fr.esrf.TangoApi.Connection Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// $Source$
// Project: Tango
// Description: java source code for the TANGO client/server API.
// $Author: pascal_verdier $
// Copyright (C) : 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,
// European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
// BP 220, Grenoble 38043
// This file is part of Tango.
// Tango is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Tango is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with Tango. If not, see .
// $Revision: 26328 $
package fr.esrf.TangoApi;
import fr.esrf.Tango.*;
import fr.esrf.Tango.factory.TangoFactory;
import fr.esrf.TangoDs.TangoConst;
* Class Description: This class manage device connection for Tango objects.
* It is an api between user and IDL Device object.
* @author verdier
* @version $Revision: 26328 $
public class Connection implements ApiDefs {
private IConnectionDAO iConnection = null;
* Device IDL version number
protected int idl_version = 1;
* Device IDL object used for TANGO device access
protected Device device = null;
* Device IDL_2 object used for TANGO device access
protected Device_2 device_2 = null;
* Device IDL_3 object used for TANGO device access
protected Device_3 device_3 = null;
* Device IDL_4 object used for TANGO device access
protected Device_4 device_4 = null;
* Device IDL_5 object used for TANGO device access
protected Device_5 device_5 = null;
* TACO Device object used for TANGO interface.
protected TacoTangoDevice taco_device = null;
* Device IDL object used for efective connection.
private org.omg.CORBA.Object obj = null;
* Device timeout value in ms.
private int dev_timeout = 0;
* Device name;
protected String devname = null;
* Used to know if it is a connection or a Re-connection.
private boolean already_connected = false;
* Device connected is a database or a device proxy
private boolean device_is_dbase;
* The connection class (Database, or device class)
protected String classname = null;
* IOR String only used if the device import is done from ior.
protected String ior = null;
* URL like for connection:
protected TangoUrl url;
* Data source (CACHE_DEV, CACHE or DEV)
protected DevSource dev_src = DevSource.CACHE_DEV;
* if true -> try to reconnect the device before exception
protected boolean transparent_reconnection = true;
* Previous reconnection failed excpetionm.
private DevFailed prev_failed = null;
* Previous reconnection failed time.
private long prev_failed_t0 = 0;
* Tango access control must be checked if true
protected boolean check_access = true;
* Tango access control must be checked if true
protected boolean check_access_done = false;
* Tango access control for this connection.
protected int access = TangoConst.ACCESS_READ;
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
public Device get_device() {
return iConnection.get_device(this);
// ===================================================================
* Connection constructor. It makes a connection on database server.
// ===================================================================
public Connection() throws DevFailed {
iConnection = TangoFactory.getSingleton().getConnectionDAO();
// Check Tango Host Properties (host name, port number)
// ===================================================================
* Connection constructor. It makes a connection on database server.
* @param host host where database is running.
* @param port port for database connection.
// ===================================================================
public Connection(String host, String port) throws DevFailed {
iConnection = TangoFactory.getSingleton().getConnectionDAO();
iConnection.init(this, host, port);
// ===================================================================
* Connection constructor. It makes a connection on database server.
* @param host host where database is running.
* @param port port for database connection.
* @param auto_reconnect do not reconnect if false.
// ===================================================================
public Connection(String host, String port, boolean auto_reconnect) throws DevFailed {
iConnection = TangoFactory.getSingleton().getConnectionDAO();
iConnection.init(this, host, port, auto_reconnect);
// ===================================================================
* Connection constructor. It imports the device.
* @param devname name of the device to be imported.
// ===================================================================
public Connection(String devname) throws DevFailed {
iConnection = TangoFactory.getSingleton().getConnectionDAO();
iConnection.init(this, devname);
// ===================================================================
* Connection constructor. It imports the device.
* @param info exported info of the device to be imported.
// ===================================================================
public Connection(DbDevImportInfo info) throws DevFailed {
iConnection = TangoFactory.getSingleton().getConnectionDAO();
iConnection.init(this, info);
// ===================================================================
* Connection constructor. It imports the device. And set check_access.
* @param devname name of the device to be imported.
* @param check_access set check_access value
// ===================================================================
public Connection(String devname, boolean check_access) throws DevFailed {
iConnection = TangoFactory.getSingleton().getConnectionDAO();
iConnection.init(this, devname, check_access);
// ===================================================================
* Connection constructor. It imports the device.
* @param devname name of the device to be imported.
* @param param String parameter to import device.
* @param src Source to import device (ior, dbase...)
// ===================================================================
public Connection(String devname, String param, int src) throws DevFailed {
iConnection = TangoFactory.getSingleton().getConnectionDAO();
iConnection.init(this, devname, param, src);
// ===================================================================
* Connection constructor. It imports the device.
* @param devname name of the device to be imported.
* @param host host where database is running.
* @param port port for database connection.
// ===================================================================
public Connection(String devname, String host, String port) throws DevFailed {
iConnection = TangoFactory.getSingleton().getConnectionDAO();
iConnection.init(this, devname, host, port);
// ===================================================================
* Returns true if TANGO_HOST and device name of this obejct
* is identical the specified connection.
* @param connection The specified connection to compare.
// ===================================================================
public boolean equals(Connection connection)
//GA: add test if not null
if (connection != null) {
if (!devname.toLowerCase().equals(connection.devname.toLowerCase()))
return false;
if (url.protocol!=connection.url.protocol)
return false;
if (!url.host.equals(connection.url.host))
return false;
if (url.port!=connection.url.port)
return false;
return true;
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
public TangoUrl getUrl() {
return url;
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
public synchronized void build_connection() throws DevFailed {
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
public String get_ior() throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.get_ior(this);
// ===================================================================
* Really build the device connection.
// ===================================================================
public void dev_import() throws DevFailed {
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
public boolean deviceCreated() {
if (device_5!=null) return true;
if (device_4!=null) return true;
if (device_3!=null) return true;
if (device_2!=null) return true;
return device!=null;
// ===================================================================
* Change the timeout value for a device call.
* @param millis New value of the timeout in milliseconds.
* @throws DevFailed if orb.create_policy throws an
* org.omg.CORBA.PolicyError.
// ===================================================================
public void set_timeout_millis(int millis) throws DevFailed {
iConnection.set_timeout_millis(this, millis);
// ===================================================================
* return the timeout value for a device call.
* @return the value of the timeout in milliseconds.
* @deprecated use get_timeout_millis() instead
// ===================================================================
public int get_timeout() {
try {
return iConnection.get_timeout_millis(this);
catch(DevFailed e)
return 3000;
// ===================================================================
* return the timeout value for a device call.
* @return the value of the timeout in milliseconds.
// ===================================================================
public int get_timeout_millis() throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.get_timeout_millis(this);
// ===========================================================
* Build reason and origin of the exception And throw it into a DevFailed
* exception
// ===========================================================
public void throw_dev_failed(Exception e, String command, boolean from_inout_cmd) throws DevFailed {
iConnection.throw_dev_failed(this, e, command, from_inout_cmd);
// ===========================================================
* Send a command to a device server.
* @param command Command name to send to the device.
* @param argin input command argument.
* @return the output argument of the command.
* @throws DevFailed
// ===========================================================
public DeviceData command_inout(String command, DeviceData argin) throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.command_inout(this, command, argin);
// ===========================================================
* Send a command to a device server.
* @param command Command name.
* @return the output argument of the command.
* @throws DevFailed
// ===========================================================
public DeviceData command_inout(String command) throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.command_inout(this, command);
// ===========================================================
* Execute a ping command to a device server.
* @return the elapsed time for ping command in microseconds.
// ===========================================================
public long ping() throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.ping(this);
// ===========================================================
* Execute a info command to a device server.
// ===========================================================
public String[] black_box(int length) throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.black_box(this, length);
// ===========================================================
* Execute a info command to a device server.
// ===========================================================
public DevInfo_3 info_3() throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.info_3(this);
// ===========================================================
* Execute a info command to a device server.
// ===========================================================
public DevInfo info() throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.info(this);
// ===========================================================
* Execute a command_list_query command to a device server.
// ===========================================================
public CommandInfo[] command_list_query() throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.command_list_query(this);
// ==========================================================================
* Returns the IDL version supported
* @return the IDL version supported .
// ==========================================================================
public int get_idl_version() throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.get_idl_version(this);
// ==========================================================================
* returns the device data source
* @return data source (CACHE_DEV, CACHE or DEV).
// ==========================================================================
public DevSource get_source() throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.get_source(this);
// ==========================================================================
* Set the device data source
* @param new_src new data source (CACHE_DEV, CACHE or DEV).
// ==========================================================================
public void set_source(DevSource new_src) throws DevFailed {
iConnection.set_source(this, new_src);
// ==========================================================================
* return the device connected name.
// ==========================================================================
public String get_name() {
return iConnection.get_name(this);
// ==========================================================================
* return the device connected host name.
// ==========================================================================
public String get_host_name() throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.get_host_name(this);
// ==========================================================================
* return the device connected class name.
// ==========================================================================
public String get_class_name() throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.get_class_name(this);
// ==========================================================================
* return the device connected server name.
// ==========================================================================
public String get_server_name() throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.get_server_name(this);
// ==========================================================================
* return the device connected dexcription.
// ==========================================================================
public String description() throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.description(this);
// ==========================================================================
* return the administartion device name.
// ==========================================================================
public String adm_name() throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.adm_name(this);
// ==========================================================================
* return the name of connection (host:port)
// ==========================================================================
public String get_tango_host() throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.get_tango_host(this);
// ==========================================================================
* Returns the name of connection (host:port),
* @return the name of connection (host:port),
* host name will be returned with its full qualified domain name
// ==========================================================================
public String getFullTangoHost() throws DevFailed {
// Get the tango_host
String tangoHost = get_tango_host();
String host = tangoHost.substring(0, tangoHost.indexOf(':'));
String port = tangoHost.substring(tangoHost.indexOf(':'));
host = TangoUrl.getCanonicalName(host);
return host+port;
// ==========================================================================
* return true if device is a taco device
// ==========================================================================
public boolean is_taco() {
return iConnection.is_taco(this);
// ==========================================================================
* if not a TACO command then throw a DevFailed Exception.
* @param cmdname command name to be put inside reason and origin fields.
// ==========================================================================
public void checkIfTaco(String cmdname) throws DevFailed {
iConnection.checkIfTaco(this, cmdname);
// ==========================================================================
* if not a TACO command then throw a DevFailed Exception.
* @param cmdname command name to be put inside reason and origin fields.
// ==========================================================================
public void checkIfTango(String cmdname) throws DevFailed {
iConnection.checkIfTango(this, cmdname);
// ==========================================================================
* return the value of transparent_reconnection
// ==========================================================================
public boolean get_transparency_reconnection() {
return iConnection.get_transparency_reconnection(this);
// ==========================================================================
* set the value of transparent_reconnection
// ==========================================================================
public void set_transparency_reconnection(boolean val) {
iConnection.set_transparency_reconnection(this, val);
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
public int getAccessControl() {
return iConnection.getAccessControl(this);
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
public void setAccessControl(int access) {
iConnection.setAccessControl(this, access);
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
public boolean isAllowedCommand(String cmd) throws DevFailed {
return iConnection.isAllowedCommand(this, cmd);
// ==========================================================================
* @return the device_5 object if connected, null otherwise.
// ==========================================================================
public Device_5 getDevice_5() {
return device_5;
public IConnectionDAO getIConnection() {
return iConnection;
public void setIConnection(IConnectionDAO connection) {
iConnection = connection;
* Getter AND Setter generated
public boolean isAlready_connected() {
return already_connected;
public void setAlready_connected(boolean already_connected) {
this.already_connected = already_connected;
public int getDev_timeout() {
return dev_timeout;
public void setDev_timeout(int dev_timeout) {
this.dev_timeout = dev_timeout;
public boolean isDevice_is_dbase() {
return device_is_dbase;
public void setDevice_is_dbase(boolean device_is_dbase) {
this.device_is_dbase = device_is_dbase;
public org.omg.CORBA.Object getObj() {
return obj;
public void setObj(org.omg.CORBA.Object obj) {
this.obj = obj;
* Return true if prev_failed is not equal to true
* @return true if previous call has failed
public boolean isPrev_failed() {
return (prev_failed!=null);
public DevFailed getPrev_failed() {
return prev_failed;
public void setPrev_failed(DevFailed prev_failed) {
this.prev_failed = prev_failed;
public long getPrev_failed_t0() {
return prev_failed_t0;
public void setPrev_failed_t0(long prev_failed_t0) {
this.prev_failed_t0 = prev_failed_t0;
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