org.summerboot.jexpress.boot.annotation.Scheduled Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2005-2022 Du Law Office - The Summer Boot Framework Project
* The Summer Boot Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License and you have no
* policy prohibiting employee contributions back to this file (unless the contributor to this
* file is your current or retired employee). You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
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* the License.
package org.summerboot.jexpress.boot.annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
* Usage: {@code
* @Scheduled(cron="0 15 10 ? * 6L 2012-2015")// org.quartz cron expression: Fire at 10:15am on every last Friday of every month during the years 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015
* @Scheduled(dayOfMonth = 1, hour=2, minute=3)// monthly: every 2:03am 1st day of the month
* @Scheduled(daysOfWeek=1, hour=14, minute=15)// weekly: 2:15pm every Sunday
* @Scheduled(daysOfWeek={1, 6, 7}, hour=14, minute=15)// weekly: 2:15pm every Sunday, Friday and Saturday
* @Scheduled(hour = 14, minute = 15, second = 16)// daily: 2:15:16pm everyday
* @Scheduled(minute = 15, second = 16)// hourly: every hour at the 15th minute and the 16th second
* @Scheduled(second = 16)// minutely: every minute at the 16th second
* @Scheduled(fixedRateMs = 10_000, initialDelayMs=5_000)// start job after 5 seconds, run job every 10 secsonds no matter how long the job takes
* @Scheduled(fixedDelayMs = 10_000, initialDelayMs=5_000)// start job after 5 seconds, when the job finished wait 10 seconds then start it again
* }
* @author Changski Tie Zheng Zhang 张铁铮, 魏泽北, 杜旺财, 杜富贵
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface Scheduled {
String[] cron() default {};
* The name of a static field defined in the same class, which contains a
* configurable value
* @return
String cronField() default "";
* 1-31: for monthlyOnDayAndHourAndMinute(int dayOfMonth, int hour, int
* minute)
* @return
int[] daysOfMonth() default {};
* The name of a static field defined in the same class, which contains a
* configurable value
* @return
String daysOfMonthField() default "";
* 1-7 for SUN-SAT: for atHourAndMinuteOnGivenDaysOfWeek(int hour, int
* minute, Integer[] daysOfWeek)
* @return
int[] daysOfWeek() default {};
* The name of a static field defined in the same class, which contains a
* configurable value
* @return
String daysOfWeekField() default "";
* 0-23: for dailyAtHourAndMinute(int hour, int minute)
* @return
int hour() default -1;
* The name of a static field defined in the same class, which contains a
* configurable value
* @return
String hourField() default "";
* 0-59
* @return
int minute() default -1;
* The name of a static field defined in the same class, which contains a
* configurable value
* @return
String minuteField() default "";
* 0-59
* @return
int second() default -1;
* The name of a static field defined in the same class, which contains a
* configurable value
* @return
String secondField() default "";
* The fixedRate runs the scheduled task at every n millisecond. It doesn't
* check for any previous executions of the task.
* This is useful when all executions of the task are independent. If we
* don't expect to exceed the size of the memory and the thread pool,
* fixedRate should be quite handy.
* Although, if the incoming tasks do not finish quickly, it's possible they
* end up with “Out of Memory exception”.
* @return
long fixedRateMs() default 0;
* The name of a static field defined in the same class, which contains a
* configurable value
* @return
String fixedRateMsField() default "";
* The fixedDelay makes sure that there is a delay of n millisecond between
* the finish time of an execution of a task and the start time of the next
* execution of the task.
* This property is specifically useful when you need to make sure that only
* one instance of the task runs all the time. For dependent jobs, it is
* quite helpful.
* @return
long fixedDelayMs() default 0;
* The name of a static field defined in the same class, which contains a
* configurable value
* @return
String fixedDelayMsField() default "";
* start job after n millisecond
* @return
long initialDelayMs() default 0;
* The name of a static field defined in the same class, which contains a
* configurable value
* @return
String initialDelayMsField() default "";