scala.reflect.api.Internals.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package scala
package reflect
package api
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.language.higherKinds
* This trait assembles APIs occasionally necessary for performing low-level operations on reflection artifacts.
* See [[Internals#InternalApi]] for more information about nature, usefulness and compatibility guarantees of these APIs.
* @group ReflectionAPI
trait Internals { self: Universe =>
/** @see [[InternalApi]]
* @group Internal
val internal: Internal
/** @see [[InternalApi]]
* @group Internal
type Internal <: InternalApi
/** Reflection API exhibits a tension inherent to experimental things:
* on the one hand we want it to grow into a beautiful and robust API,
* but on the other hand we have to deal with immaturity of underlying mechanisms
* by providing not very pretty solutions to enable important use cases.
* In Scala 2.10, which was our first stab at reflection API, we didn't have a systematic
* approach to dealing with this tension, sometimes exposing too much of internals (e.g. Symbol.deSkolemize)
* and sometimes exposing too little (e.g. there's still no facility to change owners, to do typing
* transformations, etc). This resulted in certain confusion with some internal APIs
* living among public ones, scaring the newcomers, and some internal APIs only available via casting,
* which requires intimate knowledge of the compiler and breaks compatibility guarantees.
* This led to creation of the `internal` API module for the reflection API, which
* provides advanced APIs necessary for macros that push boundaries of the state of the art,
* clearly demarcating them from the more or less straightforward rest and
* providing compatibility guarantees on par with the rest of the reflection API
* (full compatibility within minor releases, best effort towards backward compatibility within major releases,
* clear replacement path in case of rare incompatible changes in major releases).
* The `internal` module itself (the value that implements [[InternalApi]]) isn't defined here,
* in [[scala.reflect.api.Universe]], but is provided on per-implementation basis. Runtime API endpoint
* ([[scala.reflect.runtime.universe]]) provides `universe.compat: InternalApi`, whereas compile-time API endpoints
* (instances of [[scala.reflect.macros.Context]]) provide `c.compat: ContextInternalApi`, which extends `InternalApi`
* with additional universe-specific and context-specific functionality.
* @group Internal
trait InternalApi { internal =>
/** This is an internal implementation module.
val reificationSupport: ReificationSupportApi
/** Creates an importer that moves reflection artifacts between universes.
* @see [[Importer]]
// SI-6241: move importers to a mirror
def createImporter(from0: Universe): Importer { val from: from0.type }
* Convert a [[scala.reflect.api.TypeTags#TypeTag]] to a [[scala.reflect.Manifest]].
* Compiler usually generates these conversions automatically, when a type tag for a type `T` is in scope,
* and an implicit of type `Manifest[T]` is requested, but this method can also be called manually.
* For example:
* {{{
* typeTagToManifest(scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror, implicitly[TypeTag[String]])
* }}}
* @group TagInterop
def typeTagToManifest[T: ClassTag](mirror: Any, tag: Universe#TypeTag[T]): Manifest[T] =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This universe does not support tag -> manifest conversions. Use a JavaUniverse, e.g. the scala.reflect.runtime.universe.")
* Convert a [[scala.reflect.Manifest]] to a [[scala.reflect.api.TypeTags#TypeTag]].
* Compiler usually generates these conversions automatically, when a manifest for a type `T` is in scope,
* and an implicit of type `TypeTag[T]` is requested, but this method can also be called manually.
* For example:
* {{{
* manifestToTypeTag(scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror, implicitly[Manifest[String]])
* }}}
* @group TagInterop
def manifestToTypeTag[T](mirror: Any, manifest: Manifest[T]): Universe#TypeTag[T] =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This universe does not support manifest -> tag conversions. Use a JavaUniverse, e.g. the scala.reflect.runtime.universe.")
/** Create a new scope with the given initial elements.
def newScopeWith(elems: Symbol*): Scope
/** Extracts free term symbols from a tree that is reified or contains reified subtrees.
def freeTerms(tree: Tree): List[FreeTermSymbol]
/** Extracts free type symbols from a tree that is reified or contains reified subtrees.
def freeTypes(tree: Tree): List[FreeTypeSymbol]
/** Substitute symbols in `to` for corresponding occurrences of references to
* symbols `from` in this type.
def substituteSymbols(tree: Tree, from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]): Tree
/** Substitute types in `to` for corresponding occurrences of references to
* symbols `from` in this tree.
def substituteTypes(tree: Tree, from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type]): Tree
/** Substitute given tree `to` for occurrences of nodes that represent
* `C.this`, where `C` referes to the given class `clazz`.
def substituteThis(tree: Tree, clazz: Symbol, to: Tree): Tree
/** A factory method for `ClassDef` nodes.
def classDef(sym: Symbol, impl: Template): ClassDef
/** A factory method for `ModuleDef` nodes.
def moduleDef(sym: Symbol, impl: Template): ModuleDef
/** A factory method for `ValDef` nodes.
def valDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree): ValDef
/** A factory method for `ValDef` nodes.
def valDef(sym: Symbol): ValDef
/** A factory method for `DefDef` nodes.
def defDef(sym: Symbol, mods: Modifiers, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], rhs: Tree): DefDef
/** A factory method for `DefDef` nodes.
def defDef(sym: Symbol, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], rhs: Tree): DefDef
/** A factory method for `DefDef` nodes.
def defDef(sym: Symbol, mods: Modifiers, rhs: Tree): DefDef
/** A factory method for `DefDef` nodes.
def defDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree): DefDef
/** A factory method for `DefDef` nodes.
def defDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: List[List[Symbol]] => Tree): DefDef
/** A factory method for `TypeDef` nodes.
def typeDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree): TypeDef
/** A factory method for `TypeDef` nodes.
def typeDef(sym: Symbol): TypeDef
/** A factory method for `LabelDef` nodes.
def labelDef(sym: Symbol, params: List[Symbol], rhs: Tree): LabelDef
/** Does this symbol represent a free term captured by reification?
* If yes, `isTerm` is also guaranteed to be true.
def isFreeTerm(symbol: Symbol): Boolean
/** This symbol cast to a free term symbol.
* @throws ScalaReflectionException if `isFreeTerm` is false.
def asFreeTerm(symbol: Symbol): FreeTermSymbol
/** Does this symbol represent a free type captured by reification?
* If yes, `isType` is also guaranteed to be true.
def isFreeType(symbol: Symbol): Boolean
/** This symbol cast to a free type symbol.
* @throws ScalaReflectionException if `isFreeType` is false.
def asFreeType(symbol: Symbol): FreeTypeSymbol
def newTermSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): TermSymbol
def newModuleAndClassSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: Name, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): (ModuleSymbol, ClassSymbol)
def newMethodSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): MethodSymbol
def newTypeSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): TypeSymbol
def newClassSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): ClassSymbol
def newFreeTerm(name: String, value: => Any, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags, origin: String = null): FreeTermSymbol
def newFreeType(name: String, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags, origin: String = null): FreeTypeSymbol
/** Does this symbol or its underlying type represent a typechecking error?
def isErroneous(symbol: Symbol): Boolean
/** Does this symbol represent the definition of a skolem?
* Skolems are used during typechecking to represent type parameters viewed from inside their scopes.
def isSkolem(symbol: Symbol): Boolean
/** If this symbol is a skolem, its corresponding type parameter, otherwise the symbol itself.
* [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/scala-internals/0j8laVNTQsI/kRXMF_c8bGsJ To quote Martin Odersky]],
* skolems are synthetic type "constants" that are copies of existentially bound or universally
* bound type variables. E.g. if one is inside the right-hand side of a method:
* {{{
* def foo[T](x: T) = ... foo[List[T]]....
* }}}
* the skolem named `T` refers to the unknown type instance of `T` when `foo` is called. It needs to be different
* from the type parameter because in a recursive call as in the `foo[List[T]]` above the type parameter gets
* substituted with `List[T]`, but the ''type skolem'' stays what it is.
* The other form of skolem is an ''existential skolem''. Say one has a function
* {{{
* def bar(xs: List[T] forSome { type T }) = xs.head
* }}}
* then each occurrence of `xs` on the right will have type `List[T']` where `T'` is a fresh copy of `T`.
def deSkolemize(symbol: Symbol): Symbol
/** Forces all outstanding completers associated with this symbol.
* After this call returns, the symbol becomes immutable and thread-safe.
def initialize(symbol: Symbol): symbol.type
/** Calls [[initialize]] on the owner and all the value and type parameters of the symbol.
def fullyInitialize(symbol: Symbol): symbol.type
/** Calls [[initialize]] on all the value and type parameters of the type.
def fullyInitialize(tp: Type): tp.type
/** Calls [[initialize]] on all the symbols that the scope consists of.
def fullyInitialize(scope: Scope): scope.type
/** Returns internal flags associated with the symbol.
def flags(symbol: Symbol): FlagSet
/** A creator for `ThisType` types.
def thisType(sym: Symbol): Type
/** A creator for `SingleType` types.
def singleType(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Type
/** A creator for `SuperType` types.
def superType(thistpe: Type, supertpe: Type): Type
/** A creator for `ConstantType` types.
def constantType(value: Constant): ConstantType
/** A creator for `TypeRef` types.
def typeRef(pre: Type, sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]): Type
/** A creator for `RefinedType` types.
def refinedType(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope): RefinedType
/** A creator for `RefinedType` types.
def refinedType(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, clazz: Symbol): RefinedType
/** A creator for `RefinedType` types.
def refinedType(parents: List[Type], owner: Symbol): Type
/** A creator for `RefinedType` types.
def refinedType(parents: List[Type], owner: Symbol, decls: Scope): Type
/** A creator for `RefinedType` types.
def refinedType(parents: List[Type], owner: Symbol, decls: Scope, pos: Position): Type
/** A creator for intersection type where intersections of a single type are
* replaced by the type itself.
def intersectionType(tps: List[Type]): Type
/** A creator for intersection type where intersections of a single type are
* replaced by the type itself, and repeated parent classes are merged.
* !!! Repeated parent classes are not merged - is this a bug in the
* comment or in the code?
def intersectionType(tps: List[Type], owner: Symbol): Type
/** A creator for `ClassInfoType` types.
def classInfoType(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, typeSymbol: Symbol): ClassInfoType
/** A creator for `MethodType` types.
def methodType(params: List[Symbol], resultType: Type): MethodType
/** A creator for `NullaryMethodType` types.
def nullaryMethodType(resultType: Type): NullaryMethodType
/** A creator for type parameterizations that strips empty type parameter lists.
* Use this factory method to indicate the type has kind * (it's a polymorphic value)
* until we start tracking explicit kinds equivalent to typeFun (except that the latter requires tparams nonEmpty).
def polyType(tparams: List[Symbol], tpe: Type): PolyType
/** A creator for `ExistentialType` types.
def existentialType(quantified: List[Symbol], underlying: Type): ExistentialType
/** A creator for existential types. This generates:
* {{{
* tpe1 where { tparams }
* }}}
* where `tpe1` is the result of extrapolating `tpe` with regard to `tparams`.
* Extrapolating means that type variables in `tparams` occurring
* in covariant positions are replaced by upper bounds, (minus any
* SingletonClass markers), type variables in `tparams` occurring in
* contravariant positions are replaced by upper bounds, provided the
* resulting type is legal with regard to stability, and does not contain
* any type variable in `tparams`.
* The abstraction drops all type parameters that are not directly or
* indirectly referenced by type `tpe1`. If there are no remaining type
* parameters, simply returns result type `tpe`.
* @group TypeCreators
def existentialAbstraction(tparams: List[Symbol], tpe0: Type): Type
/** A creator for `AnnotatedType` types.
def annotatedType(annotations: List[Annotation], underlying: Type): AnnotatedType
/** A creator for `TypeBounds` types.
def typeBounds(lo: Type, hi: Type): TypeBounds
/** A creator for `BoundedWildcardType` types.
def boundedWildcardType(bounds: TypeBounds): BoundedWildcardType
/** Syntactic conveniences for additional internal APIs for trees, symbols and types */
type Decorators <: DecoratorApi
/** @see [[Decorators]] */
val decorators: Decorators
/** @see [[Decorators]] */
trait DecoratorApi {
/** Extension methods for trees */
type TreeDecorator[T <: Tree] <: TreeDecoratorApi[T]
/** @see [[TreeDecorator]] */
implicit def treeDecorator[T <: Tree](tree: T): TreeDecorator[T]
/** @see [[TreeDecorator]] */
class TreeDecoratorApi[T <: Tree](val tree: T) {
/** @see [[internal.freeTerms]] */
def freeTerms: List[FreeTermSymbol] = internal.freeTerms(tree)
/** @see [[internal.freeTypes]] */
def freeTypes: List[FreeTypeSymbol] = internal.freeTypes(tree)
/** @see [[internal.substituteSymbols]] */
def substituteSymbols(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]): Tree = internal.substituteSymbols(tree, from, to)
/** @see [[internal.substituteTypes]] */
def substituteTypes(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type]): Tree = internal.substituteTypes(tree, from, to)
/** @see [[internal.substituteThis]] */
def substituteThis(clazz: Symbol, to: Tree): Tree = internal.substituteThis(tree, clazz, to)
/** Extension methods for symbols */
type SymbolDecorator[T <: Symbol] <: SymbolDecoratorApi[T]
/** @see [[SymbolDecorator]] */
implicit def symbolDecorator[T <: Symbol](symbol: T): SymbolDecorator[T]
/** @see [[SymbolDecorator]] */
class SymbolDecoratorApi[T <: Symbol](val symbol: T) {
/** @see [[internal.isFreeTerm]] */
def isFreeTerm: Boolean = internal.isFreeTerm(symbol)
/** @see [[internal.asFreeTerm]] */
def asFreeTerm: FreeTermSymbol = internal.asFreeTerm(symbol)
/** @see [[internal.isFreeType]] */
def isFreeType: Boolean = internal.isFreeType(symbol)
/** @see [[internal.asFreeType]] */
def asFreeType: FreeTypeSymbol = internal.asFreeType(symbol)
/** @see [[internal.newTermSymbol]] */
def newTermSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): TermSymbol = internal.newTermSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)
/** @see [[internal.newModuleAndClassSymbol]] */
def newModuleAndClassSymbol(name: Name, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): (ModuleSymbol, ClassSymbol) = internal.newModuleAndClassSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)
/** @see [[internal.newMethodSymbol]] */
def newMethodSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): MethodSymbol = internal.newMethodSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)
/** @see [[internal.newTypeSymbol]] */
def newTypeSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): TypeSymbol = internal.newTypeSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)
/** @see [[internal.newClassSymbol]] */
def newClassSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): ClassSymbol = internal.newClassSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)
/** @see [[internal.isErroneous]] */
def isErroneous: Boolean = internal.isErroneous(symbol)
/** @see [[internal.isSkolem]] */
def isSkolem: Boolean = internal.isSkolem(symbol)
/** @see [[internal.deSkolemize]] */
def deSkolemize: Symbol = internal.deSkolemize(symbol)
/** @see [[internal.initialize]] */
def initialize: T = internal.initialize(symbol)
/** @see [[internal.fullyInitialize]] */
def fullyInitialize: T = internal.fullyInitialize(symbol)
/** @see [[internal.flags]] */
def flags: FlagSet = internal.flags(symbol)
/** Extension methods for types */
type TypeDecorator[T <: Type] <: TypeDecoratorApi[T]
/** @see [[TypeDecorator]] */
implicit def typeDecorator[T <: Type](tp: T): TypeDecorator[T]
/** @see [[TypeDecorator]] */
implicit class TypeDecoratorApi[T <: Type](val tp: T) {
/** @see [[internal.fullyInitialize]] */
def fullyInitialize: T = internal.fullyInitialize(tp)
/** This is an internal implementation class.
* @group Internal
// this API abstracts away the functionality necessary for reification and quasiquotes
// it's too gimmicky and unstructured to be exposed directly in the universe
// but we need it in a publicly available place for reification to work
trait ReificationSupportApi {
/** Selects type symbol with given simple name `name` from the defined members of `owner`.
def selectType(owner: Symbol, name: String): TypeSymbol
/** Selects term symbol with given name and type from the defined members of prefix type
def selectTerm(owner: Symbol, name: String): TermSymbol
/** Selects overloaded method symbol with given name and index
def selectOverloadedMethod(owner: Symbol, name: String, index: Int): MethodSymbol
/** A fresh symbol with given name `name`, position `pos` and flags `flags` that has
* the current symbol as its owner.
def newNestedSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: Name, pos: Position, flags: FlagSet, isClass: Boolean): Symbol
def newScopeWith(elems: Symbol*): Scope
/** Create a fresh free term symbol.
* @param name the name of the free variable
* @param value the value of the free variable at runtime
* @param flags (optional) flags of the free variable
* @param origin debug information that tells where this symbol comes from
def newFreeTerm(name: String, value: => Any, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags, origin: String = null): FreeTermSymbol
/** Create a fresh free type symbol.
* @param name the name of the free variable
* @param flags (optional) flags of the free variable
* @param origin debug information that tells where this symbol comes from
def newFreeType(name: String, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags, origin: String = null): FreeTypeSymbol
/** Set symbol's type signature to given type.
* @return the symbol itself
def setInfo[S <: Symbol](sym: S, tpe: Type): S
/** Set symbol's annotations to given annotations `annots`.
def setAnnotations[S <: Symbol](sym: S, annots: List[Annotation]): S
def mkThis(sym: Symbol): Tree
def mkSelect(qualifier: Tree, sym: Symbol): Select
def mkIdent(sym: Symbol): Ident
def mkTypeTree(tp: Type): TypeTree
def ThisType(sym: Symbol): Type
def SingleType(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Type
def SuperType(thistpe: Type, supertpe: Type): Type
def ConstantType(value: Constant): ConstantType
def TypeRef(pre: Type, sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]): Type
def RefinedType(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, typeSymbol: Symbol): RefinedType
def ClassInfoType(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, typeSymbol: Symbol): ClassInfoType
def MethodType(params: List[Symbol], resultType: Type): MethodType
def NullaryMethodType(resultType: Type): NullaryMethodType
def PolyType(typeParams: List[Symbol], resultType: Type): PolyType
def ExistentialType(quantified: List[Symbol], underlying: Type): ExistentialType
def AnnotatedType(annotations: List[Annotation], underlying: Type): AnnotatedType
def TypeBounds(lo: Type, hi: Type): TypeBounds
def BoundedWildcardType(bounds: TypeBounds): BoundedWildcardType
def thisPrefix(sym: Symbol): Type
def setType[T <: Tree](tree: T, tpe: Type): T
def setSymbol[T <: Tree](tree: T, sym: Symbol): T
def toStats(tree: Tree): List[Tree]
def mkAnnotation(tree: Tree): Tree
def mkAnnotation(trees: List[Tree]): List[Tree]
def mkRefineStat(stat: Tree): Tree
def mkRefineStat(stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree]
def mkPackageStat(stat: Tree): Tree
def mkPackageStat(stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree]
def mkEarlyDef(defn: Tree): Tree
def mkEarlyDef(defns: List[Tree]): List[Tree]
def mkRefTree(qual: Tree, sym: Symbol): Tree
def freshTermName(prefix: String): TermName
def freshTypeName(prefix: String): TypeName
val ImplicitParams: ImplicitParamsExtractor
trait ImplicitParamsExtractor {
def apply(paramss: List[List[Tree]], implparams: List[Tree]): List[List[Tree]]
def unapply(vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]): Some[(List[List[ValDef]], List[ValDef])]
val ScalaDot: ScalaDotExtractor
trait ScalaDotExtractor {
def apply(name: Name): Tree
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Name]
val FlagsRepr: FlagsReprExtractor
trait FlagsReprExtractor {
def apply(value: Long): FlagSet
def unapply(flags: Long): Some[Long]
val SyntacticTypeApplied: SyntacticTypeAppliedExtractor
val SyntacticAppliedType: SyntacticTypeAppliedExtractor
trait SyntacticTypeAppliedExtractor {
def apply(tree: Tree, targs: List[Tree]): Tree
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, List[Tree])]
val SyntacticApplied: SyntacticAppliedExtractor
trait SyntacticAppliedExtractor {
def apply(tree: Tree, argss: List[List[Tree]]): Tree
def unapply(tree: Tree): Some[(Tree, List[List[Tree]])]
val SyntacticClassDef: SyntacticClassDefExtractor
trait SyntacticClassDefExtractor {
def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[Tree],
constrMods: Modifiers, vparamss: List[List[Tree]],
earlyDefs: List[Tree], parents: List[Tree], selfType: Tree, body: List[Tree]): ClassDef
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, TypeName, List[TypeDef], Modifiers, List[List[ValDef]],
List[Tree], List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])]
val SyntacticTraitDef: SyntacticTraitDefExtractor
trait SyntacticTraitDefExtractor {
def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[Tree],
earlyDefs: List[Tree], parents: List[Tree], selfType: Tree, body: List[Tree]): ClassDef
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, TypeName, List[TypeDef],
List[Tree], List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])]
val SyntacticObjectDef: SyntacticObjectDefExtractor
trait SyntacticObjectDefExtractor {
def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, earlyDefs: List[Tree],
parents: List[Tree], selfType: Tree, body: List[Tree]): ModuleDef
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, TermName, List[Tree], List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])]
val SyntacticPackageObjectDef: SyntacticPackageObjectDefExtractor
trait SyntacticPackageObjectDefExtractor {
def apply(name: TermName, earlyDefs: List[Tree],
parents: List[Tree], selfType: Tree, body: List[Tree]): PackageDef
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(TermName, List[Tree], List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])]
val SyntacticTuple: SyntacticTupleExtractor
val SyntacticTupleType: SyntacticTupleExtractor
trait SyntacticTupleExtractor {
def apply(args: List[Tree]): Tree
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[List[Tree]]
val SyntacticBlock: SyntacticBlockExtractor
trait SyntacticBlockExtractor {
def apply(stats: List[Tree]): Tree
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[List[Tree]]
val SyntacticNew: SyntacticNewExtractor
trait SyntacticNewExtractor {
def apply(earlyDefs: List[Tree], parents: List[Tree], selfType: Tree, body: List[Tree]): Tree
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(List[Tree], List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])]
val SyntacticFunctionType: SyntacticFunctionTypeExtractor
trait SyntacticFunctionTypeExtractor {
def apply(argtpes: List[Tree], restpe: Tree): Tree
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(List[Tree], Tree)]
val SyntacticFunction: SyntacticFunctionExtractor
trait SyntacticFunctionExtractor {
def apply(params: List[Tree], body: Tree): Function
def unapply(tree: Function): Option[(List[ValDef], Tree)]
val SyntacticDefDef: SyntacticDefDefExtractor
trait SyntacticDefDefExtractor {
def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tparams: List[Tree],
vparamss: List[List[Tree]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): DefDef
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, TermName, List[TypeDef], List[List[ValDef]], Tree, Tree)]
val SyntacticValDef: SyntacticValDefExtractor
val SyntacticVarDef: SyntacticValDefExtractor
trait SyntacticValDefExtractor {
def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): ValDef
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, TermName, Tree, Tree)]
val SyntacticPatDef: SyntacticPatDefExtractor
trait SyntacticPatDefExtractor {
def apply(mods: Modifiers, pat: Tree, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): List[ValDef]
val SyntacticAssign: SyntacticAssignExtractor
trait SyntacticAssignExtractor {
def apply(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree): Tree
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree)]
val SyntacticValFrom: SyntacticValFromExtractor
trait SyntacticValFromExtractor {
def apply(pat: Tree, rhs: Tree): Tree
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree)]
val SyntacticValEq: SyntacticValEqExtractor
trait SyntacticValEqExtractor {
def apply(pat: Tree, rhs: Tree): Tree
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree)]
val SyntacticFilter: SyntacticFilterExtractor
trait SyntacticFilterExtractor {
def apply(test: Tree): Tree
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree)]
val SyntacticEmptyTypeTree: SyntacticEmptyTypeTreeExtractor
trait SyntacticEmptyTypeTreeExtractor {
def apply(): TypeTree
def unapply(tt: TypeTree): Boolean
val SyntacticFor: SyntacticForExtractor
val SyntacticForYield: SyntacticForExtractor
trait SyntacticForExtractor {
def apply(enums: List[Tree], body: Tree): Tree
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(List[Tree], Tree)]
def UnliftListElementwise[T](unliftable: Unliftable[T]): UnliftListElementwise[T]
trait UnliftListElementwise[T] {
def unapply(lst: List[Tree]): Option[List[T]]
def UnliftListOfListsElementwise[T](unliftable: Unliftable[T]): UnliftListOfListsElementwise[T]
trait UnliftListOfListsElementwise[T] {
def unapply(lst: List[List[Tree]]): Option[List[List[T]]]
val SyntacticPartialFunction: SyntacticPartialFunctionExtractor
trait SyntacticPartialFunctionExtractor {
def apply(cases: List[Tree]): Match
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[List[CaseDef]]
val SyntacticMatch: SyntacticMatchExtractor
trait SyntacticMatchExtractor {
def apply(scrutinee: Tree, cases: List[Tree]): Match
def unapply(tree: Match): Option[(Tree, List[CaseDef])]
val SyntacticTry: SyntacticTryExtractor
trait SyntacticTryExtractor {
def apply(block: Tree, catches: List[Tree], finalizer: Tree): Try
def unapply(tree: Try): Option[(Tree, List[CaseDef], Tree)]
val SyntacticTermIdent: SyntacticTermIdentExtractor
trait SyntacticTermIdentExtractor {
def apply(name: TermName, isBackquoted: Boolean = false): Ident
def unapply(id: Ident): Option[(TermName, Boolean)]
val SyntacticTypeIdent: SyntacticTypeIdentExtractor
trait SyntacticTypeIdentExtractor {
def apply(name: TypeName): Ident
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[TypeName]
val SyntacticImport: SyntacticImportExtractor
trait SyntacticImportExtractor {
def apply(expr: Tree, selectors: List[Tree]): Import
def unapply(imp: Import): Some[(Tree, List[Tree])]
val SyntacticSelectType: SyntacticSelectTypeExtractor
trait SyntacticSelectTypeExtractor {
def apply(qual: Tree, name: TypeName): Select
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, TypeName)]
val SyntacticSelectTerm: SyntacticSelectTermExtractor
trait SyntacticSelectTermExtractor {
def apply(qual: Tree, name: TermName): Select
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, TermName)]
val SyntacticCompoundType: SyntacticCompoundTypeExtractor
trait SyntacticCompoundTypeExtractor {
def apply(parents: List[Tree], defns: List[Tree]): CompoundTypeTree
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(List[Tree], List[Tree])]
val SyntacticSingletonType: SyntacitcSingletonTypeExtractor
trait SyntacitcSingletonTypeExtractor {
def apply(tree: Tree): SingletonTypeTree
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Tree]
val SyntacticTypeProjection: SyntacticTypeProjectionExtractor
trait SyntacticTypeProjectionExtractor {
def apply(qual: Tree, name: TypeName): SelectFromTypeTree
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, TypeName)]
val SyntacticAnnotatedType: SyntacticAnnotatedTypeExtractor
trait SyntacticAnnotatedTypeExtractor {
def apply(tpt: Tree, annot: Tree): Annotated
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree)]
val SyntacticExistentialType: SyntacticExistentialTypeExtractor
trait SyntacticExistentialTypeExtractor {
def apply(tpt: Tree, where: List[Tree]): ExistentialTypeTree
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, List[MemberDef])]
@deprecated("Use `internal.reificationSupport` instead", "2.11.0")
val build: ReificationSupportApi
@deprecated("Use `internal.ReificationSupportApi` instead", "2.11.0")
type BuildApi = ReificationSupportApi
/** This trait provides support for importers, a facility to migrate reflection artifacts between universes.
* ''Note: this trait should typically be used only rarely.''
* Reflection artifacts, such as [[scala.reflect.api.Symbols Symbols]] and [[scala.reflect.api.Types Types]],
* are contained in [[scala.reflect.api.Universe Universe]]s. Typically all processing happens
* within a single `Universe` (e.g. a compile-time macro `Universe` or a runtime reflection `Universe`), but sometimes
* there is a need to migrate artifacts from one `Universe` to another. For example, runtime compilation works by
* importing runtime reflection trees into a runtime compiler universe, compiling the importees and exporting the
* result back.
* Reflection artifacts are firmly grounded in their `Universe`s, which is reflected by the fact that types of artifacts
* from different universes are not compatible. By using `Importer`s, however, they be imported from one universe
* into another. For example, to import `foo.bar.Baz` from the source `Universe` to the target `Universe`,
* an importer will first check whether the entire owner chain exists in the target `Universe`.
* If it does, then nothing else will be done. Otherwise, the importer will recreate the entire owner chain
* and will import the corresponding type signatures into the target `Universe`.
* Since importers match `Symbol` tables of the source and the target `Universe`s using plain string names,
* it is programmer's responsibility to make sure that imports don't distort semantics, e.g., that
* `foo.bar.Baz` in the source `Universe` means the same that `foo.bar.Baz` does in the target `Universe`.
* === Example ===
* Here's how one might implement a macro that performs compile-time evaluation of its argument
* by using a runtime compiler to compile and evaluate a tree that belongs to a compile-time compiler:
* {{{
* def staticEval[T](x: T) = macro staticEval[T]
* def staticEval[T](c: scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context)(x: c.Expr[T]) = {
* // creates a runtime reflection universe to host runtime compilation
* import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
* val mirror = ru.runtimeMirror(c.libraryClassLoader)
* import scala.tools.reflect.ToolBox
* val toolBox = mirror.mkToolBox()
* // runtime reflection universe and compile-time macro universe are different
* // therefore an importer is needed to bridge them
* // currently mkImporter requires a cast to correctly assign the path-dependent types
* val importer0 = ru.internal.mkImporter(c.universe)
* val importer = importer0.asInstanceOf[ru.internal.Importer { val from: c.universe.type }]
* // the created importer is used to turn a compiler tree into a runtime compiler tree
* // both compilers use the same classpath, so semantics remains intact
* val imported = importer.importTree(tree)
* // after the tree is imported, it can be evaluated as usual
* val tree = toolBox.untypecheck(imported.duplicate)
* val valueOfX = toolBox.eval(imported).asInstanceOf[T]
* ...
* }
* }}}
* @group Internal
// SI-6241: move importers to a mirror
trait Importer {
/** The source universe of reflection artifacts that will be processed.
* The target universe is universe that created this importer with `mkImporter`.
val from: Universe
/** An importer that works in reverse direction, namely:
* imports reflection artifacts from the current universe to the universe specified in `from`.
val reverse: from.Importer { val from: self.type }
/** In the current universe, locates or creates a symbol that corresponds to the provided symbol in the source universe.
* If necessary imports the owner chain, companions, type signature, annotations and attachments.
def importSymbol(sym: from.Symbol): Symbol
/** In the current universe, locates or creates a type that corresponds to the provided type in the source universe.
* If necessary imports the underlying symbols, annotations, scopes and trees.
def importType(tpe: from.Type): Type
/** In the current universe, creates a tree that corresponds to the provided tree in the source universe.
* If necessary imports the underlying symbols, types and attachments.
def importTree(tree: from.Tree): Tree
/** In the current universe, creates a position that corresponds to the provided position in the source universe.
def importPosition(pos: from.Position): Position
@deprecated("Use `internal.createImporter` instead", "2.11.0")
def mkImporter(from0: Universe): Importer { val from: from0.type } = internal.createImporter(from0)
/** Marks underlying reference to id as boxed.
* Precondition:<\b> id must refer to a captured variable
* A reference such marked will refer to the boxed entity, no dereferencing
* with `.elem` is done on it.
* This tree node can be emitted by macros such as reify that call referenceCapturedVariable.
* It is eliminated in LambdaLift, where the boxing conversion takes place.
* @group Internal
* @template
type ReferenceToBoxed >: Null <: ReferenceToBoxedApi with TermTree
/** The constructor/extractor for `ReferenceToBoxed` instances.
* @group Internal
val ReferenceToBoxed: ReferenceToBoxedExtractor
/** An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax `ReferenceToBoxed(ident)`.
* This AST node does not have direct correspondence to Scala code,
* and is emitted by macros to reference capture vars directly without going through `elem`.
* For example:
* var x = ...
* fun { x }
* Will emit:
* Ident(x)
* Which gets transformed to:
* Select(Ident(x), "elem")
* If `ReferenceToBoxed` were used instead of Ident, no transformation would be performed.
* @group Internal
abstract class ReferenceToBoxedExtractor {
def apply(ident: Ident): ReferenceToBoxed
def unapply(referenceToBoxed: ReferenceToBoxed): Option[Ident]
/** The API that all references support
* @group Internal
trait ReferenceToBoxedApi extends TermTreeApi { this: ReferenceToBoxed =>
/** The underlying reference. */
def ident: Tree
/** Tag that preserves the identity of `ReferenceToBoxed` in the face of erasure.
* Can be used for pattern matching, instance tests, serialization and the like.
* @group Internal
implicit val ReferenceToBoxedTag: ClassTag[ReferenceToBoxed]
/** The type of free terms introduced by reification.
* @group Internal
* @template
type FreeTermSymbol >: Null <: FreeTermSymbolApi with TermSymbol
/** The API of free term symbols.
* The main source of information about symbols is the [[Symbols]] page.
* @group Internal
trait FreeTermSymbolApi extends TermSymbolApi { this: FreeTermSymbol =>
/** The place where this symbol has been spawned
* @group FreeTerm
def origin: String
/** The valus this symbol refers to
* @group FreeTerm
def value: Any
/** Tag that preserves the identity of `FreeTermSymbol` in the face of erasure.
* Can be used for pattern matching, instance tests, serialization and the like.
* @group Internal
implicit val FreeTermSymbolTag: ClassTag[FreeTermSymbol]
/** The type of free types introduced by reification.
* @group Internal
* @template
type FreeTypeSymbol >: Null <: FreeTypeSymbolApi with TypeSymbol
/** The API of free type symbols.
* The main source of information about symbols is the [[Symbols]] page.
* @group Internal
trait FreeTypeSymbolApi extends TypeSymbolApi { this: FreeTypeSymbol =>
/** The place where this symbol has been spawned
* @group FreeType
def origin: String
/** Tag that preserves the identity of `FreeTermSymbol` in the face of erasure.
* Can be used for pattern matching, instance tests, serialization and the like.
* @group Internal
implicit val FreeTypeSymbolTag: ClassTag[FreeTypeSymbol]
/** Provides enrichments to ensure source compatibility between Scala 2.10 and Scala 2.11.
* If in your reflective program for Scala 2.10 you've used something that's now become an internal API,
* a single `compat._` import will fix things for you.
* @group Internal
val compat: Compat
/** @see [[compat]]
* @group Internal
type Compat <: CompatApi
/** Presence of an implicit value of this type in scope
* indicates that source compatibility with Scala 2.10 has been enabled.
* @group Internal
@scala.annotation.implicitNotFound("This method has been removed from the public API. Import compat._ or migrate away.")
class CompatToken
/** @see [[compat]]
* @group Internal
trait CompatApi {
/** @see [[CompatToken]] */
implicit val token = new CompatToken
/** @see [[InternalApi.typeTagToManifest]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.typeTagToManifest` instead", "2.11.0")
def typeTagToManifest[T: ClassTag](mirror: Any, tag: Universe#TypeTag[T]): Manifest[T] =
internal.typeTagToManifest(mirror, tag)
/** @see [[InternalApi.manifestToTypeTag]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.manifestToTypeTag` instead", "2.11.0")
def manifestToTypeTag[T](mirror: Any, manifest: Manifest[T]): Universe#TypeTag[T] =
internal.manifestToTypeTag(mirror, manifest)
/** @see [[InternalApi.newScopeWith]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.newScopeWith` instead", "2.11.0")
def newScopeWith(elems: Symbol*): Scope =
internal.newScopeWith(elems: _*)
/** Scala 2.10 compatibility enrichments for BuildApi. */
implicit class CompatibleBuildApi(api: BuildApi) {
/** @see [[BuildApi.setInfo]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.reificationSupport.setInfo` instead", "2.11.0")
def setTypeSignature[S <: Symbol](sym: S, tpe: Type): S = internal.reificationSupport.setInfo(sym, tpe)
/** @see [[BuildApi.FlagsRepr]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.reificationSupport.FlagsRepr` instead", "2.11.0")
def flagsFromBits(bits: Long): FlagSet = internal.reificationSupport.FlagsRepr(bits)
/** @see [[BuildApi.noSelfType]] */
@deprecated("Use `noSelfType` instead", "2.11.0")
def emptyValDef: ValDef = noSelfType
/** @see [[BuildApi.mkThis]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.reificationSupport.mkThis` instead", "2.11.0")
def This(sym: Symbol): Tree = internal.reificationSupport.mkThis(sym)
/** @see [[BuildApi.mkSelect]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.reificationSupport.mkSelect` instead", "2.11.0")
def Select(qualifier: Tree, sym: Symbol): Select = internal.reificationSupport.mkSelect(qualifier, sym)
/** @see [[BuildApi.mkIdent]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.reificationSupport.mkIdent` instead", "2.11.0")
def Ident(sym: Symbol): Ident = internal.reificationSupport.mkIdent(sym)
/** @see [[BuildApi.mkTypeTree]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.reificationSupport.mkTypeTree` instead", "2.11.0")
def TypeTree(tp: Type): TypeTree = internal.reificationSupport.mkTypeTree(tp)
/** Scala 2.10 compatibility enrichments for Tree. */
implicit class CompatibleTree(tree: Tree) {
/** @see [[InternalApi.freeTerms]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.freeTerms` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
def freeTerms: List[FreeTermSymbol] = internal.freeTerms(tree)
/** @see [[InternalApi.freeTypes]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.freeTerms` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
def freeTypes: List[FreeTypeSymbol] = internal.freeTypes(tree)
/** @see [[InternalApi.substituteSymbols]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.substituteSymbols` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
def substituteSymbols(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]): Tree = internal.substituteSymbols(tree, from, to)
/** @see [[InternalApi.substituteTypes]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.substituteTypes` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
def substituteTypes(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type]): Tree = internal.substituteTypes(tree, from, to)
/** @see [[InternalApi.substituteThis]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.substituteThis` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
def substituteThis(clazz: Symbol, to: Tree): Tree = internal.substituteThis(tree, clazz, to)
/** Scala 2.10 compatibility enrichments for Tree. */
implicit class CompatibleSymbol(symbol: Symbol) {
@deprecated("This API is unreliable. Use `isPrivateThis` or `isProtectedThis` instead", "2.11.0")
def isLocal: Boolean = symbol.asInstanceOf[scala.reflect.internal.Symbols#Symbol].isLocal
@deprecated("This API is unreliable. Use `overrides.nonEmpty` instead", "2.11.0")
def isOverride: Boolean = symbol.asInstanceOf[scala.reflect.internal.Symbols#Symbol].isOverride
/** @see [[InternalApi.isFreeTerm]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.isFreeTerm` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
def isFreeTerm: Boolean = internal.isFreeTerm(symbol)
/** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeTerm]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.asFreeTerm` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
def asFreeTerm: FreeTermSymbol = internal.asFreeTerm(symbol)
/** @see [[InternalApi.isFreeType]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.isFreeType` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
def isFreeType: Boolean = internal.isFreeType(symbol)
/** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.asFreeType` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
def asFreeType: FreeTypeSymbol = internal.asFreeType(symbol)
/** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.newTermSymbol` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
def newTermSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): TermSymbol = internal.newTermSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)
/** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.newModuleAndClassSymbol` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
def newModuleAndClassSymbol(name: Name, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): (ModuleSymbol, ClassSymbol) = internal.newModuleAndClassSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)
/** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.newMethodSymbol` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
def newMethodSymbol(name: TermName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): MethodSymbol = internal.newMethodSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)
/** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.newTypeSymbol` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
def newTypeSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): TypeSymbol = internal.newTypeSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)
/** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.newClassSymbol` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
def newClassSymbol(name: TypeName, pos: Position = NoPosition, flags: FlagSet = NoFlags): ClassSymbol = internal.newClassSymbol(symbol, name, pos, flags)
/** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.isErroneous` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
def isErroneous: Boolean = internal.isErroneous(symbol)
/** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.isSkolem` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
def isSkolem: Boolean = internal.isSkolem(symbol)
/** @see [[InternalApi.asFreeType]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.deSkolemize` instead or import `internal.decorators._` for infix syntax", "2.11.0")
def deSkolemize: Symbol = internal.deSkolemize(symbol)
/** @see [[InternalApi.singleType]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.singleType` instead", "2.11.0")
def singleType(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Type = internal.singleType(pre, sym)
/** @see [[InternalApi.refinedType]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.refinedType` instead", "2.11.0")
def refinedType(parents: List[Type], owner: Symbol, decls: Scope, pos: Position): Type = internal.refinedType(parents, owner, decls, pos)
/** @see [[InternalApi.refinedType]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.refinedType` instead", "2.11.0")
def refinedType(parents: List[Type], owner: Symbol): Type = internal.refinedType(parents, owner)
/** @see [[InternalApi.typeRef]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.typeRef` instead", "2.11.0")
def typeRef(pre: Type, sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]): Type = internal.typeRef(pre, sym, args)
/** @see [[InternalApi.intersectionType]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.intersectionType` instead", "2.11.0")
def intersectionType(tps: List[Type]): Type = internal.intersectionType(tps)
/** @see [[InternalApi.intersectionType]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.intersectionType` instead", "2.11.0")
def intersectionType(tps: List[Type], owner: Symbol): Type = internal.intersectionType(tps, owner)
/** @see [[InternalApi.polyType]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.polyType` instead", "2.11.0")
def polyType(tparams: List[Symbol], tpe: Type): Type = internal.polyType(tparams, tpe)
/** @see [[InternalApi.existentialAbstraction]] */
@deprecated("Use `internal.existentialAbstraction` instead", "2.11.0")
def existentialAbstraction(tparams: List[Symbol], tpe0: Type): Type = internal.existentialAbstraction(tparams, tpe0)
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