org.suecarter.tablediff.TableDiff.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.suecarter.tablediff
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import ReportContent._
import scala.util.Properties
* Value differs on side to the other. None means the value is missing on that side
* @param left Optional value on left of diff
* @param right Optional value on right of diff
case class EitherSide[T](left: Option[T], right: Option[T])
* Enumeration of the types of Diffs, only left, only right or both
protected[tablediff] sealed trait DiffLocationType
protected[tablediff] case object OnlyLeft extends DiffLocationType
protected[tablediff] case object OnlyRight extends DiffLocationType
protected[tablediff] case object InBoth extends DiffLocationType
* Represents a diff and where it optionally sits on the right and left side
* @param value actual value
* @param iLeft optional index into left sequence
* @param iRight optional index into right sequence
protected[tablediff] case class DiffLocation[T](value: T, iLeft: Option[Int], iRight: Option[Int]) {
require(iLeft.isDefined || iRight.isDefined, "At least one of iLeft or iRight must have a value")
def hasANone = locationType match {
case OnlyLeft | OnlyRight => true
case InBoth => false
def locationType: DiffLocationType =
if (iLeft.isDefined && iRight.isDefined)
else if (iRight.isDefined)
else // if (iLeft.isDefined)
* Functions to produce and handle diff reports
object TableDiff {
* Represents a value that could be a diff. Left is a diff. Right is not a diff, but is an option which is None
* if there is no value
type ValueDiff[T] = Either[EitherSide[T], Option[T]]
protected[tablediff] def pivotHeaders[T](reportSection: ReportSection[T]): ReportSection[T] = {
def inner(accumulator: ReportSection[T], r: ReportSection[T]): ReportSection[T] =
r.filter(_.nonEmpty) match {
case Nil => accumulator
case hs: ReportSection[T] => inner(accumulator :+ hs.map(_.head), hs.map(_.tail))
inner(emptyRow, reportSection)
// Take a diff of a sequence and turn it into a Seq of individual diffs
private def splitSeqDiff[T](seqDiff: DiffLocation[ValueDiff[ReportRow[T]]]): ReportRow[ValueDiff[T]] =
l => {
val leftSeq = l.left.getOrElse(emptyRow).map(Option(_))
val rightSeq = l.right.getOrElse(emptyRow).map(Option(_))
for ((left, right) <- leftSeq.zipAll(rightSeq, None, None))
if (left == right)
Left(EitherSide(left, right))
r => r.map(x => x.map(y => Right(Some(y)))).getOrElse(emptyRow)
private def emptyDiffCells(i: Int) = (0 until i).map(x => Right(None))
// fill in space at top left of table column header if needed
protected[tablediff] def flattenColumnHeaders[C](report: ReportContent[_, ValueDiff[C], _]) = {
val paddedRowColumnHeaders =
(report.rowColumnHeaders.size to report.columnDepth - 1).map(x => Seq()) ++ report.rowColumnHeaders
paddedRowColumnHeaders.zipAll(report.columnHeaders, Seq(), Seq()).map {
case (rch, ch) =>
rch ++ emptyDiffCells(report.rowWidth - rch.size) ++ ch ++ emptyDiffCells(report.columnCount - ch.size)
// join up row headers and main table section
protected[tablediff] def flattenTableRows[T, R <: T, M <: T](
report: ReportContent[ValueDiff[R], _, ValueDiff[M]]
): ReportSection[ValueDiff[T]] =
.zipAll(report.mainData, Seq(), Seq())
.map {
case (r, m) =>
r ++ emptyDiffCells(report.rowWidth - r.size) ++ m ++ emptyDiffCells(report.mainDataColumnCount - m.size)
// asInstanceOf here as compiler can't work it out, but is safe R,M <: T
* @param diffReport a report containing diffs
* @tparam R Row header type
* @tparam C Column header type
* @tparam M Main data type
* @return the input diff report filtered to just rows and columns containing diffs
def onlyTheDiffs[R, C, M](diffReport: ReportContent[ValueDiff[R], ValueDiff[C], ValueDiff[M]]) = {
val report = if (diffReport.fillForwardBlankHeaders) fillForwardReportHeaders(diffReport) else diffReport
val (filteredRows, mainData) =
.zipAll(report.mainData, Seq(Right(None)), Seq(Right(None)))
.filter {
case (r, m) => !(r.filter(_.isLeft).isEmpty && m.filter(_.isLeft).isEmpty)
val (cols, main) =
.zipAll(pivotHeaders(mainData), Seq(Right(None)), Seq(Right(None)))
.filter {
case (r, m) => !(r.filter(_.isLeft).isEmpty && m.filter(_.isLeft).isEmpty)
val filteredColumns = pivotHeaders(cols)
val filteredMain = pivotHeaders(main)
val filteredReport = ReportContent(
if ((!filteredRows.isEmpty) || !report.rowColumnHeaders.filter(!_.filter(_.isLeft).isEmpty).isEmpty)
else emptySection
if (diffReport.fillForwardBlankHeaders) removeDuplicateReportHeaders(filteredReport) else filteredReport
// default argument separated out so it can be used in Java compatibility layer
protected def defaultMainValueComparison[T] = (l: Option[T], r: Option[T]) => l == r
* Produce a report that is the diff of the left and right report
* @param mainValueComparison override the comparison function to see if two elements are the same
* default is ==
* @tparam R Row header type
* @tparam C Column header type
* @tparam M Main data type
* @return report containing a representation of any diffs
def produceReportDiff[R, C, M](
leftReport: ReportContent[R, C, M],
rightReport: ReportContent[R, C, M],
mainValueComparison: (Option[M], Option[M]) => Boolean = defaultMainValueComparison,
chunkSize: Int = diffChunkSize
): ReportContent[ValueDiff[R], ValueDiff[C], ValueDiff[M]] = {
// get the value from the main data corresponding to this row and column indexes
def mainValue(rowIndex: Option[Int], colIndex: Option[Int], report: ReportContent[R, C, M]): Option[M] =
rowIndex.flatMap(r =>
colIndex.flatMap(c =>
if (r < report.mainData.size && c < report.mainData(r).size) {
val a = report.mainData(r)(c)
} else None
def headerValue[T](h: DiffLocation[T]): ValueDiff[T] =
if (h.hasANone)
Left(EitherSide(h.iLeft.map(x => h.value), h.iRight.map(a => h.value)))
def mainValueDiff(row: DiffLocation[_], col: DiffLocation[_]): ValueDiff[M] = {
val left = mainValue(row.iLeft, col.iLeft, leftReport)
val right = mainValue(row.iRight, col.iRight, rightReport)
if (mainValueComparison(left, right)) Right(left) else Left(EitherSide(left, right))
// this logic tries to collapse headers diff back to a single ValueDiff if the mainData matches
// (i.e. only the headerValue is a diff). Will only search "one" row down for match
def collapseHeaders[T](
headerRows: ReportRow[DiffLocation[T]],
leftMainData: ReportSection[M],
rightMainData: ReportSection[M]
): ReportRow[DiffLocation[ValueDiff[T]]] = {
def inner[S](
accumulator: ReportRow[DiffLocation[ValueDiff[S]]],
headerRows: ReportRow[DiffLocation[S]],
leftMainData: ReportSection[M],
rightMainData: ReportSection[M]
): ReportRow[DiffLocation[ValueDiff[S]]] =
if (headerRows.isEmpty)
else {
val (head, tailSection): (DiffLocation[ValueDiff[S]], ReportRow[DiffLocation[S]]) = headerRows match {
case Seq(dlLeft @ DiffLocation(leftValue, Some(leftI), None), tail @ _*) => {
// find row with just a left value
val matchingRightValue: Option[(DiffLocation[TableDiff.ValueDiff[S]], ReportRow[DiffLocation[S]])] =
tail.collectFirst {
// try to match to row with just a right value
case dlRight @ DiffLocation(rightValue, None, Some(rightI)) => {
val leftI = dlLeft.iLeft.getOrElse(0)
val rightI = dlRight.iRight.getOrElse(0)
if (((leftMainData.isEmpty && rightMainData.isEmpty) // either main data is empty
|| ((leftMainData.size >= leftI + 1) && // or indexes point to same elements, 1 row away
(rightMainData.size >= rightI + 1) &&
leftMainData(leftI) == rightMainData(rightI)))
&& rightI == accumulator.flatMap(_.iRight).reduceOption(_ max _).getOrElse(-1) + 1)
Left(EitherSide(Some(dlLeft.value), Some(dlRight.value))),
tail.filterNot(_ == dlRight)
(DiffLocation(headerValue(dlLeft), Some(leftI), None), tail)
matchingRightValue.getOrElse((DiffLocation(headerValue(dlLeft), Some(leftI), None), tail))
case Seq(dl @ DiffLocation(_, leftI, rightI), tail @ _*) =>
(DiffLocation(headerValue(dl), leftI, rightI), tail)
inner(accumulator :+ head, tailSection, leftMainData, rightMainData)
inner(emptyRow, headerRows, leftMainData, rightMainData)
// used to fill in headers such that they line up with the mainData section
def extraHeaders[S](
howManyLeft: Int,
startIndexLeft: Int,
howManyRight: Int,
startIndexRight: Int
): ReportRow[DiffLocation[ValueDiff[S]]] =
(0 until howManyLeft).map(Option(_)).zipAll((0 until howManyRight).map(Option(_)), None, None).map {
case (l, r) =>
DiffLocation[ValueDiff[S]](Right(None), l.map(_ + startIndexLeft), r.map(_ + startIndexRight))
// get LCSs for both ColumnHeader sections
def zipLCSColumnSection(
leftSection: ReportSection[C],
rightSection: ReportSection[C]
): ReportRow[DiffLocation[ReportRow[C]]] =
if (leftReport.fillForwardBlankHeaders)
if (rightReport.fillForwardBlankHeaders)
chunkSize = chunkSize
val resultCols = zipLCSColumnSection(leftReport.columnHeaders, rightReport.columnHeaders)
val resultRowColHeaders = zipLCSColumnSection(leftReport.rowColumnHeaders, rightReport.rowColumnHeaders)
// get LCSs for RowHeader section
def flattenRowHeaderSection(report: ReportContent[R, _, _]) =
if (report.rowSectionWidth > 0) report.rowHeaders else (0 until report.mainDataRows).map(x => Seq[R]())
val leftRowHeaders = flattenRowHeaderSection(leftReport)
val rightRowHeaders = flattenRowHeaderSection(rightReport)
val resultRows = zipLongestCommonSubsequence(
if (leftReport.fillForwardBlankHeaders) fillSectionHeaders(leftRowHeaders) else leftRowHeaders,
if (rightReport.fillForwardBlankHeaders) fillSectionHeaders(rightRowHeaders) else rightRowHeaders,
chunkSize = chunkSize
// process row and column headers in context of MainData section
val rows: ReportRow[DiffLocation[ValueDiff[ReportRow[R]]]] =
collapseHeaders(resultRows, leftReport.mainData, rightReport.mainData) ++
leftReport.mainDataRows - leftRowHeaders.size,
rightReport.mainDataRows - rightRowHeaders.size,
val cols: ReportRow[DiffLocation[ValueDiff[ReportRow[C]]]] =
collapseHeaders(resultCols, pivotHeaders(leftReport.mainData), pivotHeaders(rightReport.mainData)) ++
leftReport.mainDataColumnCount - leftReport.columnCount,
rightReport.mainDataColumnCount - rightReport.columnCount,
val rowsContent: ReportSection[ValueDiff[R]] = rows.map(splitSeqDiff)
val rowColumnHeadersContent: ReportSection[ValueDiff[C]] =
collapseHeaders(resultRowColHeaders, Seq(), Seq()).map(splitSeqDiff)
val colsContent: ReportSection[ValueDiff[C]] = cols.map(splitSeqDiff)
val diffReportFillForward = leftReport.fillForwardBlankHeaders && rightReport.fillForwardBlankHeaders
if (diffReportFillForward) removeHeaderDuplicates(rowsContent) else rowsContent,
pivotHeaders(if (diffReportFillForward) removeHeaderDuplicates(colsContent) else colsContent),
rows.map(row => cols.map(col => mainValueDiff(row, col))),
rowColumnHeaders = pivotHeaders(
if (diffReportFillForward) removeHeaderDuplicates(rowColumnHeadersContent) else rowColumnHeadersContent
fillForwardBlankHeaders = diffReportFillForward
protected[tablediff] def removeDuplicateReportHeaders[R, C, M](
report: ReportContent[ValueDiff[R], ValueDiff[C], ValueDiff[M]]
) =
rowHeaders = removeHeaderDuplicates(report.rowHeaders),
columnHeaders = pivotHeaders(removeHeaderDuplicates(pivotHeaders(report.columnHeaders)))
protected[tablediff] def fillForwardReportHeaders[R, C, M](
report: ReportContent[ValueDiff[R], ValueDiff[C], ValueDiff[M]]
) =
rowHeaders = fillSectionHeaders(report.rowHeaders),
columnHeaders = pivotHeaders(fillSectionHeaders(pivotHeaders(report.columnHeaders)))
protected[tablediff] def zipLongestCommonSubsequence[T](
fullLeftSeq: ReportRow[T],
fullRightSeq: ReportRow[T],
chunkSize: Int = diffChunkSize
): ReportRow[DiffLocation[T]] = {
def zipLCSChunk(leftOffset: Int, rightOffset: Int, leftSeq: ReportRow[T], rightSeq: ReportRow[T]) = {
// create array to store matching sequence length
val seqLengths = Array.ofDim[Int](leftSeq.size + 1, rightSeq.size + 1)
for ((left, i) <- leftSeq.zipWithIndex)
for ((right, j) <- rightSeq.zipWithIndex)
seqLengths(i + 1)(j + 1) =
if (left == right)
seqLengths(i)(j) + 1
math.max(seqLengths(i + 1)(j), seqLengths(i)(j + 1))
// walk through array looking for longest sequence lengths
def diffWalk(accumulate: ReportRow[DiffLocation[T]], row: Int, col: Int): ReportRow[DiffLocation[T]] =
if (row == 0 && col == 0)
else {
val (nextDiff, nextRow, nextCol) =
if (row > 0 && col > 0 && leftSeq(row - 1) == rightSeq(col - 1)) {
DiffLocation(leftSeq(row - 1), Some(row - 1 + leftOffset), Some(col - 1 + rightOffset)),
row - 1,
col - 1
} else if (col > 0 && (row == 0 || seqLengths(row)(col - 1) >= seqLengths(row - 1)(col))) {
(DiffLocation(rightSeq(col - 1), None, Some(col - 1 + rightOffset)), row, col - 1)
} else {
(DiffLocation(leftSeq(row - 1), Some(row - 1 + leftOffset), None), row - 1, col)
diffWalk(nextDiff +: accumulate, nextRow, nextCol)
diffWalk(emptyRow, leftSeq.size, rightSeq.size)
// Check at least 'chunkSize' from both Sequences for matches
def checkHeads(
leftOffSet: Int,
rightOffSet: Int,
acc: ReportRow[DiffLocation[T]],
nextLeftSeq: ReportRow[T],
nextRightSeq: ReportRow[T]
): ReportRow[DiffLocation[T]] =
if (nextLeftSeq.isEmpty && nextRightSeq.isEmpty)
else {
val (headLeft, headRight) = (nextLeftSeq.headOption, nextRightSeq.headOption)
if (headLeft == headRight) {
leftOffSet + 1,
rightOffSet + 1,
acc :+ DiffLocation(headLeft.get, Some(leftOffSet), Some(rightOffSet)),
} else {
val (leftChunk, leftRemain) = nextLeftSeq.splitAt(chunkSize)
val (rightChunk, rightRemain) = nextRightSeq.splitAt(chunkSize)
val chunkDiffs = zipLCSChunk(leftOffSet, rightOffSet, leftChunk, rightChunk)
val anyMatches = chunkDiffs.foldLeft(false)((matched, diffLoc) => matched || diffLoc.locationType == InBoth)
// See if the edges of 2 chunks can simply be stiched back together
def stichChunks(
leftChunk: ReportRow[DiffLocation[T]],
rightChunk: ReportRow[DiffLocation[T]]
): ReportRow[DiffLocation[T]] = {
val stiched = for {
rightDirection <- rightChunk.headOption.filter(_.hasANone).map(_.locationType)
possibleStichRight = rightChunk.takeWhile(d => rightDirection == d.locationType)
stichSize <- if (possibleStichRight.nonEmpty) Some(possibleStichRight.size) else None
possibleStichLeft = leftChunk
_.locationType ==
(if (rightDirection == OnlyLeft) OnlyRight else OnlyLeft)
possibleStich = possibleStichLeft.zip(possibleStichRight)
if possibleStichLeft.size == stichSize && possibleStich.forall { case (l, r) => l.value == r.value }
} yield {
leftChunk.dropRight(stichSize) ++
possibleStich.map {
case (l, r) => DiffLocation(l.value, l.iLeft orElse r.iLeft, l.iRight orElse r.iRight)
} ++ rightChunk.drop(stichSize)
stiched.getOrElse(leftChunk ++ rightChunk)
// If we haven't found any matches and the remains are empty on one side, then keep the small side to match on
// if not, move onto the next chunks
if (!anyMatches && leftRemain.isEmpty && rightRemain.nonEmpty)
rightOffSet + rightChunk.size,
stichChunks(acc, chunkDiffs.filter(_.locationType == OnlyRight)),
else if (!anyMatches && leftRemain.nonEmpty && rightRemain.isEmpty)
leftOffSet + leftChunk.size,
stichChunks(acc, chunkDiffs.filter(_.locationType == OnlyLeft)),
leftOffSet + leftChunk.size,
rightOffSet + rightChunk.size,
stichChunks(acc, chunkDiffs),
checkHeads(0, 0, emptyRow, fullLeftSeq, fullRightSeq)
private val defaultChunkSize = 1000
protected[tablediff] lazy val diffChunkSize = readChunkEnvVar()
val chunkEnvVarName = "TABLEDIFFCHUNKSIZE"
protected[tablediff] def readChunkEnvVar(envOverride: Option[String] = None) = {
val chunkEnvVar = envOverride.getOrElse(Properties.envOrElse(chunkEnvVarName, defaultChunkSize.toString))
try {
} catch {
case x: NumberFormatException => {
System.err.println(s"Unable to set diff chunk size $chunkEnvVarName=$chunkEnvVar ${x.getMessage}")
System.err.println(s"Using defaultChunkSize $defaultChunkSize")
private case class Memoise[A, B](f: A => B) extends (A => B) {
private val cache = scala.collection.mutable.Map.empty[A, B]
def apply(x: A) = cache.getOrElseUpdate(x, f(x))
// This is a pretty algorithm, but I couldn't work out a way to make it tail recursive, it's get here for validating
// main algorithm in the unit tests
protected[tablediff] def zipLongestCommonSubsequencePretty[T](
leftSeq: ReportRow[T],
rightSeq: ReportRow[T]
): Seq[DiffLocation[T]] = {
lazy val zlcs: Memoise[(Seq[(T, Int)], Seq[(T, Int)]), Seq[DiffLocation[T]]] = Memoise {
case (left, Seq()) =>
left.map {
case (x, i) => DiffLocation(x, Some(i), None)
case (Seq(), right) =>
right.map {
case (x, i) => DiffLocation(x, None, Some(i))
case (left, right) if left.head._1 == right.head._1 =>
DiffLocation(left.head._1, Some(left.head._2), Some(right.head._2)) +: zlcs(left.tail, right.tail)
case (left, right) =>
val rHeadless = zlcs(left, right.tail)
val lHeadless = zlcs(left.tail, right)
// version with the least Nones is the best
if (rHeadless.count(_.hasANone) >= lHeadless.count(_.hasANone))
DiffLocation(left.head._1, Some(left.head._2), None) +: lHeadless
DiffLocation(right.head._1, None, Some(right.head._2)) +: rHeadless
zlcs(leftSeq.zipWithIndex, rightSeq.zipWithIndex)
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