org.sqlproc.engine.SqlCrudEngine Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.sqlproc.engine;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.sqlproc.engine.config.SqlEngineConfiguration;
import org.sqlproc.engine.impl.SqlMappingResult;
import org.sqlproc.engine.impl.SqlMappingRule;
import org.sqlproc.engine.impl.SqlMetaStatement;
import org.sqlproc.engine.impl.SqlProcessResult;
import org.sqlproc.engine.impl.SqlStandardControl;
import org.sqlproc.engine.impl.SqlUtils;
import org.sqlproc.engine.plugin.SqlPluginFactory;
import org.sqlproc.engine.type.SqlTypeFactory;
import org.sqlproc.engine.validation.SqlValidationException;
* The primary SQL Processor class for the META SQL CRUD statement execution.
* Instance of this class holds one META SQL statement.
* For example there's a table PERSON with two columns - ID and NAME.
* In the meta statements file statements.qry there's the next definition:
* update PERSON
* {= set name = :name}
* {= where {& id = :id^long^notnull}}
* ;
* In the case of the SQL Processor initialization
* JdbcEngineFactory sqlFactory = new JdbcEngineFactory();
* sqlFactory.setMetaFilesNames("statements.qry"); // the meta statements file
* SqlCrudEngine sqlEngine = sqlFactory.getCrudEngine("UPDATE_PERSON");
* // for the case it runs on the top of the JDBC stack
* Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hsqldb:mem:sqlproc", "sa", "");
* SqlSession session = new JdbcSimpleSession(connection);
* there's created an instance of SqlCrudEngine with the name UPDATE_PERSON
* Next the query can be executed with one of the updateXXX
methods. For example there's a Java bean class
* Person with attributes id and name. The invocation
* Person person = new Person();
* person.setId(1);
* person.setName("Bozena");
* int count = sqlEngine.update(session, person);
* produces the next SQL execution
* update PERSON SET name = ? WHERE id = ?
* and returns the number of updated rows.
* For more info please see the Tutorials.
* @author Vladimir Hudec
public class SqlCrudEngine extends SqlEngine {
* Creates a new instance of the SqlCrudEngine from one META SQL statement string. Constructor will call the
* internal ANTLR parser for the CRUD statement construction. This constructor is devoted to manual META SQL
* statements construction. More obvious is to put the META SQL statements definitions into the meta statements file
* and engage the {@link SqlProcessorLoader} for the SqlCrudEngine instances construction.
* @param name
* the name of this SQL Engine instance
* @param statement
* the META SQL CRUD statement
* @param typeFactory
* the factory for the META types construction
* @param pluginFactory
* the factory for the SQL Processor plugins
* @throws SqlEngineException
* in the case the provided statements are not compliant with the ANTLR grammar
public SqlCrudEngine(String name, String statement, SqlTypeFactory typeFactory, SqlPluginFactory pluginFactory)
throws SqlEngineException {
super(name, SqlMetaStatement.getInstance(name, statement, typeFactory), null, null, null, typeFactory,
pluginFactory, null);
* Creates a new instance of the SqlCrudEngine from one META SQL statement string. Constructor will call the
* internal ANTLR parser for the CRUD statement instances construction. Compared to the previous constructor, an
* external SQL Monitor for the runtime sSqlValidationExceptiontatistics gathering is engaged and the optional
* features can be involved. This constructor is devoted to manual META SQL statements construction. More obvious is
* to put the META SQL statements definitions into the meta statements file and engage the
* {@link SqlProcessorLoader} for the SqlCrudEngine instances construction.
* @param name
* the name of this SQL Engine instance
* @param statement
* the META SQL CRUD statement
* @param monitor
* the SQL Monitor for the runtime statistics gathering
* @param features
* the optional SQL Processor features
* @param typeFactory
* the factory for the META types construction
* @param pluginFactory
* the factory for the SQL Processor plugins
* @throws SqlEngineException
* in the case the provided statements are not compliant with the ANTLR grammar
public SqlCrudEngine(String name, String statement, SqlMonitor monitor, Map features,
SqlTypeFactory typeFactory, SqlPluginFactory pluginFactory) throws SqlEngineException {
super(name, SqlMetaStatement.getInstance(name, statement, typeFactory), null, monitor, features, typeFactory,
pluginFactory, null);
* Creates a new instance of the SqlCrudEngine from one META SQL statement instance. This instance is already
* pre-compiled using the ANTLR parser. This is the recommended usage for the runtime performance optimization. This
* constructor is devoted to be used from the custom loader, which is able to read all statements definitions from
* an external meta statements file and create the named SqlCrudEngine instances.
* @param name
* the name of this SQL Engine instance
* @param statement
* the pre-compiled META SQL CRUD statement
* @param typeFactory
* the factory for the META types construction
* @param pluginFactory
* the factory for the SQL Processor plugins
public SqlCrudEngine(String name, SqlMetaStatement statement, SqlTypeFactory typeFactory,
SqlPluginFactory pluginFactory) {
super(name, statement, null, null, null, typeFactory, pluginFactory, null);
* Creates a new instance of the SqlCrudEngine from one META SQL statement instance. This instance is already
* pre-compiled using the ANTLR parsers. This is the recommended usage for the runtime performance optimization.
* This constructor is devoted to be used from the custom loader, which is able to read all statements definitions
* from an external meta statements file and create the named SqlCrudEngine instances. Compared to the previous
* constructor, an external SQL Monitor for the runtime statistics gathering is engaged and the optional features
* can be involved.
* @param name
* the name of this SQL Engine instance
* @param statement
* the pre-compiled META SQL CRUD statement
* @param monitor
* the SQL Monitor for the runtime statistics gathering
* @param features
* the optional SQL Processor features
* @param typeFactory
* the factory for the META types construction
* @param pluginFactory
* the factory for the SQL Processor plugins
public SqlCrudEngine(String name, SqlMetaStatement statement, SqlMonitor monitor, Map features,
SqlTypeFactory typeFactory, SqlPluginFactory pluginFactory) {
super(name, statement, null, monitor, features, typeFactory, pluginFactory, null);
* Creates a new instance of the SqlCrudEngine from one META SQL statement instance. This instance is already
* pre-compiled using the ANTLR parsers. This is the recommended usage for the runtime performance optimization.
* This constructor is devoted to be used from the custom loader, which is able to read all statements definitions
* from an external meta statements file and create the named SqlCrudEngine instances. Compared to the previous
* constructor, an external SQL Monitor for the runtime statistics gathering is engaged and the optional features
* can be involved.
* @param name
* the name of this SQL Engine instance
* @param statement
* the pre-compiled META SQL CRUD statement
* @param mapping
* the pre-compiled SQL mapping rule
* @param monitor
* the SQL Monitor for the runtime statistics gathering
* @param features
* the optional SQL Processor features
* @param typeFactory
* the factory for the META types construction
* @param pluginFactory
* the factory for the SQL Processor plugins
public SqlCrudEngine(String name, SqlMetaStatement statement, SqlMappingRule mapping, SqlMonitor monitor,
Map features, SqlTypeFactory typeFactory, SqlPluginFactory pluginFactory) {
super(name, statement, mapping, monitor, features, typeFactory, pluginFactory, null);
* Creates a new instance of the SqlCrudEngine from one META SQL statement instance. This instance is already
* pre-compiled using the ANTLR parsers. This is the recommended usage for the runtime performance optimization.
* This constructor is devoted to be used from the custom loader, which is able to read all statements definitions
* from an external meta statements file and create the named SqlCrudEngine instances. Compared to the previous
* constructor, an external SQL Monitor for the runtime statistics gathering is engaged and the optional features
* can be involved.
* @param name
* the name of this SQL Engine instance
* @param statement
* the pre-compiled META SQL CRUD statement
* @param mapping
* the pre-compiled SQL mapping rule
* @param monitor
* the SQL Monitor for the runtime statistics gathering
* @param features
* the optional SQL Processor features
* @param typeFactory
* the factory for the META types construction
* @param pluginFactory
* the factory for the SQL Processor plugins
* @param configuration
* the overall configuration, which can be persisted
public SqlCrudEngine(String name, SqlMetaStatement statement, SqlMappingRule mapping, SqlMonitor monitor,
Map features, SqlTypeFactory typeFactory, SqlPluginFactory pluginFactory,
SqlEngineConfiguration configuration) {
super(name, statement, mapping, monitor, features, typeFactory, pluginFactory, configuration);
* Runs the META SQL insert statement to persist a database row. This is one of the overriden methods. For the
* parameters description please see the most complex execution method
* {@link #insert(SqlSession, Object, Object, int)} .
public int insert(final SqlSession session, final Object dynamicInputValues)
throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return insert(session, dynamicInputValues, (SqlStandardControl) null);
* Runs the META SQL insert statement to persist a database row. This is one of the overriden methods. For the
* parameters description please see the most complex execution method
* {@link #insert(SqlSession, Object, Object, int)} .
public int insert(final SqlSession session, final Object dynamicInputValues, final Object staticInputValues)
throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return insert(session, dynamicInputValues, new SqlStandardControl().setStaticInputValues(staticInputValues));
* Runs the META SQL insert statement to persist a database row. This is the primary and the most complex SQL
* Processor execution method to persist an instance of input values.
* @param session
* The SQL Engine session. It can work as a first level cache and the SQL query execution context. The
* implementation depends on the stack, on top of which the SQL Processor works. For example it can be an
* Hibernate session.
* @param dynamicInputValues
* The object used for the SQL statement dynamic input values. The class of this object is also named as
* the input class or the dynamic parameters class. The exact class type isn't important, all the
* parameters settled into the SQL prepared statement are picked up using the reflection API.
* @param staticInputValues
* The object used for the SQL statement static input values. The class of this object is also named as
* the input class or the static parameters class. The exact class type isn't important, all the
* parameters injected into the SQL query command are picked up using the reflection API. Compared to
* dynamicInputValues input parameters, parameters in this class should't be produced by an end user to
* prevent SQL injection threat!
* @param maxTimeout
* The max SQL execution time. This parameter can help to protect production system against ineffective
* SQL query commands. The value is in milliseconds.
* @return The number of persisted database rows.
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlProcessorException
* in the case of any problem with ORM or JDBC stack
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlRuntimeException
* in the case of any problem with the input/output values handling
public int insert(final SqlSession session, final Object dynamicInputValues, final Object staticInputValues,
final int maxTimeout) throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return insert(session, dynamicInputValues,
new SqlStandardControl().setStaticInputValues(staticInputValues).setMaxTimeout(maxTimeout));
* Runs the META SQL insert statement to persist a database row. This is the primary and the most complex SQL
* Processor execution method to persist an instance of input values.
* @param session
* The SQL Engine session. It can work as a first level cache and the SQL query execution context. The
* implementation depends on the stack, on top of which the SQL Processor works. For example it can be an
* Hibernate session.
* @param dynamicInputValues
* The object used for the SQL statement dynamic input values. The class of this object is also named as
* the input class or the dynamic parameters class. The exact class type isn't important, all the
* parameters settled into the SQL prepared statement are picked up using the reflection API.
* @param sqlControl
* The compound parameters controlling the META SQL execution
* @return The number of persisted database rows.
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlProcessorException
* in the case of any problem with ORM or JDBC stack
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlRuntimeException
* in the case of any problem with the input/output values handling
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.validation.SqlValidationException
* in the case the validation of the input values isn't successfull
public int insert(final SqlSession session, final Object dynamicInputValues, final SqlControl sqlControl)
throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException, SqlValidationException {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(">> insert, session=" + session + ", dynamicInputValues=" + dynamicInputValues
+ ", sqlControl=" + sqlControl);
Integer count = null;
try {
count = monitor.run(new SqlMonitor.Runner() {
public Integer run() {
final SqlProcessResult processResult = process(SqlMetaStatement.Type.CREATE, dynamicInputValues,
String sql = pluginFactory.getSqlExecutionPlugin().beforeSqlExecution(name,
sql = SqlUtils.handleInsertSql(processResult.getIdentities(), sql);
final SqlQuery query = session.createSqlQuery(sql);
if (getMaxTimeout(sqlControl) != null)
processResult.setQueryParams(session, query);
if (monitor instanceof SqlExtendedMonitor) {
SqlExtendedMonitor monitorExt = (SqlExtendedMonitor) monitor;
return monitorExt.runSql(new SqlMonitor.Runner() {
public Integer run() {
return insert(query, processResult);
}, Integer.class);
} else {
return insert(query, processResult);
}, Integer.class);
return count;
} finally {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("<< insert, result=" + count);
* Internal insert implementation
* @param query
* query
* @param processResult
* processResult
* @return the result
private Integer insert(final SqlQuery query, final SqlProcessResult processResult) {
Integer count = query.update(processResult.getRuntimeContext());
return count;
* Runs the META SQL query to obtain a unique database row. This is one of the overriden methods. For the parameters
* description please see the most complex execution method
* {@link #get(SqlSession, Class, Object, Object, int, Map)} .
public E get(final SqlSession session, final Class resultClass, final Object dynamicInputValues)
throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return get(session, resultClass, dynamicInputValues, (SqlStandardControl) null);
* Runs the META SQL query to obtain a unique database row. This is one of the overriden methods. For the parameters
* description please see the most complex execution method
* {@link #get(SqlSession, Class, Object, Object, int, Map)} .
public E get(final SqlSession session, final Class resultClass, final Object dynamicInputValues,
final Object staticInputValues) throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return get(session, resultClass, dynamicInputValues,
new SqlStandardControl().setStaticInputValues(staticInputValues));
* Runs the META SQL query to obtain a unique database row. This is one of the overriden methods. For the parameters
* description please see the most complex execution method
* {@link #get(SqlSession, Class, Object, Object, int, Map)} .
public E get(final SqlSession session, final Class resultClass, final Object dynamicInputValues,
final Object staticInputValues, final Map> moreResultClasses)
throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return get(session, resultClass, dynamicInputValues, new SqlStandardControl()
* Runs the META SQL query to obtain a unique database row. This is one of the overriden methods. For the parameters
* description please see the most complex execution method
* {@link #get(SqlSession, Class, Object, Object, int, Map)} .
public E get(final SqlSession session, final Class resultClass, final Object dynamicInputValues,
final Object staticInputValues, final int maxTimeout) throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return get(session, resultClass, dynamicInputValues,
new SqlStandardControl().setStaticInputValues(staticInputValues).setMaxTimeout(maxTimeout));
* Runs the META SQL query to obtain a unique database row. This is the primary and the most complex SQL Processor
* execution method to obtain an unique instance of the result class. Criteria to pickup the correct database row
* are taken from input values.
* @param session
* The SQL Engine session. It can work as a first level cache and the SQL query execution context. The
* implementation depends on the stack, on top of which the SQL Processor works. For example it can be an
* Hibernate session.
* @param resultClass
* The class used for the return values, the SQL query execution output. This class is also named as the
* output class or the transport class, In fact it's a standard POJO class, which must include all the
* attributes described in the mapping rule statement. This class itself and all its subclasses must have
* public constructors without any parameters. All the attributes used in the mapping rule statement must
* be accessible using public getters and setters. The instances of this class are created on the fly in
* the process of query execution using the reflection API.
* @param dynamicInputValues
* The object used for the SQL statement dynamic input values. The class of this object is also named as
* the input class or the dynamic parameters class. The exact class type isn't important, all the
* parameters settled into the SQL prepared statement are picked up using the reflection API.
* @param staticInputValues
* The object used for the SQL statement static input values. The class of this object is also named as
* the input class or the static parameters class. The exact class type isn't important, all the
* parameters injected into the SQL query command are picked up using the reflection API. Compared to
* dynamicInputValues input parameters, parameters in this class should't be produced by an end user to
* prevent SQL injection threat!
* @param maxTimeout
* The max SQL execution time. This parameter can help to protect production system against ineffective
* SQL query commands. The value is in milliseconds.
* @param moreResultClasses
* More result classes used for the return values, like the collections classes or the collections items.
* They are used mainly for the one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many associations.
* @return The instance of the resultClass.
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlProcessorException
* in the case of any problem with ORM or JDBC stack
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlRuntimeException
* in the case of any problem with the input/output values handling
public E get(final SqlSession session, final Class resultClass, final Object dynamicInputValues,
final Object staticInputValues, final int maxTimeout, final Map> moreResultClasses)
throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return get(session, resultClass, dynamicInputValues,
new SqlStandardControl().setStaticInputValues(staticInputValues).setMaxTimeout(maxTimeout)
* Runs the META SQL query to obtain a unique database row. This is the primary and the most complex SQL Processor
* execution method to obtain an unique instance of the result class. Criteria to pickup the correct database row
* are taken from input values.
* @param session
* The SQL Engine session. It can work as a first level cache and the SQL query execution context. The
* implementation depends on the stack, on top of which the SQL Processor works. For example it can be an
* Hibernate session.
* @param resultClass
* The class used for the return values, the SQL query execution output. This class is also named as the
* output class or the transport class, In fact it's a standard POJO class, which must include all the
* attributes described in the mapping rule statement. This class itself and all its subclasses must have
* public constructors without any parameters. All the attributes used in the mapping rule statement must
* be accessible using public getters and setters. The instances of this class are created on the fly in
* the process of query execution using the reflection API.
* @param dynamicInputValues
* The object used for the SQL statement dynamic input values. The class of this object is also named as
* the input class or the dynamic parameters class. The exact class type isn't important, all the
* parameters settled into the SQL prepared statement are picked up using the reflection API.
* @param sqlControl
* The compound parameters controlling the META SQL execution
* @return The instance of the resultClass.
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlProcessorException
* in the case of any problem with ORM or JDBC stack
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlRuntimeException
* in the case of any problem with the input/output values handling
public E get(final SqlSession session, final Class resultClass, final Object dynamicInputValues,
final SqlControl sqlControl) throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(">> get, session=" + session + ", resultClass=" + resultClass + ", dynamicInputValues="
+ dynamicInputValues + ", sqlControl=" + sqlControl);
E result = null;
try {
result = monitor.run(new SqlMonitor.Runner() {
public E run() {
final SqlProcessResult processResult = process(SqlMetaStatement.Type.RETRIEVE, dynamicInputValues,
String sql = pluginFactory.getSqlExecutionPlugin().beforeSqlExecution(name,
final SqlQuery query = session.createSqlQuery(sql);
if (getMaxTimeout(sqlControl) != null)
if (getFetchSize(sqlControl) != null)
processResult.setQueryParams(session, query);
final SqlMappingResult mappingResult = SqlMappingRule.merge(mapping, processResult);
mappingResult.setQueryResultMapping(resultClass, getMoreResultClasses(sqlControl), query);
if (monitor instanceof SqlExtendedMonitor) {
SqlExtendedMonitor monitorExt = (SqlExtendedMonitor) monitor;
return monitorExt.runSql(new SqlMonitor.Runner() {
public E run() {
return get(query, mappingResult, resultClass, sqlControl);
}, resultClass);
} else {
return get(query, mappingResult, resultClass, sqlControl);
}, resultClass);
return result;
} finally {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("<< get, result=" + result);
* Internal get implementation
* @param query
* query
* @param mappingResult
* mappingResult
* @param resultClass
* resultClass
* @param sqlControl
* sqlCOntrol
* @return the result
private E get(final SqlQuery query, final SqlMappingResult mappingResult, final Class resultClass,
final SqlControl sqlControl) {
List list = query.list(mappingResult.getRuntimeContext());
E resultInstance = null;
Object[] resultValue = null;
Map ids = mappingResult.getIds();
for (@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
Iterator i$ = list.iterator(); i$.hasNext();) {
Object resultRow = i$.next();
resultValue = (resultRow instanceof Object[]) ? (Object[]) resultRow : (new Object[] { resultRow });
boolean changedIdentity = true;
if (ids != null) {
String idsKey = SqlUtils.getIdsKey(resultValue, mappingResult.getMainIdentityIndex());
if (ids.containsKey(idsKey))
changedIdentity = false;
if (changedIdentity) {
if (resultInstance != null) {
throw new SqlProcessorException("There's no unique result");
resultInstance = (E) mappingResult.getRuntimeContext().getInstance(resultClass);
if (resultInstance == null) {
throw new SqlRuntimeException("There's problem to instantiate " + resultClass);
mappingResult.setQueryResultData(resultInstance, resultValue, ids, getMoreResultClasses(sqlControl));
if (changedIdentity) {
if (ids != null) {
String idsKey = SqlUtils.getIdsKey(resultValue, mappingResult.getMainIdentityIndex());
ids.put(idsKey, resultInstance);
return resultInstance;
* Runs the META SQL update statement to persist a database row. This is one of the overriden methods. For the
* parameters description please see the most complex execution method
* {@link #update(SqlSession, Object, Object, int)} .
public int update(final SqlSession session, final Object dynamicInputValues)
throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return update(session, dynamicInputValues, (SqlStandardControl) null);
* Runs the META SQL update statement to persist a database row. This is one of the overriden methods. For the
* parameters description please see the most complex execution method
* {@link #update(SqlSession, Object, Object, int)} .
public int update(final SqlSession session, final Object dynamicInputValues, final Object staticInputValues)
throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return update(session, dynamicInputValues, new SqlStandardControl().setStaticInputValues(staticInputValues));
* Runs the META SQL update statement to persist a database row. This is the primary and the most complex SQL
* Processor execution method to persist an instance of input values. Changed values are taken from the input
* values. At the same time criteria to pickup the correct database rows(s) are taken from the input values too.
* @param session
* The SQL Engine session. It can work as a first level cache and the SQL query execution context. The
* implementation depends on the stack, on top of which the SQL Processor works. For example it can be an
* Hibernate session.
* @param dynamicInputValues
* The object used for the SQL statement dynamic input values. The class of this object is also named as
* the input class or the dynamic parameters class. The exact class type isn't important, all the
* parameters settled into the SQL prepared statement are picked up using the reflection API.
* @param staticInputValues
* The object used for the SQL statement static input values. The class of this object is also named as
* the input class or the static parameters class. The exact class type isn't important, all the
* parameters injected into the SQL query command are picked up using the reflection API. Compared to
* dynamicInputValues input parameters, parameters in this class should't be produced by an end user to
* prevent SQL injection threat!
* @param maxTimeout
* The max SQL execution time. This parameter can help to protect production system against ineffective
* SQL query commands. The value is in milliseconds.
* @return The number of updated database rows.
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlProcessorException
* in the case of any problem with ORM or JDBC stack
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlRuntimeException
* in the case of any problem with the input/output values handling
public int update(final SqlSession session, final Object dynamicInputValues, final Object staticInputValues,
final int maxTimeout) throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return update(session, dynamicInputValues,
new SqlStandardControl().setStaticInputValues(staticInputValues).setMaxTimeout(maxTimeout));
* Runs the META SQL update statement to persist a database row. This is the primary and the most complex SQL
* Processor execution method to persist an instance of input values. Changed values are taken from the input
* values. At the same time criteria to pickup the correct database rows(s) are taken from the input values too.
* @param session
* The SQL Engine session. It can work as a first level cache and the SQL query execution context. The
* implementation depends on the stack, on top of which the SQL Processor works. For example it can be an
* Hibernate session.
* @param dynamicInputValues
* The object used for the SQL statement dynamic input values. The class of this object is also named as
* the input class or the dynamic parameters class. The exact class type isn't important, all the
* parameters settled into the SQL prepared statement are picked up using the reflection API.
* @param sqlControl
* The compound parameters controlling the META SQL execution
* @return The number of updated database rows.
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlProcessorException
* in the case of any problem with ORM or JDBC stack
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlRuntimeException
* in the case of any problem with the input/output values handling
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.validation.SqlValidationException
* in the case the validation of the input values isn't successfull
public int update(final SqlSession session, final Object dynamicInputValues, final SqlControl sqlControl)
throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException, SqlValidationException {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(">> update, session=" + session + ", dynamicInputValues=" + dynamicInputValues
+ ", sqlControl=" + sqlControl);
Integer count = null;
try {
count = monitor.run(new SqlMonitor.Runner() {
public Integer run() {
final SqlProcessResult processResult = process(SqlMetaStatement.Type.UPDATE, dynamicInputValues,
String sql = pluginFactory.getSqlExecutionPlugin().beforeSqlExecution(name,
final SqlQuery query = session.createSqlQuery(sql);
if (getMaxTimeout(sqlControl) != null)
processResult.setQueryParams(session, query);
if (monitor instanceof SqlExtendedMonitor) {
SqlExtendedMonitor monitorExt = (SqlExtendedMonitor) monitor;
return monitorExt.runSql(new SqlMonitor.Runner() {
public Integer run() {
return update(query, processResult);
}, Integer.class);
} else {
return update(query, processResult);
}, Integer.class);
return count;
} finally {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("<< update, result=" + count);
* Internal update implementation
* @param query
* query
* @return the result
private Integer update(final SqlQuery query, final SqlProcessResult processResult) {
return query.update(processResult.getRuntimeContext());
* Runs the META SQL delete statement to delete a database row. This is one of the overriden methods. For the
* parameters description please see the most complex execution method
* {@link #delete(SqlSession, Object, Object, int)} .
public int delete(final SqlSession session, final Object dynamicInputValues)
throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return delete(session, dynamicInputValues, (SqlStandardControl) null);
* Runs the META SQL delete statement to delete a database row. This is one of the overriden methods. For the
* parameters description please see the most complex execution method
* {@link #delete(SqlSession, Object, Object, int)} .
public int delete(final SqlSession session, final Object dynamicInputValues, final Object staticInputValues)
throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return delete(session, dynamicInputValues, new SqlStandardControl().setStaticInputValues(staticInputValues));
* Runs the META SQL delete statement to delete a database row. This is the primary and the most complex SQL
* Processor execution method to delete the database row(s) based on criteria from the input values.
* @param session
* The SQL Engine session. It can work as a first level cache and the SQL query execution context. The
* implementation depends on the stack, on top of which the SQL Processor works. For example it can be an
* Hibernate session.
* @param dynamicInputValues
* The object used for the SQL statement dynamic input values. The class of this object is also named as
* the input class or the dynamic parameters class. The exact class type isn't important, all the
* parameters settled into the SQL prepared statement are picked up using the reflection API.
* @param staticInputValues
* The object used for the SQL statement static input values. The class of this object is also named as
* the input class or the static parameters class. The exact class type isn't important, all the
* parameters injected into the SQL query command are picked up using the reflection API. Compared to
* dynamicInputValues input parameters, parameters in this class should't be produced by an end user to
* prevent SQL injection threat!
* @param maxTimeout
* The max SQL execution time. This parameter can help to protect production system against ineffective
* SQL query commands. The value is in milliseconds.
* @return The number of updated database rows.
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlProcessorException
* in the case of any problem with ORM or JDBC stack
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlRuntimeException
* in the case of any problem with the input/output values handling
public int delete(final SqlSession session, final Object dynamicInputValues, final Object staticInputValues,
final int maxTimeout) throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return delete(session, dynamicInputValues,
new SqlStandardControl().setStaticInputValues(staticInputValues).setMaxTimeout(maxTimeout));
* Runs the META SQL delete statement to delete a database row. This is the primary and the most complex SQL
* Processor execution method to delete the database row(s) based on criteria from the input values.
* @param session
* The SQL Engine session. It can work as a first level cache and the SQL query execution context. The
* implementation depends on the stack, on top of which the SQL Processor works. For example it can be an
* Hibernate session.
* @param dynamicInputValues
* The object used for the SQL statement dynamic input values. The class of this object is also named as
* the input class or the dynamic parameters class. The exact class type isn't important, all the
* parameters settled into the SQL prepared statement are picked up using the reflection API.
* @param sqlControl
* The compound parameters controlling the META SQL execution
* @return The number of updated database rows.
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlProcessorException
* in the case of any problem with ORM or JDBC stack
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlRuntimeException
* in the case of any problem with the input/output values handling
public int delete(final SqlSession session, final Object dynamicInputValues, final SqlControl sqlControl)
throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(">> delete, session=" + session + ", dynamicInputValues=" + dynamicInputValues
+ ", sqlControl=" + sqlControl);
Integer count = null;
try {
count = monitor.run(new SqlMonitor.Runner() {
public Integer run() {
final SqlProcessResult processResult = process(SqlMetaStatement.Type.DELETE, dynamicInputValues,
String sql = pluginFactory.getSqlExecutionPlugin().beforeSqlExecution(name,
final SqlQuery query = session.createSqlQuery(sql);
if (getMaxTimeout(sqlControl) != null)
processResult.setQueryParams(session, query);
if (monitor instanceof SqlExtendedMonitor) {
SqlExtendedMonitor monitorExt = (SqlExtendedMonitor) monitor;
return monitorExt.runSql(new SqlMonitor.Runner() {
public Integer run() {
return delete(query, processResult);
}, Integer.class);
} else {
return delete(query, processResult);
}, Integer.class);
return count;
} finally {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("<< delete, result=" + count);
* Internal delete implementation
* @param query
* query
* @return the result
private Integer delete(final SqlQuery query, final SqlProcessResult processResult) {
return query.update(processResult.getRuntimeContext());
* Returns the insert statement derived from the META SQL statement. For the parameters description please see the
* most complex execution method {@link #getSql(Object, Object, org.sqlproc.engine.impl.SqlMetaStatement.Type)} .
public String getInsertSql(final Object dynamicInputValues, final Object staticInputValues)
throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return getSql(dynamicInputValues, staticInputValues, SqlMetaStatement.Type.CREATE);
* Returns the query select statement derived from the META SQL statement. For the parameters description please see
* the most complex execution method {@link #getSql(Object, Object, org.sqlproc.engine.impl.SqlMetaStatement.Type)}
* .
public String getGetSql(final Object dynamicInputValues, final Object staticInputValues)
throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return getSql(dynamicInputValues, staticInputValues, SqlMetaStatement.Type.RETRIEVE);
* Returns the update statement derived from the META SQL statement. For the parameters description please see the
* most complex execution method {@link #getSql(Object, Object, org.sqlproc.engine.impl.SqlMetaStatement.Type)} .
public String getUpdateSql(final Object dynamicInputValues, final Object staticInputValues)
throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return getSql(dynamicInputValues, staticInputValues, SqlMetaStatement.Type.UPDATE);
* Returns the delete statement derived from the META SQL statement. For the parameters description please see the
* most complex execution method {@link #getSql(Object, Object, org.sqlproc.engine.impl.SqlMetaStatement.Type)} .
public String getDeleteSql(final Object dynamicInputValues, final Object staticInputValues)
throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return getSql(dynamicInputValues, staticInputValues, SqlMetaStatement.Type.DELETE);
* Because SQL Processor is Data Driven Query engine, every input parameters can produce in fact different SQL
* statement command. This method can help to identify the exact SQL statement command, which is produced in the
* background of the SQL Processor execution. The statement is derived from the META SQL statement.
* @param dynamicInputValues
* The object used for the SQL statement dynamic input values. The class of this object is also named as
* the input class or the dynamic parameters class. The exact class type isn't important, all the
* parameters settled into the SQL prepared statement are picked up using the reflection API.
* @param staticInputValues
* The object used for the SQL statement static input values. The class of this object is also named as
* the input class or the static parameters class. The exact class type isn't important, all the
* parameters injected into the SQL query command are picked up using the reflection API. Compared to
* dynamicInputValues input parameters, parameters in this class should't be produced by an end user to
* prevent SQL injection threat!
* @param statementType
* The type of the statement under consideration. It can be CREATE, RETRIEVE, UPDATE or DELETE.
* @return The SQL statement command derived from the META SQL statement based on the input parameters.
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlProcessorException
* in the case of any problem with ORM or JDBC stack
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlRuntimeException
* in the case of any problem with the input/output values handling
public String getSql(final Object dynamicInputValues, final Object staticInputValues,
final SqlMetaStatement.Type statementType) throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
return getSql(dynamicInputValues, new SqlStandardControl().setStaticInputValues(staticInputValues),
* Because SQL Processor is Data Driven Query engine, every input parameters can produce in fact different SQL
* statement command. This method can help to identify the exact SQL statement command, which is produced in the
* background of the SQL Processor execution. The statement is derived from the META SQL statement.
* @param dynamicInputValues
* The object used for the SQL statement dynamic input values. The class of this object is also named as
* the input class or the dynamic parameters class. The exact class type isn't important, all the
* parameters settled into the SQL prepared statement are picked up using the reflection API.
* @param sqlControl
* The compound parameters controlling the META SQL execution
* @param statementType
* The type of the statement under consideration. It can be CREATE, RETRIEVE, UPDATE or DELETE.
* @return The SQL statement command derived from the META SQL statement based on the input parameters.
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlProcessorException
* in the case of any problem with ORM or JDBC stack
* @throws org.sqlproc.engine.SqlRuntimeException
* in the case of any problem with the input/output values handling
public String getSql(final Object dynamicInputValues, final SqlControl sqlControl,
final SqlMetaStatement.Type statementType) throws SqlProcessorException, SqlRuntimeException {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(">> getSql, dynamicInputValues=" + dynamicInputValues + ", sqlControl=" + sqlControl);
String sql = null;
try {
sql = monitor.run(new SqlMonitor.Runner() {
public String run() {
SqlProcessResult processResult = process(statementType, dynamicInputValues, sqlControl);
String sql = pluginFactory.getSqlExecutionPlugin().beforeSqlExecution(name,
return sql;
}, String.class);
return sql;
} finally {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("<< getSql, sql=" + sql);
* Returns the name of this META SQL, which uniquely identifies the instance. In the case the META SQL statement is
* located in the meta statements file, this name is the unique part of the keys in this file. For example for the
* name ALL in the meta statements file there's the META SQL statement with the name ALL(CRUD).
* @return The name of the SQL engine instance.
public String getName() {
return name;
* Returns the SQL Monitor instance for the runtime statistics gathering. By default no runtime statistics gathering
* is active. So this SQL Monitor is implied in SQL engine constructor in the case the statistics gathering should
* be engaged.
* @return The SQL Monitor instance, which is active for this SQL engine instance.
public SqlMonitor getMonitor() {
return monitor;