scalaParser.Core.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalaParser
import acyclic.file
import org.parboiled2._
import scala.language.implicitConversions
abstract class Core extends Parser
with syntax.Basic
with syntax.Literals
with syntax.Identifiers
with RulesOps
with Switches
with Settings {
// Aliases for common things. These things are used in almost every parser
// in the file, so it makes sense to keep them short.
type R0 = Rule0
* Parses all whitespace, excluding newlines. This is only
* really useful in e.g. {} blocks, where we want to avoid
* capturing newlines so semicolon-inference would work
def WSOneR0 : R0 = rule (Basic.WSChar | Literals.CommentR0)
def WSOneOrMoreR0: R0 = rule (WSOneR0+)
def WSR0 : R0 = rule (WSOneR0*)
def WS : R1 = rule( capture(WSR0) )
* Parses whitespace, including newlines.
* This is the default for most things
def WLOneR0 : R0 = rule( Basic.WSChar | Literals.CommentR0 | Basic.Newline )
def WLOneOrMoreR0: R0 = rule( WLOneR0+ )
def WLR0 : R0 = rule( WLOneR0* )
def WL : R1 = rule( capture(WLR0) )
* By default, all strings and characters greedily
* capture all whitespace immediately before the token.
private implicit def wspStr(s: String): R1 = rule( WL ~ capture(str(s)) ~> Concat )
private implicit def wspCh (s: Char ): R1 = rule( WL ~ capture(ch (s)) ~> Concat )
* Most keywords don't just require the correct characters to match,
* they have to ensure that subsequent characters *don't* match in
* order for it to be a keyword. This enforces that rule for key-words
* (W) and key-operators (O) which have different non-match criteria.
object KeyWordOperators {
def WR0(s: String): Rule0 = rule( WLR0 ~ Key.W(s) )
// def W(s: String): R1 = rule( WL ~ capture(Key.W(s)) ~> Concat )
def W(s: String): R1 = rule( capture(WR0(s)) )
def O(s: String): R1 = rule( WL ~ capture(Key.O(s)) ~> Concat )
import KeyWordOperators._
// R0 versions of certain keywords
def `withR0` = WR0("with")
// Keywords that match themselves and nothing else
def `=>` = rule( O("=>") | O("⇒") )
def `<-` = rule( O("<-") | O("←") )
def `:` = O(":")
def `=` = O("=")
def `@` = O("@")
def `_` = W("_")
def `this` = W("this")
def `type` = W("type")
def `val` = W("val")
def `var` = W("var")
def `def` = W("def")
def `with` = W("with")
def `package` = W("package")
def `object` = W("object")
def `class` = W("class")
def `case` = W("case")
def `trait` = W("trait")
def `extends` = W("extends")
def `implicit` = W("implicit")
def `try` = W("try")
def `new` = W("new")
def `macro` = W("macro")
def `import` = W("import")
def `else` = W("else")
def `super` = W("super")
def `catch` = W("catch")
def `finally` = W("finally")
def `do` = W("do")
def `yield` = W("yield")
def `while` = W("while")
def `<%` = O("<%")
def `override` = W("override")
def `#` = O("#")
def `forSome` = W("forSome")
def `for` = W("for")
def `abstract` = W("abstract")
def `throw` = W("throw")
def `return` = W("return")
def `lazy` = W("lazy")
def `if` = W("if")
def `match` = W("match")
def `>:` = O(">:")
def `<:` = O("<:")
def `final` = W("final")
def `sealed` = W("sealed")
def `private` = W("private")
def `protected` = W("protected")
// SubScript
def `then` = W("then")
// kinda-sorta keywords that are common patterns even if not
// really-truly keywords
def `_*`: R1 = rule( `_` ~ "*" ~> Concat )
def `}` : R1 = rule( Semis.? ~> ExtractOpt ~ '}' ~> Concat )
def `{` : R1 = rule( '{' ~ (Semis.? ~> ExtractOpt) ~> Concat )
* helper printing function
def pr(s: String) = rule( run(println(s"LOGGING $cursor: $s")) )
def SemiR0 : R0 = rule( WSR0 ~ Basic.Semi )
def SemisR0: R0 = rule( SemiR0.+ )
def SSKeyword: R1
object IdBank extends ScopeBank[String] {
import ScopeSwitch._
def StandardId = rule ( WL ~ capture(Identifiers.Id) ~> Concat )
def Forbidden(rle: () => Rule1[_]): R1 = rule {!(rle()) ~ StandardId}
def NormalInScriptTerminator = rule(
| "*}"
| "?}"
| "!}"
| ".}"
| "...}"
| ">>"
| "==>"
def LaunchAnchorTerminator = rule (SSKeyword | "**]")
def LaunchTerminator = rule (SSKeyword | "*]")
def ruleMap = Map(
NORMAL -> {() => StandardId}
, NORMAL_IN_SCRIPT -> {() => Forbidden {() => NormalInScriptTerminator}}
, LAUNCH_ANCHOR -> {() => Forbidden {() => LaunchAnchorTerminator}}
, LAUNCH -> {() => Forbidden {() => LaunchTerminator}}
def Id : R1 = IdBank().apply()
def VarId : R1 = rule( WL ~ capture(Identifiers.VarId) ~> Concat )
def Literal: R1 = rule( WL ~ Literals.Literal ~> Concat )
// def Semi : R1 = rule( WS ~ capture(Basic.Semi) ~> Concat )
// def Semis : R1 = rule( Semi.+ ~> ConcatSeqNoDelim )
def Semi : R1 = rule( capture(SemiR0 ) )
def Semis : R1 = rule( capture(SemisR0) )
def Newline: R1 = rule( WL ~ capture(Basic.Newline) ~> Concat )
def QualId: R1 = rule( WL ~ OneOrMore(() => Id, () => '.') ~> Concat )
def Ids : R1 = rule( OneOrMore(() => Id, () => ',') )
def NotNewline: R1 = rule( capture(&( WS ~ !Basic.Newline )) )
def OneNLMax: R1 = {
def WSChar: R1 = rule( capture(Basic.WSChar.*) )
def ConsumeComments: R1 = rule( (WSChar ~ Literals.Comment ~ WSChar ~ capture(Basic.Newline) ~> Concat4).* ~> ConcatSeqNoDelim )
rule( WS ~ capture(Basic.Newline.?) ~ ConsumeComments ~ NotNewline ~> Concat4 )
def StableId: R1 = {
def ClassQualifier: R1 = rule( '[' ~ Id ~ ']' ~> Concat3 )
def ThisSuper : R1 = rule( `this` | `super` ~ (ClassQualifier.? ~> ExtractOpt) ~> Concat )
object PathDelimiterBank extends ScopeBank[String] {
import ScopeSwitch._
override val default = SCRIPT
def ruleMap = Map(
NORMAL -> {() => rule ('.') }
, SCRIPT -> {() => rule(capture(ch('.')) ~ !WLOneOrMoreR0)}
def PathDelimiter = PathDelimiterBank().apply()
def IdsTail = rule { (PathDelimiter ~ Id ~> Concat).* ~> ConcatSeqNoDelim }
def ThisSuperTailed = rule { ThisSuper ~ IdsTail ~> Concat }
(Id ~ PathDelimiter ~> Concat).* ~> ConcatSeqNoDelim ~ ThisSuperTailed ~> Concat
| Id ~ IdsTail ~> Concat
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