admin.astor.TangoServer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// $Source: $
// Project: Tango
// Description: java source code for Tango manager tool..
// $Author$
// Copyright (C) : 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,
// European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
// BP 220, Grenoble 38043
// This file is part of Tango.
// Tango is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Tango is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Tango. If not, see .
// $Revision$
package admin.astor;
import admin.astor.tools.*;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevFailed;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevState;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.*;
import fr.esrf.TangoDs.Except;
import fr.esrf.TangoDs.TangoConst;
import fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util.ErrorPane;
import fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util.Splash;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Server object containing devices list.
* This class inherit from device proxy.
* It is seen as the administrative device of this dbServer.
* @author verdier
public class TangoServer extends DeviceProxy implements AstorDefs, TangoConst {
private String name;
private DbServer dbServer = null;
private String deviceName;
private DevState state;
private int nbInstances = 1;
public DbServInfo info;
public JLabel label;
// Replacing info
public boolean controlled = false;
public int startup_level = 0;
private static final long RestartTimeout = 10000;
public TangoServer(String name, DevState state) throws DevFailed {
// Create object
super("dserver/" + name);
this.name = name;
this.deviceName = get_name(); // Not the dbServer name but
// the administrative device name
this.state = state;
public TangoServer(String name) throws DevFailed {
// Create object
this.name = name;
this.deviceName = get_name(); // Not the dbServer name but
// the administrative device name
this.state = DevState.ON;
void putStartupInfo(DbServInfo si) throws DevFailed {
if (dbServer == null)
dbServer = new DbServer(name);
info = si;
public void updateStartupInfo() throws DevFailed {
if (dbServer == null)
dbServer = new DbServer(name);
info = dbServer.get_info();
public void setState(DevState state) {
this.state = state;
public DevState getState() {
return state;
public String getName() {
return name;
public int getNbInstances() {
return nbInstances;
public void setNbInstances(int nbInstances) {
this.nbInstances = nbInstances;
public String[] queryClass() throws DevFailed {
DeviceData argOut = command_inout("QueryClass");
return argOut.extractStringArray();
public DbDevImportInfo getImportInfo() throws DevFailed {
return import_device();
public String[] queryDeviceFromDb() throws DevFailed {
if (dbServer == null) {
String serverName = name.substring(name.indexOf('/') + 1);
dbServer = new DbServer(serverName);
List v = new ArrayList<>();
String[] classList = dbServer.get_class_list();
for (String class_ : classList) {
String[] deviceNames = dbServer.get_device_name(class_);
String[] deviceNames = new String[v.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
deviceNames[i] = v.get(i);
return deviceNames;
String[] queryDevice() throws DevFailed {
return queryDevice(false);
private String[] queryDevice(boolean withDServer) throws DevFailed {
// Query the device list
// (Check two times for backward compatibility)
DeviceData argOut;
try {
argOut = command_inout("QueryDevice");
} catch (DevFailed e) {
// If not "command not found" re-throw exception
if (!e.errors[0].reason.equals("API_CommandNotFound"))
throw e;
argOut = command_inout("DevQueryDevice");
// remove class name at beginning of each device name added in Tango-5
String separator = "::";
String[] tmp = argOut.extractStringArray();
String[] devices = new String[(withDServer) ? tmp.length + 1 : tmp.length];
for (int i = 0, start; i < tmp.length; i++)
if ((start = tmp[i].indexOf(separator)) > 0)
devices[i] = tmp[i].substring(start + separator.length());
devices[i] = tmp[i];
// Add the admin dev name if requested.
if (withDServer)
devices[devices.length - 1] = deviceName;
return devices;
public String toString() {
return name;
boolean startupLevel(Window parent, String hostname, Point p) {
return startupLevel(parent, hostname, p,false);
boolean startupLevel(Window parent, String hostname, Point p,boolean skipDialog) {
boolean modified = false;
try {
// Get dbServer startup info and popup dialog
PutServerInfoDialog dialog = new PutServerInfoDialog(parent, true);
// if OK put the new info to database
if (skipDialog || dialog.showDialog(info) == PutServerInfoDialog.RET_OK) {
info = dialog.getSelection();
if (info != null) {
info.host = hostname;
if (info.startup_level==0)
info.controlled = false;
} else {
// Check if Server is stopped (it must be)
if (state == DevState.ON) {
"Stop " + name + " Server before !");
return false;
// Remove Server info in database
putStartupInfo(new DbServInfo(name, hostname, false, 0));
// Register devices on empty host and un export.
if (dbServer == null)
dbServer = new DbServer(name);
String[] deviceName = dbServer.get_device_class_list();
for (int i = 0; i < deviceName.length; i += 2) {
new DbDevExportInfo(deviceName[i], "", "", ""));
modified = true;
} catch (DevFailed e) {
ErrorPane.showErrorMessage(parent, null, e);
return modified;
DbServInfo getStartupLevel(Window parent, Point p) {
try {
// Get dbServer startup info and popup dialog
PutServerInfoDialog dialog = new PutServerInfoDialog(parent, true, false);
// if OK put the new info to database
if (dialog.showDialog(info) == PutServerInfoDialog.RET_OK) {
info = dialog.getSelection();
if (info != null) {
if (info.startup_level == 0)
return info;
} catch (DevFailed e) {
ErrorPane.showErrorMessage(parent, null, e);
return null;
private String chooseDevice(Component parent) throws DevFailed {
return chooseDevice(parent, false);
private String chooseDevice(Component parent, boolean withDServer) throws DevFailed {
// Query the device list to run jive
String[] classDeviceNames = DeviceSelection.getClassDevices(name);
String selectedDevice = null;
switch (classDeviceNames.length) {
case 0:
Except.throw_exception("NO_DEVICE_REGISTERED", "No device registered for this server");
case 1:
// Remove class name if any
selectedDevice = classDeviceNames[0];
int idx = selectedDevice.indexOf("::");
if (idx>0)
selectedDevice = selectedDevice.substring(idx+2);
// Check if OLD tango (do not start with 'className::' )
if (classDeviceNames[0].contains("::")) {
// Class and device names are available
DeviceSelection dialog;
if (parent instanceof JFrame)
dialog = new DeviceSelection((JFrame) parent, name, classDeviceNames, withDServer);
else if (parent instanceof JDialog)
dialog = new DeviceSelection((JDialog) parent, name, classDeviceNames, withDServer);
dialog = new DeviceSelection(new JFrame(), name, classDeviceNames, withDServer);
selectedDevice = dialog.showDialog();
else {
// Only device name is available
selectedDevice = (String) JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
parent, "Device selection :", "",
null, classDeviceNames, classDeviceNames[0]);
return selectedDevice;
void displayBlackBox(Component parent) {
try {
// Query the device to test
String choice = chooseDevice(parent, true);
if (choice == null)
// Start Test black box on selected device
BlackBoxTable bb;
if (parent instanceof JFrame)
bb = new BlackBoxTable((JFrame) parent, choice);
bb = new BlackBoxTable((JDialog) parent, choice);
} catch (DevFailed e) {
ErrorPane.showErrorMessage(parent, null, e);
void testDevice(Component parent) {
try {
// Query the device to test
String choice = chooseDevice(parent);
if (choice == null)
// Start Test Device panel on selected device
AstorUtil.testDevice(parent, choice);
} catch (DevFailed e) {
ErrorPane.showErrorMessage(parent, null, e);
private jive3.MainPanel jive3 = null;
void showJive(JFrame jFrame) {
if (jFrame instanceof Astor) {
// Do it on astor one
else { // Do it on local one
// Check already Started
if (jive3 == null) {
boolean readOnly = AstorUtil.getInstance().jiveIsReadOnly();
jive3 = new jive3.MainPanel(false, readOnly);
String getServerInfo(Component parent, boolean ds_present) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("------------ Server Info ------------\n\n");
try {
// Query info from database
} catch (DevFailed e) {
ErrorPane.showErrorMessage(parent, null, e);
return "";
if (ds_present) {
try {
// Query info from dbServer if running
String[] devices = queryDevice();
sb.append("\n\n----------- Device(s) Served -----------\n\n");
for (String devname : devices)
} catch (DevFailed e) { /* */ }
return sb.toString();
void configureWithWizard(JDialog parent) {
jive.DevWizard wdlg = new jive.DevWizard(parent);
void manageMemorizedAttributes(JDialog parent) {
try {
if (dbServer==null)
dbServer = new DbServer(name);
new AttMemoDialog(parent, dbServer).setVisible(true);
// Replaced by following class
new DbServerArchitecture(parent, name).setVisible(true);
} catch (DevFailed e) {
ErrorPane.showErrorMessage(parent, null, e);
private boolean displayArchitecture(JDialog parent) {
try {
ServArchitectureDialog dialog =
new ServArchitectureDialog(parent, this);
} catch (DevFailed e) {
if (e.errors[0].reason.equals("API_CommandNotFound"))
return false;
ErrorPane.showErrorMessage(parent, null, e);
return true;
String[] getServerUptime() throws DevFailed {
String[] retStr = new String[0];
String servinfo = get_info().toString();
int start = servinfo.indexOf("last_exported:");
if (start > 0) {
start += "last_exported:".length();
int end = servinfo.indexOf("\n", start);
if (end > 0) {
// Get exported date
retStr = new String[2];
retStr[0] = servinfo.substring(start, end).trim();
// Get unexported
start = servinfo.indexOf(":", end);
if (start > 0) {
retStr[1] = servinfo.substring(start + 1).trim();
} else {
retStr[1] = "???";
return retStr;
void displayServerInfo(JDialog parent) {
// Dispplay info from database and from dbServer if any.
boolean done = false;
if (state == DevState.ON)
done = displayArchitecture(parent);
if (!done) {
String servinfo = getServerInfo(parent, (state == DevState.ON));
if (servinfo.length() > 0)
Utils.popupMessage(parent, servinfo);
void displayClassInfo(JFrame parent) {
try {
if (dbServer == null)
dbServer = new DbServer(name);
// Prepare text
String[] classes = dbServer.get_class_list();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(
"Tango Device Server " +
name + " : \n\n");
// Do for each class
for (String classname : classes) {
sb.append("- Class ").append(classname).append(":\n");
String[] prop = AstorUtil.getServerClassProperties(classname);
// append URL doc location
if (prop[2].equals(DocLocationUnknown))
sb.append(DocLocationUnknown + "
else {
sb.append("\n ");
// append class description
if (prop[0] != null) sb.append(prop[0]).append("
if (prop[1] != null) sb.append(prop[1]).append("
// And write it in a tmp file
int random_value = new java.util.Random().nextInt(30000);
FileOutputStream fidout;
String filename = "/tmp/astor." + random_value;
// Try a first time
try {
fidout = new FileOutputStream(filename);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// May be it is window and /tmp does not exist....
filename = "c:/temp/astor." + random_value;
fidout = new FileOutputStream(filename);
String urlstr = "file:" + filename;
new PopupHtml(parent, true).show(urlstr);
if (!new File(filename).delete())
System.err.println("Failed to delete " + filename);
} catch (Exception e) {
ErrorPane.showErrorMessage(parent, null, e);
// private String indent(String s) {
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// String tab = " ";
// int start = 0;
// int end;
// while ((end = s.indexOf("\n", start)) >= 0) {
// if (start > 0)
// sb.append("\n");
// sb.append(tab).append(s.substring(start, end));
// start = end + 1;
// }
// if (start > 0)
// sb.append("\n");
// sb.append(tab).append(s.substring(start));
// if (sb.toString().endsWith("\n"))
// sb = new StringBuilder(sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 2));
// return sb.toString();
// }
// //===============================================================
// //===============================================================
// private JDialog stateDialog;
// private ServerStatePanel statePanel;
// void checkStates(JDialog parent) {
// // Try to implement state panel if found in classpath
// try {
// // Start progress monitor
// //-----------------------------
// Splash splash = new Splash();
// splash.setTitle("Forking State Panel");
// splash.setMessage("Starting");
// splash.setVisible(true);
// splash.progress(10);
// statePanel = new ServerStatePanel(name);
// splash.progress(30);
// // Build dialog
// stateDialog = new JDialog(parent, false);
// stateDialog.addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
// public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {
// // Stop refresher
// statePanel.stopRefresher();
// // Close dialog
// stateDialog.setVisible(false);
// stateDialog.dispose();
// }
// });
// JButton dismissBtn = new JButton("Dismiss");
// dismissBtn.addActionListener(evt -> {
// // Stop refresher
// statePanel.stopRefresher();
// // Close dialog
// stateDialog.setVisible(false);
// stateDialog.dispose();
// });
// JPanel panel2 = new JPanel();
// panel2.add(dismissBtn);
// stateDialog.getContentPane().add(panel2, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
// splash.progress(50);
// // Add state panel in dialog and set it visible.
// stateDialog.getContentPane().add(statePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
// stateDialog.pack();
// AstorUtil.cascadeDialog(stateDialog, parent);
// stateDialog.setVisible(true);
// splash.setVisible(false);
// return;
// } catch (DevFailed e) {
// ErrorPane.showErrorMessage(parent, null, e);
// return;
// } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
// System.out.println(e.toString());
// }
// //==================================
// // If not found do it as before
// //==================================
// try {
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// // Query info from dbServer
// String[] _devices = queryDevice();
// // add admin device
// String[] devices = new String[_devices.length + 1];
// devices[0] = deviceName;
// System.arraycopy(_devices, 0, devices, 1, _devices.length);
// DevState[] states = new DevState[devices.length];
// // Check state for each device
// for (int i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) {
// DeviceProxy d = new DeviceProxy(devices[i]);
// states[i] = d.state();
// sb.append(devices[i]).append(": ");
// sb.append(ApiUtil.stateName(states[i])).append("\n");
// // Check if status must be added.
// if (states[i] == DevState.FAULT ||
// states[i] == DevState.ALARM ||
// states[i] == DevState.UNKNOWN) {
// sb.append(indent(d.status())).append("\n\n");
// }
// }
// //System.out.println(sb);
// int nb_lines = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < sb.length(); i++)
// if (sb.charAt(i) == '\n')
// nb_lines++;
// if (nb_lines <= 40)
// Utils.popupMessage(parent, sb.toString());
// else
// new PopupText(parent).show(sb.toString());
// } catch (DevFailed e) {
// ErrorPane.showErrorMessage(parent, null, e);
// }
// }
public void restart(Component parent, TangoHost host, boolean check_stop) {
String message = (check_stop) ? "Are you sure to" : "Do you";
message += " want to restart " + getName();
if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(parent,
"Confirm Dialog",
JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
new restartThread(parent, host, check_stop).start();
private PoolThreadsManager pool_thread_man = null;
void poolThreadManager(JDialog parent, TangoHost host) {
try {
if (pool_thread_man == null)
pool_thread_man = new PoolThreadsManager(parent, host, this);
} catch (DevFailed e) {
ErrorPane.showErrorMessage(parent, null, e);
* A thread class to stop, Wait a bit and restart dbServer.
private class restartThread extends Thread {
private TangoHost host;
private Component parent;
private boolean check_stop;
restartThread(Component parent, TangoHost host, boolean check_stop) {
this.host = host;
this.parent = parent;
this.check_stop = check_stop;
public void run() {
try {
// Stop it
try {
} catch (DevFailed e) {
if (check_stop)
throw e;
// Wait a bit to be sure it is stopped
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long t1 = t0;
while ((state == DevState.ON || state == DevState.MOVING)
&& (t1 - t0) < RestartTimeout) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) { /* */ }
t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (state == DevState.ON) {
"Stopping dbServer " + name + " timeout\n" +
"may be, it cannot be stopped.",
// And restart.
host.startServer(parent, name);
} catch (DevFailed e) {
ErrorPane.showErrorMessage(parent, null, e);
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