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org.suecarter.tablediff.ReportContent.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.suecarter.tablediff

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import org.suecarter.tablediff.ReportContent._
import org.suecarter.tablediff.TableDiff.ValueDiff

  * Class to contain report content.
  * Think of the report being broken into 4 sections
  * {{{
  * rowColumnHeaders| columnHeaders
  * -------------------------------
  * rowHeaders      | mainData
  * }}}
  * @param rowHeaders       bottom left section
  * @param columnHeaders    top right section
  * @param mainData         bottom right section
  * @param rowColumnHeaders top left section
  * @param fillForwardBlankHeaders if repeating values in the header sections are left blank, fill forward the values
  *                                so that the produced diff has better context in header which drives the diff
  *                               matching algorithm. Default true
  * @tparam R Type of row header elements
  * @tparam C Type of all column header elements (including rowColumn header)
  * @tparam M Type of main data elements
case class ReportContent[+R, +C, +M](
    rowHeaders: ReportSection[R] = emptySection,
    columnHeaders: ReportSection[C] = emptySection,
    mainData: ReportSection[M] = emptySection,
    rowColumnHeaders: ReportSection[C] = emptySection,
    fillForwardBlankHeaders: Boolean = true
) {
  def this(r: Array[Array[R]], c: Array[Array[C]], m: Array[Array[M]], rch: Array[Array[C]]) =

  // the shape of sections that need to be pivoted have to be like, (if not just square)
  // ****
  // ***
  // ***
  // *
  private def assertSectionIsTipTriangle[T](section: ReportSection[T], sectionName: String) = {
      section.sliding(2).collect { case Seq(l, r) => l.size >= r.size }.forall(x => x),
      sectionName + " section needs to have same or decreasing number of elements in each row\n" +
          .map(row => row.toString() + " " + row.size + " element" + (if (row.size > 1) "s" else ""))
          .mkString("\n") + "\n" +
  assertSectionIsTipTriangle(rowColumnHeaders, "Top left")
  assertSectionIsTipTriangle(columnHeaders, "Top right")

    * report is considered empty if every section has zero width and height
  def isEmpty = rowWidth == 0 && columnCount == 0 && mainDataColumnCount == 0

    * true if there is data in any of the report sections
  def nonEmpty = !isEmpty

    * how deep is the row section
  val rowSectionWidth = (0 +:

    * how deep are the row headers
  val rowWidth = math.max((0 +:, rowSectionWidth)

    * how many rows
  val rowCount = rowHeaders.size

    * how deep are the column headers
  val columnDepth = math.max(columnHeaders.size, rowColumnHeaders.size)

    * how many main columns
  val columnCount = (0 +:

    * how many rows in the main data
  val mainDataRows = mainData.size

    * how many columns in the main data
  def mainDataColumnCount = (0 +:

    * Utility to apply function to every element in this report
    * @return A new transformed report
  def mapAllCells[T >: Any, S](mapFunction: (T) => S) =
    ReportContent[S, S, S](
      rowHeaders =,
      columnHeaders =,
      mainData =,
      rowColumnHeaders =

    * check to see if this report is equivalent to right report
    * @return true if all sections are equal.
  def isEquivalent(rightReport: ReportContent[_, _, _]) =
    ((rowWidth == 0 && rightReport.rowWidth == 0) || (rowHeaders == rightReport.rowHeaders && rowColumnHeaders == rightReport.rowColumnHeaders)) &&
      ((columnCount == 0 && rightReport.columnCount == 0) || columnHeaders == rightReport.columnHeaders) &&
      ((mainDataColumnCount == 0 && rightReport.mainDataColumnCount == 0) || mainData == rightReport.mainData)

object ReportContent {
  type ReportSection[+T] = ReportRow[ReportRow[T]]
  type ReportRow[+T] = Seq[T]

    * Construct empty report
  protected[tablediff] def emptyReport[T] = ReportContent[T, T, T]()
  protected[tablediff] def emptyRow[T] = Seq[T]()
  protected[tablediff] def emptySection[T] = Seq[T]()

    * Construct report from Array of Array
  def apply[T](content: Array[Array[T]], rowWidth: Int, colDepth: Int) = {
    val (top, bottom) =
    val (topLeft, topRight) =
    val (bottomLeft, bottomRight) =
    new ReportContent[T, T, T](bottomLeft, topRight, bottomRight, topLeft)

  protected[tablediff] def fillSectionHeaders[T](section: ReportSection[T]) =
    rowsProcessForward(section, fillRow[T])

  protected[tablediff] def removeHeaderDuplicates[T](section: ReportSection[ValueDiff[T]]) =
    rowsProcessForward[ValueDiff[T]](section, removeRowDuplicates[T])

  private def zipAllOption[T](left: ReportRow[T], right: ReportRow[T]) = zipAll (, None, None)

  // isEmpty is a best guess at seeing if a value is "Empty". Will delegate to isEmpty method on the object if it exists
  protected[tablediff] val isEmpty = new PartialFunction[Any, Boolean] {
    def apply(o: Any) = {
      val trimmed = o match {
        case s: String             => s.trim
        case c: Char               => c.toString.trim
        case d if d == Right(None) => ""
        case x                     => x
      isDefinedAt(trimmed) && {
        trimmed match {
          case a: AnyRef => a.getClass.getMethod("isEmpty").invoke(trimmed).asInstanceOf[Boolean]

    def isDefinedAt(o: Any) =
      try {
      } catch {
        case _: Throwable => false

  private def fillRow[T](headRow: ReportRow[T], tailRow: ReportRow[T], originalHeadRow: ReportRow[Any]) = {
    val paddedZip = zipAllOption(headRow, tailRow) {
      case ((head, tail), index) => {
        def emptyToLeft = paddedZip.take(index).forall { case (_, l) => }
        tail match {
          case Some(x) if isEmpty(x) && emptyToLeft => head
          case Some(_)                              => tail
          case None if emptyToLeft                  => head
          case None                                 => None

  // only call the removal on a diff report result. This allows the use of Right(None) for an empty cell
  private def removeRowDuplicates[T](
      headRow: ReportRow[ValueDiff[T]],
      tailRow: ReportRow[ValueDiff[T]],
      originalHeadRow: ReportRow[ValueDiff[T]]
  ): ReportRow[ValueDiff[T]] = {
      case (tail, index) => {
        if (originalHeadRow.take(index + 1) == tailRow.take(index + 1)) Right(None) else tail

  private def rowsProcessForward[T](
      section: ReportSection[T],
      rowFunction: (ReportRow[T], ReportRow[T], ReportRow[T]) => ReportRow[T]
  ) = {
    def processRowsForward(
        accumulator: ReportSection[T],
        headRow: ReportRow[T],
        originalHeadRow: ReportRow[T],
        tailRows: ReportSection[T]
    ): ReportSection[T] =
      tailRows match {
        case Nil => accumulator :+ headRow
        case _ =>
            accumulator :+ headRow,
            rowFunction(headRow, tailRows.head, originalHeadRow),
    section match {
      case Nil => section
      case _   => processRowsForward(emptyRow, section.head, section.head, section.tail)

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