org.tango.server.attribute.AttributeImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) : 2012
* Synchrotron Soleil
* L'Orme des merisiers
* Saint Aubin
* BP48
* This file is part of Tango.
* Tango is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Tango is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Tango. If not, see .
package org.tango.server.attribute;
import fr.esrf.Tango.AttrDataFormat;
import fr.esrf.Tango.AttrQuality;
import fr.esrf.Tango.AttrWriteType;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevEncoded;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevError;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevFailed;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevState;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DispLevel;
import net.entropysoft.transmorph.ConverterException;
import net.entropysoft.transmorph.DefaultConverters;
import net.entropysoft.transmorph.Transmorph;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ReflectionToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.ext.XLogger;
import org.slf4j.ext.XLoggerFactory;
import org.tango.attribute.AttributeTangoType;
import org.tango.server.Constants;
import org.tango.server.DeviceBehaviorObject;
import org.tango.server.ExceptionMessages;
import org.tango.server.IPollable;
import org.tango.server.IReadableWritable;
import org.tango.server.cache.PollingUtils;
import org.tango.server.events.EventManager;
import org.tango.server.idl.TangoIDLAttributeUtil;
import org.tango.server.properties.AttributePropertiesManager;
import org.tango.utils.ArrayUtils;
import org.tango.utils.DevFailedUtils;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
* Tango attribute
* @author ABEILLE
public class AttributeImpl extends DeviceBehaviorObject
implements Comparable, IPollable, IReadableWritable {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AttributeImpl.class);
private final XLogger xlogger = XLoggerFactory.getXLogger(AttributeImpl.class);
private final String name;
private final AttributeConfiguration config;
private final AttributeHistory history;
private final AttributePropertiesManager attributePropertiesManager;
private final IAttributeBehavior behavior;
private final boolean isFwdAttribute;
private final String deviceName;
private AttributeValue readValue;
private AttributeValue writeValue = null;
private DevFailed lastError;
private boolean isAlarmToHigh;
private boolean isOutOfLimits;
private long writtenTimestamp = 0;
private boolean isDeltaAlarm;
private volatile double executionDuration;
private volatile double lastUpdateTime;
private volatile double deltaTime;
private ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
public AttributeImpl(final IAttributeBehavior behavior, final String deviceName) throws DevFailed {
name = behavior.getConfiguration().getName();
this.deviceName = deviceName;
this.attributePropertiesManager = new AttributePropertiesManager(deviceName);
isFwdAttribute = behavior instanceof ForwardedAttribute;
config = behavior.getConfiguration();
this.behavior = behavior;
history = new AttributeHistory(config.getName(), config.getWritable().equals(AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE),
config.getTangoType(), config.getFormat());
isAlarmToHigh = false;
public void lock() {
public void unlock() {
if (lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) {
public void loadTangoDbConfig() throws DevFailed {
try {
} finally {
private Object getMemorizedValue() throws DevFailed {
final String value = attributePropertiesManager.getAttributePropertyFromDB(getName(),
Object obj = null;
if (value != null && !value.isEmpty() && config.getFormat().equals(AttrDataFormat.SCALAR)) {
final Transmorph transmorph = new Transmorph(new DefaultConverters());
try {
obj = transmorph.convert(value, config.getType());
} catch (final ConverterException e) {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed(e);
return obj;
private void applyMemorizedValue() throws DevFailed {
if (isMemorized() && !config.getWritable().equals(AttrWriteType.READ)) {
final Object value = getMemorizedValue();
if (value != null) {
final AttributeValue attrValue = new AttributeValue(value, AttrQuality.ATTR_VALID);
synchronized (this) {
if (config.isMemorizedAtInit()) {
setValue(attrValue, true);
} else {
writeValue = attrValue;
// TODO manage performance issues for arrays
// else {
// final int dimX = 0;
// final int dimY = 0;
// if (getFormat().equals(AttrDataFormat.IMAGE)) {
// final String[] dims = attributePropertiesManager.getAttributePropertyFromDB(getName(),
// if (dims != null && dims.length == 2) {
// dimX = Integer.valueOf(dims[0]);
// dimY = Integer.valueOf(dims[1]);
// }
// }
// obj = Array.newInstance(type.getAttrClass(), value.length);
// for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
// Array.set(obj, i, MiscellaneousUtils.toObject(value[i], type));
// }
// }
// logger.info("{} is memorized with value {} ", config.getName(),
// Arrays.toString(value));
private String[] getValueAsString() throws DevFailed {
String[] result;
if (config.getFormat().equals(AttrDataFormat.SCALAR)) {
result = new String[1];
result[0] = writeValue.getValue().toString();
} else {
final Object obj = writeValue.getValue();
final int length = Array.getLength(obj);
result = new String[length];
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
result[i] = Array.get(obj, i).toString();
return result;
* read attribute on device
* @throws DevFailed
public void updateValue() throws DevFailed {
// invoke on device
// final Profiler profilerPeriod = new Profiler("read attribute " + name);
// profilerPeriod.start("invoke");
if (!config.getWritable().equals(AttrWriteType.READ) && behavior instanceof ISetValueUpdater) {
// write value is managed by the user
try {
final AttributeValue setValue = ((ISetValueUpdater) behavior).getSetValue();
if (setValue != null) {
writeValue = (AttributeValue) ((ISetValueUpdater) behavior).getSetValue().clone();
// get as array if necessary (for image)
} else {
writeValue = null;
} catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed(e);
if (config.getWritable().equals(AttrWriteType.WRITE)) {
if (writeValue == null) {
readValue = new AttributeValue();
} else {
readValue = writeValue;
} else {
// attribute with a read part
final AttributeValue returnedValue = behavior.getValue();
// profilerPeriod.stop().print();
* set the read value
* @throws DevFailed
public void updateValue(final AttributeValue inValue) throws DevFailed {
// final Profiler profilerPeriod = new Profiler("read attribute " + name);
// profilerPeriod.start("in");
if (inValue == null) {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed(ExceptionMessages.ATTR_VALUE_NOT_SET,
name + " read value has not been updated");
try {
// copy value
readValue = (AttributeValue) inValue.clone();
} catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed(e);
// update quality if necessary
if (readValue.getValue() != null && !readValue.getQuality().equals(AttrQuality.ATTR_INVALID)) {
// profilerPeriod.start("clone");
// profilerPeriod.stop().print();
try {
if (readValue.getValue() != null) {
// profilerPeriod.start("checkUpdateErrors");
// profilerPeriod.start("from2DArrayToArray");
// get as array if necessary (for image)
// force conversion to check types
// profilerPeriod.start("toAttributeValue5");
TangoIDLAttributeUtil.toAttributeValue5(this, readValue, null);
} else {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed(ExceptionMessages.ATTR_VALUE_NOT_SET,
name + " read value has not been updated");
// profilerPeriod.start("updateDefaultWritePart");
// profilerPeriod.stop().print();
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
// readValue.setQuality(AttrQuality.ATTR_INVALID);
lastError = e;
throw e;
private void checkUpdateErrors(final AttributeValue returnedValue) throws DevFailed {
if (config.getFormat().equals(AttrDataFormat.SCALAR) && returnedValue.getXDim() != 1
&& returnedValue.getYDim() != 0) {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed(ExceptionMessages.ATTR_OPT_PROP,
"Data size for attribute " + name + " exceeds given limit");
if (!ArrayUtils.checkDimensions(returnedValue.getValue(), returnedValue.getXDim(), returnedValue.getYDim())) {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed(ExceptionMessages.ATTR_OPT_PROP,
"Data size for attribute " + name + " exceeds given limit");
public String getLastDevFailed() {
return PollingUtils.toString(lastError);
private void updateDefaultWritePart() throws DevFailed {
if (writeValue == null && !config.getWritable().equals(AttrWriteType.READ)) {
logger.debug("setting default value to write part");
try {
writeValue = (AttributeValue) readValue.clone();
} catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed(e);
private void updateQuality(final AttributeValue returnedValue) {
isOutOfLimits = false;
isDeltaAlarm = false;
final AttributePropertiesImpl props = config.getAttributeProperties();
final boolean isAlarmNotConfigured = props.getMaxAlarm().equals(Constants.NOT_SPECIFIED)
&& props.getMinAlarm().equals(Constants.NOT_SPECIFIED)
&& props.getMaxWarning().equals(Constants.NOT_SPECIFIED)
&& props.getMinWarning().equals(Constants.NOT_SPECIFIED)
&& props.getDeltaT().equals(Constants.NOT_SPECIFIED);
if (!config.getWritable().equals(AttrWriteType.WRITE) && isNumber() && !isAlarmNotConfigured) {
final double maxAlarm = props.getMaxAlarmDouble();
final double minAlarm = props.getMinAlarmDouble();
final double maxWarning = props.getMaxWarningDouble();
final double minWarning = props.getMinWarningDouble();
final long deltaT = props.getDeltaTLong();
if (config.getFormat().equals(AttrDataFormat.SCALAR)) {
checkScalarQuality(returnedValue, maxAlarm, minAlarm, maxWarning, minWarning, deltaT);
} else {
checkSpectrumQuality(returnedValue, maxAlarm, minAlarm, maxWarning, minWarning, deltaT);
private void checkSpectrumQuality(final AttributeValue returnedValue, final double maxAlarm, final double minAlarm,
final double maxWarning, final double minWarning, final long deltaTime) {
final long currentDeltaTime = returnedValue.getTime() - writtenTimestamp;
final String[] readArray = ArrayUtils.toStringArray(returnedValue.getValue());
String[] writeArray = null;
if (writtenTimestamp != 0 && deltaTime != 0) {
writeArray = ArrayUtils.toStringArray(writeValue.getValue());
if (writeArray != null && readArray.length != writeArray.length && currentDeltaTime > deltaTime) {
// if size is different for read and write, may be an Delta alarm
} else {
int i = 0;
for (final String element : readArray) {
final double readVal = Double.parseDouble(element);
if (writeArray != null) {
// check difference between set value and actual value
final double deltaVal = Math.abs(config.getAttributeProperties().getDeltaValDouble());
final double valWrite = Double.parseDouble(writeArray[i++]);
final double diff = Math.abs(readVal - valWrite);
if (currentDeltaTime > deltaTime && diff > deltaVal) {
isDeltaAlarm = true;
logger.debug("{} is delta alarm", getName());
// alarm
if (readVal >= maxAlarm || readVal <= minAlarm) {
isOutOfLimits = true;
if (readVal >= maxAlarm) {
isAlarmToHigh = true;
logger.debug("{} is too high alarm {}", getName(), maxAlarm);
} else {
isAlarmToHigh = false;
logger.debug("{} is too low alarm {}", getName(), minAlarm);
} else if (readVal >= maxWarning || readVal <= minWarning) {
// warning
isOutOfLimits = true;
if (readVal >= maxWarning) {
isAlarmToHigh = true;
logger.debug("{} is too high warning {}", getName(), maxWarning);
} else {
isAlarmToHigh = false;
logger.debug("{} is too low warning {}", getName(), minWarning);
private void checkScalarQuality(final AttributeValue returnedValue, final double maxAlarm, final double minAlarm,
final double maxWarning, final double minWarning, final long deltaTime) {
final double valRead = Double.parseDouble(returnedValue.getValue().toString());
checkScalarDeltaAlarm(returnedValue, deltaTime, valRead);
if (!returnedValue.getQuality().equals(AttrQuality.ATTR_ALARM)) {
if (valRead >= maxAlarm || valRead <= minAlarm) {
// check min and max alarm props
isOutOfLimits = true;
if (valRead >= maxAlarm) {
isAlarmToHigh = true;
logger.debug("{} is too high alarm {}", getName(), maxAlarm);
} else {
isAlarmToHigh = false;
logger.debug("{} is too low alarm {}", getName(), minAlarm);
} else if (valRead >= maxWarning || valRead <= minWarning) {
// check min and max warning props
isOutOfLimits = true;
if (valRead >= maxWarning) {
isAlarmToHigh = true;
logger.debug("{} is too high warning {}", getName(), maxWarning);
} else {
isAlarmToHigh = false;
logger.debug("{} is too low warning {} ", getName(), minWarning);
private void checkScalarDeltaAlarm(final AttributeValue returnedValue, final long deltaTime, final double valRead) {
if (writtenTimestamp != 0 && deltaTime != 0) {
// check difference between set value and actual value
final double deltaVal = Math.abs(config.getAttributeProperties().getDeltaValDouble());
final long currentDeltaTime = returnedValue.getTime() - writtenTimestamp;
final double valWrite = Double.parseDouble(writeValue.getValue().toString());
final double diff = Math.abs(valRead - valWrite);
if (currentDeltaTime > deltaTime && diff > deltaVal) {
isDeltaAlarm = true;
logger.debug("{} is delta alarm", getName());
public boolean isAlarmToHigh() {
return isAlarmToHigh;
* Write value
* @param value
* @param fromMemorizedValue true is value comes from tangodb
* @throws DevFailed
private void setValue(final AttributeValue value, boolean fromMemorizedValue) throws DevFailed {
if (!config.getWritable().equals(AttrWriteType.READ)) {
// final Profiler profilerPeriod = new Profiler("write attribute " + name);
// profilerPeriod.start("check");
// profilerPeriod.start("clone");
// copy value for safety and transform it to 2D array if necessary
try {
writeValue = (AttributeValue) value.clone();
} catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed(e);
// profilerPeriod.start("after clone");
writtenTimestamp = writeValue.getTime();
int dimY = writeValue.getYDim();
if (config.getFormat().equals(AttrDataFormat.IMAGE) && dimY == 0) {
// force at least 1 to obtain a real 2D array with [][]
dimY = 1;
// profilerPeriod.start("convert image");
value.setValue(ArrayUtils.fromArrayTo2DArray(writeValue.getValue(), writeValue.getXDim(), dimY),
if (isMemorized() && getFormat().equals(AttrDataFormat.SCALAR) && !fromMemorizedValue) {
// TODO: refactoring to manage performance issues for spectrum and
// images
attributePropertiesManager.setAttributePropertyInDB(getName(), Constants.MEMORIZED_VALUE,
// if (getFormat().equals(AttrDataFormat.IMAGE)) {
// deviceImpl.setAttributePropertyInDB(att.getName(),
// Integer.toString(value4.w_dim.dim_x),
// Integer.toString(value4.w_dim.dim_y));
// }
// profilerPeriod.stop().print();
} else {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed(ExceptionMessages.ATTR_NOT_WRITABLE, name + " is not writable");
* write attribute
* @param value
* @throws DevFailed
public void setValue(final AttributeValue value) throws DevFailed {
setValue(value, false);
private void checkMinMaxValue() throws DevFailed {
if (isNumber()) {
final double max = config.getAttributeProperties().getMaxValueDouble();
final double min = config.getAttributeProperties().getMinValueDouble();
if (getFormat().equals(AttrDataFormat.SCALAR)) {
final double val = Double.parseDouble(writeValue.getValue().toString());
if (val > max || val < min) {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed(ExceptionMessages.WATTR_OUTSIDE_LIMIT,
"value is outside allowed range: " + min + "<" + max);
// XXX removed for performance issue
// else {
// final String[] array = ArrayUtils.toStringArray(writeValue.getValue());
// for (final String element : array) {
// final double val = Double.parseDouble(element);
// if (val > max || val < min) {
// throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed(ExceptionMessages.WATTR_OUTSIDE_LIMIT,
// "value is outside allowed range: " + min + "<" + max);
// }
// }
// }
private void checkSetErrors(final AttributeValue value) throws DevFailed {
if (!ArrayUtils.checkDimensions(value.getValue(), value.getXDim(), value.getYDim())) {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed(ExceptionMessages.ATTR_INCORRECT_DATA_NUMBER,
name + "data size does not correspond to dimensions");
if (getFormat().equals(AttrDataFormat.SPECTRUM) && value.getXDim() > getMaxX()) {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed(ExceptionMessages.WATTR_OUTSIDE_LIMIT,
"value has a max size of " + getMaxX());
} else if (getFormat().equals(AttrDataFormat.IMAGE)
&& (value.getXDim() > getMaxX() || value.getYDim() > getMaxY())) {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed(ExceptionMessages.WATTR_OUTSIDE_LIMIT,
name + " value has a max size of " + getMaxX() + "*" + getMaxY());
public String getName() {
return name;
public AttrDataFormat getFormat() {
return config.getFormat();
public AttrWriteType getWritable() {
return config.getWritable();
public boolean isMemorized() {
return config.isMemorized();
public boolean isMemorizedAtInit() {
return config.isMemorizedAtInit();
public AttributePropertiesImpl getProperties() throws DevFailed {
if (isFwdAttribute) {
// retrieve remote attribute properties
final ForwardedAttribute fwdAttr = (ForwardedAttribute) behavior;
return config.getAttributeProperties();
* Set the attribute properties.
* @param properties The attribute properties
* @throws DevFailed
public void setProperties(final AttributePropertiesImpl properties) throws DevFailed {
if (isMemorized()) {
Object memorizedValue = getMemorizedValue();
if (memorizedValue != null && memorizedValue.getClass().isAssignableFrom(Number.class)) {
final double memoValue = Double.parseDouble(memorizedValue.toString());
if (properties.getMaxValueDouble() < memoValue || properties.getMinValueDouble() > memoValue) {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed("min or max value not possible for current memorized value");
if (isFwdAttribute) {
// set config on forwarded attribute
final ForwardedAttribute fwdAttr = (ForwardedAttribute) behavior;
EventManager.getInstance().pushAttributeConfigEvent(deviceName, name);
public DispLevel getDispLevel() {
return config.getDispLevel();
public int getMaxX() {
return config.getMaxX();
public int getMaxY() {
return config.getMaxY();
public String toString() {
final ReflectionToStringBuilder reflectionToStringBuilder = new ReflectionToStringBuilder(this,
reflectionToStringBuilder.setExcludeFieldNames(new String[]{"readValue", "writeValue", "history", "type"});
return reflectionToStringBuilder.toString();
public AttributeValue getWriteValue() {
return writeValue;
public AttributeValue getReadValue() {
return readValue;
public IAttributeBehavior getBehavior() {
return behavior;
* Add current attribute data to attribute history
public void addToHistory() {
history.addToHistory(readValue, writeValue, new DevError[0]);
* Set all data of attribute history
* @param readValues read value
* @param writeValues write value
* @throws DevFailed
public void fillHistory(final AttributeValue[] readValues, final AttributeValue[] writeValues, final DevFailed[] errors) throws DevFailed {
if (readValues == null) {
if (errors != null && errors.length != writeValues.length) {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed("write and errors values must have the same size");
logger.debug("filling attribute {} history with {} write values", name, writeValues.length);
for (int i = 0; i < writeValues.length; i++) {
DevError[] error = new DevError[0];
if (errors != null && errors[i] != null) {
error = errors[i].errors;
history.addToHistory(writeValues[i], null, error);
} else if (writeValues == null) {
if (errors != null && errors.length != readValues.length) {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed("read and errors values must have the same size");
logger.debug("filling attribute {} history with {} read values", name, readValues.length);
for (int i = 0; i < readValues.length; i++) {
DevError[] error = new DevError[0];
if (errors != null && errors[i] != null) {
error = errors[i].errors;
history.addToHistory(readValues[i], null, error);
} else {
if (readValues.length != writeValues.length) {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed("read and write values must have the same size");
if (errors != null && errors.length != readValues.length) {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed("read and errors values must have the same size");
logger.debug("filling attribute {} history with {} read and write values", name, readValues.length);
for (int i = 0; i < readValues.length; i++) {
DevError[] error = new DevError[0];
if (errors != null && errors[i] != null) {
error = errors[i].errors;
history.addToHistory(readValues[i], writeValues[i], error);
public void addErrorToHistory(final DevFailed e) throws DevFailed {
history.addToHistory(readValue, writeValue, e.errors);
public AttributeHistory getHistory() {
return history;
public int getPollingPeriod() {
return config.getPollingPeriod();
public boolean isPolled() {
return config.isPolled();
public boolean isCheckArchivingEvent() {
return config.isCheckArchivingEvent();
public boolean isCheckChangeEvent() {
return config.isCheckChangeEvent();
* Archive event pushed from device code
* @return
public boolean isPushArchiveEvent() {
return config.isPushArchiveEvent();
* Change event pushed from device code
* @return
public boolean isPushChangeEvent() {
return config.isPushChangeEvent();
public boolean isPushDataReady() {
return config.isPushDataReady();
public int getTangoType() {
return config.getTangoType();
public void configurePolling(final int pollingPeriod) throws DevFailed {
// PollingUtils.configurePolling(pollingPeriod, config, attributePropertiesManager);
public void resetPolling() throws DevFailed {
private void configureAttributePropsFromDb() throws DevFailed {
if (isFwdAttribute) {
((ForwardedAttribute) behavior).setLabel(config.getAttributeProperties().getLabel());
public void removeProperties() throws DevFailed {
public boolean isNumber() {
boolean result = Number.class.isAssignableFrom(config.getScalarType());
result = result || double.class.isAssignableFrom(config.getScalarType());
result = result || long.class.isAssignableFrom(config.getScalarType());
result = result || int.class.isAssignableFrom(config.getScalarType());
result = result || float.class.isAssignableFrom(config.getScalarType());
result = result || byte.class.isAssignableFrom(config.getScalarType());
result = result || short.class.isAssignableFrom(config.getScalarType());
return result;
public boolean isDevEncoded() {
return DevEncoded.class.isAssignableFrom(config.getScalarType());
public boolean isBoolean() {
return boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(config.getScalarType());
public boolean isString() {
return String.class.isAssignableFrom(config.getScalarType());
public boolean isState() {
return DevState.class.isAssignableFrom(config.getScalarType());
public boolean isScalar() {
return config.getFormat().equals(AttrDataFormat.SCALAR);
public boolean isOutOfLimits() {
return isOutOfLimits;
public int compareTo(final AttributeImpl o) {
return name.compareTo(o.name);
public boolean isDeltaAlarm() {
return isDeltaAlarm;
public int getPollRingDepth() {
return history.getMaxSize();
public void setPollRingDepth(final int pollRingDepth) {
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + (name == null ? 0 : name.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
final AttributeImpl other = (AttributeImpl) obj;
if (name == null && other.name != null) {
return false;
} else if (!name.equals(other.name)) {
return false;
return true;
public double getExecutionDuration() {
return executionDuration;
public double getLastUpdateTime() {
return lastUpdateTime;
public double getDeltaTime() {
return deltaTime;
public void setPollingStats(final double executionDuration, final double lastUpdateTime,
final double deltaTime) {
this.executionDuration = executionDuration;
this.lastUpdateTime = lastUpdateTime;
this.deltaTime = deltaTime;
public boolean isFwdAttribute() {
return isFwdAttribute;