org.switchyard.component.soap.SOAPMessages Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.switchyard.component.soap;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Cause;
import org.jboss.logging.Messages;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageBundle;
import org.switchyard.HandlerException;
import org.switchyard.SwitchYardException;
* This file is using the subset 35400-35799 for logger messages.
@MessageBundle(projectCode = "SWITCHYARD")
public interface SOAPMessages {
* The default messages.
SOAPMessages MESSAGES = Messages.getBundle(SOAPMessages.class);
* missingSOAPBodyFromRequest method definition.
* @return SOAPException
@Message(id = 35401, value = "Missing SOAP body from request")
SOAPException missingSOAPBodyFromRequest();
* foundMultipleSOAPElementsInSOAPBody method definition.
* @return SOAPException
@Message(id = 35402, value = "Found multiple SOAPElements in SOAPBody")
SOAPException foundMultipleSOAPElementsInSOAPBody();
* couldNotFindSOAPElementInSOAPBody method definition.
* @return SOAPException
@Message(id = 35403, value = "Could not find SOAPElement in SOAPBody")
SOAPException couldNotFindSOAPElementInSOAPBody();
* contentIDHeaderMissingForAttachmentPart method definition.
* @return SOAPException
@Message(id = 35404, value = "Content-ID header missing for attachment part")
SOAPException contentIDHeaderMissingForAttachmentPart();
* unableToReadWSDL method definition.
* @param wsdlLocation wsdlLocation
* @return String
@Message(id = 35405, value = "Unable to read WSDL at %s")
String unableToReadWSDL(String wsdlLocation);
* unableToCreateSOAPBodyDueToNullMessageContent method definition.
* @return SOAPException
@Message(id = 35406, value = "Unable to create SOAP Body due to null message content")
SOAPException unableToCreateSOAPBodyDueToNullMessageContent();
* unableToParseSOAPMessage method definition.
* @param e the e
* @return SOAPException
@Message(id = 35407, value = "Unable to parse SOAP Message")
SOAPException unableToParseSOAPMessage(@Cause Exception e);
* failedToMapContextPropertiesToSOAPMessage method definition.
* @param ex the ex
* @return SOAPException
@Message(id = 35408, value = "Failed to map context properties to SOAP message")
SOAPException failedToMapContextPropertiesToSOAPMessage(@Cause Exception ex);
* not method definition.
* @param interceptors interceptors
* @return IllegalArgumentException
@Message(id = 35409, value = "not %s")
IllegalArgumentException not(String interceptors);
* unableToReadWSDL method definition.
* @param wsdlLocation wsdlLocation
* @return String
@Message(id = 35410, value = "Unable to resolve WSDL document at %s")
String unableToResolveWSDL(String wsdlLocation);
* unexpectedSOAPExceptionWhenGeneratingASOAP11FaultMessage method definition.
* @param from the from
* @return IllegalStateException
@Message(id = 35411, value = "Unexpected SOAPException when generating a SOAP 1.1 Fault message.")
IllegalStateException unexpectedSOAPExceptionWhenGeneratingASOAP11FaultMessage(@Cause Exception from);
* unexpectedSOAPExceptionWhenGeneratingASOAP12FaultMessage method definition.
* @param from the from
* @return IllegalStateException
@Message(id = 35412, value = "Unexpected SOAPException when generating a SOAP 1.2 Fault message.")
IllegalStateException unexpectedSOAPExceptionWhenGeneratingASOAP12FaultMessage(@Cause Exception from);
* unexpected method definition.
* @return IllegalStateException
@Message(id = 35418, value = "Unexpected")
IllegalStateException unexpected();
* invalidInputSOAPPayloadForServiceOperation method definition.
* @param operationName operationName
* @param serviceName serviceName
* @param actualLN the actualLN
* @return SOAPException
@Message(id = 35422, value = "Invalid input SOAP payload for service operation '%s' (service '%s'). No such Part '%s'.")
SOAPException invalidInputSOAPPayloadForServiceOperation(String operationName, String serviceName, String actualLN);
* invalidInputSOAPPayloadNamespaceForServiceOperation method definition.
* @param operationName operationName
* @param serviceName serviceName
* @param expectedNS the expectedNS
* @param actualNS the actualNS
* @return SOAPException
@Message(id = 35423, value = "Invalid input SOAP payload namespace for service operation '%s' (service '%s'). Port defines operation namespace as '%s'. Actual namespace on input SOAP message '%s'.")
SOAPException invalidInputSOAPPayloadNamespaceForServiceOperation(String operationName, String serviceName, String expectedNS, String actualNS);
* invalidInputSOAPPayloadLocalNamePartForServiceOperation method definition.
* @param operationName operationName
* @param serviceName serviceName
* @param expectedLN the expectedLN
* @param actualLN the actualLN
* @return SOAPException
@Message(id = 35424, value = "Invalid input SOAP payload localNamePart for service operation '%s' (service '%s'). Port defines operation localNamePart as '%s'. Actual localNamePart on input SOAP message '%s'.")
SOAPException invalidInputSOAPPayloadLocalNamePartForServiceOperation(String operationName, String serviceName, String expectedLN, String actualLN);
* referenceBindingNotStarted method definition.
* @param referenceName the referenceName
* @param bindingName the bindingName
* @return HandlerException
@Message(id = 35427, value = "Reference binding \"%s/%s\" is not started.")
HandlerException referenceBindingNotStarted(String referenceName, String bindingName);
* failedToInstantiateSOAPMessageFactory method definition.
* @return SOAPException
@Message(id = 35428, value = "Failed to instantiate SOAP Message Factory")
SOAPException failedToInstantiateSOAPMessageFactory();
* unexpectedExceptionHandlingSOAPMessage method definition.
* @param se the se
* @return HandlerException
@Message(id = 35429, value = "Unexpected exception handling SOAP Message")
HandlerException unexpectedExceptionHandlingSOAPMessage(@Cause SOAPException se);
* cannotProcessSOAPRequest method definition.
* @param ex the ex
* @return SOAPException
@Message(id = 35431, value = "Cannot process SOAP request")
SOAPException cannotProcessSOAPRequest(@Cause Exception ex);
* noAttachmentFoundWithName method definition.
* @param contentId the contentId
* @return RuntimeException
@Message(id = 35433, value = "No attachment found with name '%s'")
RuntimeException noAttachmentFoundWithName(String contentId);
* couldNotFindServiceInTheWSDL method definition.
* @param portName the portName
* @param definitionDocumentBaseURI definitionDocumentBaseURI
* @return String
@Message(id = 35436, value = "Could not find service %s in the WSDL %s")
String couldNotFindServiceInTheWSDL(String portName, String definitionDocumentBaseURI);
* couldNotFindAPortDefinitionWithinService method definition.
* @param wsdlServiceQName wsdlServiceQName
* @return String
@Message(id = 35437, value = "Could not find a port definition within service %s")
String couldNotFindAPortDefinitionWithinService(String wsdlServiceQName);
* couldNotFindPortInTheService method definition.
* @param portName the portName
* @param wsdlServiceQName wsdlServiceQName
* @return String
@Message(id = 35438, value = "Could not find port %s in the Service %s")
String couldNotFindPortInTheService(String portName, String wsdlServiceQName);
* incompatibleStyleOfSoapOperationLevelBindingsDetected method definition.
* @return SwitchYardException
@Message(id = 35439, value = "Incompatible style of soap operation level bindings detected")
SwitchYardException incompatibleStyleOfSoapOperationLevelBindingsDetected();
* detectedMixingDifferentSoapBindingStyleOnPortTypeAndOperationLevel method definition.
* @return SwitchYardException
@Message(id = 35440, value = "Detected mixing different soap binding style on port type and operation level")
SwitchYardException detectedMixingDifferentSoapBindingStyleOnPortTypeAndOperationLevel();
* faultNameNotFoundOnOperation method definition.
* @param faultName the faultName
* @param operationNameLocalPart operationNameLocalPart
* @return IllegalArgumentException
@Message(id = 35441, value = "Fault name %s not found on operation %s")
IllegalArgumentException faultNameNotFoundOnOperation(String faultName, String operationNameLocalPart);
* policyReferenceURIMissingFor method definition.
* @param portBindingQNametLocalPart portBindingQNametLocalPart
* @return RuntimeException
@Message(id = 35442, value = "Policy reference URI missing for %s")
RuntimeException policyReferenceURIMissingFor(String portBindingQNametLocalPart);
* invalidWSDLNoOperationsFound method definition.
* @return WebServicePublishException
@Message(id = 35443, value = "Invalid WSDL. No operations found.")
WebServicePublishException invalidWSDLNoOperationsFound();
* wSDLOperationNotFoundInService method definition.
* @param name the name
* @param serviceName serviceName
* @return WebServicePublishException
@Message(id = 35444, value = "WSDL Operation %s not found in Service %s")
WebServicePublishException wSDLOperationNotFoundInService(String name, String serviceName);
* wSDLOperationDoesNotMatchServiceOperation method definition.
* @param name the name
* @param targetServiceOperationName targetServiceOperationName
* @return WebServicePublishException
@Message(id = 35445, value = "WSDL Operation %s does not match Service Operation %s")
WebServicePublishException wSDLOperationDoesNotMatchServiceOperation(String name, String targetServiceOperationName);
* wSDLOperationDoesNotHaveAnyInputMessageParts method definition.
* @param name the name
* @return WebServicePublishException
@Message(id = 35446, value = "WSDL Operation %s does not have any input Message parts")
WebServicePublishException wSDLOperationDoesNotHaveAnyInputMessageParts(String name);
* wSDLOperationDoesNotHaveAnyOuputMessageParts method definition.
* @param name the name
* @return WebServicePublishException
@Message(id = 35447, value = "WSDL Operation %s does not have any ouput Message parts")
WebServicePublishException wSDLOperationDoesNotHaveAnyOuputMessageParts(String name);
* sendFailed method definition.
* @return String
@Message(id = 35448, value = "Send Failed")
String sendFailed();
* noSuchOperation method definition.
* @param operationName operationName
* @return SOAPException
@Message(id = 35449, value = "No such operation: %s->null")
SOAPException noSuchOperation(String operationName);
* couldNotFindOperation method definition.
* @param action action
* @return SOAPException
@Message(id = 35450, value = "Could not find any operation associated with WS-A Action '%s'.")
SOAPException couldNotFindOperation(String action);
* operationNotAvailableTarget method definition.
* @param firstBodyElement firstBodyElement
* @param serviceName serviceName
* @return SOAPException
@Message(id = 35451, value = "Operation for '%s' not available on target Service '%s'.")
SOAPException operationNotAvailableTarget(String firstBodyElement, String serviceName);
* operationNotAvailableTarget method definition.
* @param waitTimeout waitTimeout
* @param serviceName serviceName
* @return SOAPException
@Message(id = 35452, value = "Timed out after %s ms waiting on synchronous response from target service '%s'.")
SOAPException timedOut(String waitTimeout, String serviceName);
* invalidResponseConstruction method definition.
* @param messageComposerName messageComposerName
* @return SOAPException
@Message(id = 35453, value = "Invalid response SOAPMessage construction. The associated SwitchYard Exchange is in a FAULT state, but the SOAPMessage is not a Fault message. The MessageComposer implementation in use (\"%s\") must generate the SOAPMessage instance properly as a Fault message.")
SOAPException invalidResponseConstruction(String messageComposerName);
* couldNotInstantiateInterceptor method definition.
* @param interceptorClassName interceptor class name
* @param t cause
* @return SwitchYardException
@Message(id = 35454, value = "Could not instantiate interceptor class: %s")
SwitchYardException couldNotInstantiateInterceptor(String interceptorClassName, @Cause Throwable t);
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