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org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaDialect Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright 2002-2018 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;

import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.hibernate.FlushMode;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.JDBCException;
import org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException;
import org.hibernate.NonUniqueResultException;
import org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException;
import org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException;
import org.hibernate.PessimisticLockException;
import org.hibernate.PropertyValueException;
import org.hibernate.QueryException;
import org.hibernate.QueryTimeoutException;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException;
import org.hibernate.StaleStateException;
import org.hibernate.TransientObjectException;
import org.hibernate.UnresolvableObjectException;
import org.hibernate.WrongClassException;
import org.hibernate.dialect.lock.OptimisticEntityLockException;
import org.hibernate.dialect.lock.PessimisticEntityLockException;
import org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException;
import org.hibernate.exception.DataException;
import org.hibernate.exception.JDBCConnectionException;
import org.hibernate.exception.LockAcquisitionException;
import org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException;

import org.springframework.dao.CannotAcquireLockException;
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException;
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException;
import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException;
import org.springframework.dao.DuplicateKeyException;
import org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException;
import org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException;
import org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException;
import org.springframework.dao.PessimisticLockingFailureException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.ConnectionHandle;
import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.orm.ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException;
import org.springframework.orm.ObjectRetrievalFailureException;
import org.springframework.orm.jpa.DefaultJpaDialect;
import org.springframework.orm.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryUtils;
import org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaSystemException;
import org.springframework.transaction.InvalidIsolationLevelException;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionException;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils;

 * {@link org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaDialect} implementation for
 * Hibernate EntityManager. Developed against Hibernate 5.1/5.2/5.3.
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @author Costin Leau
 * @since 2.0
 * @see HibernateJpaVendorAdapter
 * @see org.hibernate.Session#setFlushMode
 * @see org.hibernate.Transaction#setTimeout
public class HibernateJpaDialect extends DefaultJpaDialect {

	private static Method getFlushMode;

	static {
		try {
			// Hibernate 5.2+ getHibernateFlushMode()
			getFlushMode = Session.class.getMethod("getHibernateFlushMode");
		catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
			try {
				// Classic Hibernate getFlushMode() with FlushMode return type
				getFlushMode = Session.class.getMethod("getFlushMode");
			catch (NoSuchMethodException ex2) {
				throw new IllegalStateException("No compatible Hibernate getFlushMode signature found", ex2);
		// Check that it is the Hibernate FlushMode type, not JPA's...
		Assert.state(FlushMode.class == getFlushMode.getReturnType(), "Could not find Hibernate getFlushMode method");

	boolean prepareConnection = true;

	private SQLExceptionTranslator jdbcExceptionTranslator;

	 * Set whether to prepare the underlying JDBC Connection of a transactional
	 * Hibernate Session, that is, whether to apply a transaction-specific
	 * isolation level and/or the transaction's read-only flag to the underlying
	 * JDBC Connection.

Default is "true". If you turn this flag off, JPA transaction management * will not support per-transaction isolation levels anymore. It will not call * {@code Connection.setReadOnly(true)} for read-only transactions anymore either. * If this flag is turned off, no cleanup of a JDBC Connection is required after * a transaction, since no Connection settings will get modified. *

NOTE: The default behavior in terms of read-only handling changed * in Spring 4.1, propagating the read-only status to the JDBC Connection now, * analogous to other Spring transaction managers. This may have the effect * that you're running into read-only enforcement now where previously write * access has accidentally been tolerated: Please revise your transaction * declarations accordingly, removing invalid read-only markers if necessary. * @since 4.1 * @see java.sql.Connection#setTransactionIsolation * @see java.sql.Connection#setReadOnly */ public void setPrepareConnection(boolean prepareConnection) { this.prepareConnection = prepareConnection; } /** * Set the JDBC exception translator for Hibernate exception translation purposes. *

Applied to any detected {@link java.sql.SQLException} root cause of a Hibernate * {@link JDBCException}, overriding Hibernate's own {@code SQLException} translation * (which is based on a Hibernate Dialect for a specific target database). * @since 5.1 * @see java.sql.SQLException * @see org.hibernate.JDBCException * @see * @see */ public void setJdbcExceptionTranslator(SQLExceptionTranslator jdbcExceptionTranslator) { this.jdbcExceptionTranslator = jdbcExceptionTranslator; } @Override public Object beginTransaction(EntityManager entityManager, TransactionDefinition definition) throws PersistenceException, SQLException, TransactionException { Session session = getSession(entityManager); if (definition.getTimeout() != TransactionDefinition.TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) { session.getTransaction().setTimeout(definition.getTimeout()); } boolean isolationLevelNeeded = (definition.getIsolationLevel() != TransactionDefinition.ISOLATION_DEFAULT); Integer previousIsolationLevel = null; Connection preparedCon = null; if (isolationLevelNeeded || definition.isReadOnly()) { if (this.prepareConnection) { preparedCon = HibernateConnectionHandle.doGetConnection(session); previousIsolationLevel = DataSourceUtils.prepareConnectionForTransaction(preparedCon, definition); } else if (isolationLevelNeeded) { throw new InvalidIsolationLevelException(getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not support custom isolation levels since the 'prepareConnection' flag is off."); } } // Standard JPA transaction begin call for full JPA context setup... entityManager.getTransaction().begin(); // Adapt flush mode and store previous isolation level, if any. FlushMode previousFlushMode = prepareFlushMode(session, definition.isReadOnly()); if (definition instanceof ResourceTransactionDefinition && ((ResourceTransactionDefinition) definition).isLocalResource()) { // As of 5.1, we explicitly optimize for a transaction-local EntityManager, // aligned with native HibernateTransactionManager behavior. previousFlushMode = null; if (definition.isReadOnly()) { session.setDefaultReadOnly(true); } } return new SessionTransactionData(session, previousFlushMode, preparedCon, previousIsolationLevel); } @Override public Object prepareTransaction(EntityManager entityManager, boolean readOnly, @Nullable String name) throws PersistenceException { Session session = getSession(entityManager); FlushMode previousFlushMode = prepareFlushMode(session, readOnly); return new SessionTransactionData(session, previousFlushMode, null, null); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Nullable protected FlushMode prepareFlushMode(Session session, boolean readOnly) throws PersistenceException { FlushMode flushMode = (FlushMode) ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(getFlushMode, session); Assert.state(flushMode != null, "No FlushMode from Session"); if (readOnly) { // We should suppress flushing for a read-only transaction. if (!flushMode.equals(FlushMode.MANUAL)) { session.setFlushMode(FlushMode.MANUAL); return flushMode; } } else { // We need AUTO or COMMIT for a non-read-only transaction. if (flushMode.lessThan(FlushMode.COMMIT)) { session.setFlushMode(FlushMode.AUTO); return flushMode; } } // No FlushMode change needed... return null; } @Override public void cleanupTransaction(@Nullable Object transactionData) { if (transactionData instanceof SessionTransactionData) { ((SessionTransactionData) transactionData).resetSessionState(); } } @Override public ConnectionHandle getJdbcConnection(EntityManager entityManager, boolean readOnly) throws PersistenceException, SQLException { Session session = getSession(entityManager); return new HibernateConnectionHandle(session); } @Override @Nullable public DataAccessException translateExceptionIfPossible(RuntimeException ex) { if (ex instanceof HibernateException) { return convertHibernateAccessException((HibernateException) ex); } if (ex instanceof PersistenceException && ex.getCause() instanceof HibernateException) { return convertHibernateAccessException((HibernateException) ex.getCause()); } return EntityManagerFactoryUtils.convertJpaAccessExceptionIfPossible(ex); } /** * Convert the given HibernateException to an appropriate exception * from the {@code org.springframework.dao} hierarchy. * @param ex the HibernateException that occurred * @return the corresponding DataAccessException instance */ protected DataAccessException convertHibernateAccessException(HibernateException ex) { if (this.jdbcExceptionTranslator != null && ex instanceof JDBCException) { JDBCException jdbcEx = (JDBCException) ex; DataAccessException dae = this.jdbcExceptionTranslator.translate( "Hibernate operation: " + jdbcEx.getMessage(), jdbcEx.getSQL(), jdbcEx.getSQLException()); if (dae != null) { throw dae; } } if (ex instanceof JDBCConnectionException) { return new DataAccessResourceFailureException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } if (ex instanceof SQLGrammarException) { SQLGrammarException jdbcEx = (SQLGrammarException) ex; return new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException(ex.getMessage() + "; SQL [" + jdbcEx.getSQL() + "]", ex); } if (ex instanceof QueryTimeoutException) { QueryTimeoutException jdbcEx = (QueryTimeoutException) ex; return new org.springframework.dao.QueryTimeoutException(ex.getMessage() + "; SQL [" + jdbcEx.getSQL() + "]", ex); } if (ex instanceof LockAcquisitionException) { LockAcquisitionException jdbcEx = (LockAcquisitionException) ex; return new CannotAcquireLockException(ex.getMessage() + "; SQL [" + jdbcEx.getSQL() + "]", ex); } if (ex instanceof PessimisticLockException) { PessimisticLockException jdbcEx = (PessimisticLockException) ex; return new PessimisticLockingFailureException(ex.getMessage() + "; SQL [" + jdbcEx.getSQL() + "]", ex); } if (ex instanceof ConstraintViolationException) { ConstraintViolationException jdbcEx = (ConstraintViolationException) ex; return new DataIntegrityViolationException(ex.getMessage() + "; SQL [" + jdbcEx.getSQL() + "]; constraint [" + jdbcEx.getConstraintName() + "]", ex); } if (ex instanceof DataException) { DataException jdbcEx = (DataException) ex; return new DataIntegrityViolationException(ex.getMessage() + "; SQL [" + jdbcEx.getSQL() + "]", ex); } // end of JDBCException subclass handling if (ex instanceof QueryException) { return new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } if (ex instanceof NonUniqueResultException) { return new IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException(ex.getMessage(), 1, ex); } if (ex instanceof NonUniqueObjectException) { return new DuplicateKeyException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } if (ex instanceof PropertyValueException) { return new DataIntegrityViolationException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } if (ex instanceof PersistentObjectException) { return new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } if (ex instanceof TransientObjectException) { return new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } if (ex instanceof ObjectDeletedException) { return new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } if (ex instanceof UnresolvableObjectException) { UnresolvableObjectException hibEx = (UnresolvableObjectException) ex; return new ObjectRetrievalFailureException(hibEx.getEntityName(), hibEx.getIdentifier(), ex.getMessage(), ex); } if (ex instanceof WrongClassException) { WrongClassException hibEx = (WrongClassException) ex; return new ObjectRetrievalFailureException(hibEx.getEntityName(), hibEx.getIdentifier(), ex.getMessage(), ex); } if (ex instanceof StaleObjectStateException) { StaleObjectStateException hibEx = (StaleObjectStateException) ex; return new ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException(hibEx.getEntityName(), hibEx.getIdentifier(), ex); } if (ex instanceof StaleStateException) { return new ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } if (ex instanceof OptimisticEntityLockException) { return new ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } if (ex instanceof PessimisticEntityLockException) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof LockAcquisitionException) { return new CannotAcquireLockException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause()); } return new PessimisticLockingFailureException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } // fallback return new JpaSystemException(ex); } protected Session getSession(EntityManager entityManager) { return entityManager.unwrap(Session.class); } private static class SessionTransactionData { private final Session session; @Nullable private final FlushMode previousFlushMode; @Nullable private final Connection preparedCon; @Nullable private final Integer previousIsolationLevel; public SessionTransactionData(Session session, @Nullable FlushMode previousFlushMode, @Nullable Connection preparedCon, @Nullable Integer previousIsolationLevel) { this.session = session; this.previousFlushMode = previousFlushMode; this.preparedCon = preparedCon; this.previousIsolationLevel = previousIsolationLevel; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void resetSessionState() { if (this.previousFlushMode != null) { this.session.setFlushMode(this.previousFlushMode); } if (this.preparedCon != null && this.session.isConnected()) { Connection conToReset = HibernateConnectionHandle.doGetConnection(this.session); if (conToReset != this.preparedCon) { LogFactory.getLog(HibernateJpaDialect.class).warn( "JDBC Connection to reset not identical to originally prepared Connection - please " + "make sure to use connection release mode ON_CLOSE (the default) and to run against " + "Hibernate 4.2+ (or switch HibernateJpaDialect's prepareConnection flag to false"); } DataSourceUtils.resetConnectionAfterTransaction(conToReset, this.previousIsolationLevel); } } } private static class HibernateConnectionHandle implements ConnectionHandle { @Nullable private static volatile Method connectionMethodToUse; private final Session session; public HibernateConnectionHandle(Session session) { this.session = session; } @Override public Connection getConnection() { return doGetConnection(this.session); } public static Connection doGetConnection(Session session) { try { Method methodToUse = connectionMethodToUse; if (methodToUse == null) { // Reflective lookup to find SessionImpl's connection() method on Hibernate 4.x/5.x methodToUse = session.getClass().getMethod("connection"); connectionMethodToUse = methodToUse; } Connection con = (Connection) ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(methodToUse, session); Assert.state(con != null, "No Connection from Session"); return con; } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find connection() method on Hibernate Session", ex); } } } }

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