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Compiler for the SubScript extension of the Scala Programming Language
The newest version!
/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
* Copyright 2005-2012 LAMP/EPFL
* @author Martin Odersky
package scala
package tools.nsc
package backend
package jvm
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Statistics
* Prepare in-memory representations of classfiles using the ASM Tree API, and serialize them to disk.
* Three pipelines are at work, each taking work items from a queue dedicated to that pipeline:
* (There's another pipeline so to speak, the one that populates queue-1 by traversing a CompilationUnit until ClassDefs are found,
* but the "interesting" pipelines are the ones described below)
* (1) In the first queue, an item consists of a ClassDef along with its arrival position.
* This position is needed at the time classfiles are serialized to disk,
* so as to emit classfiles in the same order CleanUp handed them over.
* As a result, two runs of the compiler on the same files produce jars that are identical on a byte basis.
* See `ant test.stability`
* (2) The second queue contains items where a ClassDef has been lowered into:
* (a) an optional mirror class,
* (b) a plain class, and
* (c) an optional bean class.
* (3) The third queue contains items ready for serialization.
* It's a priority queue that follows the original arrival order,
* so as to emit identical jars on repeated compilation of the same sources.
* Plain, mirror, and bean classes are built respectively by PlainClassBuilder, JMirrorBuilder, and JBeanInfoBuilder.
* @author Miguel Garcia,
* @version 1.0
abstract class GenBCode extends BCodeSyncAndTry {
import global._
import bTypes._
import coreBTypes._
val phaseName = "jvm"
override def newPhase(prev: Phase) = new BCodePhase(prev)
final class PlainClassBuilder(cunit: CompilationUnit) extends SyncAndTryBuilder(cunit)
class BCodePhase(prev: Phase) extends StdPhase(prev) {
override def name = phaseName
override def description = "Generate bytecode from ASTs using the ASM library"
override def erasedTypes = true
private var bytecodeWriter : BytecodeWriter = null
private var mirrorCodeGen : JMirrorBuilder = null
private var beanInfoCodeGen : JBeanInfoBuilder = null
/* ---------------- q1 ---------------- */
case class Item1(arrivalPos: Int, cd: ClassDef, cunit: CompilationUnit) {
def isPoison = { arrivalPos == Int.MaxValue }
private val poison1 = Item1(Int.MaxValue, null, null)
private val q1 = new java.util.LinkedList[Item1]
/* ---------------- q2 ---------------- */
case class Item2(arrivalPos: Int,
mirror: asm.tree.ClassNode,
plain: asm.tree.ClassNode,
bean: asm.tree.ClassNode,
outFolder: {
def isPoison = { arrivalPos == Int.MaxValue }
private val poison2 = Item2(Int.MaxValue, null, null, null, null)
private val q2 = new[Item2]
/* ---------------- q3 ---------------- */
* An item of queue-3 (the last queue before serializing to disk) contains three of these
* (one for each of mirror, plain, and bean classes).
* @param jclassName internal name of the class
* @param jclassBytes bytecode emitted for the class SubItem3 represents
case class SubItem3(
jclassName: String,
jclassBytes: Array[Byte]
case class Item3(arrivalPos: Int,
mirror: SubItem3,
plain: SubItem3,
bean: SubItem3,
outFolder: {
def isPoison = { arrivalPos == Int.MaxValue }
private val i3comparator = new java.util.Comparator[Item3] {
override def compare(a: Item3, b: Item3) = {
if (a.arrivalPos < b.arrivalPos) -1
else if (a.arrivalPos == b.arrivalPos) 0
else 1
private val poison3 = Item3(Int.MaxValue, null, null, null, null)
private val q3 = new java.util.PriorityQueue[Item3](1000, i3comparator)
* Pipeline that takes ClassDefs from queue-1, lowers them into an intermediate form, placing them on queue-2
class Worker1(needsOutFolder: Boolean) {
val caseInsensitively = mutable.Map.empty[String, Symbol]
def run() {
while (true) {
val item = q1.poll
if (item.isPoison) {
q2 add poison2
else {
try { withCurrentUnit(item.cunit)(visit(item)) }
catch {
case ex: Throwable =>
error(s"Error while emitting ${item.cunit.source}\n${ex.getMessage}")
* Checks for duplicate internal names case-insensitively,
* builds ASM ClassNodes for mirror, plain, and bean classes;
* enqueues them in queue-2.
def visit(item: Item1) {
val Item1(arrivalPos, cd, cunit) = item
val claszSymbol = cd.symbol
// GenASM checks this before classfiles are emitted,
val lowercaseJavaClassName = claszSymbol.javaClassName.toLowerCase
caseInsensitively.get(lowercaseJavaClassName) match {
case None =>
caseInsensitively.put(lowercaseJavaClassName, claszSymbol)
case Some(dupClassSym) =>
s"Class ${claszSymbol.javaClassName} differs only in case from ${dupClassSym.javaClassName}. " +
"Such classes will overwrite one another on case-insensitive filesystems."
// -------------- mirror class, if needed --------------
val mirrorC =
if (isTopLevelModuleClass(claszSymbol)) {
if (claszSymbol.companionClass == NoSymbol) {
mirrorCodeGen.genMirrorClass(claszSymbol, cunit)
} else {
log(s"No mirror class for module with linked class: ${claszSymbol.fullName}")
} else null
// -------------- "plain" class --------------
val pcb = new PlainClassBuilder(cunit)
val outF = if (needsOutFolder) getOutFolder(claszSymbol, pcb.thisName, cunit) else null;
val plainC = pcb.cnode
// -------------- bean info class, if needed --------------
val beanC =
if (claszSymbol hasAnnotation BeanInfoAttr) {
claszSymbol, cunit,
} else null
// ----------- hand over to pipeline-2
val item2 =
mirrorC, plainC, beanC,
q2 add item2 // at the very end of this method so that no Worker2 thread starts mutating before we're done.
} // end of method visit(Item1)
} // end of class BCodePhase.Worker1
* Pipeline that takes ClassNodes from queue-2. The unit of work depends on the optimization level:
* (a) no optimization involves:
* - converting the plain ClassNode to byte array and placing it on queue-3
class Worker2 {
lazy val localOpt = new LocalOpt(settings)
def localOptimizations(classNode: ClassNode): Unit = {
def run() {
while (true) {
val item = q2.poll
if (item.isPoison) {
q3 add poison3
else {
try {
} catch {
case ex: Throwable =>
error(s"Error while emitting ${}\n${ex.getMessage}")
private def addToQ3(item: Item2) {
def getByteArray(cn: asm.tree.ClassNode): Array[Byte] = {
val cw = new CClassWriter(extraProc)
val Item2(arrivalPos, mirror, plain, bean, outFolder) = item
val mirrorC = if (mirror == null) null else SubItem3(, getByteArray(mirror))
val plainC = SubItem3(, getByteArray(plain))
val beanC = if (bean == null) null else SubItem3(, getByteArray(bean))
if (AsmUtils.traceSerializedClassEnabled && {
if (mirrorC != null) AsmUtils.traceClass(mirrorC.jclassBytes)
if (beanC != null) AsmUtils.traceClass(beanC.jclassBytes)
q3 add Item3(arrivalPos, mirrorC, plainC, beanC, outFolder)
} // end of class BCodePhase.Worker2
var arrivalPos = 0
* A run of the BCodePhase phase comprises:
* (a) set-up steps (most notably supporting maps in `BCodeTypes`,
* but also "the" writer where class files in byte-array form go)
* (b) building of ASM ClassNodes, their optimization and serialization.
* (c) tear down (closing the classfile-writer and clearing maps)
override def run() {
val bcodeStart = Statistics.startTimer(BackendStats.bcodeTimer)
val initStart = Statistics.startTimer(BackendStats.bcodeInitTimer)
arrivalPos = 0 // just in case
Statistics.stopTimer(BackendStats.bcodeInitTimer, initStart)
// initBytecodeWriter invokes fullName, thus we have to run it before the typer-dependent thread is activated.
bytecodeWriter = initBytecodeWriter(cleanup.getEntryPoints)
mirrorCodeGen = new JMirrorBuilder
beanInfoCodeGen = new JBeanInfoBuilder
val needsOutfileForSymbol = bytecodeWriter.isInstanceOf[ClassBytecodeWriter]
// closing output files.
Statistics.stopTimer(BackendStats.bcodeTimer, bcodeStart)
/* TODO Bytecode can be verified (now that all classfiles have been written to disk)
* (1) asm.util.CheckAdapter.verify()
* public static void verify(ClassReader cr, ClassLoader loader, boolean dump, PrintWriter pw)
* passing a custom ClassLoader to verify inter-dependent classes.
* Alternatively,
* - an offline-bytecode verifier could be used (e.g. Maxine brings one as separate tool).
* - -Xverify:all
* (2) if requested, check-java-signatures, over and beyond the syntactic checks in `getGenericSignature()`
* Sequentially:
* (a) place all ClassDefs in queue-1
* (b) dequeue one at a time from queue-1, convert it to ASM ClassNode, place in queue-2
* (c) dequeue one at a time from queue-2, convert it to byte-array, place in queue-3
* (d) serialize to disk by draining queue-3.
private def buildAndSendToDisk(needsOutFolder: Boolean) {
val genStart = Statistics.startTimer(BackendStats.bcodeGenStat)
(new Worker1(needsOutFolder)).run()
Statistics.stopTimer(BackendStats.bcodeGenStat, genStart)
(new Worker2).run()
val writeStart = Statistics.startTimer(BackendStats.bcodeWriteTimer)
Statistics.stopTimer(BackendStats.bcodeWriteTimer, writeStart)
/* Feed pipeline-1: place all ClassDefs on q1, recording their arrival position. */
private def feedPipeline1() {
q1 add poison1
/* Pipeline that writes classfile representations to disk. */
private def drainQ3() {
def sendToDisk(cfr: SubItem3, outFolder: {
if (cfr != null){
val SubItem3(jclassName, jclassBytes) = cfr
try {
val outFile =
if (outFolder == null) null
else getFileForClassfile(outFolder, jclassName, ".class")
bytecodeWriter.writeClass(jclassName, jclassName, jclassBytes, outFile)
catch {
case e: FileConflictException =>
error(s"error writing $jclassName: ${e.getMessage}")
var moreComing = true
// `expected` denotes the arrivalPos whose Item3 should be serialized next
var expected = 0
while (moreComing) {
val incoming = q3.poll
moreComing = !incoming.isPoison
if (moreComing) {
val item = incoming
val outFolder = item.outFolder
sendToDisk(item.mirror, outFolder)
sendToDisk(item.plain, outFolder)
sendToDisk(item.bean, outFolder)
expected += 1
// we're done
assert(q1.isEmpty, s"Some ClassDefs remained in the first queue: $q1")
assert(q2.isEmpty, s"Some classfiles remained in the second queue: $q2")
assert(q3.isEmpty, s"Some classfiles weren't written to disk: $q3")
override def apply(cunit: CompilationUnit): Unit = {
def gen(tree: Tree) {
tree match {
case EmptyTree => ()
case PackageDef(_, stats) => stats foreach gen
case cd: ClassDef =>
q1 add Item1(arrivalPos, cd, cunit)
arrivalPos += 1
} // end of class BCodePhase
} // end of class GenBCode
object GenBCode {
def mkFlags(args: Int*) = args.foldLeft(0)(_ | _)
final val PublicStatic = asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC
final val PublicStaticFinal = asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL