org.jdesktop.beansbinding.ELProperty Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is * subject to license terms. */ package org.jdesktop.beansbinding; import org.jdesktop.el.impl.ExpressionFactoryImpl; import org.jdesktop.el.ELContext; import org.jdesktop.el.ELException; import org.jdesktop.el.Expression; import org.jdesktop.el.Expression.ResolvedProperty; import org.jdesktop.el.ValueExpression; import java.beans.*; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.*; import org.jdesktop.observablecollections.ObservableMap; import org.jdesktop.observablecollections.ObservableMapListener; import static org.jdesktop.beansbinding.PropertyStateEvent.UNREADABLE; import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.ext.BeanAdapterFactory; /** * An implementation of {@code Property} that allows Java Beans properties of * source objects to be addressed using a simple dot-separated path syntax * within an EL expression. For example, to create a simple property representing * a {@code Person} bean's mother's {@code firstName}: *
* * Note that {@link org.jdesktop.beansbinding.BeanProperty} is more suitable for * such a simple property. **
* ELProperty.create("${mother.firstName}") *
* To create a property representing the concatenation of a {@code Person} bean's * {@code firstName} and {@code lastName} properties: *
** ELProperty.create("${firstName} ${lastName}"); *
* To create a property that is {@code true} or {@code false} depending * on whether or not the {@code Person's} mother is older than 65: *
** BeanProperty.create("${mother.age > 65}"); *
* Paths specified in the EL expressions are resolved against the source object * with which the property is being used. *
* An instance of {@code ELProperty} is immutable and can be used with * different source objects. When a {@code PropertyStateListener} is added to * an {@code ELProperty} for a given source object, the {@code ELProperty} * starts listening to all objects along the paths in the expression (based on that source object) * for change notification, and reflects any changes by notifying the * listener associated with the property for that source object. So, for example, * if a {@code PropertyStateListener} is added to the property from the second example above * for an object {@code Duke}, the {@code PropertyStateListener} is * notified when either {@code Duke's} first name changes, or his last name changes. * If a listener is added to the property from the third example, the {@code PropertyStateListener} * is notified when either a change in {@code Duke's} mother or {@code Duke's} mother's {@code age} * results in a change to the result of the expression. *
* It is very important that any bean properties addressed via a {@code ELProperty} * follow the Java Beans specification, including firing property change notification; * otherwise, {@code ELProperty} cannot respond to change. As some beans outside * of your control may not follow the Java Beans specification, {@code ELProperty} * always checks the {@link org.jdesktop.beansbinding.ext.BeanAdapterFactory} to * see if a delegate provider has been registered to provide a delegate bean to take * the place of an object for a given property. See the * ext package level documentation for more * details. *
* When there are no {@code PropertyStateListeners} installed on an {@code ELProperty} * for a given source, all {@code Property} methods act by evaluating the full expression, * thereby always providing "live" information. * On the contrary, when there are {@code PropertyStateListeners} installed, the beans * along the paths, and the final value, are cached, and only updated upon * notification of change from a bean. Again, this makes it very important that any * bean property that could change along the path fires property change notification. * Note: The {@code setValue} method is currently excluded from the previous * assertion; with the exception of checking the cache to determine if the property is * writeable, it always evaluates the entire expression. The result of this is that * when working with paths containing beans that don't fire property change notification, * you can end up with all methods (including {@code getValue}) working on cached * information, but {@code setValue} working on the live expression. There are plans * to resolve this inconsistency in a future release. *
* Readability of an {@code ELProperty} for a given source is defined as follows: * An {@code ELProperty} is readable for a given source if and only if the * following is true for all paths used in the expression: * a) each bean the path, starting with the source, defines a Java Beans getter * method for the the property to be read on it AND b) each bean in the path, * starting with the source and ending with the bean on which we read the final * property, is {@code non-null}. The final value being {@code null} does not * affect the readability. *
* So, in the third example given earlier, the {@code ELProperty} is readable for {@code Duke} when all * of the following are true: {@code Duke} defines a Java Beans getter for * {@code mother}, {@code Duke's mother} defines a Java Beans getter for * {@code age}, {@code Duke} is {@code non-null}, {@code Duke's mother} * is {@code non-null}. The {@code ELProperty} is therefore unreadable when * any of the following is true: {@code Duke} does not define a Java Beans * getter for {@code mother}, {@code Duke's mother} does not define a Java * Beans getter for {@code age}, {@code Duke} is {@code null}, * {@code Duke's mother} is {@code null}. *
* Writeability of an {@code ELProperty} for a given source is defined as follows: * An {@code ELProperty} is writeable for a given source if and only if * a) the EL expression itself is not read-only * (ie. it is a simple expression involving one path such as "${foo.bar.baz}" AND * b) each bean in the path, starting with the source and ending with the bean on * which we set the final property, defines a Java Beans getter method for the * property to be read on it AND c) the bean on which we set the final property * defines a Java Beans setter for the property to be set on it AND d) each bean * in the path, starting with the source and ending with the bean on which we * set the final property, is {@code non-null}. The final value being {@code null} * does not affect the writeability. *
* So in the first example given earlier (a simple path), the {@code ELProperty} * is writeable for {@code Duke} when all of the following are true: {@code Duke} defines a Java Beans getter for * {@code mother}, {@code Duke's mother} defines a Java Beans setter for * {@code firstName}, {@code Duke} is {@code non-null}, {@code Duke's mother} * is {@code non-null}. The {@code ELProperty} is therefore unreadable when * any of the following is true: {@code Duke} does not define a Java Beans * getter for {@code mother}, {@code Duke's mother} does not define a Java * Beans setter for {@code firstName}, {@code Duke} is {@code null}, * {@code Duke's mother} is {@code null}. The second and third examples above * both represent read-only ELExpressions and are therefore unwritable. *
* In addition to working on Java Beans properties, any object in the paths * can be an instance of {@code Map}. In this case, the {@code Map's get} * method is used with the property name as the getter, and the * {@code Map's put} method is used with the property name as the setter. * {@code ELProperty} can only respond to changes in {@code Maps} * if they are instances of {@link org.jdesktop.observablecollections.ObservableMap}. *
* Some methods in this class document that they can throw * {@code PropertyResolutionException} if an exception occurs while trying * to evaluate the expression. The throwing of this exception represents an abnormal * condition and if listeners are installed for the given source object, * leaves the {@code ELProperty} in an inconsistent state for that source object. * An {@code ELProperty} should not be used again for that same source object * after such an exception without first removing all listeners associated with * the {@code ELProperty} for that source object. * * @param
the type of source object that this {@code ELProperty} operates on * @paramthe type of value that this {@code ELProperty} represents * * @author Shannon Hickey * @author Scott Violet */ public final class ELProperty extends PropertyHelper{ private PropertybaseProperty; private final ValueExpression expression; private final ELContext context = new TempELContext(); private IdentityHashMapmap = new IdentityHashMap(); private static final Object NOREAD = new Object(); private final class SourceEntry implements PropertyChangeListener, ObservableMapListener, PropertyStateListener { private S source; private Object cachedBean; private Object cachedValue; private boolean cachedIsWriteable; private Class> cachedWriteType; private boolean ignoreChange; private SetregisteredListeners; private Set lastRegisteredListeners; private SourceEntry(S source) { this.source = source; if (baseProperty != null) { baseProperty.addPropertyStateListener(source, this); } registeredListeners = new HashSet (1); updateCachedBean(); updateCache(); } private void cleanup() { for (RegisteredListener rl : registeredListeners) { unregisterListener(rl, this); } if (baseProperty != null) { baseProperty.removePropertyStateListener(source, this); } cachedBean = null; registeredListeners = null; cachedValue = null; } private boolean cachedIsReadable() { return cachedValue != NOREAD; } private void updateCachedBean() { cachedBean = getBeanFromSource(source, true); } private void updateCache() { lastRegisteredListeners = registeredListeners; registeredListeners = new HashSet (lastRegisteredListeners.size()); List resolvedProperties = null; try { expression.setSource(getBeanFromSource(source, true)); Expression.Result result = expression.getResult(context, true); if (result.getType() == Expression.Result.Type.UNRESOLVABLE) { log("updateCache()", "expression is unresolvable"); cachedValue = NOREAD; cachedIsWriteable = false; cachedWriteType = null; } else { cachedValue = result.getResult(); cachedIsWriteable = !expression.isReadOnly(context); cachedWriteType = cachedIsWriteable ? expression.getType(context) : null; } resolvedProperties = result.getResolvedProperties(); } catch (ELException ele) { throw new PropertyResolutionException("Error evaluating EL expression " + expression + " on " + source, ele); } finally { expression.setSource(null); } for (ResolvedProperty prop : resolvedProperties) { registerListener(prop, this); } // Uninstall all listeners that are no longer along the path. for (RegisteredListener listener : lastRegisteredListeners) { unregisterListener(listener, this); } lastRegisteredListeners = null; } // flag -1 - validate all // flag 0 - source property changed value or readability // flag 1 - something else changed private void validateCache(int flag) { /* In the future, this debugging code can be enabled via a flag */ /* if (flag != 0 && getBeanFromSource(source, false) != cachedBean) { log("validateCache()", "concurrent modification"); } if (flag != 1) { try { expression.setSource(getBeanFromSource(source, true)); Expression.Result result = expression.getResult(context, false); Object currValue; boolean currIsWriteable; Class> currWriteType; if (result.getType() == Expression.Result.Type.UNRESOLVABLE) { currValue = NOREAD; currIsWriteable = false; currWriteType = null; } else { currValue = result.getResult(); currIsWriteable = !expression.isReadOnly(context); currWriteType = currIsWriteable ? expression.getType(context) : null; } if (!match(currValue, cachedValue) || currIsWriteable != cachedIsWriteable || currWriteType != cachedWriteType) { log("validateCache()", "concurrent modification"); } } catch (ELException ele) { throw new PropertyResolutionException("Error evaluating EL expression " + expression + " on " + source, ele); } finally { expression.setSource(null); } } */ } public void propertyStateChanged(PropertyStateEvent pe) { if (!pe.getValueChanged()) { return; } validateCache(0); Object oldValue = cachedValue; boolean wasWriteable = cachedIsWriteable; updateCachedBean(); updateCache(); notifyListeners(wasWriteable, oldValue, this); } private void processSourceChanged() { validateCache(1); boolean wasWriteable = cachedIsWriteable; Object oldValue = cachedValue; updateCache(); notifyListeners(wasWriteable, oldValue, this); } private void sourceChanged(Object source, String property) { if (ignoreChange) { return; } if (property != null) { property = property.intern(); } for (RegisteredListener rl : registeredListeners) { if (rl.getSource() == source && (property == null || rl.getProperty() == property)) { processSourceChanged(); break; } } } public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { sourceChanged(e.getSource(), e.getPropertyName()); } public void mapKeyValueChanged(ObservableMap map, Object key, Object lastValue) { if (key instanceof String) { sourceChanged(map, (String)key); } } public void mapKeyAdded(ObservableMap map, Object key) { if (key instanceof String) { sourceChanged(map, (String)key); } } public void mapKeyRemoved(ObservableMap map, Object key, Object value) { if (key instanceof String) { sourceChanged(map, (String)key); } } } /** * Creates an instance of {@code ELProperty} for the given expression. * * @param expression the expression * @return an instance of {@code ELProperty} for the given expression * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is null or empty * @throws PropertyResolutionException if there's a problem with the expression */ public static final ELPropertycreate(String expression) { return new ELProperty(null, expression); } /** * Creates an instance of {@code ELProperty} for the given base property * and expression. The expression is relative to the value of the base property. * * @param baseProperty the base property * @param expression the expression * @return an instance of {@code ELProperty} for the given base property and expression * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is null or empty * @throws PropertyResolutionException if there's a problem with the expression */ public static finalELPropertycreate(PropertybaseProperty, String expression) { return new ELProperty(baseProperty, expression); } /** * @throws IllegalArgumentException for empty or {@code null} expression. */ private ELProperty(PropertybaseProperty, String expression) { if (expression == null || expression.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("expression must be non-null and non-empty"); } try { this.expression = new ExpressionFactoryImpl().createValueExpression(context, expression, Object.class); } catch (ELException ele) { throw new PropertyResolutionException("Error creating EL expression " + expression, ele); } this.baseProperty = baseProperty; } /** * {@inheritDoc} ** See the class level documentation for the definition of writeability. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException {@inheritDoc} * @throws PropertyResolutionException if an exception occurs while evaluating the expression * @see #setValue * @see #isWriteable */ public Class extends V> getWriteType(S source) { SourceEntry entry = map.get(source); if (entry != null) { entry.validateCache(-1); if (!entry.cachedIsWriteable) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unwriteable"); } return (Class extends V>)entry.cachedWriteType; } try { expression.setSource(getBeanFromSource(source, true)); Expression.Result result = expression.getResult(context, false); if (result.getType() == Expression.Result.Type.UNRESOLVABLE) { log("getWriteType()", "expression is unresolvable"); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unwriteable"); } if (expression.isReadOnly(context)) { log("getWriteType()", "property is unwriteable"); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unwriteable"); } return (Class extends V>)expression.getType(context); } catch (ELException ele) { throw new PropertyResolutionException("Error evaluating EL expression " + expression + " on " + source, ele); } finally { expression.setSource(null); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} *
* See the class level documentation for the definition of readability. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException {@inheritDoc} * @throws PropertyResolutionException if an exception occurs while evaluating the expression * @see #isReadable */ public V getValue(S source) { SourceEntry entry = map.get(source); if (entry != null) { entry.validateCache(-1); if (entry.cachedValue == NOREAD) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unreadable"); } return (V)entry.cachedValue; } try { expression.setSource(getBeanFromSource(source, true)); Expression.Result result = expression.getResult(context, false); if (result.getType() == Expression.Result.Type.UNRESOLVABLE) { log("getValue()", "expression is unresolvable"); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unreadable"); } return (V)result.getResult(); } catch (ELException ele) { throw new PropertyResolutionException("Error evaluating EL expression " + expression + " on " + source, ele); } finally { expression.setSource(null); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} *
* See the class level documentation for the definition of writeability. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException {@inheritDoc} * @throws PropertyResolutionException if an exception occurs while evaluating the expression * @see #isWriteable * @see #getWriteType */ public void setValue(S source, V value) { SourceEntry entry = map.get(source); if (entry != null) { entry.validateCache(-1); if (!entry.cachedIsWriteable) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unwritable"); } try { entry.ignoreChange = true; expression.setSource(getBeanFromSource(source, false)); expression.setValue(context, value); } catch (ELException ele) { throw new PropertyResolutionException("Error evaluating EL expression " + expression + " on " + source, ele); } finally { entry.ignoreChange = false; expression.setSource(null); } Object oldValue = entry.cachedValue; // PENDING(shannonh) - too heavyweight; should just update cached value entry.updateCache(); notifyListeners(entry.cachedIsWriteable, oldValue, entry); return; } try { expression.setSource(getBeanFromSource(source, true)); Expression.Result result = expression.getResult(context, false); if (result.getType() == Expression.Result.Type.UNRESOLVABLE) { log("setValue()", "expression is unresolvable"); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unwriteable"); } if (expression.isReadOnly(context)) { log("setValue()", "property is unwriteable"); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unwriteable"); } expression.setValue(context, value); } catch (ELException ele) { throw new PropertyResolutionException("Error evaluating EL expression " + expression + " on " + source, ele); } finally { expression.setSource(null); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} *
* See the class level documentation for the definition of readability. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException {@inheritDoc} * @throws PropertyResolutionException if an exception occurs while evaluating the expression * @see #isWriteable */ public boolean isReadable(S source) { SourceEntry entry = map.get(source); if (entry != null) { entry.validateCache(-1); return entry.cachedIsReadable(); } try { expression.setSource(getBeanFromSource(source, true)); Expression.Result result = expression.getResult(context, false); if (result.getType() == Expression.Result.Type.UNRESOLVABLE) { log("isReadable()", "expression is unresolvable"); return false; } return true; } catch (ELException ele) { throw new PropertyResolutionException("Error evaluating EL expression " + expression + " on " + source, ele); } finally { expression.setSource(null); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} *
* See the class level documentation for the definition of writeability. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException {@inheritDoc} * @throws PropertyResolutionException if an exception occurs while evaluating the expression * @see #isReadable */ public boolean isWriteable(S source) { SourceEntry entry = map.get(source); if (entry != null) { entry.validateCache(-1); return entry.cachedIsWriteable; } try { expression.setSource(getBeanFromSource(source, true)); Expression.Result result = expression.getResult(context, false); if (result.getType() == Expression.Result.Type.UNRESOLVABLE) { log("isWriteable()", "expression is unresolvable"); return false; } if (expression.isReadOnly(context)) { log("isWriteable()", "property is unwriteable"); return false; } return true; } catch (ELException ele) { throw new PropertyResolutionException("Error evaluating EL expression " + expression + " on " + source, ele); } finally { expression.setSource(null); } } private Object getBeanFromSource(S source, boolean logErrors) { if (baseProperty == null) { if (source == null) { if (logErrors) { log("getBeanFromSource()", "source is null"); } } return source; } if (!baseProperty.isReadable(source)) { if (logErrors) { log("getBeanFromSource()", "unreadable source property"); } return NOREAD; } Object bean = baseProperty.getValue(source); if (bean == null) { if (logErrors) { log("getBeanFromSource()", "source property returned null"); } return null; } return bean; } protected final void listeningStarted(S source) { SourceEntry entry = map.get(source); if (entry == null) { entry = new SourceEntry(source); map.put(source, entry); } } protected final void listeningStopped(S source) { SourceEntry entry = map.remove(source); if (entry != null) { entry.cleanup(); } } private static boolean didValueChange(Object oldValue, Object newValue) { return oldValue == null || newValue == null || !oldValue.equals(newValue); } private void notifyListeners(boolean wasWriteable, Object oldValue, SourceEntry entry) { PropertyStateListener[] listeners = getPropertyStateListeners(entry.source); if (listeners == null || listeners.length == 0) { return; } oldValue = toUNREADABLE(oldValue); Object newValue = toUNREADABLE(entry.cachedValue); boolean valueChanged = didValueChange(oldValue, newValue); boolean writeableChanged = (wasWriteable != entry.cachedIsWriteable); if (!valueChanged && !writeableChanged) { return; } PropertyStateEvent pse = new PropertyStateEvent(this, entry.source, valueChanged, oldValue, newValue, writeableChanged, entry.cachedIsWriteable); this.firePropertyStateChange(pse); } /** * Returns a string representation of the {@code ELProperty}. This * method is intended to be used for debugging purposes only, and * the content and format of the returned string may vary between * implementations. The returned string may be empty but may not * be {@code null}. * * @return a string representation of this {@code ELProperty} */ public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + "[" + expression + "]"; } /** * @throws PropertyResolutionException */ private static BeanInfo getBeanInfo(Object object) { assert object != null; try { return Introspector.getBeanInfo(object.getClass(), Introspector.IGNORE_ALL_BEANINFO); } catch (IntrospectionException ie) { throw new PropertyResolutionException("Exception while introspecting " + object.getClass().getName(), ie); } } private static EventSetDescriptor getEventSetDescriptor(Object object) { assert object != null; EventSetDescriptor[] eds = getBeanInfo(object).getEventSetDescriptors(); for (EventSetDescriptor ed : eds) { if (ed.getListenerType() == PropertyChangeListener.class) { return ed; } } return null; } /** * @throws PropertyResolutionException */ private static Object invokeMethod(Method method, Object object, Object... args) { Exception reason = null; try { return method.invoke(object, args); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { reason = ex; } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { reason = ex; } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { reason = ex; } throw new PropertyResolutionException("Exception invoking method " + method + " on " + object, reason); } private static Object toUNREADABLE(Object src) { return src == NOREAD ? UNREADABLE : src; } private void registerListener(ResolvedProperty resolved, SourceEntry entry) { Object source = resolved.getSource(); Object property = resolved.getProperty(); if (source != null && property instanceof String) { String sProp = (String)property; if (source instanceof ObservableMap) { RegisteredListener rl = new RegisteredListener(source, sProp); if (!entry.registeredListeners.contains(rl)) { if (!entry.lastRegisteredListeners.remove(rl)) { ((ObservableMap)source).addObservableMapListener(entry); } entry.registeredListeners.add(rl); } } else if (!(source instanceof Map)) { source = getAdapter(source, sProp); RegisteredListener rl = new RegisteredListener(source, sProp); if (!entry.registeredListeners.contains(rl)) { if (!entry.lastRegisteredListeners.remove(rl)) { addPropertyChangeListener(source, entry); } entry.registeredListeners.add(rl); } } } } private void unregisterListener(RegisteredListener rl, SourceEntry entry) { Object source = rl.getSource(); if (source instanceof ObservableMap) { ((ObservableMap)source).removeObservableMapListener(entry); } else if (!(source instanceof Map)) { removePropertyChangeListener(source, entry); } } /** * @throws PropertyResolutionException */ private static void addPropertyChangeListener(Object object, PropertyChangeListener listener) { EventSetDescriptor ed = getEventSetDescriptor(object); Method addPCMethod = null; if (ed == null || (addPCMethod = ed.getAddListenerMethod()) == null) { log("addPropertyChangeListener()", "can't add listener"); return; } invokeMethod(addPCMethod, object, listener); } /** * @throws PropertyResolutionException */ private static void removePropertyChangeListener(Object object, PropertyChangeListener listener) { EventSetDescriptor ed = getEventSetDescriptor(object); Method removePCMethod = null; if (ed == null || (removePCMethod = ed.getRemoveListenerMethod()) == null) { log("removePropertyChangeListener()", "can't remove listener from source"); return; } invokeMethod(removePCMethod, object, listener); } private static boolean wrapsLiteral(Object o) { assert o != null; return o instanceof String || o instanceof Byte || o instanceof Character || o instanceof Boolean || o instanceof Short || o instanceof Integer || o instanceof Long || o instanceof Float || o instanceof Double; } // need special match method because when using reflection // to get a primitive value, the value is always wrapped in // a new object private static boolean match(Object a, Object b) { if (a == b) { return true; } if (a == null) { return false; } if (wrapsLiteral(a)) { return a.equals(b); } return false; } private Object getAdapter(Object o, String property) { Object adapter = null; adapter = BeanAdapterFactory.getAdapter(o, property); return adapter == null ? o : adapter; } private static final boolean LOG = false; private static void log(String method, String message) { if (LOG) { System.err.println("LOG: " + method + ": " + message); } } private static final class RegisteredListener { private final Object source; private final String property; RegisteredListener(Object source) { this(source, null); } RegisteredListener(Object source, String property) { this.source = source; if (property != null) { property = property.intern(); } this.property = property; } public Object getSource() { return source; } public String getProperty() { return property; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (obj instanceof RegisteredListener) { RegisteredListener orl = (RegisteredListener) obj; return (orl.source == source && orl.property == property); } return false; } public int hashCode() { int result = 17; result = 37 * result + source.hashCode(); if (property != null) { result = 37 * result + property.hashCode(); } return result; } public String toString() { return "RegisteredListener [" + " source=" + source + " property=" + property + "]"; } } }