scalaParser.subscript.parser.Terms.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalaParser.subscript
package parser
import language.implicitConversions
import org.parboiled2._
import scalaParser._
import scalaParser.syntax._
import shapeless._
import scalaParser.subscript.ast.Ast
trait Terms {this: Operators with SubScript with Exprs with Switches =>
def ScriptTerm: R[Ast.Literal] =
rule {IdS ~> Ast.Literal}
def ValueExpr: R[Ast.Literal] = ScriptTerm
def SimpleValueExpr: R[Ast.Literal] = rule { WithNormalInScript {() => StatCtx.Expr} ~> Ast.Literal}
def ScalaSimplePrefixExpression: R1 = rule {capture(WLR0 ~ anyOf("-+~!")).? ~> ExtractOpt ~ StatCtx.SimpleExpr ~> Concat}
def ScriptCall: R[Ast.Term] = rule (
DoubleCaretedNumber {() => VarCallCaretPrefix}
| DoubleCareted {() => VarCallCaretPrefix}
| Careted ({() => VarCallCaretPrefix}, false)
| DoubleCaretedNumber {() => ScriptCallRaw}
| DoubleCareted {() => ScriptCallRaw}
| Careted {() => ScriptCallRaw}
| ScriptCallRaw
def ScriptCallBase: R1 = {
def Call = rule {StableIdS ~ ((!WLOneOrMoreR0 ~ TypeArgs).? ~> ExtractOpt) ~ ((!WLOneOrMoreR0 ~ ArgList).? ~> ExtractOpt) ~> Concat3}
rule {Call.+(ch('.')) ~> ConcatSeqDot}
def VarCallCaretPrefix: R[Ast.Normal] = {
def Trans1: Ast.ScriptCall => String = n => {
val varId: String = Ast.metaString(n.content.asInstanceOf[Ast.Literal].content)
rule {wspChR0('^') ~ !WLOneOrMoreR0 ~ ScriptCallRaw ~> Trans1 ~> Ast.Normal}
def ScriptCallRaw: R[Ast.ScriptCall] = rule {!(SSOperatorOrKeyword | `^`) ~ (
| ScriptCallOrdinary
def ScriptCallOrdinary: R[Ast.ScriptCall] =
rule {ScriptCallBase ~> Ast.Literal ~> Ast.ScriptCall}
def ScriptCallNice: R[Ast.ScriptCall] = {
def Trans1: (Option[String], String) => (String, String) = (suffix, arg) => {
val suffixUpper = {s => s.head.toString.toUpperCase + s.tail.mkString}.getOrElse("")
(suffixUpper, arg)
def Trans2: Seq[(String, String)] => (String, String) = {seq =>
val funNameSuffixes: Seq[String] =
val args : Seq[String] =
(funNameSuffixes.mkString, s"(${args.mkString(", ")})")
def Trans3: (String, (String, String)) => String = {case (base, (suffix, args)) => s"$base$suffix$args"}
def Trans4: (String, Seq[(String, String)]) => Seq[(String, String)] = (head, tail) => ("", head) +: tail
def Trans5: Option[Seq[(String, String)]] => Seq[(String, String)] = _.getOrElse(Nil)
def Trans6: (String, String) => String = (base, arg) => s"$base($arg)"
// Rules
def CompactCall: R1 = rule {ScriptCallBase ~ wspChR0(':') ~ ExprsStatHead ~> Trans6}
def CompactCallOrExpr: R1 = rule(
| ScalaSimplePrefixExpression
def ExprsStat : R[(String, String)] = rule {ExprsStatHead ~ ((wspChR0(',') ~ ExprsStatTail).? ~> Trans5) ~> Trans4 ~> Trans2}
def ExprsStatHead: R1 = rule { WSR0 ~ WithNiceScriptCall {() => CompactCallOrExpr}}
def ExprsStatTail: R[Seq[(String, String)]] = rule { ((WSR0 ~ IdS ~ wspChR0(':')).? ~ WSR0 ~ WithNiceScriptCall {() => CompactCallOrExpr} ~> Trans1).+(ch(',')) }
rule {ScriptCallBase ~ wspChR0(':') ~ ExprsStat ~> Trans3 ~> Ast.Literal ~> Ast.ScriptCall}
// Code fragments
def CodeFragment: R[Ast.Term] = rule (
DoubleCaretedNumber {() => CodeFragmentRaw}
| DoubleCareted {() => CodeFragmentRaw}
| Careted {() => CodeFragmentRaw}
| CodeFragmentRaw
def CodeFragmentRaw: R[Ast.CodeFragment] = {
def Body = rule (
| Threaded
| Unsure
| Normal
| Eventhandling
| Tiny
WithNormalInScript {() => Body}
def CodeFragmentMeta(symbolStart: String, symbolEnd: String): R1 = {
rule {wspStrR0(symbolStart) ~ Block ~ wspStrR0(symbolEnd)}
def CodeFragmentSimpleMeta[T <: Ast.CodeFragment](symbol: String, generator: String => T): R[T] =
rule {CodeFragmentMeta(s"{$symbol", s"$symbol}") ~> generator}
def Normal : R[Ast.Normal ] = CodeFragmentSimpleMeta("!" , Ast.Normal )
def Threaded : R[Ast.Threaded ] = CodeFragmentSimpleMeta("*" , Ast.Threaded )
def Unsure : R[Ast.Unsure ] = CodeFragmentSimpleMeta("?" , Ast.Unsure )
def Tiny : R[Ast.Tiny ] = CodeFragmentSimpleMeta(":" , Ast.Tiny )
def Eventhandling : R[Ast.Eventhandling ] = CodeFragmentSimpleMeta("." , Ast.Eventhandling )
def EventhandlingLoop: R[Ast.EventhandlingLoop] = CodeFragmentSimpleMeta("...", Ast.EventhandlingLoop)
// Declarations
def Declaration: R[Ast.Declaration] = rule {VarDecl | ValDecl}
def StandardDecl[T <: Ast.Declaration](keyword: () => Rule1[String], generator: (String, Option[String], Ast.Node) => T) = {
def Trans1: (String, String, Option[String], String, Ast.Literal) => T =
(_, id, tpe, _, expr) => generator(id, tpe, expr)
rule {keyword() ~ IdS ~ (`:` ~ Spaces(() => Type) ~> SecondStr).? ~ `=` ~ WSR0 ~ SimpleValueExpr ~> Trans1}
def VarDecl: R[Ast.VarDecl] = StandardDecl(() => `var`, Ast.VarDecl)
def ValDecl: R[Ast.ValDecl] = StandardDecl(() => `val`, Ast.ValDecl)
// Special leafs
def Special: R[Ast.Term] = rule (
| Epsilon
| Neutral
| WhileLeaf
| Let
| DoFragment
| Loop
| OptionalBreakLoop
| OptionalBreak
| Break
def SpecialConstant(rle: () => R1, counterpart: Ast.SpecialConstant): R[Ast.SpecialConstant] =
rule (rle() ~> {_: String => counterpart})
def SpecialConstant(symbol: String, counterpart: Ast.SpecialConstant): R[Ast.SpecialConstant] =
SpecialConstant(() => wspStrR1(symbol), counterpart)
def Delta = SpecialConstant("[-]" , Ast.Delta )
def Epsilon = SpecialConstant("[+]" , Ast.Epsilon )
def Neutral = SpecialConstant("[]" , Ast.Neutral )
def Loop = SpecialConstant("..." , Ast.Loop )
def OptionalBreakLoop = SpecialConstant("..?" , Ast.OptionalBreakLoop)
def OptionalBreak = SpecialConstant("break?", Ast.OptionalBreak )
def Break = SpecialConstant({ () => rule {wspStrR1("break") ~ !(CharPredicate.AlphaNum | ch('_') | ch('$'))} } , Ast.Break)
def WhileLeaf: R[Ast.While] = {
def Trans1: (String, String, String, String) => Ast.While = (_, _, condition, _) => Ast.While(condition)
def Trans2: (String, String) => Ast.While = (_, condition ) => Ast.While(condition)
def Standard: R[Ast.While] = rule( `while` ~ WSR0 ~ '(' ~ StatCtx.Expr ~ ')' ~> Trans1 )
def Nice : R[Ast.While] = rule( `while` ~ WSR0 ~ WithNiceScriptCall {() => ScalaSimplePrefixExpression} ~> Trans2)
rule (Standard | Nice)
// START: Shorthands for one linear code fragments
def Let: R[Ast.Tiny] = rule {`let` ~ WSR0 ~ StatCtx.Expr ~ (WSR0 ~ ch(';')).? ~> SecondStr ~> Ast.Tiny}
def DoFragment: R[Ast.CodeFragment] = {
def Body = rule (
| DoThreaded
| DoUnsure
| DoNormal
| DoEventhandling
WithNormalInScript {() => Body}
def DoFragmentMeta[T <: Ast.CodeFragment](symbol: String, generator: String => T): R[T] =
rule {`do` ~ str(symbol) ~ WSR0 ~ StatCtx.Expr ~ (WSR0 ~ ch(';')).? ~> SecondStr ~> generator}
def DoNormal : R[Ast.Normal ] = DoFragmentMeta("!" , Ast.Normal )
def DoThreaded : R[Ast.Threaded ] = DoFragmentMeta("*" , Ast.Threaded )
def DoUnsure : R[Ast.Unsure ] = DoFragmentMeta("?" , Ast.Unsure )
def DoEventhandling : R[Ast.Eventhandling ] = DoFragmentMeta("." , Ast.Eventhandling )
def DoEventhandlingLoop: R[Ast.EventhandlingLoop] = DoFragmentMeta("...", Ast.EventhandlingLoop)
// END: Shorthands for one linear code fragments
// Actors
def ActorScriptCall: R[Ast.ScriptCall] = rule {ActorCall ~> Ast.ScriptCall}
def ActorCall: R[Ast.ActorCall] = {
def Trans1: Ast.ActorShortClause => Seq[Ast.ActorShortClause] = x => Seq(x)
rule {wspStrR0("<<") ~ WLR0 ~ (ActorShortClause ~> Trans1 | ActorCaseClause.+) ~ wspStrR0(">>") ~> Ast.ActorCall}
def PatternWithGuard: R1 = rule {Pat ~ (ExprCtx.Guard.? ~> ExtractOpt) ~> Concat}
def ActorCaseClause: R[Ast.ActorCaseClause] =
rule( WLR0 ~ `case` ~ WithPattern {() => PatternWithGuard} ~> Concat ~ (`=>` ~ WithNormalInScript {() => Block} ~> Concat).? ~ (wspStrR0("==>") ~ ScriptBody).? ~> Ast.ActorCaseClause )
def ActorShortClause: R[Ast.ActorShortClause] =
rule( WSR0 ~ WithPattern {() => PatternWithGuard} ~ (`=>` ~ WithNormalInScript {() => Block} ~> Concat).? ~ (wspStrR0("==>") ~ ScriptBody).? ~> Ast.ActorShortClause )
// Scala terms
def ScalaTerm: R[Ast.Term] = rule (
DoubleCaretedNumber {() => CaretPrefixedScalaTerm}
| DoubleCareted {() => CaretPrefixedScalaTerm}
| Careted ({() => CaretPrefixedScalaTerm}, false)
| ScalaTermRaw ~> Ast.Literal ~> Ast.ScriptCall
def ScalaTermRaw: R1 = rule (
| Literal
| ScalaExprTerm
| ScalaTupleTerm
| StatCtx.New
def CaretPrefixedScalaTerm: R[Ast.Normal] =
rule {wspChR0('^') ~ !WLOneOrMoreR0 ~ ScalaTermRaw ~> Ast.Normal}
def ScalaExprTerm : R[String] = rule {wspChR0('(') ~ StatCtx.Expr ~ wspChR0(')')}
def ScalaTupleTerm: R[String] = rule {'(' ~ OneOrMore(() => StatCtx.Expr, () => ',') ~ ')' ~> Concat3}
// Formal params
def FormalParam: R[Ast.FormalParam] = rule (
| ConstrainedParam
| OutputParam
def OutputParam: R[Ast.OutputParam] =
rule {wspChR0('?') ~ !SSKeyword ~ capture(Identifiers.Id) ~> Ast.Literal ~> Ast.OutputParam}
def ConstrainedParam: R[Ast.ConstrainedParam] = {
def Trans1: (Ast.Node, Ast.Node) => Ast.ConstrainedParam = (id, condition) => Ast.ConstrainedParam(id, condition)
rule {wspChR0('?') ~ !SSKeyword ~ (capture(Identifiers.Id) ~> Ast.Literal) ~ wspStrR0("?if") ~ WSR0 ~ (ScalaSimplePrefixExpression ~> Ast.Literal) ~> Trans1}
def AdaptingParam: R[Ast.AdaptingParam] =
rule {wspStrR0("??") ~ !SSKeyword ~ capture(Identifiers.Id) ~> Ast.Literal ~> Ast.AdaptingParam}
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