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scala.collection.mutable.HashTable.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |           **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection
package mutable

/** This class can be used to construct data structures that are based
 *  on hashtables. Class `HashTable[A]` implements a hashtable
 *  that maps keys of type `A` to values of the fully abstract
 *  member type `Entry`. Classes that make use of `HashTable`
 *  have to provide an implementation for `Entry`.
 *  There are mainly two parameters that affect the performance of a hashtable:
 *  the initial size and the load factor. The size
 *  refers to the number of buckets in the hashtable, and the load
 *  factor is a measure of how full the hashtable is allowed to get before
 *  its size is automatically doubled. Both parameters may be changed by
 *  overriding the corresponding values in class `HashTable`.
 *  @author  Matthias Zenger
 *  @author  Martin Odersky
 *  @version 2.0, 31/12/2006
 *  @since   1
 *  @tparam A     type of the elements contained in this hash table.
trait HashTable[A, Entry >: Null <: HashEntry[A, Entry]] extends HashTable.HashUtils[A] {
  // Replacing Entry type parameter by abstract type member here allows to not expose to public
  // implementation-specific entry classes such as `DefaultEntry` or `LinkedEntry`.
  // However, I'm afraid it's too late now for such breaking change.
  import HashTable._

  @transient protected var _loadFactor = defaultLoadFactor

  /** The actual hash table.
  @transient protected var table: Array[HashEntry[A, Entry]] = new Array(initialCapacity)

  /** The number of mappings contained in this hash table.
  @transient protected var tableSize: Int = 0

  /** The next size value at which to resize (capacity * load factor).
  @transient protected var threshold: Int = initialThreshold(_loadFactor)

  /** The array keeping track of the number of elements in 32 element blocks.
  @transient protected var sizemap: Array[Int] = null

  @transient protected var seedvalue: Int = tableSizeSeed

  protected def tableSizeSeed = Integer.bitCount(table.length - 1)

  /** The initial size of the hash table.
  protected def initialSize: Int = 16

  /** The initial threshold.
  private def initialThreshold(_loadFactor: Int): Int = newThreshold(_loadFactor, initialCapacity)

  private def initialCapacity = capacity(initialSize)

  private def lastPopulatedIndex = {
    var idx = table.length - 1
    while (table(idx) == null && idx > 0)
      idx -= 1


   * Initializes the collection from the input stream. `readEntry` will be called for each
   * entry to be read from the input stream.
  private[collection] def init(in:, readEntry: => Entry) {

    _loadFactor = in.readInt()
    assert(_loadFactor > 0)

    val size = in.readInt()
    tableSize = 0
    assert(size >= 0)

    seedvalue = in.readInt()

    val smDefined = in.readBoolean()

    table = new Array(capacity(sizeForThreshold(_loadFactor, size)))
    threshold = newThreshold(_loadFactor, table.length)

    if (smDefined) sizeMapInit(table.length) else sizemap = null

    var index = 0
    while (index < size) {
      index += 1

   * Serializes the collection to the output stream by saving the load factor, collection
   * size and collection entries. `writeEntry` is responsible for writing an entry to the stream.
   * `foreachEntry` determines the order in which the key/value pairs are saved to the stream. To
   * deserialize, `init` should be used.
  private[collection] def serializeTo(out:, writeEntry: Entry => Unit) {


  /** Find entry with given key in table, null if not found.
  @deprecatedOverriding("No sensible way to override findEntry as private findEntry0 is used in multiple places internally.", "2.11.0")
  protected def findEntry(key: A): Entry =
    findEntry0(key, index(elemHashCode(key)))

  private[this] def findEntry0(key: A, h: Int): Entry = {
    var e = table(h).asInstanceOf[Entry]
    while (e != null && !elemEquals(e.key, key)) e =

  /** Add entry to table
   *  pre: no entry with same key exists
  @deprecatedOverriding("No sensible way to override addEntry as private addEntry0 is used in multiple places internally.", "2.11.0")
  protected def addEntry(e: Entry) {
    addEntry0(e, index(elemHashCode(e.key)))

  private[this] def addEntry0(e: Entry, h: Int) { = table(h).asInstanceOf[Entry]
    table(h) = e
    tableSize = tableSize + 1
    if (tableSize > threshold)
      resize(2 * table.length)

  /** Find entry with given key in table, or add new one if not found.
   *  May be somewhat faster then `findEntry`/`addEntry` pair as it
   *  computes entry's hash index only once.
   *  Returns entry found in table or null.
   *  New entries are created by calling `createNewEntry` method.
  protected def findOrAddEntry[B](key: A, value: B): Entry = {
    val h = index(elemHashCode(key))
    val e = findEntry0(key, h)
    if (e ne null) e else { addEntry0(createNewEntry(key, value), h); null }

  /** Creates new entry to be immediately inserted into the hashtable.
   *  This method is guaranteed to be called only once and in case that the entry
   *  will be added. In other words, an implementation may be side-effecting.
  protected def createNewEntry[B](key: A, value: B): Entry

  /** Remove entry from table if present.
  @deprecatedOverriding("Internal implementation does not admit sensible overriding of this method.", "2.11.0")
  protected def removeEntry(key: A) : Entry = {
    val h = index(elemHashCode(key))
    var e = table(h).asInstanceOf[Entry]
    if (e != null) {
      if (elemEquals(e.key, key)) {
        table(h) =
        tableSize = tableSize - 1
        return e
      } else {
        var e1 =
        while (e1 != null && !elemEquals(e1.key, key)) {
          e = e1
          e1 =
        if (e1 != null) {
          tableSize = tableSize - 1
          return e1

  /** An iterator returning all entries.
  protected def entriesIterator: Iterator[Entry] = new AbstractIterator[Entry] {
    val iterTable = table
    var idx       = lastPopulatedIndex
    var es        = iterTable(idx)

    def hasNext = es != null
    def next() = {
      val res = es
      es =
      while (es == null && idx > 0) {
        idx = idx - 1
        es = iterTable(idx)

  /** Avoid iterator for a 2x faster traversal. */
  protected def foreachEntry[U](f: Entry => U) {
    val iterTable = table
    var idx       = lastPopulatedIndex
    var es        = iterTable(idx)

    while (es != null) {
      es =

      while (es == null && idx > 0) {
        idx -= 1
        es = iterTable(idx)

  /** Remove all entries from table
  protected def clearTable() {
    var i = table.length - 1
    while (i >= 0) { table(i) = null; i = i - 1 }
    tableSize = 0

  private def resize(newSize: Int) {
    val oldTable = table
    table = new Array(newSize)
    var i = oldTable.length - 1
    while (i >= 0) {
      var e = oldTable(i)
      while (e != null) {
        val h = index(elemHashCode(e.key))
        val e1 = = table(h).asInstanceOf[Entry]
        table(h) = e
        e = e1
      i = i - 1
    threshold = newThreshold(_loadFactor, newSize)

  /* Size map handling code */

   * The following three sizeMap* functions (Add, Remove, Reset)
   * are used to update the size map of the hash table.
   * The size map logically divides the hash table into `sizeMapBucketSize` element buckets
   * by keeping an integer entry for each such bucket. Each integer entry simply denotes
   * the number of elements in the corresponding bucket.
   * Best understood through an example, see:
   * table   = [/, 1, /, 6, 90, /, -3, 5]    (8 entries)
   * sizemap = [     2     |     3      ]    (2 entries)
   * where sizeMapBucketSize == 4.
   * By default the size map is not initialized, so these methods don't do anything, thus,
   * their impact on hash table performance is negligible. However, if the hash table
   * is converted into a parallel hash table, the size map is initialized, as it will be needed
   * there.
  @deprecatedOverriding("Internal implementation does not admit sensible overriding of this method.", "2.11.0")
  protected def nnSizeMapAdd(h: Int) = if (sizemap ne null) {
    sizemap(h >> sizeMapBucketBitSize) += 1

  @deprecatedOverriding("Internal implementation does not admit sensible overriding of this method.", "2.11.0")
  protected def nnSizeMapRemove(h: Int) = if (sizemap ne null) {
    sizemap(h >> sizeMapBucketBitSize) -= 1

  @deprecatedOverriding("Internal implementation does not admit sensible overriding of this method.", "2.11.0")
  protected def nnSizeMapReset(tableLength: Int) = if (sizemap ne null) {
    val nsize = calcSizeMapSize(tableLength)
    if (sizemap.length != nsize) sizemap = new Array[Int](nsize)
    else java.util.Arrays.fill(sizemap, 0)

  private[collection] final def totalSizeMapBuckets = if (sizeMapBucketSize < table.length) 1 else table.length / sizeMapBucketSize

  @deprecatedOverriding("Internal implementation does not admit sensible overriding of this method.", "2.11.0")
  protected def calcSizeMapSize(tableLength: Int) = (tableLength >> sizeMapBucketBitSize) + 1

  // discards the previous sizemap and only allocates a new one
  protected def sizeMapInit(tableLength: Int) {
    sizemap = new Array[Int](calcSizeMapSize(tableLength))

  // discards the previous sizemap and populates the new one
  @deprecatedOverriding("Internal implementation does not admit sensible overriding of this method.", "2.11.0")
  protected def sizeMapInitAndRebuild() {

    // go through the buckets, count elements
    var tableidx = 0
    var bucketidx = 0
    val tbl = table
    var tableuntil = 0
    if (tbl.length < sizeMapBucketSize) tableuntil = tbl.length else tableuntil = sizeMapBucketSize
    val totalbuckets = totalSizeMapBuckets
    while (bucketidx < totalbuckets) {
      var currbucketsize = 0
      while (tableidx < tableuntil) {
        var e = tbl(tableidx)
        while (e ne null) {
          currbucketsize += 1
          e =
        tableidx += 1
      sizemap(bucketidx) = currbucketsize
      tableuntil += sizeMapBucketSize
      bucketidx += 1

  private[collection] def printSizeMap() {

  @deprecatedOverriding("Internal implementation does not admit sensible overriding of this method.", "2.11.0")
  protected def sizeMapDisable() = sizemap = null

  @deprecatedOverriding("Internal implementation does not admit sensible overriding of this method.", "2.11.0")
  protected def isSizeMapDefined = sizemap ne null

  // override to automatically initialize the size map
  protected def alwaysInitSizeMap = false

  /* End of size map handling code */

  protected def elemEquals(key1: A, key2: A): Boolean = (key1 == key2)

  // Note:
  // we take the most significant bits of the hashcode, not the lower ones
  // this is of crucial importance when populating the table in parallel
  protected final def index(hcode: Int) = {
    val ones = table.length - 1
    val improved = improve(hcode, seedvalue)
    val shifted = (improved >> (32 - java.lang.Integer.bitCount(ones))) & ones

  protected def initWithContents(c: HashTable.Contents[A, Entry]) = {
    if (c != null) {
      _loadFactor = c.loadFactor
      table = c.table
      tableSize = c.tableSize
      threshold = c.threshold
      seedvalue = c.seedvalue
      sizemap = c.sizemap
    if (alwaysInitSizeMap && sizemap == null) sizeMapInitAndRebuild()

  private[collection] def hashTableContents = new HashTable.Contents(

private[collection] object HashTable {
  /** The load factor for the hash table (in 0.001 step).
  private[collection] final def defaultLoadFactor: Int = 750 // corresponds to 75%
  private[collection] final def loadFactorDenum = 1000

  private[collection] final def newThreshold(_loadFactor: Int, size: Int) = ((size.toLong * _loadFactor) / loadFactorDenum).toInt

  private[collection] final def sizeForThreshold(_loadFactor: Int, thr: Int) = ((thr.toLong * loadFactorDenum) / _loadFactor).toInt

  private[collection] final def capacity(expectedSize: Int) = if (expectedSize == 0) 1 else powerOfTwo(expectedSize)

  trait HashUtils[KeyType] {
    protected final def sizeMapBucketBitSize = 5
    // so that:
    protected final def sizeMapBucketSize = 1 << sizeMapBucketBitSize

    protected def elemHashCode(key: KeyType) = key.##

    protected final def improve(hcode: Int, seed: Int) = {
      /* Murmur hash
       *  m = 0x5bd1e995
       *  r = 24
       *  note: h = seed = 0 in mmix
       *  mmix(h,k) = k *= m; k ^= k >> r; k *= m; h *= m; h ^= k; */
      // var k = hcode * 0x5bd1e995
      // k ^= k >> 24
      // k *= 0x5bd1e995
      // k

      /* Another fast multiplicative hash
       * by Phil Bagwell
       * Comment:
       * Multiplication doesn't affect all the bits in the same way, so we want to
       * multiply twice, "once from each side".
       * It would be ideal to reverse all the bits after the first multiplication,
       * however, this is more costly. We therefore restrict ourselves only to
       * reversing the bytes before final multiplication. This yields a slightly
       * worse entropy in the lower 8 bits, but that can be improved by adding:
       * `i ^= i >> 6`
       * For performance reasons, we avoid this improvement.
       * */
      val i= scala.util.hashing.byteswap32(hcode)

      /* Jenkins hash
       * for range 0-10000, output has the msb set to zero */
      // var h = hcode + (hcode << 12)
      // h ^= (h >> 22)
      // h += (h << 4)
      // h ^= (h >> 9)
      // h += (h << 10)
      // h ^= (h >> 2)
      // h += (h << 7)
      // h ^= (h >> 12)
      // h

      /* OLD VERSION
       * quick, but bad for sequence 0-10000 - little enthropy in higher bits
       * since 2003 */
      // var h: Int = hcode + ~(hcode << 9)
      // h = h ^ (h >>> 14)
      // h = h + (h << 4)
      // h ^ (h >>> 10)

      // the rest of the computation is due to SI-5293
      val rotation = seed % 32
      val rotated = (i >>> rotation) | (i << (32 - rotation))

   * Returns a power of two >= `target`.
  private[collection] def powerOfTwo(target: Int): Int = {
    /* See */
    var c = target - 1
    c |= c >>>  1
    c |= c >>>  2
    c |= c >>>  4
    c |= c >>>  8
    c |= c >>> 16
    c + 1

  class Contents[A, Entry >: Null <: HashEntry[A, Entry]](
    val loadFactor: Int,
    val table: Array[HashEntry[A, Entry]],
    val tableSize: Int,
    val threshold: Int,
    val seedvalue: Int,
    val sizemap: Array[Int]
  ) {
    import scala.collection.DebugUtils._
    private[collection] def debugInformation = buildString {
      append =>
      append("Hash table contents")
      append("Table: [" + arrayString(table, 0, table.length) + "]")
      append("Table size: " + tableSize)
      append("Load factor: " + loadFactor)
      append("Seedvalue: " + seedvalue)
      append("Threshold: " + threshold)
      append("Sizemap: [" + arrayString(sizemap, 0, sizemap.length) + "]")


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