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import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.springframework.http.*;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.notNullValue;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.nullValue;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual.equalTo;
public class Exchange {
private RequestEntity request;
private ResponseEntity response;
public Exchange (RequestEntity request, ResponseEntity response) {
this .request = request;
this .response = response;
public Exchange (String urlPrefix, JSONObject json) {
JSONObject jsonRequest = null ;
try {
jsonRequest = json.getJSONObject("request" );
if (jsonRequest == null ) {
jsonRequest = new JSONObject();
JSONObject jsonResponse = json.getJSONObject("response" );
if (jsonResponse == null ) {
jsonResponse = new JSONObject();
JSONObject body = null ;
JSONObject headers = null ;
try {
if (jsonRequest.has("body" )) {
body = jsonRequest.getJSONObject("body" );
if (jsonRequest.has("headers" )) {
headers = jsonRequest.getJSONObject("headers" );
request = new RequestEntity<>(
HttpMethod.valueOf(json.getString("method" )),
new URI(urlPrefix + json.getString("url" )));
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
body = null ;
headers = null ;
if (jsonResponse.has("body" )) {
body = jsonResponse.getJSONObject("body" );
if (jsonResponse.has("headers" )) {
headers = jsonResponse.getJSONObject("headers" );
response = new ResponseEntity<>(
HttpStatus.valueOf(json.getInt("statusCode" )));
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public RequestEntity getRequest () {
return request;
public void setRequest (RequestEntity request) {
this .request = request;
public ResponseEntity getResponse () {
return response;
public void setResponse (ResponseEntity response) {
this .response = response;
private HttpHeaders createHeaders (JSONObject jsonHeaders) {
try {
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
if (headers != null ) {
Iterator it = jsonHeaders.keys();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String key = (String);
headers.add(key, jsonHeaders.getString(key));
return headers;
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public String getTimestamp () {
return request.getHeaders().getFirst("x-client-timestamp" );
public String getId () {
return request.getHeaders().getFirst("x-request-id" );
public static Predicate request (final Predicate> requestPredicate) {
return exchange -> requestPredicate.apply(exchange.getRequest());
public static Predicate response (final Predicate> responsePredicate) {
return exchange -> responsePredicate.apply(exchange.getResponse());
public static Predicate withId (final String... requestIds) {
return exchange -> {
boolean result = false ;
for (String requestId : requestIds) {
result |= requestId.equals(exchange.getRequest().getHeaders().getFirst("x-request-id" ));
return result;
public static Predicate> url(final Predicate stringPredicate) {
return request -> stringPredicate.apply(request.getUrl().toString());
public static Predicate> method(final Predicate methodPredicate) {
return request -> methodPredicate.apply(request.getMethod());
public static Predicate> status(final Predicate statusPredicate) {
return response -> statusPredicate.apply(response.getStatusCode());
public static > Predicate body (final com.jayway.jsonpath.Predicate bodyPredicate) {
return new Predicate<>() {
JsonPath path;
public boolean apply (T entity) {
if (entity.getBody() == null ) {
return false ;
if (path == null ) {
path = JsonPath.compile("$[?]" , bodyPredicate);
return !((List);
public static > Predicate headers (final Predicate headersPredicate) {
return entity -> headersPredicate.apply(entity.getHeaders());
public static , U extends CharSequence> Predicate header (final String key, final Predicate stringPredicate) {
return entity -> {
List found = entity.getHeaders().get(key);
if (found != null && !found.isEmpty()) {
return stringPredicate.apply((U) found.get(0 ));
} else {
return false ;
public static void assertSameExchange (Exchange expected, Exchange actual) {
if (expected == null ) {
assertThat("Actual exchange should be null" , actual, nullValue());
} else {
assertThat("Actual exchange should not be null" , actual, notNullValue());
assertThat("Expected request: " + expected.getRequest() + ", Actual request: " + actual.getRequest(), expected.getRequest().getUrl(), equalTo(actual.getRequest().getUrl()));
assertThat("Expected request: " + expected.getRequest() + ", Actual request: " + actual.getRequest(), expected.getRequest().getMethod(), equalTo(actual.getRequest().getMethod()));
assertThat("Expected request: " + expected.getRequest() + ", Actual request: " + actual.getRequest(), expected.getRequest().getHeaders(), equalTo(actual.getRequest().getHeaders()));
if (expected.getRequest().getBody() != null && actual.getRequest().getBody() != null ) {
assertThat("Actual request body should be null. Actual request: " + actual.getRequest(), expected.getRequest().getBody(), notNullValue());
assertThat("Actual request body should not be null. Expected request: " + expected.getRequest(), actual.getRequest().getBody(), notNullValue());
assertThat("Request body do not match. Expected request: " + expected.getRequest() + ", Actual request: " + actual.getRequest(), expected.getRequest().getBody(), SameJSONAs.sameJSONObjectAs(actual.getRequest().getBody()));
assertThat("Expected response: " + expected.getResponse() + ", Actual response: " + actual.getResponse(), expected.getResponse().getStatusCode(), equalTo(actual.getResponse().getStatusCode()));
assertThat("Expected response: " + expected.getResponse() + ", Actual response: " + actual.getResponse(), expected.getResponse().getHeaders(), equalTo(actual.getResponse().getHeaders()));
if (expected.getResponse().getBody() != null && actual.getResponse().getBody() != null ) {
assertThat("Actual response body should be null. Actual response: " + actual.getResponse(), expected.getResponse().getBody(), notNullValue());
assertThat("Actual response body should not be null. Expected response: " + expected.getResponse(), actual.getResponse().getBody(), notNullValue());
assertThat("Response body do not match. Expected response: " + expected.getResponse() + ", Actual response: " + actual.getResponse(), expected.getResponse().getBody(), SameJSONAs.sameJSONObjectAs(actual.getRequest().getBody()));
assertThat(expected.getRequest().getUrl(), equalTo(actual.getRequest().getUrl()));
public String toString () {
return "request=" + request + ", response=" + response;
public int hashCode () {
return getId().hashCode();
public boolean equals (Object o) {
if (o == this ) {
return true ;
if (o == null ) {
return false ;
if (o.getClass() != getClass()) {
return false ;
Exchange exchange2 = (Exchange) o;
boolean equal = this .getRequest().getUrl().equals(exchange2.getRequest().getUrl()) &&
this .getRequest().getMethod().equals(exchange2.getRequest().getMethod()) &&
this .getRequest().getHeaders().equals(exchange2.getRequest().getHeaders());
if (equal) {
if (this .getRequest().getBody() != null && exchange2.getRequest().getBody() != null ) {
SameJSONAs body = SameJSONAs.sameJSONObjectAs(this .getRequest().getBody());
equal = body.matches(exchange2.getRequest().getBody());
} else if ((this .getRequest().getBody() != null && exchange2.getRequest().getBody() == null ) ||
(this .getRequest().getBody() == null && exchange2.getRequest().getBody() != null )) {
equal = false ;
if (equal) {
equal = this .getResponse().getStatusCode().equals(exchange2.getResponse().getStatusCode()) &&
this .getResponse().getHeaders().equals(exchange2.getResponse().getHeaders());
if (equal) {
if (this .getResponse().getBody() != null && exchange2.getResponse().getBody() != null ) {
SameJSONAs body = SameJSONAs.sameJSONObjectAs(this .getResponse().getBody());
equal = body.matches(exchange2.getResponse().getBody());
} else if ((this .getResponse().getBody() != null && exchange2.getResponse().getBody() == null ) ||
(this .getResponse().getBody() == null && exchange2.getResponse().getBody() != null )) {
equal = false ;
return equal;