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/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package backend
package icode

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer

abstract class ICodeCheckers {
  val global: Global
  import global._


* This class performs a set of checks similar to what the bytecode * verifier does. For each basic block, it checks that: *

  • * for primitive operations: the type and numer of operands match * the type of the operation *
  • *
  • * for method calls: the method exists in the type of the receiver * and the number and type of arguments match the declared type of * the method. *
  • *
  • * for object creation: the constructor can be called. *
  • *
  • * for load/stores: the field/local/param exists and the type * of the value matches that of the target. *
  • *

* For a control flow graph it checks that type stacks at entry to * each basic block 'agree': *

  • they have the same length
  • *
  • there exists a lub for all types at the same position in stacks.
  • *
* * @author Iulian Dragos * @version 1.0, 06/09/2005 * * @todo Better checks for `MONITOR_ENTER/EXIT` * Better checks for local var initializations * * @todo Iulian says: I think there's some outdated logic in the checker. * The issue with exception handlers being special for least upper * bounds pointed out some refactoring in the lattice class. Maybe * a worthwhile refactoring would be to make the checker use the * DataFlowAnalysis class, and use the lattice trait. In the * implementation of LUB, there's a flag telling if one of the * successors is 'exceptional'. The inliner is using this mechanism. */ class ICodeChecker { import icodes._ import opcodes._ var clasz: IClass = _ var method: IMethod = _ var code: Code = _ val in: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, TypeStack] = perRunCaches.newMap() val out: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, TypeStack] = perRunCaches.newMap() val emptyStack = new TypeStack() { override def toString = "" } /** The presence of emptyStack means that path has not yet been checked * (and may not be empty). */ def notChecked(ts: TypeStack) = ts eq emptyStack def initMaps(bs: Seq[BasicBlock]): Unit = { in.clear() out.clear() bs foreach { b => in(b) = emptyStack out(b) = emptyStack } } /** A wrapper to route log messages to debug output also. */ def logChecker(msg: String) = { log(msg) checkerDebug(msg) } def checkICodes(): Unit = { if (settings.verbose) println("[[consistency check at the beginning of phase " + + "]]") classes.values foreach check } private def posStr(p: Position) = if (p.isDefined) p.line.toString else "" private def indent(s: String, prefix: String): String = { val lines = s split "\\n" lines map (prefix + _) mkString "\n" } /** Only called when m1 < m2, so already known that (m1 ne m2). */ private def isConfict(m1: IMember, m2: IMember, canOverload: Boolean) = ( ( == && (!canOverload || (m1.symbol.tpe =:= m2.symbol.tpe)) ) def check(cls: IClass) { logChecker("\n<<-- Checking class " + cls + " -->>") clasz = cls for (f1 <- cls.fields ; f2 <- cls.fields ; if f1 < f2) if (isConfict(f1, f2, canOverload = false)) icodeError("Repetitive field name: " + f1.symbol.fullName) for (m1 <- cls.methods ; m2 <- cls.methods ; if m1 < m2) if (isConfict(m1, m2, canOverload = true)) icodeError("Repetitive method: " + m1.symbol.fullName) clasz.methods foreach check } def check(m: IMethod) { logChecker("\n<< Checking method " + + " >>") method = m if (!m.isAbstractMethod) check(m.code) } def check(c: Code) { val worklist = new ListBuffer[BasicBlock] def append(elems: List[BasicBlock]) = worklist ++= (elems filterNot (worklist contains _)) code = c worklist += c.startBlock initMaps(c.blocks) while (worklist.nonEmpty) { val block = worklist remove 0 val output = check(block, in(block)) if (output != out(block) || notChecked(out(block))) { if (block.successors.nonEmpty) logChecker("** Output change for %s: %s -> %s".format(block, out(block), output)) out(block) = output append(block.successors) block.successors foreach meet } } } /** * Apply the meet operator of the stack lattice on bl's predecessors. * :-). Compute the input to bl by checking that all stacks have the * same length, and taking the lub of types at the same positions. */ def meet(bl: BasicBlock) { val preds = bl.predecessors def hasNothingType(s: TypeStack) = s.nonEmpty && (s.head == NothingReference) /* XXX workaround #1: one stack empty, the other has BoxedUnit. * One example where this arises is: * * def f(b: Boolean): Unit = synchronized { if (b) () } */ def allUnits(s: TypeStack) = s.types forall (_ == BoxedUnitReference) def ifAthenB[T](f: T => Boolean): PartialFunction[(T, T), T] = { case (x1, x2) if f(x1) => x2 case (x1, x2) if f(x2) => x1 } /* XXX workaround #2: different stacks heading into an exception * handler which will clear them anyway. Examples where it arises: * * var bippy: Int = synchronized { if (b) 5 else 10 } */ def isHandlerBlock() = bl.exceptionHandlerStart def meet2(s1: TypeStack, s2: TypeStack): TypeStack = { def workaround(msg: String) = { checkerDebug(msg + ": " + method + " at block " + bl) checkerDebug(" s1: " + s1) checkerDebug(" s2: " + s2) new TypeStack() } def incompatibleString = ( "Incompatible stacks: " + s1 + " and " + s2 + " in " + method + " at entry to block " + bl.label + ":\n" + indent(bl.predContents, "// ") + indent(bl.succContents, "// ") + indent(bl.blockContents, "// ") ) val f: ((TypeStack, TypeStack)) => TypeStack = { ifAthenB(notChecked) orElse ifAthenB(hasNothingType) orElse { case (s1: TypeStack, s2: TypeStack) => if (s1.length != s2.length) { if (allUnits(s1) && allUnits(s2)) workaround("Ignoring mismatched boxed units") else if (isHandlerBlock()) workaround("Ignoring mismatched stacks entering exception handler") else throw new CheckerException(incompatibleString) } else { val newStack: TypeStack = try { new TypeStack((s1.types, s2.types).zipped map lub) } catch { case t: Exception => checkerDebug(t.toString + ": " + s1.types.toString + " vs " + s2.types.toString) new TypeStack(s1.types) } if (newStack.isEmpty || s1.types == s2.types) () // not interesting to report else checkerDebug("Checker created new stack:\n (%s, %s) => %s".format(s1, s2, newStack)) newStack } } } f((s1, s2)) } if (preds.nonEmpty) { in(bl) = (preds map out.apply) reduceLeft meet2 log("Input changed for block: " + bl +" to: " + in(bl)) } } private var instruction: Instruction = null private var basicBlock: BasicBlock = null private var stringConcatDepth = 0 private def stringConcatIndent() = " " * stringConcatDepth private def currentInstrString: String = { val (indent, str) = this.instruction match { case CALL_PRIMITIVE(StartConcat) => val x = stringConcatIndent() stringConcatDepth += 1 (x, "concat(") case CALL_PRIMITIVE(EndConcat) => if (stringConcatDepth > 0) { stringConcatDepth -= 1 (stringConcatIndent(), ") // end concat") } else ("", "") case _ => (stringConcatIndent(), this.instruction match { case CALL_PRIMITIVE(StringConcat(el)) => "..." case null => "null" case cm @ CALL_METHOD(_, _) => if (clasz.symbol == cm.hostClass) cm.toShortString else cm.toString case x => x.toString }) } indent + str } /** A couple closure creators to reduce noise in the output: when multiple * items are pushed or popped, this lets us print something short and sensible * for those beyond the first. */ def mkInstrPrinter(f: Int => String): () => String = { var counter = -1 val indent = stringConcatIndent() () => { counter += 1 if (counter == 0) currentInstrString else indent + f(counter) } } def defaultInstrPrinter: () => String = mkInstrPrinter(_ => "\"\"\"") /** * Check the basic block to be type correct and return the * produced type stack. */ def check(b: BasicBlock, initial: TypeStack): TypeStack = { this.basicBlock = b logChecker({ val prefix = "** Checking " + b.fullString if (initial.isEmpty) prefix else prefix + " with initial stack " + initial.types.mkString("[", ", ", "]") }) val stack = new TypeStack(initial) def checkStack(len: Int) { if (stack.length < len) ICodeChecker.this.icodeError("Expected at least " + len + " elements on the stack", stack) } def sizeString(push: Boolean) = { val arrow = if (push) "-> " else "<- " val sp = " " * stack.length sp + stack.length + arrow } def printStackString(isPush: Boolean, value: TypeKind, instrString: String) = { val pushString = if (isPush) "+" else "-" val posString = posStr(this.instruction.pos) checkerDebug("%-70s %-4s %s %s".format(sizeString(isPush) + value, posString, pushString, instrString)) } def _popStack: TypeKind = { if (stack.isEmpty) { icodeError("Popped empty stack in " + b.fullString + ", throwing a Unit") return UNIT } stack.pop } def popStackN(num: Int, instrFn: () => String = defaultInstrPrinter) = { List.range(0, num) map { _ => val res = _popStack printStackString(isPush = false, res, instrFn()) res } } def pushStackN(xs: Seq[TypeKind], instrFn: () => String) = { xs foreach { x => stack push x printStackString(isPush = true, x, instrFn()) } } def popStack = { checkStack(1) ; (popStackN(1): @unchecked) match { case List(x) => x } } def popStack2 = { checkStack(2) ; (popStackN(2): @unchecked) match { case List(x, y) => (x, y) } } def popStack3 = { checkStack(3) ; (popStackN(3): @unchecked) match { case List(x, y, z) => (x, y, z) } } /* Called by faux instruction LOAD_EXCEPTION to wipe out the stack. */ def clearStack() = { if (stack.nonEmpty) logChecker("Wiping out the " + stack.length + " element stack for exception handler: " + stack) 1 to stack.length foreach (_ => popStack) } def pushStack(xs: TypeKind*): Unit = { pushStackN(xs filterNot (_ == UNIT), defaultInstrPrinter) } def typeError(k1: TypeKind, k2: TypeKind) { icodeError("\n expected: " + k1 + "\n found: " + k2) } def isSubtype(k1: TypeKind, k2: TypeKind) = (k1 isAssignabledTo k2) || { import platform.isMaybeBoxed (k1, k2) match { case (REFERENCE(_), REFERENCE(_)) if k1.isInterfaceType || k2.isInterfaceType => logChecker("Considering %s <:< %s because at least one is an interface".format(k1, k2)) true case (REFERENCE(cls1), REFERENCE(cls2)) if isMaybeBoxed(cls1) || isMaybeBoxed(cls2) => logChecker("Considering %s <:< %s because at least one might be a boxed primitive".format(cls1, cls2)) true case _ => false } } def subtypeTest(k1: TypeKind, k2: TypeKind): Unit = if (isSubtype(k1, k2)) () else typeError(k2, k1) for (instr <- b) { this.instruction = instr def checkLocal(local: Local) { if ((method lookupLocal icodeError(s" $local is not defined in method $method") } def checkField(obj: TypeKind, field: Symbol): Unit = obj match { case REFERENCE(sym) => if ( == NoSymbol) icodeError(" " + field + " is not defined in class " + clasz) case _ => icodeError(" expected reference type, but " + obj + " found") } /* Checks that tpe is a subtype of one of the allowed types */ def checkType(tpe: TypeKind, allowed: TypeKind*) = ( if (allowed exists (k => isSubtype(tpe, k))) () else icodeError(tpe + " is not one of: " + allowed.mkString("{ ", ", ", " }")) ) def checkNumeric(tpe: TypeKind) = checkType(tpe, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, INT, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE) /* Checks that the 2 topmost elements on stack are of the kind TypeKind. */ def checkBinop(kind: TypeKind) { val (a, b) = popStack2 checkType(a, kind) checkType(b, kind) } /* Check that arguments on the stack match method params. */ def checkMethodArgs(method: Symbol) { val params = checkStack(params.length) ( popStackN(params.length, mkInstrPrinter(num => "")), params.reverse map toTypeKind).zipped foreach ((x, y) => checkType(x, y) ) } /* Checks that the object passed as receiver has a method * `method` and that it is callable from the current method. */ def checkMethod(receiver: TypeKind, method: Symbol) = receiver match { case REFERENCE(sym) => checkBool( != NoSymbol, "Method " + method + " does not exist in " + sym.fullName) if (method.isPrivate) checkBool(method.owner == clasz.symbol, "Cannot call private method of " + method.owner.fullName + " from " + clasz.symbol.fullName) else if (method.isProtected) { val isProtectedOK = ( (clasz.symbol isSubClass method.owner) || (clasz.symbol.typeOfThis.typeSymbol isSubClass method.owner) // see pos/bug780.scala ) checkBool(isProtectedOK, "Cannot call protected method of " + method.owner.fullName + " from " + clasz.symbol.fullName) } case ARRAY(_) => checkBool(receiver.toType.member( != NoSymbol, "Method " + method + " does not exist in " + receiver) case t => icodeError("Not a reference type: " + t) } def checkBool(cond: Boolean, msg: String) = if (!cond) icodeError(msg) if (settings.debug) { log("PC: " + instr) log("stack: " + stack) log("================") } instr match { case THIS(clasz) => pushStack(toTypeKind(clasz.tpe)) case CONSTANT(const) => pushStack(toTypeKind(const.tpe)) case LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) => popStack2 match { case (INT, ARRAY(elem)) => subtypeTest(elem, kind) pushStack(elem) case (a, b) => icodeError(" expected an INT and an array reference, but " + a + ", " + b + " found") } case LOAD_LOCAL(local) => checkLocal(local) pushStack(local.kind) case LOAD_FIELD(field, isStatic) => // the symbol's owner should contain it's field, but // this is already checked by the type checker, no need // to redo that here if (isStatic) () else checkField(popStack, field) pushStack(toTypeKind(field.tpe)) case LOAD_MODULE(module) => checkBool((module.isModule || module.isModuleClass), "Expected module: " + module + " flags: " + module.flagString) pushStack(toTypeKind(module.tpe)) case STORE_THIS(kind) => val actualType = popStack if (actualType.isReferenceType) subtypeTest(actualType, kind) else icodeError("Expected this reference but found: " + actualType) case STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) => popStack3 match { case (k, INT, ARRAY(elem)) => subtypeTest(k, kind) subtypeTest(k, elem) case (a, b, c) => icodeError(" expected and array reference, and int and " + kind + " but " + a + ", " + b + ", " + c + " found") } case STORE_LOCAL(local) => checkLocal(local) val actualType = popStack if (local.kind != NullReference) subtypeTest(actualType, local.kind) case STORE_FIELD(field, true) => // static val fieldType = toTypeKind(field.tpe) val actualType = popStack subtypeTest(actualType, fieldType) case STORE_FIELD(field, false) => // not static val (value, obj) = popStack2 checkField(obj, field) val fieldType = toTypeKind(field.tpe) if (fieldType == NullReference) () else subtypeTest(value, fieldType) case CALL_PRIMITIVE(primitive) => checkStack(instr.consumed) primitive match { case Negation(kind) => checkType(kind, BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, INT, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE) checkType(popStack, kind) pushStack(kind) case Test(op, kind, zero) => if (zero) checkType(popStack, kind) else checkBinop(kind) pushStack(BOOL) case Comparison(op, kind) => checkNumeric(kind) checkBinop(kind) pushStack(INT) case Arithmetic(op, kind) => checkNumeric(kind) if (op == NOT) checkType(popStack, kind) else checkBinop(kind) pushStack(kind) case Logical(op, kind) => checkType(kind, BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, INT, LONG) checkBinop(kind) pushStack(kind) case Shift(op, kind) => checkType(kind, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, INT, LONG) val (a, b) = popStack2 checkType(a, INT) checkType(b, kind) pushStack(kind) case Conversion(src, dst) => checkNumeric(src) checkNumeric(dst) checkType(popStack, src) pushStack(dst) case ArrayLength(kind) => popStack match { case ARRAY(elem) => checkType(elem, kind) case arr => icodeError(" array reference expected, but " + arr + " found") } pushStack(INT) case StartConcat => pushStack(ConcatClass) case EndConcat => checkType(popStack, ConcatClass) pushStack(StringReference) case StringConcat(el) => checkType(popStack, el) checkType(popStack, ConcatClass) pushStack(ConcatClass) } case CALL_METHOD(method, style) => // PP to ID: I moved the if (!method.isConstructor) check to cover all // the styles to address checker failure. Can you confirm if the change // was correct? If I remember right it's a matter of whether some brand // of supercall should leave a value on the stack, and I know there is some // trickery performed elsewhere regarding this. val paramCount = match { case x if style.hasInstance => x + 1 case x => x } if (style == Static(onInstance = true)) checkBool(method.isPrivate || method.isConstructor, "Static call to non-private method.") checkStack(paramCount) checkMethodArgs(method) if (style.hasInstance) checkMethod(popStack, method) if (!method.isConstructor) pushStack(toTypeKind( case NEW(kind) => pushStack(kind) case CREATE_ARRAY(elem, dims) => checkStack(dims) stack.pop(dims) foreach (checkType(_, INT)) pushStack(ARRAY(elem)) case IS_INSTANCE(tpe) => val ref = popStack checkBool(!ref.isValueType, "IS_INSTANCE on primitive type: " + ref) checkBool(!tpe.isValueType, "IS_INSTANCE on primitive type: " + tpe) pushStack(BOOL) case CHECK_CAST(tpe) => val ref = popStack checkBool(!ref.isValueType, "CHECK_CAST to primitive type: " + ref) checkBool(!tpe.isValueType, "CHECK_CAST to primitive type: " + tpe) pushStack(tpe) case SWITCH(tags, labels) => checkType(popStack, INT) checkBool(tags.length == labels.length - 1, "The number of tags and labels does not coincide.") checkBool(labels forall (b => code.blocks contains b), "Switch target cannot be found in code.") case JUMP(whereto) => checkBool(code.blocks contains whereto, "Jump to non-existant block " + whereto) case CJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) => checkBool(code.blocks contains success, "Jump to non-existant block " + success) checkBool(code.blocks contains failure, "Jump to non-existant block " + failure) checkBinop(kind) case CZJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) => checkBool(code.blocks contains success, "Jump to non-existant block " + success) checkBool(code.blocks contains failure, "Jump to non-existant block " + failure) checkType(popStack, kind) case RETURN(UNIT) => () case RETURN(kind) => val top = popStack if (kind.isValueType) checkType(top, kind) else checkBool(!top.isValueType, "" + kind + " is a reference type, but " + top + " is not") case THROW(clasz) => checkType(popStack, toTypeKind(clasz.tpe)) pushStack(NothingReference) case DROP(kind) => checkType(popStack, kind) case DUP(kind) => val top = popStack checkType(top, kind) pushStack(top) pushStack(top) case MONITOR_ENTER() => checkBool(popStack.isReferenceType, "MONITOR_ENTER on non-reference type") case MONITOR_EXIT() => checkBool(popStack.isReferenceType, "MONITOR_EXIT on non-reference type") case BOX(kind) => checkType(popStack, kind) pushStack(REFERENCE(definitions.boxedClass(kind.toType.typeSymbol))) case UNBOX(kind) => popStack pushStack(kind) case LOAD_EXCEPTION(clasz) => clearStack() pushStack(REFERENCE(clasz)) case SCOPE_ENTER(_) | SCOPE_EXIT(_) => () case _ => abort("Unknown instruction: " + instr) } } stack } //////////////// Error reporting ///////////////////////// def icodeError(msg: String) { "!! ICode checker fatality in " + method + "\n at: " + basicBlock.fullString + "\n error message: " + msg ) } def icodeError(msg: String, stack: TypeStack) { icodeError(msg + "\n type stack: " + stack) } } }

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