scala.reflect.internal.transform.Erasure.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package scala
package reflect
package internal
package transform
trait Erasure {
val global: SymbolTable
import global._
import definitions._
/** An extractor object for generic arrays */
object GenericArray {
/** Is `tp` an unbounded generic type (i.e. which could be instantiated
* with primitive as well as class types)?.
private def genericCore(tp: Type): Type = tp.dealiasWiden match {
/* A Java Array is erased to Array[Object] (T can only be a reference type), where as a Scala Array[T] is
* erased to Object. However, there is only symbol for the Array class. So to make the distinction between
* a Java and a Scala array, we check if the owner of T comes from a Java class.
* This however caused issue SI-5654. The additional test for EXSITENTIAL fixes it, see the ticket comments.
* In short, members of an existential type (e.g. `T` in `forSome { type T }`) can have pretty arbitrary
* owners (e.g. when computing lubs, is used). All packageClass symbols have `isJavaDefined == true`.
case TypeRef(_, sym, _) if sym.isAbstractType && (!sym.owner.isJavaDefined || sym.hasFlag(Flags.EXISTENTIAL)) =>
case ExistentialType(tparams, restp) =>
case _ =>
/** If `tp` is of the form Array[...Array[T]...] where `T` is an abstract type
* then Some((N, T)) where N is the number of Array constructors enclosing `T`,
* otherwise None. Existentials on any level are ignored.
def unapply(tp: Type): Option[(Int, Type)] = tp.dealiasWiden match {
case TypeRef(_, ArrayClass, List(arg)) =>
genericCore(arg) match {
case NoType =>
unapply(arg) match {
case Some((level, core)) => Some((level + 1, core))
case None => None
case core =>
Some((1, core))
case ExistentialType(tparams, restp) =>
case _ =>
/** Arrays despite their finality may turn up as refined type parents,
* e.g. with "tagged types" like Array[Int] with T.
protected def unboundedGenericArrayLevel(tp: Type): Int = tp match {
case GenericArray(level, core) if !(core <:< AnyRefTpe) => level
case RefinedType(ps, _) if ps.nonEmpty => logResult(s"Unbounded generic level for $tp is")((ps map unboundedGenericArrayLevel).max)
case _ => 0
// @M #2585 when generating a java generic signature that includes
// a selection of an inner class p.I, (p = `pre`, I = `cls`) must
// rewrite to p'.I, where p' refers to the class that directly defines
// the nested class I.
// See also #2585 marker in javaSig: there, type arguments must be
// included (use pre.baseType(cls.owner)).
// This requires that cls.isClass.
protected def rebindInnerClass(pre: Type, cls: Symbol): Type =
if (cls.isTopLevel || cls.isLocalToBlock) pre else cls.owner.tpe_*
/** The type of the argument of a value class reference after erasure
* This method needs to be called at a phase no later than erasurephase
def erasedValueClassArg(tref: TypeRef): Type = {
val clazz = tref.sym
if (valueClassIsParametric(clazz)) {
val underlying = tref.memberType(clazz.derivedValueClassUnbox).resultType
} else {
/** Does this vakue class have an underlying type that's a type parameter of
* the class itself?
* This method needs to be called at a phase no later than erasurephase
def valueClassIsParametric(clazz: Symbol): Boolean = {
clazz.typeParams contains
abstract class ErasureMap extends TypeMap {
def mergeParents(parents: List[Type]): Type
def eraseNormalClassRef(tref: TypeRef): Type = {
val TypeRef(pre, clazz, args) = tref
val pre1 = apply(rebindInnerClass(pre, clazz))
val args1 = Nil
if ((pre eq pre1) && (args eq args1)) tref // OPT
else typeRef(pre1, clazz, args1) // #2585
protected def eraseDerivedValueClassRef(tref: TypeRef): Type = erasedValueClassArg(tref)
def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
case ConstantType(_) =>
case st: ThisType if st.sym.isPackageClass =>
case st: SubType =>
case tref @ TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
if (sym == ArrayClass)
if (unboundedGenericArrayLevel(tp) == 1) ObjectTpe
else if (args.head.typeSymbol.isBottomClass) arrayType(ObjectTpe)
else typeRef(apply(pre), sym, args map applyInArray)
else if (sym == AnyClass || sym == AnyValClass || sym == SingletonClass) ObjectTpe
else if (sym == UnitClass) BoxedUnitTpe
else if (sym.isRefinementClass) apply(mergeParents(tp.parents))
else if (sym.isDerivedValueClass) eraseDerivedValueClassRef(tref)
else if (sym.isClass) eraseNormalClassRef(tref)
else apply(sym.info asSeenFrom (pre, sym.owner)) // alias type or abstract type
case PolyType(tparams, restpe) =>
case ExistentialType(tparams, restpe) =>
case mt @ MethodType(params, restpe) =>
cloneSymbolsAndModify(params, ErasureMap.this),
if (restpe.typeSymbol == UnitClass) UnitTpe
// this replaces each typeref that refers to an argument
// by the type `p.tpe` of the actual argument p (p in params)
else apply(mt.resultType(mt.paramTypes)))
case RefinedType(parents, decls) =>
case AnnotatedType(_, atp) =>
case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
if (clazz == ObjectClass || isPrimitiveValueClass(clazz)) Nil
else if (clazz == ArrayClass) ObjectTpe :: Nil
else removeLaterObjects(parents map this),
decls, clazz)
case _ =>
def applyInArray(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
case tref @ TypeRef(_, sym, _) if sym.isDerivedValueClass => eraseNormalClassRef(tref)
case _ => apply(tp)
protected def verifyJavaErasure = false
/** The erasure |T| of a type T. This is:
* - For a constant type, itself.
* - For a type-bounds structure, the erasure of its upper bound.
* - For every other singleton type, the erasure of its supertype.
* - For a typeref scala.Array+[T] where T is an abstract type, AnyRef.
* - For a typeref scala.Array+[T] where T is not an abstract type, scala.Array+[|T|].
* - For a typeref scala.Any or scala.AnyVal, java.lang.Object.
* - For a typeref scala.Unit, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit.
* - For a typeref P.C[Ts] where C refers to a class, |P|.C.
* (Where P is first rebound to the class that directly defines C.)
* - For a typeref P.C[Ts] where C refers to an alias type, the erasure of C's alias.
* - For a typeref P.C[Ts] where C refers to an abstract type, the
* erasure of C's upper bound.
* - For a non-empty type intersection (possibly with refinement)
* - in scala, the erasure of the intersection dominator
* - in java, the erasure of its first parent <--- @PP: not yet in spec.
* - For an empty type intersection, java.lang.Object.
* - For a method type (Fs)scala.Unit, (|Fs|)scala#Unit.
* - For any other method type (Fs)Y, (|Fs|)|T|.
* - For a polymorphic type, the erasure of its result type.
* - For the class info type of java.lang.Object, the same type without any parents.
* - For a class info type of a value class, the same type without any parents.
* - For any other class info type with parents Ps, the same type with
* parents |Ps|, but with duplicate references of Object removed.
* - for all other types, the type itself (with any sub-components erased)
def erasure(sym: Symbol): ErasureMap =
if (sym == NoSymbol || !sym.enclClass.isJavaDefined) scalaErasure
else if (verifyJavaErasure && sym.isMethod) verifiedJavaErasure
else javaErasure
/** This is used as the Scala erasure during the erasure phase itself
* It differs from normal erasure in that value classes are erased to ErasedValueTypes which
* are then later converted to the underlying parameter type in phase posterasure.
def specialErasure(sym: Symbol)(tp: Type): Type =
if (sym != NoSymbol && sym.enclClass.isJavaDefined)
else if (sym.isClassConstructor)
specialConstructorErasure(sym.owner, tp)
def specialConstructorErasure(clazz: Symbol, tpe: Type): Type = {
tpe match {
case PolyType(tparams, restpe) =>
specialConstructorErasure(clazz, restpe)
case ExistentialType(tparams, restpe) =>
specialConstructorErasure(clazz, restpe)
case mt @ MethodType(params, restpe) =>
cloneSymbolsAndModify(params, specialScalaErasure),
specialConstructorErasure(clazz, restpe))
case TypeRef(pre, `clazz`, args) =>
typeRef(pre, clazz, List())
case tp =>
if (!(clazz == ArrayClass || tp.isError))
assert(clazz == ArrayClass || tp.isError, s"!!! unexpected constructor erasure $tp for $clazz")
/** Scala's more precise erasure than java's is problematic as follows:
* - Symbols are read from classfiles and populated with types
* - The textual signature read from the bytecode is forgotten
* - Bytecode generation must know the precise signature of a method
* - the signature is derived from the erasure of the method type
* - If that derivation does not adhere to the rules by which the original
* signature was created, a NoSuchMethod error will result.
* For this reason and others (such as distinguishing constructors from other methods)
* erasure is now (Symbol, Type) => Type rather than Type => Type.
class ScalaErasureMap extends ErasureMap {
/** In scala, calculate a useful parent.
* An intersection such as `Object with Trait` erases to Trait.
def mergeParents(parents: List[Type]): Type =
class JavaErasureMap extends ErasureMap {
/** In java, always take the first parent.
* An intersection such as `Object with Trait` erases to Object.
def mergeParents(parents: List[Type]): Type =
if (parents.isEmpty) ObjectTpe
else parents.head
object scalaErasure extends ScalaErasureMap
/** This is used as the Scala erasure during the erasure phase itself
* It differs from normal erasure in that value classes are erased to ErasedValueTypes which
* are then later unwrapped to the underlying parameter type in phase posterasure.
object specialScalaErasure extends ScalaErasureMap {
override def eraseDerivedValueClassRef(tref: TypeRef): Type =
ErasedValueType(tref.sym, erasedValueClassArg(tref))
object javaErasure extends JavaErasureMap
object verifiedJavaErasure extends JavaErasureMap {
override def apply(tp: Type): Type = {
val res = javaErasure(tp)
val old = scalaErasure(tp)
if (!(res =:= old))
log("Identified divergence between java/scala erasure:\n scala: " + old + "\n java: " + res)
object boxingErasure extends ScalaErasureMap {
override def eraseNormalClassRef(tref: TypeRef) =
if (isPrimitiveValueClass(tref.sym)) boxedClass(tref.sym).tpe
else super.eraseNormalClassRef(tref)
override def eraseDerivedValueClassRef(tref: TypeRef) =
/** The intersection dominator (SLS 3.7) of a list of types is computed as follows.
* - If the list contains one or more occurrences of scala.Array with
* type parameters El1, El2, ... then the dominator is scala.Array with
* type parameter of intersectionDominator(List(El1, El2, ...)). <--- @PP: not yet in spec.
* - Otherwise, the list is reduced to a subsequence containing only types
* which are not subtypes of other listed types (the span.)
* - If the span is empty, the dominator is Object.
* - If the span contains a class Tc which is not a trait and which is
* not Object, the dominator is Tc. <--- @PP: "which is not Object" not in spec.
* - Otherwise, the dominator is the first element of the span.
def intersectionDominator(parents: List[Type]): Type = {
if (parents.isEmpty) ObjectTpe
else {
val psyms = parents map (_.typeSymbol)
if (psyms contains ArrayClass) {
// treat arrays specially
parents filter (_.typeSymbol == ArrayClass) map (_.typeArgs.head)))
} else {
// implement new spec for erasure of refined types.
def isUnshadowed(psym: Symbol) =
!(psyms exists (qsym => (psym ne qsym) && (qsym isNonBottomSubClass psym)))
val cs = parents.iterator.filter { p => // isUnshadowed is a bit expensive, so try classes first
val psym = p.typeSymbol
psym.isClass && !psym.isTrait && isUnshadowed(psym)
(if (cs.hasNext) cs else parents.iterator.filter(p => isUnshadowed(p.typeSymbol))).next()
/** The symbol's erased info. This is the type's erasure, except for the following symbols:
* - For $asInstanceOf : [T]T
* - For $isInstanceOf : [T]scala#Boolean
* - For class Array : [T]C where C is the erased classinfo of the Array class.
* - For Array[T]. : {scala#Int)Array[T]
* - For a type parameter : A type bounds type consisting of the erasures of its bounds.
def transformInfo(sym: Symbol, tp: Type): Type = {
if (sym == Object_asInstanceOf)
else if (sym == Object_isInstanceOf || sym == ArrayClass)
PolyType(sym.info.typeParams, specialErasure(sym)(sym.info.resultType))
else if (sym.isAbstractType)
TypeBounds(WildcardType, WildcardType)
else if (sym.isTerm && sym.owner == ArrayClass) {
if (sym.isClassConstructor)
tp match {
case MethodType(params, TypeRef(pre, sym1, args)) =>
MethodType(cloneSymbolsAndModify(params, specialErasure(sym)),
typeRef(specialErasure(sym)(pre), sym1, args))
else if (sym.name == nme.apply)
else if (sym.name == nme.update)
(tp: @unchecked) match {
case MethodType(List(index, tvar), restpe) =>
MethodType(List(index.cloneSymbol.setInfo(specialErasure(sym)(index.tpe)), tvar), UnitTpe)
else specialErasure(sym)(tp)
} else if (
sym.owner != NoSymbol &&
sym.owner.owner == ArrayClass &&
sym == Array_update.paramss.head(1)) {
// special case for Array.update: the non-erased type remains, i.e. (Int,A)Unit
// since the erasure type map gets applied to every symbol, we have to catch the
// symbol here
} else {
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