Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2015 Synchronoss Technologies
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* Easy to use fluent api to build an {@code NioMultipartParser} (for Nio parsing) or to obtain a {@code CloseableIterator} (for Blocking IO parsing)
* @author Silvano Riz.
public class Multipart {
private Multipart(){}
Builder that created an {@code NioMultipartParser} or a {@code CloseableIterator} based on the configuration selected via the fluent API.
public static class Builder {
private int bufferSize = NioMultipartParser.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
private int headersSizeLimit = NioMultipartParser.DEFAULT_HEADERS_SECTION_SIZE;
private int nestedMultipartsAllowed = NioMultipartParser.DEFAULT_MAX_LEVEL_OF_NESTED_MULTIPART;
private String tempFolder = DeferredFileStreamStorageFactory.DEFAULT_TEMP_FOLDER;
private int bodySizeThreshold = DeferredFileStreamStorageFactory.DEFAULT_MAX_THRESHOLD;
private PartBodyStreamStorageFactory partBodyStreamStorageFactory;
private MultipartContext context;
private Builder(final MultipartContext context) {
if (context == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Context cannot be null");
this.context = context;
Configures a specific buffer size to use during the parsing.
* @param bufferSize The buffer size in bytes.
* @return the {@code Builder} itself.
public Builder withBufferSize(final int bufferSize){
if (bufferSize < 0){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer size cannot be lower than zero");
this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
return this;
Configures a specific headers section limit.
* @param headersSizeLimit headers section limit in bytes.
* @return the {@code Builder} itself.
public Builder withHeadersSizeLimit(final int headersSizeLimit){
if (bufferSize < 0){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Headers size limit cannot be lower than zero");
this.headersSizeLimit = headersSizeLimit;
return this;
Configures the folder where temporary files are stored during the processing.
* This configuration is only valid if the default {@code PartBodyStreamStorageFactory} is used.
* If a different {@code PartBodyStreamStorageFactory} is selected using {@link #usePartBodyStreamStorageFactory(PartBodyStreamStorageFactory)}
* the configuration has no effect.
* @param tempFolder The location where to store the temporary files.
* @return the {@code Builder} itself.
public Builder saveTemporaryFilesTo(final String tempFolder){
this.tempFolder = tempFolder;
return this;
Configures the threshold defining how many bytes of a part's body will be kept in memory before flushing them to disk.
* This configuration is only valid if the default {@code PartBodyStreamStorageFactory} is used.
* If a different {@code PartBodyStreamStorageFactory} is selected using {@link #usePartBodyStreamStorageFactory(PartBodyStreamStorageFactory)}
* the configuration has no effect.
* @param bodySizeThreshold how many bytes of a part's body will be kept in memory before flushing them to disk.
* @return the {@code Builder} itself.
public Builder withMaxMemoryUsagePerBodyPart(final int bodySizeThreshold){
this.bodySizeThreshold = bodySizeThreshold;
return this;
Configures a specific {@code PartBodyStreamStorageFactory} to use.
* @param partBodyStreamStorageFactory The {@code PartBodyStreamStorageFactory} to use
* @return the {@code Builder} itself.
public Builder usePartBodyStreamStorageFactory(final PartBodyStreamStorageFactory partBodyStreamStorageFactory){
this.partBodyStreamStorageFactory = partBodyStreamStorageFactory;
return this;
Specifies how many nested parts are allowed.
* @param nestedMultipartsAllowed Number of nested parts allowed
* @return the {@code Builder} itself.
public Builder limitNestingPartsTo(final int nestedMultipartsAllowed){
if (nestedMultipartsAllowed < 1 ){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nested multiparts limit must be grater than 0");
this.nestedMultipartsAllowed = nestedMultipartsAllowed;
return this;
private PartBodyStreamStorageFactory partStreamsFactory(){
if (partBodyStreamStorageFactory == null){
return new DefaultPartBodyStreamStorageFactory(tempFolder, bodySizeThreshold);
return partBodyStreamStorageFactory;
Builds a {@code NioMultipartParser}. Use this to process the multipart stream in a non blocking fashion.
* @param listener The {@code NioMultipartParserListener} listener
* @return The {@code NioMultipartParser}
public NioMultipartParser forNIO(final NioMultipartParserListener listener){
return new NioMultipartParser(context, listener, partStreamsFactory(), bufferSize, headersSizeLimit, nestedMultipartsAllowed);
Creates the {@code CloseableIterator}. Use this to process in a blocking IO manner.
* @param inputStream The {@code InputStream} with the multipart content.
* @return The {@code CloseableIterator}
public CloseableIterator forBlockingIO(final InputStream inputStream){
return BlockingIOAdapter.parse(inputStream, context, partStreamsFactory(), bufferSize, headersSizeLimit, nestedMultipartsAllowed);
* Starting point for parsing a multipart stream in NIO mode or Blocking IO Mode
* @param context The multipart context
* @return A builder object that can be used to set additional parameters and build a {@code NioMultipartParser} (for NIO) or a {@code CloseableIterator} (for Blocking IO).
public static Builder multipart(final MultipartContext context){
return new Builder(context);