org.srcdeps.mvn.plugin.SrcdepsInitMojo Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015-2017 Maven Source Dependencies
* Plugin contributors as indicated by the @author tags.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.srcdeps.mvn.plugin;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.apache.maven.RepositoryUtils;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency;
import org.apache.maven.model.DependencyManagement;
import org.apache.maven.model.Scm;
import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelBuildingRequest;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.ResolutionScope;
import org.apache.maven.project.DefaultProjectBuildingRequest;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException;
import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingRequest;
import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingResult;
import org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystem;
import org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystemSession;
import org.eclipse.aether.repository.RemoteRepository;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.srcdeps.config.yaml.writer.YamlWriterConfiguration;
import org.srcdeps.config.yaml.writer.YamlWriterVisitor;
import org.srcdeps.core.Gav;
import org.srcdeps.core.GavSet;
import org.srcdeps.core.config.Configuration;
import org.srcdeps.core.config.ScmRepository;
import org.srcdeps.core.config.ScmRepository.Builder;
import org.srcdeps.core.config.tree.walk.DefaultsAndInheritanceVisitor;
import org.srcdeps.core.config.tree.walk.OverrideVisitor;
* First calls {@link SrcdepsUpgradeMojo} and then generates the {@code .mvn/srcdeps.yaml} file. Any existing
* {@code .mvn/srcdeps.yaml} is overwritten without warning.
* The main responsibility of {@link SrcdepsInitMojo} is to produce a {@code srcdeps.yaml} file that is as complete as
* possible. To accomplish this, the mojo crawls through the dependencies of the current project tree and collects the
* following info:
* - SCM URLs (via {@code
} tags in {@code pom.xml} files)
* - Associations between GAVs and SCM URLs - i.e. which GAV should be built from which SCM URL
* That is basically enough on the level of raw data, but to produce a nice {@code srcdeps.yaml} file, we need a bit
* more: It is often not optimal to list per-artifactId selectors [1] like
* selectors:
* - org.mygroup:my-artifact-1
* - org.mygroup:my-artifact-2
* - org.mygroup:my-artifact-3
* - org.mygroup:my-artifact-4
* That would be correct, but not nice and reliable because org.mygroup project may decide to add my-artifact-5 at some
* point in the future. If all artifacts for the given URL, have the same groupId, then we could theoretically
* generalize the selectors to just
* selectors:
* - org.mygroup
* But to do that, we need to make sure that the same group does not occur under other URLs. If it does, we fall back to
* per-artifactId selectors.
* We also need a unique id for each SCM repository element in srcdeps.yaml file. Similarly as with selectors, we prefer
* short groupId based IDs, as long as we can prove them to be unique over all SCM repositories.
* To handle this two kinds of problems, we use a couple of tracking maps in {@link ScmRepositoryIndex}.
* @author Peter Palaga
@Mojo(name = "init", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.NONE, threadSafe = false, requiresProject = true, requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.TEST)
public class SrcdepsInitMojo extends SrcdepsUpgradeMojo {
* A container for several collections that will allow us to build a list of {@link ScmRepository}s at the end.
static class ScmRepositoryIndex {
* This helps to climb up the parent hierarchy of a GAV to determine its SCM URL. Note that for the given GAV we
* not only need the SCM URL itself, we need also the GAV that URL is defined on, so that we can indentify some
* naming clashes later in {@link ScmRepositoryIndex#createRepository(String)}.
static class ScmUrlAncestry {
private static final String GIT_SCM_PREFIX = "git:";
private static final String SCM_PREFIX = "scm:";
static class Builder {
private List path = new ArrayList<>();
public ScmUrlAncestry build() {
List useElements = Collections.unmodifiableList(path);
this.path = null;
return new ScmUrlAncestry(useElements);
public Builder element(String url, Ga ga) {
this.path.add(new Element(url, ga));
return this;
* The element in the parent hierarchy of a GAV.
private static class Element {
private final Ga ga;
/** The SCM URL */
private final String url;
private Element(String url, Ga ga) {
this.url = url; = ga;
* Appends the given {@code project} to the given {@code ancestryPath} and returns the same instance of
* {@code ancestryPath}.
* @param project
* the project to append
* @param ancestryPath
* the path to append to
* @return the given {@code ancestryPath}
private static List append(MavenProject project, List ancestryPath) {
Scm scm = project.getScm();
if (scm == null) {
log.debug("No SCM in project [{}:{}:{}]", project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId(),
return ancestryPath;
} else {
String url = scm.getConnection();
if (url == null) {
url = scm.getDeveloperConnection();
if (url == null) {
log.debug("No SCM connection in project [{}:{}:{}]", project.getGroupId(),
project.getArtifactId(), project.getVersion());
return ancestryPath;
} else {
log.debug("No SCM connection in project [{}:{}:{}] - falling back to developerConnection",
project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId(), project.getVersion());
* url != null look if can climb up to the parent and shothen the URL
ancestryPath.add(new Element(url, new Ga(project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId())));
MavenProject parent = project.getParent();
if (parent != null) {
return append(parent, ancestryPath);
} else {
/* parent == null */
return ancestryPath;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static ScmUrlAncestry of(MavenProject project) {
return new ScmUrlAncestry(append(project, new ArrayList()));
/** The list of ancestors */
private final List elements;
private final int length;
ScmUrlAncestry(List elements) {
this.elements = elements;
this.length = guessDepth();
* Returns GAs from {@link #elements} in the inverted order - the "oldest" ancestor being at position
* {@code 0} and the joungest being at the terminal position.
* @param i
* the index
* @return the GA at index {@code i}
public Ga getGaAt(int i) {
if (length == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("No root GA found in %s : [%s]", ScmUrlAncestry.class.getName(), elements));
if (i < 0 || i >= length) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format("Expected 0..%d, found %d", length, i));
return elements.get(length - i - 1).ga;
* @return the length of the path from the first element to the element that defines its SCM URL. Note that
* {@link #length} can be shorter than {@code elements.length()}
public int getLength() {
return length;
* @return the Ga that defines the SCM URL returned by {@link #getUrl()}. A shorthand for {@code getGaAt(0)}
public Ga getRootGa() {
return getGaAt(0);
* @return the SCM URL that is valid for path elements from index {@code 0} to index {@code length - 1}.
public String getUrl() {
if (length == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return null;
} else {
final Element terminal = elements.get(length - 1);
String result = terminal.url;
if (result.startsWith(SCM_PREFIX)) {
result = result.substring(SCM_PREFIX.length());
String suffix = "/" +;
if (result.endsWith(suffix)) {
result = result.substring(0, result.length() - suffix.length());
if (!result.startsWith(GIT_SCM_PREFIX) && result.indexOf("") >= 0) {
/* fix a malformed github URL */
log.warn("Fixing the SCM URL [{}] that is apparently missing the git: prefix", result);
result = GIT_SCM_PREFIX + result;
return result;
private int guessDepth() {
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
Element e = elements.get(i);
String suffix = "/" +;
String url = e.url;
if (suffix.length() >= url.length()) {
return i + 1;
} else {
String expectedParentUrl = url.substring(0, url.length() - suffix.length());
if (url.endsWith(suffix)
&& (i + 1 < elements.size() && elements.get(i + 1).url.equals(expectedParentUrl))) {
} else {
return i + 1;
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* @return {@code true} if a valid URL could be found for this {@link ScmUrlAncestry} and {@code false}
* otherwise
public boolean hasUrl() {
return this.length != Integer.MAX_VALUE;
/** Tracks under which URLs (values) a given groupId (key) occurs */
private final Map> groupIdUrlMap = new HashMap<>();
private final ProjectBuilder projectBuilder;
private final List remoteRepos;
private final RepositorySystemSession repoSession;
private final ArtifactFactory repositorySystem;
private final Set scms;
/** We do not want to process the same {@link Gav} twice */
private final Set seenGavs = new HashSet<>();
private final MavenSession session;
* A map from SCM URLs to their respective maps from GAV to the number of path segments removed from the URL to
* reach the resulting URL
private final Map>> urlGaMap = new HashMap<>();
/** Tracks root GAs (value) found for the given URL (key). */
private final Map> urlRootGasMap = new HashMap<>();
/** Tracks URLs that we already reported once as unsupported, so that we do not warn twice about the same URL */
private final Set unsupportedUrls = new HashSet<>();
private ScmRepositoryIndex(MavenSession session, RepositorySystemSession repoSession,
ArtifactFactory repositorySystem, ProjectBuilder projectBuilder, Set scms) {
this.session = session;
this.repoSession = repoSession;
this.repositorySystem = repositorySystem;
this.projectBuilder = projectBuilder;
this.remoteRepos = RepositoryUtils.toRepos(session.getProjectBuildingRequest().getRemoteRepositories());
this.scms = scms;
* Associate the given {@code url} with the given {@code ga}
* @param url
* a SCM URL cleaned from any {@code artifactId} suffixes
* @param ga
* the {@link Ga} to associate with the given {@code url}
private void add(String url, Ga ga) {
final String groupId = ga.getGroupId();
final String artifactId = ga.getArtifactId();
Map> gaMap = urlGaMap.get(url);
if (gaMap == null) {
gaMap = new HashMap<>();
urlGaMap.put(url, gaMap);
Set artifactIds = gaMap.get(groupId);
if (artifactIds == null) {
artifactIds = new HashSet<>();
gaMap.put(groupId, artifactIds);
Set urls = groupIdUrlMap.get(groupId);
if (urls == null) {
urls = new TreeSet<>();
groupIdUrlMap.put(groupId, urls);
* Find the SCM URL for the given {@code g, a, v} triple and store the association for the later retrieval via
* {@link #createSortedScmRepositoryMap()}.
* @param g
* {@code groupId}
* @param a
* {@code artifactId}
* @param v
* {@code version}
* @param failOnUnresolvable
* see {@link SrcdepsInitMojo#failOnUnresolvable}
* @throws MojoExecutionException
public void addGav(String g, String a, String v, boolean failOnUnresolvable) throws MojoExecutionException {
final Gav gav = new Gav(g, a, v);
if (!seenGavs.contains(gav)) {
final Ga ga = new Ga(g, a);
log.debug("Adding GA: {}", ga);
ProjectBuildingRequest projectBuildingRequest = new DefaultProjectBuildingRequest();
Artifact pomArtifact = repositorySystem.createProjectArtifact(g, a, v, "compile");
try {
ProjectBuildingResult result =, projectBuildingRequest);
MavenProject dependencyProject = result.getProject();
ScmUrlAncestry ancestry = ScmUrlAncestry.of(dependencyProject);
if (!ancestry.hasUrl()) {
log.warn("No SCM connection for artifact [{}]", ga);
} else {
final String url = ancestry.getUrl();
if (unsupportedUrls.contains(url)) {
/* was reported once already */
} else if (isScmUrlSupported(url)) {
log.debug("Found SCM URL [{}] for GA [{}]", url, ga);
int len = ancestry.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
this.add(url, ancestry.getGaAt(i));
Set rootGas = urlRootGasMap.get(url);
if (rootGas == null) {
rootGas = new TreeSet<>();
urlRootGasMap.put(url, rootGas);
} else {
log.warn("Unsupported SCM URL [{}] for GAV [{}]", url, ga);
} catch (ProjectBuildingException e) {
final String msg = String.format("Could not resolve [%s] using remote repositories [%s]",
pomArtifact, remoteRepos);
if (failOnUnresolvable) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(msg, e);
} else {
* Creates a new {@link ScmRepository.Builder} and sets its selectors, SCM URL and ID based on the information
* available in this {@link ScmRepositoryIndex}.
* @param url
* the SCM URL to create a new {@link ScmRepository.Builder} for
* @return a new {@link ScmRepository.Builder}
public ScmRepository.Builder createRepository(String url) {
log.debug(" == Creating SCM repository for URL [{}]", url);
ScmRepository.Builder repoBuilder = ScmRepository.builder();
/* (1) Set the ID of the SCM repo */
final Set rootGas = urlRootGasMap.get(url);
* Having more than one root GAs should not be very common. It may occur e.g. when the groupId or artifactId
* is changed over time and the nesting project somehow depends on both GAs before and after the renaming.
* We are not going to think out anything smart for this case. We will just get the the first root GA and
* handle it as if it was the only one.
final Ga rootGa = rootGas.iterator().next();
final String rootGroupId = rootGa.getGroupId();
final Set rootUrls = groupIdUrlMap.get(rootGroupId);
if (rootUrls.size() == 1) {
* good luck: this rootGa's group ID does not occur under any other URL, hence the groupId is unique
* enough to serve as the SCM repo ID
} else {
* this rootGa's group ID occurs under some other URL Let's check if at least the root groupId -
* artifactId combination does not occur under another URL
final String rootArtifactId = rootGa.getArtifactId();
boolean rootGaUnique = true;
for (String otherUrl : rootUrls) {
if (!otherUrl.equals(url)) {
Set otherRootArtifactIds = urlGaMap.get(otherUrl).get(rootGroupId);
if (otherRootArtifactIds != null && otherRootArtifactIds.contains(rootArtifactId)) {
rootGaUnique = false;
if (rootGaUnique) {
* the root groupId - artifactId combination does not occur under another URL We can safely use the
* g-a combo as an ID
*/ + "." + rootArtifactId.replace('.', '-'));
} else {
* the root groupId - artifactId combo not unique over URLs We have to make it unique by appending
* the URL hash code
rootGroupId + "." + rootArtifactId.replace('.', '-') + ".id" + Math.abs(url.hashCode()));
/* (2) add the selectors to the SCM repo */
Set selectors = new TreeSet<>();
Map> gaMap = urlGaMap.get(url);
for (Entry> gaEntry : gaMap.entrySet()) {
final String groupId = gaEntry.getKey();
Set urls = groupIdUrlMap.get(groupId);
if (urls.size() == 1) {
* good luck: this group ID does not occur under any other URL, hence the groupId is unique enough
* to serve as a generalized selector
} else {
* this group ID occurs under some other URL. Therefore, we have to add per-artifactId selectors
final Set artifactIds = gaEntry.getValue();
for (String artifactId : artifactIds) {
selectors.add(groupId + ":" + artifactId);
for (String selector : selectors) {
return repoBuilder.url(url);
* @return new sorted map of {@link ScmRepository}s by their names
public Map createSortedScmRepositoryMap() {
Map repos = new TreeMap<>();
for (String url : this.urlGaMap.keySet()) {
final ScmRepository.Builder newBuilder = createRepository(url);
final String id = newBuilder.getName();
final Builder oldBuilder = repos.get(id);
if (oldBuilder != null) {
"SCM repository ID not unique, will force the uniqueness of the ID: [{}], old URLs: [{}] old selectors; new URLs: [{}], new selectors: [{}]",
id, //
oldBuilder.getChildren().get("urls"), oldBuilder.getChildren().get("selectors"),
newBuilder.getChildren().get("urls"), newBuilder.getChildren().get("selectors")); + ".id" + Math.abs(url.hashCode()));
repos.put(newBuilder.getName(), newBuilder);
return repos;
* Ignore the given GAV when it is submitted via {@link #addGav(String, String, String, boolean)}
* @param groupId
* @param artifactId
* @param version
public void ignoreGav(String groupId, String artifactId, String version) {
final Gav gav = new Gav(groupId, artifactId, version);
* @param url
* the URL to decide about
* @return {@code true} if the present version of srcdeps is able to handle the source management system given
* by the {@code url} parameter
private boolean isScmUrlSupported(String url) {
for (org.srcdeps.core.Scm scm : scms) {
if (scm.supports(url)) {
return true;
return false;
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SrcdepsInitMojo.class);
* Exclude the matching GAVs from processing when generating the {@code srcdeps.yaml} file. The default list of
* excludes is empty.
@Parameter(property = "srcdeps.excludes")
private String[] excludes;
* If {@code true} all artifacts having versions ending with {@code -SNAPSHOT} will be ignored. Otherwise, the
* {@code -SNAPSHOT} artifacts will be included and it will be attempted to find SCM repositories for them.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "true", property = "srcdeps.excludeSnapshots")
private boolean excludeSnapshots;
* If {@code true} the execution with fail with error in case an artifact is found that cannot be downloaded from
* any remote repository. If {@code false}, just a warning is produced.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "true", property = "srcdeps.failOnUnresolvable")
private boolean failOnUnresolvable;
/** The set defined by {@link #includes} and {@link #excludes} */
private GavSet gavSet;
* Include the matching GAVs in the processing when generating the {@code srcdeps.yaml} file. The default list of
* includes constains just the match all pattern {@code *:*:*}.
@Parameter(property = "srcdeps.includes")
private String[] includes;
private ProjectBuilder projectBuilder;
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${reactorProjects}", required = true, readonly = true)
private List reactorProjects;
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${repositorySystemSession}")
private RepositorySystemSession repoSession;
private ArtifactFactory repositorySystem;
private RepositorySystem repoSystem;
private final Set scms;
public SrcdepsInitMojo(Set scms) {
this.scms = scms;
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
org.srcdeps.core.GavSet.Builder gavSetBuilder = GavSet.builder() //
.includes(includes) //
if (excludeSnapshots) {
this.gavSet =;"Using includes and excludes [{}]", gavSet);"Supported SCMs: {}", scms);
if (skip || !multiModuleRootDir.equals(session.getCurrentProject().getBasedir())) { + " skipped");
} else {
Configuration.Builder config = Configuration.builder() //
.configModelVersion(Configuration.getLatestConfigModelVersion()).commentBefore("") //
.commentBefore(".mvn/srcdeps.yaml - the srcdeps configuration file") //
.commentBefore("") //
"The full srcdeps.yaml reference can be found under") //
.commentBefore("") //
.commentBefore("This file was generated by the following command:") //
.commentBefore("") //
.commentBefore(" mvn org.srcdeps.mvn:srcdeps-maven-plugin:init") //
.commentBefore("") //
ScmRepositoryIndex index = new ScmRepositoryIndex(session, repoSession, repositorySystem, projectBuilder,
log.debug("Going over [{}] reactor projects", reactorProjects.size());
/* first add the reactor projects to seenGas so that they get ignored */
for (MavenProject project : reactorProjects) {
index.ignoreGav(project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId(), project.getVersion());
for (MavenProject project : reactorProjects) {
final List dependencies = project.getDependencies();"Project [{}] has [{}] dependencies", project.getArtifactId(),
dependencies == null ? 0 : dependencies.size());
if (dependencies != null) {
for (Dependency dependency : dependencies) {
final String g = dependency.getGroupId();
final String a = dependency.getArtifactId();
final String v = dependency.getVersion();
if (!"system".equals(dependency.getScope()) && gavSet.contains(g, a, v)) {
/* Ignore system scope */
index.addGav(g, a, v, failOnUnresolvable);
final DependencyManagement dependencyManagement = project.getDependencyManagement();
if (dependencyManagement != null) {
final List managedDeps = dependencyManagement.getDependencies();
if (managedDeps != null) {
for (Dependency dependency : managedDeps) {
final String g = dependency.getGroupId();
final String a = dependency.getArtifactId();
final String v = dependency.getVersion();
if (!"system".equals(dependency.getScope()) && gavSet.contains(g, a, v)) {
/* Ignore system scope */
index.addGav(g, a, v, false);
MavenProject parent = project.getParent();
if (parent != null) {
final String g = parent.getGroupId();
final String a = parent.getArtifactId();
final String v = parent.getVersion();
if (gavSet.contains(g, a, v)) {
index.addGav(g, a, v, failOnUnresolvable);
Map repos = index.createSortedScmRepositoryMap();
if (repos.size() == 0) {
/* add some dummy repo so that we do not write an empty srcdeps.yaml file */
ScmRepository.Builder dummyRepo = ScmRepository.builder() //
"FIXME: srcdeps-maven-plugin could not authomatically identify any SCM URLs for dependencies in this project") //
" and has added this dummy repository only as a starting point for you to proceed manually") //
.id("") //
.selector("") //
.url("git:") //
repos.put(dummyRepo.getName(), dummyRepo);
config //
.repositories(repos) //
.accept(new OverrideVisitor(System.getProperties())) //
.accept(new DefaultsAndInheritanceVisitor()) //
final Path srcdepsYamlPath = mvnDir.resolve("srcdeps.yaml");
try {
YamlWriterConfiguration yamlWriterConfiguration = YamlWriterConfiguration.builder().build();
try (Writer out = Files.newBufferedWriter(srcdepsYamlPath, Charset.forName(encoding))) {
config.accept(new YamlWriterVisitor(out, yamlWriterConfiguration));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(String.format("Could not write [%s]", srcdepsYamlPath), e);