fr.esrf.TangoApi.Group.GroupDeviceElement Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// $Source$
// Project: Tango
// Description: java source code for the TANGO client/server API.
// $Author: pascal_verdier $
// Copyright (C) : 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,
// European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
// BP 220, Grenoble 38043
// This file is part of Tango.
// Tango is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Tango is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with Tango. If not, see .
// $Revision: 25296 $
package fr.esrf.TangoApi.Group;
//- Import Tango stuffs
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevError;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevFailed;
import fr.esrf.Tango.ErrSeverity;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.AsynReplyNotArrived;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DeviceAttribute;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DeviceData;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DeviceProxy;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* TANGO group device element - private class for package Group
class GroupDeviceElement extends GroupElement implements java.io.Serializable {
* Asynch Request Repository
private final Map arp;
* The underlying DeviceProxy
private DeviceProxy proxy;
/** Creates a new instance of GroupDeviceElement */
public GroupDeviceElement(final String name) {
try {
proxy = new DeviceProxy(name);
} catch (final DevFailed df) {
proxy = null;
arp = new HashMap();
/** Dump element */
void dump_i(final int indent_level) {
for (int i = 0; i < indent_level; i++) {
System.out.print(" ");
System.out.println("`-> Device: " + get_name());
/** Returns the underlying DeviceProxy */
DeviceProxy get_device_i(final String n) {
return name_equals(n) ? proxy : null;
/** Returns the underlying DeviceProxy - access limited to package Group */
DeviceProxy get_device_i(int i) {
return --i == 0 ? proxy : null;
/** Ping the underlying device, return true if alive, false otherwise */
boolean ping_i(final boolean fwd) {
if (proxy == null) {
return false;
try {
} catch (final DevFailed df) {
return false;
return true;
/** set individual time out - access limited to package Group */
void set_timeout_millis(final int timeout, final boolean fwd) throws DevFailed {
try {
} catch (final DevFailed df) {
throw df;
} catch (final Exception e) {
final DevError[] errors = new DevError[1];
errors[0] = new DevError();
errors[0].severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
errors[0].reason = "unknown exception caught";
errors[0].desc = "unknown error";
errors[0].origin = "GroupDeviceElemnt.set_indidual_timeout_millis";
final DevFailed ex = new DevFailed(errors);
throw ex;
/** command_inout_i - access limited to package Group */
int command_inout_asynch_i(final String c, final boolean fgt, final boolean fwd, final int rid) throws DevFailed {
try {
final int actual_rid = proxy.command_inout_asynch(c, fgt);
if (fgt == false) {
arp.put(new Integer(rid), new AsynchRequest(actual_rid, c));
} catch (final DevFailed df) {
if (fgt == false) {
arp.put(new Integer(rid), new AsynchRequest(-1, c, df));
} catch (final Exception e) {
if (fgt == false) {
final DevError[] errors = new DevError[1];
errors[0] = new DevError();
errors[0].severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
errors[0].reason = "unknown exception caught";
errors[0].desc = "unknown error";
errors[0].origin = "GroupDeviceElemnt.command_inout";
final DevFailed ex = new DevFailed(errors);
arp.put(new Integer(rid), new AsynchRequest(-1, c, ex));
return rid;
/** command_inout_i - access limited to package Group */
int command_inout_asynch_i(final String c, final DeviceData dd, final boolean fgt, final boolean fwd, final int rid)
throws DevFailed {
try {
final int actual_rid = proxy.command_inout_asynch(c, dd, fgt);
if (fgt == false) {
arp.put(new Integer(rid), new AsynchRequest(actual_rid, c));
} catch (final DevFailed df) {
if (fgt == false) {
arp.put(new Integer(rid), new AsynchRequest(-1, c, df));
} catch (final Exception e) {
if (fgt == false) {
final DevError[] errors = new DevError[1];
errors[0] = new DevError();
errors[0].severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
errors[0].reason = "unknown exception caught";
errors[0].desc = "unknown error";
errors[0].origin = "GroupDeviceElemnt.command_inout";
final DevFailed ex = new DevFailed(errors);
arp.put(new Integer(rid), new AsynchRequest(-1, c, ex));
return rid;
/** command_inout_reply_i - access limited to package Group */
GroupCmdReplyList command_inout_reply_i(final int rid, final int tmo, final boolean fwd) throws DevFailed {
final Integer rid_obj = new Integer(rid);
final GroupCmdReplyList rl = new GroupCmdReplyList();
final AsynchRequest ar = arp.get(rid_obj);
if (ar == null) {
final DevError[] errors = new DevError[1];
errors[0] = new DevError();
errors[0].severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
errors[0].reason = "API_BadAsynPollId";
errors[0].desc = "Invalid asynch. request identifier specified";
errors[0].origin = "GroupDeviceElement.command_inout_reply";
final DevFailed e = new DevFailed(errors);
rl.add(new GroupCmdReply(get_name(), "unknown", e));
return rl;
if (ar.req_id == -1) {
for (final String element : ar.obj_name) {
rl.add(new GroupCmdReply(get_name(), element, ar.exception));
return rl;
try {
final DeviceData dd = proxy.command_inout_reply(ar.req_id, tmo);
for (final String element : ar.obj_name) {
rl.add(new GroupCmdReply(get_name(), element, dd));
} catch (final AsynReplyNotArrived na) {
final DevError[] errors = new DevError[1];
errors[0] = new DevError();
errors[0].severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
errors[0].reason = "API_AsynReplyNotArrived";
errors[0].desc = "No reply for asynch request";
errors[0].origin = "GroupDeviceElement.command_inout_reply";
final DevFailed e = new DevFailed(errors);
for (final String element : ar.obj_name) {
rl.add(new GroupCmdReply(get_name(), element, e));
} catch (final DevFailed df) {
for (final String element : ar.obj_name) {
rl.add(new GroupCmdReply(get_name(), element, df));
} catch (final Exception ex) {
final DevError[] errors = new DevError[1];
errors[0] = new DevError();
errors[0].severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
errors[0].reason = "unknown exception caught";
errors[0].desc = "unknown error";
errors[0].origin = "GroupDeviceElemnt.command_inout";
final DevFailed e = new DevFailed(errors);
for (final String element : ar.obj_name) {
rl.add(new GroupCmdReply(get_name(), element, e));
return rl;
/** read_attribute_asynch_i - access limited to package Group */
int read_attribute_asynch_i(final String[] a, final boolean fwd, final int rid) throws DevFailed {
try {
final int actual_rid = proxy.read_attribute_asynch(a);
arp.put(new Integer(rid), new AsynchRequest(actual_rid, a));
} catch (final DevFailed df) {
arp.put(new Integer(rid), new AsynchRequest(-1, a, df));
} catch (final Exception e) {
final DevError[] errors = new DevError[1];
errors[0] = new DevError();
errors[0].severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
errors[0].reason = "unknown exception caught";
errors[0].desc = "unknown error";
errors[0].origin = "GroupDeviceElemnt.read_attribute";
final DevFailed ex = new DevFailed(errors);
arp.put(new Integer(rid), new AsynchRequest(-1, a, ex));
return rid;
/** read_attribute_asynch_i - access limited to package Group */
int read_attribute_asynch_i(final String a, final boolean fwd, final int rid) throws DevFailed {
try {
final int actual_rid = proxy.read_attribute_asynch(a);
arp.put(new Integer(rid), new AsynchRequest(actual_rid, a));
} catch (final DevFailed df) {
arp.put(new Integer(rid), new AsynchRequest(-1, a, df));
} catch (final Exception e) {
final DevError[] errors = new DevError[1];
errors[0] = new DevError();
errors[0].severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
errors[0].reason = "unknown exception caught";
errors[0].desc = "unknown error";
errors[0].origin = "GroupDeviceElemnt.read_attribute";
final DevFailed ex = new DevFailed(errors);
arp.put(new Integer(rid), new AsynchRequest(-1, a, ex));
return rid;
/** read_attribute_reply_i - access limited to package Group */
GroupAttrReplyList read_attribute_reply_i(final int rid, final int tmo, final boolean fwd) throws DevFailed {
final Integer rid_obj = new Integer(rid);
final GroupAttrReplyList rl = new GroupAttrReplyList();
final AsynchRequest ar = arp.get(rid_obj);
if (ar == null) {
final DevError[] errors = new DevError[1];
errors[0] = new DevError();
errors[0].severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
errors[0].reason = "API_BadAsynPollId";
errors[0].desc = "Invalid asynch. request identifier specified";
errors[0].origin = "GroupDeviceElement.read_attribute_reply";
final DevFailed e = new DevFailed(errors);
rl.add(new GroupAttrReply(get_name(), "unknown", e));
return rl;
if (ar.req_id == -1) {
for (final String element : ar.obj_name) {
rl.add(new GroupAttrReply(get_name(), element, ar.exception));
return rl;
try {
final DeviceAttribute[] das = proxy.read_attribute_reply(ar.req_id, tmo);
int i = 0;
for (final String element : ar.obj_name) {
rl.add(new GroupAttrReply(get_name(), element, das[i++]));
} catch (final AsynReplyNotArrived na) {
final DevError[] errors = new DevError[1];
errors[0] = new DevError();
errors[0].severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
errors[0].reason = "API_AsynReplyNotArrived";
errors[0].desc = "No reply for asynch request";
errors[0].origin = "GroupDeviceElement.read_attribute_reply";
final DevFailed e = new DevFailed(errors);
for (final String element : ar.obj_name) {
rl.add(new GroupAttrReply(get_name(), element, e));
} catch (final DevFailed df) {
for (final String element : ar.obj_name) {
rl.add(new GroupAttrReply(get_name(), element, df));
} catch (final Exception ex) {
final DevError[] errors = new DevError[1];
errors[0] = new DevError();
errors[0].severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
errors[0].reason = "unknown exception caught";
errors[0].desc = "unknown error";
errors[0].origin = "GroupDeviceElemnt.read_attribute_reply";
final DevFailed e = new DevFailed(errors);
for (final String element : ar.obj_name) {
rl.add(new GroupAttrReply(get_name(), element, e));
return rl;
/** read_attribute_asynch_i - access limited to package Group */
int write_attribute_asynch_i(final DeviceAttribute da, final boolean fwd, final int rid) throws DevFailed {
try {
final int actual_rid = proxy.write_attribute_asynch(da);
arp.put(new Integer(rid), new AsynchRequest(actual_rid, da.getName()));
} catch (final DevFailed df) {
arp.put(new Integer(rid), new AsynchRequest(-1, da.getName(), df));
} catch (final Exception e) {
final DevError[] errors = new DevError[1];
errors[0] = new DevError();
errors[0].severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
errors[0].reason = "unknown exception caught";
errors[0].desc = "unknown error";
errors[0].origin = "GroupDeviceElemnt.write_attribute";
final DevFailed ex = new DevFailed(errors);
arp.put(new Integer(rid), new AsynchRequest(-1, da.getName(), ex));
return rid;
/** read_attribute_reply_i - access limited to package Group */
GroupReplyList write_attribute_reply_i(final int rid, final int tmo, final boolean fwd) throws DevFailed {
final Integer rid_obj = new Integer(rid);
final GroupReplyList rl = new GroupReplyList();
final AsynchRequest ar = arp.get(rid_obj);
if (ar == null) {
final DevError[] errors = new DevError[1];
errors[0] = new DevError();
errors[0].severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
errors[0].reason = "API_BadAsynPollId";
errors[0].desc = "Invalid asynch. request identifier specified";
errors[0].origin = "GroupDeviceElement.write_attribute_reply";
final DevFailed e = new DevFailed(errors);
rl.add(new GroupReply(get_name(), "unknown", e));
return rl;
if (ar.req_id == -1) {
for (final String element : ar.obj_name) {
rl.add(new GroupReply(get_name(), element, ar.exception));
return rl;
try {
proxy.write_attribute_reply(ar.req_id, tmo);
for (final String element : ar.obj_name) {
rl.add(new GroupReply(get_name(), element));
} catch (final AsynReplyNotArrived na) {
final DevError[] errors = new DevError[1];
errors[0] = new DevError();
errors[0].severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
errors[0].reason = "API_AsynReplyNotArrived";
errors[0].desc = "No reply for asynch request";
errors[0].origin = "GroupDeviceElement.write_attribute_reply";
final DevFailed e = new DevFailed(errors);
for (final String element : ar.obj_name) {
rl.add(new GroupReply(get_name(), element, e));
} catch (final DevFailed df) {
for (final String element : ar.obj_name) {
rl.add(new GroupReply(get_name(), element, df));
} catch (final Exception ex) {
final DevError[] errors = new DevError[1];
errors[0] = new DevError();
errors[0].severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
errors[0].reason = "unknown exception caught";
errors[0].desc = "unknown error";
errors[0].origin = "GroupDeviceElemnt.write_attribute_reply";
final DevFailed e = new DevFailed(errors);
for (final String element : ar.obj_name) {
rl.add(new GroupReply(get_name(), element, e));
return rl;
* Inner class: AsynchRequest
private class AsynchRequest {
/** Asynch request id holder */
public int req_id;
/** Command or attribuet name */
public String[] obj_name;
/** Exception holder */
public DevFailed exception;
* Ctor
AsynchRequest(final int _req_id, final String _obj_name) {
req_id = _req_id;
obj_name = new String[1];
obj_name[0] = _obj_name;
exception = null;
AsynchRequest(final int _req_id, final String[] _obj_name) {
req_id = _req_id;
obj_name = _obj_name;
exception = null;
* Ctor
AsynchRequest(final int _req_id, final String _obj_name, final DevFailed _exception) {
req_id = _req_id;
obj_name = new String[1];
obj_name[0] = _obj_name;
exception = _exception;
AsynchRequest(final int _req_id, final String[] _obj_name, final DevFailed _exception) {
req_id = _req_id;
obj_name = _obj_name;
exception = _exception;
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