Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2015 Synchronoss Technologies
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
* Utilities to parse a multipart stream.
* @author Silvano Riz.
public class MultipartUtils {
* The dash (-) character in bytes
public static final byte DASH = 0x2D;
* The (\r) character in bytes
public static final byte CR = 0x0D;
* The (\n) character in bytes
public static final byte LF = 0x0A;
* Sequence of bytes that represents the end of a headers section
public static final byte[] HEADER_DELIMITER = {CR, LF, CR, LF};
* Multipart content type prefix
public static final String MULTIPART = "multipart/";
* Content disposition header name
public static final String CONTENT_DISPOSITION = "Content-disposition";
* Content transfer encoding header name
public static final String CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING = "Content-transfer-encoding";
* Content length header name
public static final String CONTENT_LENGTH = "Content-length";
* Content type header name
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-type";
* Content disposition form-data parameter
public static final String FORM_DATA = "form-data";
* Content disposition attachment parameter
public static final String ATTACHMENT = "attachment";
* Specific multipart/form-data content type
public static final String MULTIPART_FORM_DATA = "multipart/form-data";
* Specific multipart/mixed content type
public static final String MULTIPART_MIXED = "multipart/mixed";
private MultipartUtils(){}// empty private constructor
Checks if the Content-Type header defines a multipart request.
* @param contentTypeHeaderValue The value of the Content-Type header.
* @return true if the request is a multipart request, false otherwise.
public static boolean isMultipart(final String contentTypeHeaderValue){
return contentTypeHeaderValue!=null && contentTypeHeaderValue.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith(MULTIPART);
Checks if the headers contains a Content-Type header that defines a multipart request.
* @param headers The headers map
* @return true if the request is a multipart request, false otherwise.
public static boolean hasMultipartContentType(final Map> headers){
return isMultipart(getHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, headers));
* Returns the value of the content length header if present. -1 if the header is not present or if the value cannot be converted to a long
* @param headers The headers map
* @return the value of the content length header if present. -1 if the header is not present or if the value cannot be converted to a long
public static long getContentLength(final Map> headers) {
long contentLength = -1;
String contentLengthHeaderValue = getHeader(CONTENT_LENGTH, headers);
if (contentLengthHeaderValue != null && contentLengthHeaderValue.length() > 0){
try {
contentLength = Long.parseLong(contentLengthHeaderValue);
} catch (Exception e) {
contentLength = -1;
return contentLength;
* Extracts the charset parameter value from the content type header.
* @param headers The headers map
* @return the charset parameter value from the content type header or null if the header is not present of the charset parameter not defined
public static String getCharEncoding(final Map> headers) {
String contentType = getHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, headers);
if (contentType != null) {
ParameterParser parser = new ParameterParser();
Map params = parser.parse(contentType, ';');
return params.get("charset");
return null;
* Returns the list of values fo a particular header.
* @param headerName The header name
* @param headers The list of headers
* @return The list of header values or null.
public static List getHeaders(final String headerName, final Map> headers){
return headers.get(headerName.toLowerCase());
* Returns the first value of a particular header
* @param headerName The header name
* @param headers The headers
* @return The first value of the header or null
public static String getHeader(final String headerName, final Map> headers){
List headerValues = getHeaders(headerName, headers);
if (headerValues == null || headerValues.size() == 0){
return null;
return headerValues.get(0);
* Checks if the part is a form field.
* @param headers The part headers
* @return true if the part is a form field, false otherwise.
public static boolean isFormField(final Map> headers){
final String fileName = getFileName(headers);
final String fieldName = getFieldName(headers);
return fieldName != null && fileName == null;
* Returns the 'filename' parameter of the Content-disposition header.
* @param headers The list of headers
* @return The 'filename' parameter of the Content-disposition header or null
public static String getFileName(final Map> headers) {
final String contentDisposition = getHeader(CONTENT_DISPOSITION, headers);
String fileName = null;
if (contentDisposition != null) {
String contentDispositionLc = contentDisposition.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
if (contentDispositionLc.startsWith(FORM_DATA) || contentDispositionLc.startsWith(ATTACHMENT)) {
ParameterParser parser = new ParameterParser();
parser.setLowerCaseNames(true);// Parameter parser can handle null input
Map params = parser.parse(contentDisposition, ';');
if (params.containsKey("filename")) {
fileName = params.get("filename");
if (fileName != null) {
fileName = fileName.trim();
} else {
// Even if there is no value, the parameter is present, so we return an empty file name rather than no file name.
fileName = "";
return fileName;
* Returns the 'name' parameter of the Content-disposition header.
* @param headers The list of headers
* @return The 'name' parameter of the Content-disposition header or null
public static String getFieldName(final Map> headers) {
final String contentDisposition = getHeader(CONTENT_DISPOSITION, headers);
String fieldName = null;
if (contentDisposition != null && contentDisposition.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith(FORM_DATA)) {
ParameterParser parser = new ParameterParser();
parser.setLowerCaseNames(true); // Parameter parser can handle null input
Map params = parser.parse(contentDisposition, ';');
fieldName = params.get("name");
if (fieldName != null) {
fieldName = fieldName.trim();
return fieldName;
* Returns true if the headers contain the Content-transfer-encoding with value 'base64'.
* @param partHeaders The list of headers
* @return true if the headers contain the Content-transfer-encoding with value 'base64', false otherwise
public static boolean isContentTransferEncodingBase64Encoded(final Map> partHeaders) {
String contentEncoding = MultipartUtils.getHeader(CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING, partHeaders);
return contentEncoding != null && "base64".equalsIgnoreCase(contentEncoding);
* Extracts the boundary parameter value defined in the Content-Type header of a multipart request.
For example if the Content-Type header is
* {@code
* Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------735323031399963166993862150
* }
* This method will extract
* {@code
* ---------------------------735323031399963166993862150
* }
* and return the correspondent bytes.
* The charset used to encode the string into bytes is ISO-8859-1 and if it is not supported it will fall back to the default charset.
* @param contentType The value of the Content-Type header.
* @return The boundary parameter value or {@code null} if not defined.
public static byte[] getBoundary(final String contentType) {
ParameterParser parser = new ParameterParser();
// Parameter parser can handle null input
Map params = parser.parse(contentType, new char[] {';', ','});
String boundaryStr = params.get("boundary");
if (boundaryStr == null) {
return null;
byte[] boundary;
try {
boundary = boundaryStr.getBytes("ISO-8859-1");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
boundary = boundaryStr.getBytes(); // Intentionally falls back to default charset
return boundary;