org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2002-2022 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.test.context;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Inherited;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextInitializer;
import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.core.annotation.AliasFor;
* {@code @ContextConfiguration} defines class-level metadata that is used to determine
* how to load and configure an {@link org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext
* ApplicationContext} for integration tests.
* Supported Resource Types
* Prior to Spring 3.1, only path-based resource locations (typically XML configuration
* files) were supported. As of Spring 3.1, {@linkplain #loader context loaders} may
* choose to support either path-based or class-based resources. As of
* Spring 4.0.4, {@linkplain #loader context loaders} may choose to support path-based
* and class-based resources simultaneously. Consequently
* {@code @ContextConfiguration} can be used to declare either path-based resource
* locations (via the {@link #locations} or {@link #value} attribute) or
* component classes (via the {@link #classes} attribute). Note, however, that most
* implementations of {@link SmartContextLoader} only support a single resource type. As
* of Spring 4.1, path-based resource locations may be either XML configuration files or
* Groovy scripts (if Groovy is on the classpath). Of course, third-party frameworks may
* choose to support additional types of path-based resources.
Component Classes
* The term component class can refer to any of the following.
* - A class annotated with {@link org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration @Configuration}
* - A component (i.e., a class annotated with
* {@link org.springframework.stereotype.Component @Component},
* {@link org.springframework.stereotype.Service @Service},
* {@link org.springframework.stereotype.Repository @Repository}, etc.)
* - A JSR-330 compliant class that is annotated with {@code javax.inject} annotations
* - Any class that contains {@link org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean @Bean}-methods
* - Any other class that is intended to be registered as a Spring component (i.e., a Spring bean
* in the {@code ApplicationContext}), potentially taking advantage of automatic autowiring of a
* single constructor without the use of Spring annotations
* A bean will be registered in the {@code ApplicationContext} for each component
* class, and such beans can therefore be injected into other beans or into the
* instance of the test class.
* Consult the Javadoc for {@link org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration @Configuration}
* and {@link org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean @Bean} for further
* information regarding the configuration and semantics of component classes.
This annotation may be used as a meta-annotation to create custom
* composed annotations.
As of Spring Framework 5.3, this annotation will be inherited from an
* enclosing test class by default. See
* {@link NestedTestConfiguration @NestedTestConfiguration} for details.
* @author Sam Brannen
* @since 2.5
* @see org.springframework.test.context.junit.jupiter.SpringJUnitConfig @SpringJUnitConfig
* @see org.springframework.test.context.junit.jupiter.web.SpringJUnitWebConfig @SpringJUnitWebConfig
* @see ContextHierarchy @ContextHierarchy
* @see ActiveProfiles @ActiveProfiles
* @see TestPropertySource @TestPropertySource
* @see SmartContextLoader
* @see ContextConfigurationAttributes
* @see MergedContextConfiguration
* @see org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext ApplicationContext
public @interface ContextConfiguration {
* Alias for {@link #locations}.
This attribute may not be used in conjunction with
* {@link #locations}, but it may be used instead of {@link #locations}.
* @since 3.0
* @see #inheritLocations
String[] value() default {};
* The resource locations to use for loading an
* {@link org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext ApplicationContext}.
Check out the Javadoc for
* {@link org.springframework.test.context.support.AbstractContextLoader#modifyLocations
* AbstractContextLoader.modifyLocations()} for details on how a location
* will be interpreted at runtime, in particular in case of a relative
* path. Also, check out the documentation on
* {@link org.springframework.test.context.support.AbstractContextLoader#generateDefaultLocations
* AbstractContextLoader.generateDefaultLocations()} for details on the
* default locations that are going to be used if none are specified.
Note that the aforementioned default rules only apply for a standard
* {@link org.springframework.test.context.support.AbstractContextLoader
* AbstractContextLoader} subclass such as
* {@link org.springframework.test.context.support.GenericXmlContextLoader GenericXmlContextLoader} or
* {@link org.springframework.test.context.support.GenericGroovyXmlContextLoader GenericGroovyXmlContextLoader}
* which are the effective default implementations used at runtime if
* {@code locations} are configured. See the documentation for {@link #loader}
* for further details regarding default loaders.
This attribute may not be used in conjunction with
* {@link #value}, but it may be used instead of {@link #value}.
* @since 2.5
* @see #inheritLocations
String[] locations() default {};
* The component classes to use for loading an
* {@link org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext ApplicationContext}.
Check out the javadoc for
* {@link org.springframework.test.context.support.AnnotationConfigContextLoader#detectDefaultConfigurationClasses
* AnnotationConfigContextLoader.detectDefaultConfigurationClasses()} for details
* on how default configuration classes will be detected if no
* component classes are specified. See the documentation for
* {@link #loader} for further details regarding default loaders.
* @since 3.1
* @see org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration
* @see org.springframework.test.context.support.AnnotationConfigContextLoader
* @see #inheritLocations
Class>[] classes() default {};
* The application context initializer classes to use for initializing
* a {@link ConfigurableApplicationContext}.
The concrete {@code ConfigurableApplicationContext} type supported by each
* declared initializer must be compatible with the type of {@code ApplicationContext}
* created by the {@link SmartContextLoader} in use.
{@code SmartContextLoader} implementations typically detect whether
* Spring's {@link org.springframework.core.Ordered Ordered} interface has been
* implemented or if the @{@link org.springframework.core.annotation.Order Order}
* annotation is present and sort instances accordingly prior to invoking them.
* @since 3.2
* @see org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextInitializer
* @see org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext
* @see #inheritInitializers
* @see #loader
Class extends ApplicationContextInitializer>>[] initializers() default {};
* Whether or not {@linkplain #locations resource locations} or
* {@linkplain #classes component classes} from test superclasses
* and enclosing classes should be inherited.
The default value is {@code true}. This means that an annotated test
* class will inherit the resource locations or component classes
* defined by test superclasses and enclosing classes. Specifically, the
* resource locations or component classes for a given test class will be
* appended to the list of resource locations or component classes defined
* by test superclasses and enclosing classes. Thus, subclasses and nested
* classes have the option of extending the list of resource
* locations or component classes.
If {@code inheritLocations} is set to {@code false}, the
* resource locations or component classes for the annotated test class
* will shadow and effectively replace any resource locations
* or component classes defined by superclasses and enclosing classes.
In the following example that uses path-based resource locations, the
* {@link org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext ApplicationContext}
* for {@code ExtendedTest} will be loaded from
* {@code "base-context.xml"} and
* {@code "extended-context.xml"}, in that order. Beans defined in
* {@code "extended-context.xml"} may therefore override those defined
* in {@code "base-context.xml"}.
* @ContextConfiguration("base-context.xml")
* public class BaseTest {
* // ...
* }
* @ContextConfiguration("extended-context.xml")
* public class ExtendedTest extends BaseTest {
* // ...
* }
* Similarly, in the following example that uses component classes, the
* {@link org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext ApplicationContext}
* for {@code ExtendedTest} will be loaded from the
* {@code BaseConfig} and {@code ExtendedConfig}
* configuration classes, in that order. Beans defined in
* {@code ExtendedConfig} may therefore override those defined in
* {@code BaseConfig}.
* @ContextConfiguration(classes=BaseConfig.class)
* public class BaseTest {
* // ...
* }
* @ContextConfiguration(classes=ExtendedConfig.class)
* public class ExtendedTest extends BaseTest {
* // ...
* }
* @since 2.5
boolean inheritLocations() default true;
* Whether or not {@linkplain #initializers context initializers} from test
* superclasses and enclosing classes should be inherited.
* The default value is {@code true}. This means that an annotated test
* class will inherit the application context initializers defined
* by test superclasses and enclosing classes. Specifically, the initializers
* for a given test class will be added to the set of initializers defined by
* test superclasses and enclosing classes. Thus, subclasses and nested classes
* have the option of extending the set of initializers.
If {@code inheritInitializers} is set to {@code false}, the initializers
* for the annotated test class will shadow and effectively replace
* any initializers defined by superclasses and enclosing classes.
In the following example, the
* {@link org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext ApplicationContext}
* for {@code ExtendedTest} will be initialized using
* {@code BaseInitializer} and {@code ExtendedInitializer}.
* Note, however, that the order in which the initializers are invoked
* depends on whether they implement {@link org.springframework.core.Ordered
* Ordered} or are annotated with {@link org.springframework.core.annotation.Order
* @Order}.
* @ContextConfiguration(initializers = BaseInitializer.class)
* public class BaseTest {
* // ...
* }
* @ContextConfiguration(initializers = ExtendedInitializer.class)
* public class ExtendedTest extends BaseTest {
* // ...
* }
* @since 3.2
boolean inheritInitializers() default true;
* The type of {@link SmartContextLoader} (or {@link ContextLoader}) to use
* for loading an {@link org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext
* ApplicationContext}.
* If not specified, the loader will be inherited from the first superclass
* or enclosing class that is annotated or meta-annotated with
* {@code @ContextConfiguration} and specifies an explicit loader. If no class
* in the type hierarchy or enclosing class hierarchy specifies an explicit
* loader, a default loader will be used instead.
The default concrete implementation chosen at runtime will be either
* {@link org.springframework.test.context.support.DelegatingSmartContextLoader
* DelegatingSmartContextLoader} or
* {@link org.springframework.test.context.web.WebDelegatingSmartContextLoader
* WebDelegatingSmartContextLoader} depending on the absence or presence of
* {@link org.springframework.test.context.web.WebAppConfiguration
* @WebAppConfiguration}. For further details on the default behavior
* of various concrete {@code SmartContextLoaders}, check out the Javadoc for
* {@link org.springframework.test.context.support.AbstractContextLoader AbstractContextLoader},
* {@link org.springframework.test.context.support.GenericXmlContextLoader GenericXmlContextLoader},
* {@link org.springframework.test.context.support.GenericGroovyXmlContextLoader GenericGroovyXmlContextLoader},
* {@link org.springframework.test.context.support.AnnotationConfigContextLoader AnnotationConfigContextLoader},
* {@link org.springframework.test.context.web.GenericXmlWebContextLoader GenericXmlWebContextLoader},
* {@link org.springframework.test.context.web.GenericGroovyXmlWebContextLoader GenericGroovyXmlWebContextLoader}, and
* {@link org.springframework.test.context.web.AnnotationConfigWebContextLoader AnnotationConfigWebContextLoader}.
* @since 2.5
Class extends ContextLoader> loader() default ContextLoader.class;
* The name of the context hierarchy level represented by this configuration.
If not specified the name will be inferred based on the numerical level
* within all declared contexts within the hierarchy.
This attribute is only applicable when used within a test class hierarchy
* or enclosing class hierarchy that is configured using
* {@code @ContextHierarchy}, in which case the name can be used for
* merging or overriding this configuration with configuration
* of the same name in hierarchy levels defined in superclasses or enclosing
* classes. See the Javadoc for {@link ContextHierarchy @ContextHierarchy} for
* details.
* @since 3.2.2
String name() default "";