); } fail(request, response, new BadCredentialsException(this.messages.getMessage( "DigestAuthenticationFilter.incorrectResponse", "Incorrect response"))); return; } // To get this far, the digest must have been valid // Check the nonce has not expired // We do this last so we can direct the user agent its nonce is stale // but the request was otherwise appearing to be valid if (digestAuth.isNonceExpired()) { fail(request, response, new NonceExpiredException(this.messages.getMessage( "DigestAuthenticationFilter.nonceExpired", "Nonce has expired/timed out"))); return; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Authentication success for user: '" + digestAuth.getUsername() + "' with response: '" + digestAuth.getResponse() + "'"); } Authentication authentication = createSuccessfulAuthentication(request, user); SecurityContext context = SecurityContextHolder.createEmptyContext(); context.setAuthentication(authentication); SecurityContextHolder.setContext(context); chain.doFilter(request, response); } private Authentication createSuccessfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, UserDetails user) { UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authRequest; if (this.createAuthenticatedToken) { authRequest = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, user.getPassword(), user.getAuthorities()); } else { authRequest = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, user.getPassword()); } authRequest.setDetails(this.authenticationDetailsSource.buildDetails(request)); return authRequest; } private void fail(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, AuthenticationException failed) throws IOException, ServletException { SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(null); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(failed); } this.authenticationEntryPoint.commence(request, response, failed); } protected final DigestAuthenticationEntryPoint getAuthenticationEntryPoint() { return this.authenticationEntryPoint; } public UserCache getUserCache() { return this.userCache; } public UserDetailsService getUserDetailsService() { return this.userDetailsService; } public void setAuthenticationDetailsSource( AuthenticationDetailsSource authenticationDetailsSource) { Assert.notNull(authenticationDetailsSource, "AuthenticationDetailsSource required"); this.authenticationDetailsSource = authenticationDetailsSource; } public void setAuthenticationEntryPoint( DigestAuthenticationEntryPoint authenticationEntryPoint) { this.authenticationEntryPoint = authenticationEntryPoint; } public void setMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource) { this.messages = new MessageSourceAccessor(messageSource); } public void setPasswordAlreadyEncoded(boolean passwordAlreadyEncoded) { this.passwordAlreadyEncoded = passwordAlreadyEncoded; } public void setUserCache(UserCache userCache) { this.userCache = userCache; } public void setUserDetailsService(UserDetailsService userDetailsService) { this.userDetailsService = userDetailsService; } /** * If you set this property, the Authentication object, which is created after the * successful digest authentication will be marked as authenticated and filled * with the authorities loaded by the UserDetailsService. It therefore will not be * re-authenticated by your AuthenticationProvider. This means, that only the password * of the user is checked, but not the flags like isEnabled() or * isAccountNonExpired(). You will save some time by enabling this flag, as otherwise * your UserDetailsService will be called twice. A more secure option would be to * introduce a cache around your UserDetailsService, but if you don't use these flags, * you can also safely enable this option. * * @param createAuthenticatedToken default is false */ public void setCreateAuthenticatedToken(boolean createAuthenticatedToken) { this.createAuthenticatedToken = createAuthenticatedToken; } private class DigestData { private final String username; private final String realm; private final String nonce; private final String uri; private final String response; private final String qop; private final String nc; private final String cnonce; private final String section212response; private long nonceExpiryTime; DigestData(String header) { this.section212response = header.substring(7); String[] headerEntries = DigestAuthUtils .splitIgnoringQuotes(this.section212response, ','); Map headerMap = DigestAuthUtils .splitEachArrayElementAndCreateMap(headerEntries, "=", "\""); this.username = headerMap.get("username"); this.realm = headerMap.get("realm"); this.nonce = headerMap.get("nonce"); this.uri = headerMap.get("uri"); this.response = headerMap.get("response"); this.qop = headerMap.get("qop"); // RFC 2617 extension = headerMap.get("nc"); // RFC 2617 extension this.cnonce = headerMap.get("cnonce"); // RFC 2617 extension if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Extracted username: '" + this.username + "'; realm: '" + this.realm + "'; nonce: '" + this.nonce + "'; uri: '" + this.uri + "'; response: '" + this.response + "'"); } } void validateAndDecode(String entryPointKey, String expectedRealm) throws BadCredentialsException { // Check all required parameters were supplied (ie RFC 2069) if ((this.username == null) || (this.realm == null) || (this.nonce == null) || (this.uri == null) || (this.response == null)) { throw new BadCredentialsException(DigestAuthenticationFilter.this.messages .getMessage("DigestAuthenticationFilter.missingMandatory", new Object[] { this.section212response }, "Missing mandatory digest value; received header {0}")); } // Check all required parameters for an "auth" qop were supplied (ie RFC 2617) if ("auth".equals(this.qop)) { if (( == null) || (this.cnonce == null)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("extracted nc: '" + + "'; cnonce: '" + this.cnonce + "'"); } throw new BadCredentialsException( DigestAuthenticationFilter.this.messages.getMessage( "DigestAuthenticationFilter.missingAuth", new Object[] { this.section212response }, "Missing mandatory digest value; received header {0}")); } } // Check realm name equals what we expected if (!expectedRealm.equals(this.realm)) { throw new BadCredentialsException(DigestAuthenticationFilter.this.messages .getMessage("DigestAuthenticationFilter.incorrectRealm", new Object[] { this.realm, expectedRealm }, "Response realm name '{0}' does not match system realm name of '{1}'")); } // Check nonce was Base64 encoded (as sent by DigestAuthenticationEntryPoint) try { Base64.getDecoder().decode(this.nonce.getBytes()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new BadCredentialsException(DigestAuthenticationFilter.this.messages .getMessage("DigestAuthenticationFilter.nonceEncoding", new Object[] { this.nonce }, "Nonce is not encoded in Base64; received nonce {0}")); } // Decode nonce from Base64 // format of nonce is: // base64(expirationTime + ":" + md5Hex(expirationTime + ":" + key)) String nonceAsPlainText = new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(this.nonce.getBytes())); String[] nonceTokens = StringUtils .delimitedListToStringArray(nonceAsPlainText, ":"); if (nonceTokens.length != 2) { throw new BadCredentialsException(DigestAuthenticationFilter.this.messages .getMessage("DigestAuthenticationFilter.nonceNotTwoTokens", new Object[] { nonceAsPlainText }, "Nonce should have yielded two tokens but was {0}")); } // Extract expiry time from nonce try { this.nonceExpiryTime = new Long(nonceTokens[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new BadCredentialsException(DigestAuthenticationFilter.this.messages .getMessage("DigestAuthenticationFilter.nonceNotNumeric", new Object[] { nonceAsPlainText }, "Nonce token should have yielded a numeric first token, but was {0}")); } // Check signature of nonce matches this expiry time String expectedNonceSignature = DigestAuthUtils .md5Hex(this.nonceExpiryTime + ":" + entryPointKey); if (!expectedNonceSignature.equals(nonceTokens[1])) { throw new BadCredentialsException(DigestAuthenticationFilter.this.messages .getMessage("DigestAuthenticationFilter.nonceCompromised", new Object[] { nonceAsPlainText }, "Nonce token compromised {0}")); } } String calculateServerDigest(String password, String httpMethod) { // Compute the expected response-digest (will be in hex form) // Don't catch IllegalArgumentException (already checked validity) return DigestAuthUtils.generateDigest( DigestAuthenticationFilter.this.passwordAlreadyEncoded, this.username, this.realm, password, httpMethod, this.uri, this.qop, this.nonce,, this.cnonce); } boolean isNonceExpired() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); return this.nonceExpiryTime < now; } String getUsername() { return this.username; } String getResponse() { return this.response; } } }

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