scalaParser.subscript.parser.Core.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalaParser.subscript
package parser
import language.implicitConversions
import org.parboiled2._
import scalaParser._
import scalaParser.syntax._
import scalaParser.subscript.ast.Ast
trait Core {this: SubScript with Exprs =>
def wspStrR0(s: String): R0 = rule( WLR0 ~ str(s))
def wspChR0 (s: Char ): R0 = rule( WLR0 ~ ch (s))
type R[T] = Rule1[T]
def `script` = KeyWordOperators.W("script")
def `let` = KeyWordOperators.W("let")
def `..` = KeyWordOperators.O("..")
def `+=` = KeyWordOperators.O("+=")
def `|` = KeyWordOperators.O("|" )
def `||` = KeyWordOperators.O("||" )
def `&` = KeyWordOperators.O("&" )
def `&&` = KeyWordOperators.O("&&" )
def `==` = KeyWordOperators.O("==" )
def plus = KeyWordOperators.O("+" )
def `/` = KeyWordOperators.O("/" )
def `%` = KeyWordOperators.O("%" )
def `%/%/` = KeyWordOperators.O("%/%/")
def `%/` = KeyWordOperators.O("%/" )
def `%%` = KeyWordOperators.O("%%" )
def `~~` = KeyWordOperators.O("~~" )
def `+~/~` = KeyWordOperators.O("+~/~")
def `<<` = KeyWordOperators.O("<<")
def `>>` = KeyWordOperators.O(">>")
def `==>` = KeyWordOperators.O("==>")
def `^` = KeyWordOperators.O("^")
def SSKeyword = rule (`then` | `script` | `let`)
def SSOperator = rule (
`|` | `||` | `&` | `&&` | `==` | plus | `/` | `%` | `%/%/` | `%/` | `%%` | capture(Basic.Newline)
| `~~` | `+~/~` | `>>` | `==>`
def SSOperatorOrKeyword = rule (SSKeyword | SSOperator)
def IdentedNewLine(col: Int): R0 = {
def ValidCol: R0 = {
val currentCol = Position(cursor, input).column
if (currentCol > col) MATCH else MISMATCH0
rule { WSR0 ~ Basic.Newline ~ WLR0 ~ ValidCol }
def col = Position(cursor, input).column - 1 // computes the current column of the parser
def IndentedNLSequence[T](r: () => R[T], minIndent: Int = Int.MaxValue): R[Seq[T]] = {
lazy val col2 = math.min(col, minIndent)
rule {WLR0 ~ Code {col2} ~ r().+(IdentedNewLine(col2))}
* Consumes all the white spaces (ws) before the rule r silently.
def Spaces[T](r: () => R[T], ws: () => R0 = () => WSR0): R[T] = rule { ws() ~ r() }
def IdS : R1 = Spaces(() => Id)
def StableIdS: R1 = Spaces(() => StableId)
def Careted(r: () => R[Ast.Node], parseCaret: Boolean = true): R[Ast.Annotation] = {
def MaybeCaret: R0 = if (parseCaret) rule {!WLOneOrMoreR0 ~ ch('^')} else rule {MATCH}
rule {r() ~ MaybeCaret ~> {raw: Ast.Node => Ast.Annotation(Ast.Literal(ast.Constants.DSL.Op.CARET), raw)}}
def DoubleCareted(r: () => R[Ast.Node]): R[Ast.Annotation] =
rule {r() ~ !WLOneOrMoreR0 ~ str("^^") ~> {raw: Ast.Node => Ast.Annotation(Ast.Literal(ast.Constants.DSL.Op.DOUBLE_CARET), raw)}}
def DoubleCaretedNumber(r: () => R[Ast.Node]): R[Ast.Annotation] =
rule {r() ~ !WLOneOrMoreR0 ~ str("^^") ~ !WLOneOrMoreR0 ~ Literals.Int ~> {(raw: Ast.Node, num: String) => Ast.Annotation(Ast.Literal(s"${ast.Constants.DSL.Op.DOUBLE_CARET_NUMBER}(${num.toInt})"), raw)}}
trait HighPriorityRulesConversions extends RuleDSLBasics {this: SubScript with Exprs =>
implicit def wspStrR1(s: String): R1 = rule( capture(wspStrR0(s)) )
implicit def wspChR1 (s: Char ): R1 = rule( capture(wspChR0 (s)) )
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