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/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package backend.icode
package analysis

import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import immutable.ListSet

/** Compute reaching definitions. We are only interested in reaching
 *  definitions for local variables, since values on the stack
 *  behave as-if in SSA form: the closest instruction which produces a value
 *  on the stack is a reaching definition.
abstract class ReachingDefinitions {
  val global: Global
  import global._
  import icodes._

  /** The lattice for reaching definitions. Elements are
   *  a triple (local variable, basic block, index of instruction of that basic block)
  object rdefLattice extends SemiLattice {
    type Definition = (Local, BasicBlock, Int)
    type Elem       = IState[ListSet[Definition], Stack]
    type StackPos   = ListSet[(BasicBlock, Int)]
    type Stack      = List[StackPos]

    private def referenceEqualSet(name: String) = new ListSet[Definition] with ReferenceEquality {
      override def toString = "<" + name + ">"

    val top: Elem    = IState(referenceEqualSet("top"), Nil)
    val bottom: Elem = IState(referenceEqualSet("bottom"), Nil)

    /** The least upper bound is set inclusion for locals, and pairwise set inclusion for stacks. */
    def lub2(exceptional: Boolean)(a: Elem, b: Elem): Elem = {
      if (bottom == a) b
      else if (bottom == b) a
      else IState(a.vars ++ b.vars,
        if (a.stack.isEmpty) b.stack
        else if (b.stack.isEmpty) a.stack
        else {
          // !!! These stacks are with some frequency not of the same size.
          // I can't reverse engineer the logic well enough to say whether this
          // indicates a problem.  Even if it doesn't indicate a problem,
          // it'd be nice not to call zip with mismatched sequences because
          // it makes it harder to spot the real problems.
          val result = (a.stack, b.stack).zipped map (_ ++ _)
          if (settings.debug && (a.stack.length != b.stack.length))
            devWarning(s"Mismatched stacks in ReachingDefinitions#lub2: ${a.stack}, ${b.stack}, returning $result")

  class ReachingDefinitionsAnalysis extends DataFlowAnalysis[rdefLattice.type] {
    type P = BasicBlock
    val lattice = rdefLattice
    import lattice.{ Definition, Stack, Elem, StackPos }
    var method: IMethod = _

    val gen      = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, ListSet[Definition]]()
    val kill     = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, ListSet[Local]]()
    val drops    = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, Int]()
    val outStack = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, Stack]()

    def init(m: IMethod) {
      this.method = m


      m foreachBlock { b =>
        val (g, k) = genAndKill(b)
        val (d, st) = dropsAndGen(b)

        gen  += (b -> g)
        kill += (b -> k)
        drops += (b -> d)
        outStack += (b -> st)

      init {
        m foreachBlock { b =>
          worklist += b
          in(b)  = lattice.bottom
          out(b) = lattice.bottom
        m.exh foreach { e =>
          in(e.startBlock) = lattice.IState(new ListSet[Definition], List(new StackPos))

    import opcodes._

    def genAndKill(b: BasicBlock): (ListSet[Definition], ListSet[Local]) = {
      var genSet  = ListSet[Definition]()
      var killSet = ListSet[Local]()
      for ((STORE_LOCAL(local), idx) <- b.toList.zipWithIndex) {
        killSet = killSet + local
        genSet  = updateReachingDefinition(b, idx, genSet)
      (genSet, killSet)

    private def dropsAndGen(b: BasicBlock): (Int, Stack) = {
      var depth, drops = 0
      var stackOut: Stack = Nil

      for ((instr, idx) <- b.toList.zipWithIndex) {
        instr match {
          case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_)            => ()
          case _ if instr.consumed > depth  =>
            drops += (instr.consumed - depth)
            depth = 0
            stackOut = Nil
          case _ =>
            stackOut = stackOut.drop(instr.consumed)
            depth -= instr.consumed
        var prod = instr.produced
        depth += prod
        while (prod > 0) {
          stackOut ::= ListSet((b, idx))
          prod -= 1
//      Console.println("drops(" + b + ") = " + drops)
//      Console.println("stackout(" + b + ") = " + stackOut)
      (drops, stackOut)

    override def run() {
      if (settings.debug) {
        linearizer.linearize(method).foreach(b => if (b != method.startBlock)
          assert(lattice.bottom != in(b),
            "Block " + b + " in " + this.method + " has input equal to bottom -- not visited? " + in(b)
                 + ": bot: " + lattice.bottom
                 + "\nin(b) == bottom: " + (in(b) == lattice.bottom)
                 + "\nbottom == in(b): " + (lattice.bottom == in(b))))

    import opcodes._
    import lattice.IState
    def updateReachingDefinition(b: BasicBlock, idx: Int, rd: ListSet[Definition]): ListSet[Definition] = {
      val STORE_LOCAL(local) = b(idx)
      val tmp = local
      (rd filter { case (l, _, _) => l != tmp }) + ((tmp, b, idx))

    private def blockTransfer(b: BasicBlock, in: lattice.Elem): lattice.Elem = {
      var locals: ListSet[Definition] = (in.vars filter { case (l, _, _) => !kill(b)(l) }) ++ gen(b)
      if (locals eq lattice.bottom.vars) locals = new ListSet[Definition]
      IState(locals, outStack(b) ::: in.stack.drop(drops(b)))

    /** Return the reaching definitions corresponding to the point after idx. */
    def interpret(b: BasicBlock, idx: Int, in: lattice.Elem): Elem = {
      var locals = in.vars
      var stack  = in.stack
      val instr  = b(idx)

      instr match {
        case STORE_LOCAL(l1) =>
          locals = updateReachingDefinition(b, idx, locals)
          stack = stack.drop(instr.consumed)
        case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) =>
          stack = Nil
        case _ =>
          stack = stack.drop(instr.consumed)

      var prod = instr.produced
      while (prod > 0) {
        stack ::= ListSet((b, idx))
        prod -= 1

      IState(locals, stack)

    /** Return the instructions that produced the 'm' elements on the stack, below given 'depth'.
     *  for instance, findefs(bb, idx, 1, 1) returns the instructions that might have produced the
     *  value found below the topmost element of the stack.
    def findDefs(bb: BasicBlock, idx: Int, m: Int, depth: Int): List[(BasicBlock, Int)] = if (idx > 0) {
      assert(bb.closed, bb)

      val instrs = bb.getArray
      var res: List[(BasicBlock, Int)] = Nil
      var i = idx
      var n = m
      var d = depth
      // "I look for who produced the 'n' elements below the 'd' topmost slots of the stack"
      while (n > 0 && i > 0) {
        i -= 1
        val prod = instrs(i).produced
        if (prod > d) {
          res = (bb, i) :: res
          n   = n - (prod - d)
          instrs(i) match {
            case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_)  => ()
            case _                  => d = instrs(i).consumed
        } else {
          d -= prod
          d += instrs(i).consumed

      if (n > 0) {
        val stack =
        assert(stack.length >= n, "entry stack is too small, expected: " + n + " found: " + stack)
        stack.drop(d).take(n) foreach { defs =>
          res = defs.toList ::: res
    } else {
      val stack =
      assert(stack.length >= m, "entry stack is too small, expected: " + m + " found: " + stack)
      stack.drop(depth).take(m) flatMap (_.toList)

    /** Return the definitions that produced the topmost 'm' elements on the stack,
     *  and that reach the instruction at index 'idx' in basic block 'bb'.
    def findDefs(bb: BasicBlock, idx: Int, m: Int): List[(BasicBlock, Int)] =
      findDefs(bb, idx, m, 0)

    override def toString: String = {
      if (method eq null) ""
      else method.code.blocks map { b =>
        "  entry(%s) = %s\n".format(b, in(b)) +
        "   exit(%s) = %s\n".format(b, out(b))
      } mkString ("ReachingDefinitions {\n", "\n", "\n}")

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