org.suecarter.tablediff.StringTableDiff.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.suecarter.tablediff
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object StringTableDiff {
import TableDiff._
import ReportContent._
* @param report
* @return String representation of the Report
def diffReportToString(report: ReportContent[_, _, _]) =
if (report.isEmpty) {
"Empty report"
} else {
// take a report section and turn it into a ReportSection with all entries being ValueDiffs
// the flatten fns take ValueDiff ReportSections
def valueDiffise[T](reportSection: ReportSection[T]): ReportSection[ValueDiff[T]] =
reportSection.map(_.map { x =>
val diffValue = x match {
case diff: ValueDiff[T] @unchecked => diff
case value => Right(Some(value))
def charRepeat(c: Char, count: Int) = new String((0 until count).map(x => c).toArray)
val diffReport: ReportContent[ValueDiff[Any], ValueDiff[Any], ValueDiff[Any]] =
rowHeaders = valueDiffise(report.rowHeaders),
columnHeaders = valueDiffise(report.columnHeaders),
mainData = valueDiffise(report.mainData),
rowColumnHeaders = valueDiffise(report.rowColumnHeaders)
// If the cell contains a multi line string, then extend the report rows
def extendMultiLine(rows: ReportSection[String]): ReportSection[String] =
rows.flatMap { row =>
val splitRows = row.map(_.split("\n").toSeq)
val rowLength = splitRows.map(_.size).max
TableDiff.pivotHeaders[String](splitRows.map(row => row ++ (row.size until rowLength).map(x => "")))
val columnHeaders = extendMultiLine(flattenColumnHeaders(diffReport).map(h => h.map(valueDiffRenderer(_))))
val rows = extendMultiLine(flattenTableRows(diffReport).map(h => h.map(valueDiffRenderer(_))))
def maxStringWidth(headers: ReportSection[String]): Seq[Int] = {
def inner(accumulator: Seq[Int], headers: ReportSection[String]): Seq[Int] =
headers.filter(_.nonEmpty) match {
case Nil => accumulator
case hs => inner(accumulator :+ hs.map(_.head.size).max, hs.map(_.tail))
inner(Seq(), headers)
val columnWidths = maxStringWidth(columnHeaders ++ rows)
def horizontalLine(char: Char = '-') = {
val (l, r) = columnWidths.splitAt(report.rowWidth)
(if (l.isEmpty) "" else l.map(i => charRepeat(char, i)).mkString("+", "-", if (r.isEmpty) "+" else "")) +
(if (r.isEmpty) "" else r.map(i => charRepeat(char, i)).mkString("+", "-", "+"))
def resizeRowCells(row: Seq[String]) =
row.zipWithIndex.map {
case (cell, i) => cell + charRepeat(' ', columnWidths(i) - cell.size)
}.mkString("|", "|", "|") + {
val sizeMissing = columnWidths.size - row.size
if (sizeMissing > 0)
(row.size until columnWidths.size).map(i => charRepeat(' ', columnWidths(i))).mkString("", "|", "|")
else ""
// produce output string. Resizing cells as we go, to square off the grid
(if (report.columnDepth > 0)
horizontalLine('-') + "\n" + columnHeaders.map(resizeRowCells).mkString("", "\n", "\n")
else "") +
horizontalLine('-') + "\n" +
(if (rows.nonEmpty) {
rows.map(resizeRowCells).mkString("", "\n", "\n") +
horizontalLine('-') + "\n"
} else "")
// generate in-place style diffs
def valueDiffRenderer[T](
value: ValueDiff[T],
valueRenderer: (T) => String = (x: T) => x.toString,
missingLeft: String = "[-",
addedLeft: String = "{+",
sameLeft: String = "",
missingRight: String = "-]",
addedRight: String = "+}",
sameRight: String = "",
chunkSize: Option[Int] = None,
complexityThreshold: Int = 4
) =
l => {
val leftString = l.left.map(x => if (isEmpty(x)) "" else valueRenderer(x)).getOrElse("")
val rightString = l.right.map(x => if (isEmpty(x)) "" else valueRenderer(x)).getOrElse("")
val diffs = chunkSize
.map(c => zipLongestCommonSubsequence(leftString, rightString, c))
.getOrElse(zipLongestCommonSubsequence(leftString, rightString))
val onlyNumericDiffs = {
case class NumberState(
digitYet: Boolean = false,
digitsAndLetters: Boolean = false,
decimalPointYet: Boolean = false,
onlyNumerics: Boolean = false,
numericMinusYet: Boolean = false
val diffElements = diffs.span(!_.hasANone)._2.reverse.span(!_.hasANone)._2
.foldLeft(NumberState()) {
(state, diffLoc) =>
val s = diffLoc.value match {
case _ if state.digitsAndLetters => state // never be true once digitsAndLetters is true
case m if m == '-' && !state.digitYet =>
state.copy(numericMinusYet = true, digitYet = true, onlyNumerics = true)
case p if p == '.' && state.decimalPointYet => state.copy(onlyNumerics = false)
case p if p == '.' => state.copy(decimalPointYet = true)
case d if Character.isDigit(d) => state.copy(digitYet = true, onlyNumerics = true)
case _ => state.copy(digitsAndLetters = true, onlyNumerics = false)
// little helper class to manage the complexity of the diff, default being no complexity
case class DiffComplex(value: String = "", complex: Int = 0) {
def prependValue(pre: Char) = this.copy(value = s"${pre}${value}")
def decorate(xOpt: Option[DiffLocation[Char]], yOpt: Option[DiffLocation[Char]]) = {
val typeChange = xOpt.map(x => x.locationType) != yOpt.map(y => y.locationType)
if (typeChange) {
val xDiff = xOpt
.map(_.locationType match {
case OnlyLeft => DiffComplex(missingRight, 1)
case OnlyRight => DiffComplex(addedRight, 1)
case InBoth => DiffComplex(sameRight, 0)
val yDiff = yOpt
.map(_.locationType match {
case OnlyLeft => DiffComplex(missingLeft, 0) // for every open there's a close
case OnlyRight => DiffComplex(addedLeft, 0) // so no need to add complexity
case InBoth => DiffComplex(sameLeft, 0)
DiffComplex(xDiff.value + yDiff.value, xDiff.complex + yDiff.complex)
} else DiffComplex()
val inPlaceDiff =
diffs.headOption.map(head => decorate(None, Some(head))).getOrElse(DiffComplex()) +:
.map {
case x :: y :: Nil => decorate(Some(x), Some(y)).prependValue(x.value)
case _ => DiffComplex() // Do nothing here as it's caught by tailOption and headOption bits
.toList :+
diffs.lastOption.map(tail => decorate(Some(tail), None).prependValue(tail.value)).getOrElse(DiffComplex())
// somewhat arbitrary, but if the inplace diff is longer than a simple diff, just return the simple one
if (onlyNumericDiffs || inPlaceDiff.map(_.complex).sum >= complexityThreshold)
l.left.map(x => if (isEmpty(x)) "" else missingLeft + valueRenderer(x) + missingRight).getOrElse("") +
l.right.map(x => if (isEmpty(x)) "" else addedLeft + valueRenderer(x) + addedRight).getOrElse("")
r => r.map(sameLeft + _.toString + sameRight).getOrElse("")
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