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freeslick.MSSQLServerProfile.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package freeslick

import java.util.UUID

import slick.ast.TypeUtil.:@
import slick.dbio.DBIO
import slick.driver._
import slick.jdbc.meta.{ MColumn, MTable }
import slick.ast._
import slick.jdbc.{ JdbcModelBuilder, JdbcType, PositionedResult }
import slick.profile._
import slick.compiler._
import java.sql.{ ResultSet, Timestamp, Date, Time }

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import slick.ast._
import slick.util.MacroSupport.macroSupportInterpolation
import slick.profile.{ RelationalProfile, SqlProfile, Capability }
import slick.compiler.CompilerState
import slick.jdbc.{ JdbcModelBuilder, JdbcType }
import slick.jdbc.meta.{ MColumn, MTable }
import slick.model.Model

 * Slick profile for Microsoft SQL Server.
 * This profile implements the `scala.slick.driver.JdbcProfile`
 * ''without'' the following capabilities:
  • `scala.slick.driver.JdbcProfile.capabilities.returnInsertOther`: * When returning columns from an INSERT operation, only a single column * may be specified which must be the table's AutoInc column.
  • *
  • `scala.slick.profile.SqlProfile.capabilities.sequence`: * Sequences are not supported because SQLServer does not have this * feature.
  • *
  • `scala.slick.driver.JdbcProfile.capabilities.forceInsert`: * Inserting explicit values into AutoInc columns with ''forceInsert'' * operations is not supported.
  • *
*/ trait MSSQLServerProfile extends JdbcDriver { driver => override protected def computeCapabilities: Set[Capability] = (super.computeCapabilities - JdbcProfile.capabilities.forceInsert - JdbcProfile.capabilities.returnInsertOther - JdbcProfile.capabilities.returnInsertKey //TODO Sue - SqlProfile.capabilities.sequence - JdbcProfile.capabilities.supportsByte ) override protected def computeQueryCompiler = super.computeQueryCompiler.addAfter(new MSSQLRewriteBooleans, QueryCompiler.relationalPhases.last). addBefore(new ExistsToCount, QueryCompiler.relationalPhases.head) override val columnTypes = new JdbcTypes override def createModelBuilder(tables: Seq[MTable], ignoreInvalidDefaults: Boolean)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): JdbcModelBuilder = new ModelBuilder(tables, ignoreInvalidDefaults) override def createQueryBuilder(n: Node, state: CompilerState): QueryBuilder = new QueryBuilder(n, state) override def createColumnDDLBuilder(column: FieldSymbol, table: Table[_]): ColumnDDLBuilder = new ColumnDDLBuilder(column) override def createUpsertBuilder(node: Insert): InsertBuilder = new UpsertBuilder(node) override def defaultTables(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): DBIO[Seq[MTable]] = MTable.getTables(None, None, None, Some(Seq("TABLE"))) override def defaultSqlTypeName(tmd: JdbcType[_], size: Option[RelationalProfile.ColumnOption.Length]): String = tmd.sqlType match { case java.sql.Types.BOOLEAN => "BIT" case java.sql.Types.BLOB => "IMAGE" case java.sql.Types.CLOB => "TEXT" case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE => "FLOAT(53)" case java.sql.Types.FLOAT => "FLOAT(24)" case _ => super.defaultSqlTypeName(tmd, size) } class ModelBuilder(mTables: Seq[MTable], ignoreInvalidDefaults: Boolean)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends JdbcModelBuilder(mTables, ignoreInvalidDefaults) { override def createColumnBuilder(tableBuilder: TableBuilder, meta: MColumn): ColumnBuilder = new ColumnBuilder(tableBuilder, meta) { //TODO Sue why end up with all these brackets? override def rawDefault = => s.stripPrefix("(").stripPrefix("(").stripSuffix(")").stripSuffix(")")) override def default =, tpe)).collect { case (v, "Boolean") if v != "NULL" => { Some(v match { case "0" => Some(false) case _ => Some(true) }) } }.getOrElse { super.default } } } class MSSQLRewriteBooleans extends RewriteBooleans { override def rewriteRec(n: Node): Node = { val n2 = n.nodeMapChildren(rewriteRec, true) val n3 = rewrite(n2) if (n3 ne n2) logger.debug(s"Rewriting $n2 to $n3") n3 } override def rewrite(n: Node): Node = n match { case Library.SilentCast(sc) :@ tpe if isBooleanLike(tpe) => val newNode = sc newNode // case OptionApply(node) :@ tpe if isBooleanLike(tpe) => // val newNode = toReal(node).nodeTyped(n.nodeType) // newNode // All other boolean-typed operators produce real booleans but accept fake ones // case Apply(sym, ch) :@ tpe if isBooleanLike(tpe) => // val newNode = toFake(Apply(sym, ch)(n.nodeType)) // newNode // Where clauses, join conditions and case clauses need real boolean predicates // case n@Comprehension(from, where, groupBy, orderBy, select, fetch, offset) => // val newNode = n.copy(where = { // case ln:TypedNode if isBooleanLike(ln.tpe) => { // println ("SueWherexx " + ln) // toReal(ln) // } // case x => x // }).nodeTyped(n.nodeType) //// newNode.copy(select ={ //// case Apply(sym, ch) :@ tpe if isBooleanLike(tpe) => //// toFake(Apply(sym, ch)(n.nodeType)) //// case x => super.rewrite(x) //// }) // newNode // super.rewrite(n) // case n@Join(leftGen, rightGen, left, right, jt, on) => // on match { // case ln:LiteralNode if isBooleanLike(ln.tpe) => // val newNode = n.copy (on = toReal (on) ).nodeTyped (n.nodeType) // println ("SueJoinxx " + newNode) // newNode // case x => super.rewrite(x) // } // case cond@IfThenElse(_) => { // println("Suexx " + cond) // val newNode = cond.mapConditionClauses(toReal) // n // } case n => super.rewrite(n) } } class QueryBuilder(tree: Node, state: CompilerState) extends super.QueryBuilder(tree, state) with RowNumberPagination { override protected val supportsTuples = false override protected val concatOperator = Some("+") override protected def buildSelectModifiers(c: Comprehension) { (c.fetch, c.offset) match { case (Some(t), Some(d)) => b"top ($d + $t) " case (Some(t), None) => b"top $t " case (None, _) => if (c.orderBy.nonEmpty) b"top 100 percent " } } override protected def buildOrdering(n: Node, o: Ordering) { if (o.nulls.last && !o.direction.desc) b"case when ($n) is null then 1 else 0 end," else if (o.nulls.first && o.direction.desc) b"case when ($n) is null then 0 else 1 end," expr(n) if (o.direction.desc) b" desc" } override def expr(n: Node, skipParens: Boolean = false): Unit = n match { // Cast bind variables of type TIME to TIME (otherwise they're treated as TIMESTAMP) case c @ LiteralNode(v) if c.volatileHint && jdbcTypeFor(c.tpe) == columnTypes.timeJdbcType => b"cast(" super.expr(n, skipParens) b" as ${columnTypes.timeJdbcType.sqlTypeName(None)})" case QueryParameter(extractor, tpe) if jdbcTypeFor(tpe) == columnTypes.timeJdbcType => b"cast(" super.expr(n, skipParens) b" as ${columnTypes.timeJdbcType.sqlTypeName(None)})" case Library.Substring(s, start) => b"substring($s, ${QueryParameter.constOp[Int]("+")(_ + _)(start, LiteralNode(1))}, ${QueryParameter.constOp[Int]("+")(_ + _)(LiteralNode(999999998), LiteralNode(1))})\)" case Library.Repeat(s, count) => b"replicate($s, $count)" case _ => super.expr(n, skipParens) } } class ColumnDDLBuilder(column: FieldSymbol) extends super.ColumnDDLBuilder(column) { override protected def appendOptions(sb: StringBuilder) { if (defaultLiteral ne null) sb append " DEFAULT " append defaultLiteral if (notNull) sb append " NOT NULL" if (primaryKey) sb append " PRIMARY KEY" if (autoIncrement) sb append " IDENTITY" } } class UpsertBuilder(ins: Insert) extends super.UpsertBuilder(ins) { // SQL Server need statement terminated with ; override protected def buildMergeEnd: String = super.buildMergeEnd + ";" //holdlock needed override protected def buildMergeStart: String = s"merge into $tableName with (holdlock) t using (" } class JdbcTypes extends super.JdbcTypes { override val booleanJdbcType = new BooleanJdbcType override val byteJdbcType = new ByteJdbcType override val dateJdbcType = new DateJdbcType override val timeJdbcType = new TimeJdbcType override val timestampJdbcType = new TimestampJdbcType override val uuidJdbcType = new UUIDJdbcType { override def sqlTypeName(size: Option[RelationalProfile.ColumnOption.Length]) = "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER" } /* SQL Server does not have a proper BOOLEAN type. The suggested workaround is * BIT with constants 1 and 0 for TRUE and FALSE. */ class BooleanJdbcType extends super.BooleanJdbcType { override def valueToSQLLiteral(value: Boolean) = if (value) "1" else "0" } /* Selecting a straight Date or Timestamp literal fails with a NPE (probably * because the type information gets lost along the way), so we cast all Date * and Timestamp values to the proper type. This work-around does not seem to * be required for Time values. */ class DateJdbcType extends super.DateJdbcType { override def valueToSQLLiteral(value: Date) = "(convert(date, {d '" + value + "'}))" } class TimeJdbcType extends super.TimeJdbcType { override def valueToSQLLiteral(value: Time) = "(convert(time, {t '" + value + "'}))" override def getValue(r: ResultSet, idx: Int) = { val s = r.getString(idx) val sep = s.indexOf('.') if (sep == -1) Time.valueOf(s) else { val t = Time.valueOf(s.substring(0, sep)) val millis = (("0." + s.substring(sep + 1)).toDouble * 1000.0).toInt t.setTime(t.getTime + millis) t } } } class TimestampJdbcType extends super.TimestampJdbcType { /* TIMESTAMP in SQL Server is a data type for sequence numbers. What we * want here is DATETIME. */ override def sqlTypeName(size: Option[RelationalProfile.ColumnOption.Length]) = "DATETIME" override def valueToSQLLiteral(value: Timestamp) = "(convert(datetime, {ts '" + value + "'}))" } /* SQL Server's TINYINT is unsigned, so we use SMALLINT instead to store a signed byte value. * The JDBC driver also does not treat signed values correctly when reading bytes from result * sets, so we read as Short and then convert to Byte. */ class ByteJdbcType extends super.ByteJdbcType { override def sqlTypeName(size: Option[RelationalProfile.ColumnOption.Length]) = "SMALLINT" //def setValue(v: Byte, p: PositionedParameters) = p.setByte(v) //def setOption(v: Option[Byte], p: PositionedParameters) = p.setByteOption(v) override def getValue(r: ResultSet, idx: Int) = r.getShort(idx).toByte //def updateValue(v: Byte, r: PositionedResult) = r.updateByte(v) } } /** * Query compiler phase that rewrites Exists calls in projections to * equivalent CountAll > 0 calls which can then be fused into aggregation * sub-queries in the fuseComprehensions phase. */ class ExistsToCount extends Phase { val name = "mssql:existsToCount" def apply(state: CompilerState) = => tr(n, false)) protected def tr(n: Node, inSelect: Boolean): Node = n match { case b @ Bind(_, _, sel) => b.nodeMapChildren { n => tr(n, n eq sel) } case f: FilteredQuery => f.nodeMapChildren(tr(_, false)) case a @ Library.Exists(ch) if inSelect => Library.>.typed[Boolean](Library.CountAll.typed[Int](tr(ch, true)), LiteralNode(0)) case n => n.nodeMapChildren(ch => tr(ch, inSelect)) } } } object MSSQLServerProfile extends MSSQLServerProfile

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