fr.esrf.TangoDs.Except Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// $Source$
// Project: Tango
// Description: java source code for the TANGO client/server API.
// $Author: pascal_verdier $
// Copyright (C) : 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,
// European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
// BP 220, Grenoble 38043
// This file is part of Tango.
// Tango is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Tango is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with Tango. If not, see .
// $Revision: 25296 $
package fr.esrf.TangoDs;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevError;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevFailed;
import fr.esrf.Tango.ErrSeverity;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.*;
import org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus;
import org.omg.CORBA.SystemException;
* Container class for all exception related methods. Most of these methods are
* static methods
* @author $Author: pascal_verdier $
* //
* // Copyright (C) : 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009
* // European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
* // BP 220, Grenoble 38043
* //
* // This file is part of Tango.
* //
* // Tango is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* // (at your option) any later version.
* //
* // Tango is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* //
* // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* // along with Tango. If not, see .
* //
* @version $Revision: 25296 $
* The Except class
* description : This class is a container for all exceptions related
* methods to be used in aa Tango device server/client.
* Most of these methods are static.
public class Except implements TangoConst, java.io.Serializable {
* This method, like print_exception method.
* It builds a string with exception argument but returns this string.
public static String str_exception(Exception except) {
String str = "";
if (except instanceof ConnectionFailed)
str += ((ConnectionFailed) (except)).getStack();
else if (except instanceof CommunicationFailed)
str += ((CommunicationFailed) (except)).getStack();
else if (except instanceof WrongNameSyntax)
str += ((WrongNameSyntax) (except)).getStack();
else if (except instanceof WrongData)
str += ((WrongData) (except)).getStack();
else if (except instanceof NonDbDevice)
str += ((NonDbDevice) (except)).getStack();
else if (except instanceof NonSupportedFeature)
str += ((NonSupportedFeature) (except)).getStack();
else if (except instanceof EventSystemFailed)
str += ((EventSystemFailed) (except)).getStack();
else if (except instanceof AsynReplyNotArrived)
str += ((AsynReplyNotArrived) (except)).getStack();
else if (except instanceof DevFailed) {
DevFailed df = (DevFailed) except;
// True DevFailed
str += "Tango exception " + df.toString() + "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < df.errors.length; i++) {
str += "Severity -> ";
switch (df.errors[i].severity.value()) {
case ErrSeverity._WARN:
str += "WARNING \n";
case ErrSeverity._ERR:
str += "ERROR \n";
case ErrSeverity._PANIC:
str += "PANIC \n";
str += "Unknown severity code";
str += "Desc -> " + df.errors[i].desc + "\n";
str += "Reason -> " + df.errors[i].reason + "\n";
str += "Origin -> " + df.errors[i].origin + "\n";
if (i < df.errors.length - 1)
str += "-------------------------------------------------------------\n";
} else
str = except.toString();
return str;
* Print a TANGO exception.
* Print all the details of a TANGO exception. If the exception is not a
* TANGO DevFailed exception, it
* only print the stack.
* @param errors errors array
public static void print_exception(fr.esrf.Tango.DevError[] errors) {
print_exception(new DevFailed(errors));
* Print a TANGO exception.
* Print all the details of a TANGO exception. If the exception is not a
* TANGO DevFailed exception, it
* only print the stack.
* @param ex The exception object reference
public static void print_exception(Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof DevFailed) {
// For a Tango DevFailed exception
DevFailed ex_dev = ((fr.esrf.Tango.DevFailed) ex);
for (int i = 0; i < ex_dev.errors.length; i++) {
System.err.println("Tango exception");
System.err.print("Severity -> ");
switch (ex_dev.errors[i].severity.value()) {
case ErrSeverity._WARN:
System.err.println("WARNING ");
case ErrSeverity._ERR:
System.err.println("ERROR ");
case ErrSeverity._PANIC:
System.err.println("PANIC ");
System.err.println("Unknown severity code");
System.err.println("Desc -> " + ex_dev.errors[i].desc);
// Check if from a MultiDevFailed exception
if (ex instanceof NamedDevFailedList) {
NamedDevFailedList ndfl = (NamedDevFailedList) ex;
if (i < ndfl.get_faulty_attr_nb()) {
NamedDevFailed ndf = ndfl.elementAt(i);
for (DevError err : ndf.err_stack)
System.out.println("Reason -> " + err.reason);
} else
System.err.println("Reason -> " + ex_dev.errors[i].reason);
System.err.println("Origin -> " + ex_dev.errors[i].origin);
} else {
int last_dot, before_last_dot;
String ex_name = ex.getClass().getName();
if ((last_dot = ex_name.lastIndexOf('.')) < 0) {
// Unknown exception
String ex_last_name = ex_name.substring(last_dot + 1);
if ((before_last_dot = ex_name.lastIndexOf('.', last_dot - 1)) < 0) {
// Unknown exception
String ex_part_name = ex_name.substring(before_last_dot + 1, last_dot);
if (ex_part_name.equals("CORBA")) {
// CORBA System exception
SystemException ex_sys = ((SystemException) ex);
System.err.println("CORBA system exception " + ex_last_name);
System.err.print("Completed: ");
switch (ex_sys.completed.value()) {
case CompletionStatus._COMPLETED_YES:
case CompletionStatus._COMPLETED_NO:
case CompletionStatus._COMPLETED_MAYBE:
System.err.println("Minor code: " + ex_sys.minor);
} else {
// Unknown exeption
* Print a TANGO exception with stack.
* Print all the details of a TANGO exception. It also prints the stack when
* the exception occurs. If the exception is not a TANGO DevFailed exception, it
* only print the stack.
* @param ex The exception object reference
public static void print_exception_stack(Exception ex) {
* Returns the current code line (used as origin to throw a DevFailed)
* @return the current code line (used as origin to throw a DevFailed)
private static String getCurrentCodeLine() {
// index 0: Thread.getTrace()
// index 1: The following line.
// index 2: The throw_exception() line.
// index 3: the calling line.
return Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[3].toString();
* Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
* The exception is created with a single DevError
* object. The DevError severity field is set to ERR
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field.
* origin will be find from java classes.
* @throws DevFailed The thrown exception.
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
public static void throw_exception(String reason, String desc) throws DevFailed {
throw_exception(reason, desc, getCurrentCodeLine());
* Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
* The exception is created with a single DevError
* object. The DevError severity field is set to ERR
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws DevFailed The thrown exception.
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
public static void throw_exception(String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws DevFailed {
throw_exception(reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.ERR);
* Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
* The exception is created with a single DevError
* object.
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param sever The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws DevFailed The thrown exception.
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
public static void throw_exception(String reason, String desc,
String origin, ErrSeverity sever)
throws DevFailed {
DevError[] err = new DevError[1];
err[0] = new DevError();
err[0].desc = desc;
err[0].severity = sever;
err[0].reason = reason;
err[0].origin = origin;
throw new DevFailed(err);
* Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
* The exception is re-thrown with one more DevError
* object. The new DevError severity field is set to ERR
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
* @param ex The DevFailed exception
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @throws DevFailed The thrown exception.
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
public static void re_throw_exception(DevFailed ex, String reason, String desc)
throws DevFailed {
re_throw_exception(ex, reason, desc, getCurrentCodeLine());
* Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
* The exception is re-thrown with one more DevError
* object. The new DevError severity field is set to ERR
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
* @param ex The DevFailed exception
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws DevFailed The thrown exception.
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
public static void re_throw_exception(DevFailed ex,
String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws DevFailed {
re_throw_exception(ex, reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.ERR);
* Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
* The exception is re-rhrown with one more DevError
* object.
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
* @param ex The DevFailed exception
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param sever The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws DevFailed The thrown exception.
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
public static void re_throw_exception(DevFailed ex,
String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity sever)
throws DevFailed {
int nb_error = ex.errors.length;
DevError[] err = new DevError[nb_error + 1];
System.arraycopy(ex.errors, 0, err, 0, nb_error);
err[nb_error] = new DevError();
err[nb_error].desc = desc;
err[nb_error].severity = sever;
err[nb_error].reason = reason;
err[nb_error].origin = origin;
throw new DevFailed(err);
* Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception from a CORBA exception.
* The exception is created with a single DevError
* object. A value ERR is defined for the DevError
* severity field.
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
* @param ex A CORBA System Exception. The reason and desc fields of the
* DevError object will be set according to the data in this exception.
* The reason field is always set to API_CorbaSysException and the reason flag is
* different depending on the exact type of the CORBA system exception.
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws DevFailed The thrown exception.
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
public static void throw_exception(SystemException ex, String origin)
throws DevFailed {
DevError[] err = new DevError[1];
err[0] = new DevError();
err[0].desc = print_CORBA_SystemException(ex);
err[0].severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
err[0].reason = "API_CorbaSysException";
err[0].origin = origin;
throw new DevFailed(err);
* Create a string from a CORBA excepition
* @param ex The CORBA exception
public static String print_CORBA_SystemException(SystemException ex) {
// get exception name
String ex_name = ex.getClass().getName();
int last_dot = ex_name.lastIndexOf('.');
// Unknown exception
if (last_dot == -1) {
return "Unknown system exception !!!!!!!!";
String ex_last_name = ex_name.substring(last_dot + 1);
int before_last_dot = ex_name.lastIndexOf('.', last_dot - 1);
// Unknown exception
if (before_last_dot == -1) {
return "Unknown system exception !!!!!!!!";
} else {
String ex_part_name = ex_name.substring(before_last_dot + 1, last_dot);
if (ex_part_name.equals("CORBA")) {
// CORBA System exception
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("CORBA system exception ");
str.append("Completed: ");
switch (ex.completed.value()) {
case CompletionStatus._COMPLETED_YES:
case CompletionStatus._COMPLETED_NO:
case CompletionStatus._COMPLETED_MAYBE:
str.append("Minor code: ");
return str.toString();
} else {
// Unknown exeption
return "Unknown system exception !!!!!!!!";
* Client exceptions management
* Throw a ConnectionFailed exception.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws ConnectionFailed The client exception.
static public void throw_connection_failed(String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws ConnectionFailed {
reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.from_int(ErrSeverity._PANIC));
* Re-throw a ConnectionFailed exception.
* @param df A DevFailed exception to be rethrown.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws ConnectionFailed The client exception.
static public void throw_connection_failed(DevFailed df, String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws ConnectionFailed {
reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.from_int(ErrSeverity._PANIC));
* Throw a ConnectionFailed exception.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param severity The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws ConnectionFailed The client exception.
static public void throw_connection_failed(String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity severity)
throws ConnectionFailed {
reason, desc, origin, severity);
* re-throw a DevFailed in a ConnectionFailed exception.
* @param df A DevFailed exception to be rethrown.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param severity The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws ConnectionFailed The client exception.
static public void throw_connection_failed(DevFailed df, String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity severity)
throws ConnectionFailed {
DevError[] err;
int i = 0;
// if DevFailed is null -> allocate
if (df == null)
err = new DevError[1];
else {
// Else copy in new object
err = new DevError[df.errors.length + 1];
for (; i < df.errors.length; i++)
err[i] = df.errors[i];
err[i] = new DevError(reason, severity, desc, origin);
throw new ConnectionFailed(err);
* Throw a CommunicationFailed exception.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws CommunicationFailed The client exception.
static public void throw_communication_failed(String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws CommunicationFailed {
reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.from_int(ErrSeverity._ERR));
* Re-throw a CommunicationFailed exception.
* @param df A DevFailed exception to be rethrown.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws CommunicationFailed The client exception.
static public void throw_communication_failed(DevFailed df, String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws CommunicationFailed {
reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.from_int(ErrSeverity._ERR));
* Throw a CommunicationTimeout exception.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws CommunicationTimeout The client exception.
static public void throw_communication_timeout(String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws fr.esrf.TangoApi.CommunicationTimeout {
reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.from_int(ErrSeverity._ERR));
* Throw a CommunicationFailed exception.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param severity The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws CommunicationFailed The client exception.
static public void throw_communication_failed(String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity severity)
throws CommunicationFailed {
reason, desc, origin, severity);
* re-throw a DevFailed in a CommunicationFailed exception.
* @param df A DevFailed exception to be rethrown.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param severity The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws CommunicationFailed The client exception.
static public void throw_communication_failed(DevFailed df, String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity severity)
throws CommunicationFailed {
DevError[] err;
int i = 0;
// if DevFailed is null -> allocate
if (df == null)
err = new DevError[1];
else {
// Else copy in new object
err = new DevError[df.errors.length + 1];
for (; i < df.errors.length; i++)
err[i] = df.errors[i];
err[i] = new DevError(reason, severity, desc, origin);
throw new CommunicationFailed(err);
* re-throw a DevFailed in a CommunicationTimeout exception.
* @param df A DevFailed exception to be rethrown.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param severity The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws CommunicationTimeout The client exception.
static public void throw_communication_timeout(DevFailed df, String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity severity)
throws fr.esrf.TangoApi.CommunicationTimeout {
DevError[] err;
int i = 0;
// if DevFailed is null -> allocate
if (df == null)
err = new DevError[1];
else {
// Else copy in new object
err = new DevError[df.errors.length + 1];
for (; i < df.errors.length; i++)
err[i] = df.errors[i];
err[i] = new DevError(reason, severity, desc, origin);
throw new fr.esrf.TangoApi.CommunicationTimeout(err);
* Throw a WrongNameSyntax exception.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws WrongNameSyntax The client exception.
static public void throw_wrong_syntax_exception(String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws WrongNameSyntax {
reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.from_int(ErrSeverity._ERR));
* Re-throw a WrongNameSyntax exception.
* @param df A DevFailed exception to be rethrown.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws WrongNameSyntax The client exception.
static public void throw_wrong_syntax_exception(DevFailed df, String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws WrongNameSyntax {
reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.from_int(ErrSeverity._ERR));
* Throw a WrongNameSyntax exception.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param severity The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws WrongNameSyntax The client exception.
static public void throw_wrong_syntax_exception(String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity severity)
throws WrongNameSyntax {
reason, desc, origin, severity);
* re-throw a DevFailed in a WrongNameSyntax exception.
* @param df A DevFailed exception to be rethrown.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param severity The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws WrongNameSyntax The client exception.
static public void throw_wrong_syntax_exception(DevFailed df, String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity severity)
throws WrongNameSyntax {
DevError[] err;
int i = 0;
// if DevFailed is null -> allocate
if (df == null)
err = new DevError[1];
else {
// Else copy in new object
err = new DevError[df.errors.length + 1];
for (; i < df.errors.length; i++)
err[i] = df.errors[i];
err[i] = new DevError(reason, severity, desc, origin);
throw new WrongNameSyntax(err);
* Throw a WrongData exception.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws WrongData The client exception.
static public void throw_wrong_data_exception(String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws WrongData {
reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.from_int(ErrSeverity._ERR));
* Re-throw a WrongData exception.
* @param df A DevFailed exception to be rethrown.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws WrongData The client exception.
static public void throw_wrong_data_exception(DevFailed df, String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws WrongData {
reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.from_int(ErrSeverity._ERR));
* Throw a WrongData exception.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param severity The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws WrongData The client exception.
static public void throw_wrong_data_exception(String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity severity)
throws WrongData {
reason, desc, origin, severity);
* re-throw a DevFailed in a WrongData exception.
* @param df A DevFailed exception to be rethrown.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param severity The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws WrongData The client exception.
static public void throw_wrong_data_exception(DevFailed df, String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity severity)
throws WrongData {
DevError[] err;
int i = 0;
// if DevFailed is null -> allocate
if (df == null)
err = new DevError[1];
else {
// Else copy in new object
err = new DevError[df.errors.length + 1];
for (; i < df.errors.length; i++)
err[i] = df.errors[i];
err[i] = new DevError(reason, severity, desc, origin);
throw new WrongData(err);
* Throw a NonDbDevice exception.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws NonDbDevice The client exception.
static public void throw_non_db_exception(String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws NonDbDevice {
reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.from_int(ErrSeverity._ERR));
* Re-throw a NonDbDevice exception.
* @param df A DevFailed exception to be rethrown.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws NonDbDevice The client exception.
static public void throw_non_db_exception(DevFailed df, String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws NonDbDevice {
reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.from_int(ErrSeverity._ERR));
* Throw a NonDbDevice exception.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param severity The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws NonDbDevice The client exception.
static public void throw_non_db_exception(String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity severity)
throws NonDbDevice {
reason, desc, origin, severity);
* re-throw a DevFailed in a NonDbDevice exception.
* @param df A DevFailed exception to be rethrown.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param severity The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws NonDbDevice The client exception.
static public void throw_non_db_exception(DevFailed df, String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity severity)
throws NonDbDevice {
DevError[] err;
int i = 0;
// if DevFailed is null -> allocate
if (df == null)
err = new DevError[1];
else {
// Else copy in new object
err = new DevError[df.errors.length + 1];
for (; i < df.errors.length; i++)
err[i] = df.errors[i];
err[i] = new DevError(reason, severity, desc, origin);
throw new NonDbDevice(err);
* Throw a NonSupportedFeature exception.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws NonSupportedFeature The client exception.
static public void throw_non_supported_exception(String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws NonSupportedFeature {
reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.from_int(ErrSeverity._ERR));
* Re-throw a NonSupportedFeature exception.
* @param df A DevFailed exception to be rethrown.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws NonSupportedFeature The client exception.
static public void throw_non_supported_exception(DevFailed df, String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws NonSupportedFeature {
reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.from_int(ErrSeverity._ERR));
* Throw a NonSupportedFeature exception.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param severity The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws NonSupportedFeature The client exception.
static public void throw_non_supported_exception(String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity severity)
throws NonSupportedFeature {
reason, desc, origin, severity);
* re-throw a DevFailed in a NonSupportedFeature exception.
* @param df A DevFailed exception to be rethrown.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param severity The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws NonSupportedFeature The client exception.
static public void throw_non_supported_exception(DevFailed df, String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity severity)
throws NonSupportedFeature {
DevError[] err;
int i = 0;
// if DevFailed is null -> allocate
if (df == null)
err = new DevError[1];
else {
// Else copy in new object
err = new DevError[df.errors.length + 1];
for (; i < df.errors.length; i++)
err[i] = df.errors[i];
err[i] = new DevError(reason, severity, desc, origin);
throw new NonSupportedFeature(err);
* Throw a AsynReplyNotArrived exception.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws AsynReplyNotArrived The client exception.
static public void throw_asyn_reply_not_arrived(String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws AsynReplyNotArrived {
reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.from_int(ErrSeverity._ERR));
* Re-throw a AsynReplyNotArrived exception.
* @param df A DevFailed exception to be rethrown.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws AsynReplyNotArrived The client exception.
static public void throw_asyn_reply_not_arrived(DevFailed df, String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws AsynReplyNotArrived {
reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.from_int(ErrSeverity._ERR));
* Throw a AsynReplyNotArrived exception.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param severity The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws AsynReplyNotArrived The client exception.
static public void throw_asyn_reply_not_arrived(String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity severity)
throws AsynReplyNotArrived {
reason, desc, origin, severity);
* re-throw a DevFailed in a AsynReplyNotArrived exception.
* @param df A DevFailed exception to be rethrown.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param severity The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws AsynReplyNotArrived The client exception.
static public void throw_asyn_reply_not_arrived(DevFailed df, String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity severity)
throws AsynReplyNotArrived {
DevError[] err;
int i = 0;
// if DevFailed is null -> allocate
if (df == null)
err = new DevError[1];
else {
// Else copy in new object
err = new DevError[df.errors.length + 1];
for (; i < df.errors.length; i++)
err[i] = df.errors[i];
err[i] = new DevError(reason, severity, desc, origin);
throw new AsynReplyNotArrived(err);
* Throw a EventSystemFailed exception.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws EventSystemFailed The client exception.
static public void throw_event_system_failed(String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws EventSystemFailed {
reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.from_int(ErrSeverity._ERR));
* Re-throw a EventSystemFailed exception.
* @param df A DevFailed exception to be rethrown.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @throws EventSystemFailed The client exception.
static public void throw_event_system_failed(DevFailed df, String reason, String desc, String origin)
throws EventSystemFailed {
reason, desc, origin, ErrSeverity.from_int(ErrSeverity._ERR));
* Throw a EventSystemFailed exception.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param severity The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws EventSystemFailed The client exception.
static public void throw_event_system_failed(String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity severity)
throws EventSystemFailed {
reason, desc, origin, severity);
* re-throw a DevFailed in a EventSystemFailed exception.
* @param df A DevFailed exception to be rethrown.
* @param reason The exception DevError object reason field
* @param desc The exception DevError object desc field
* @param origin The exception DevError object origin field
* @param severity The exception DevError object severity field
* @throws EventSystemFailed The client exception.
static public void throw_event_system_failed(DevFailed df, String reason, String desc, String origin, ErrSeverity severity)
throws EventSystemFailed {
DevError[] err;
int i = 0;
// if DevFailed is null -> allocate
if (df == null)
err = new DevError[1];
else {
// Else copy in new object
err = new DevError[df.errors.length + 1];
for (; i < df.errors.length; i++)
err[i] = df.errors[i];
err[i] = new DevError(reason, severity, desc, origin);
throw new EventSystemFailed(err);
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