org.tango.server.testserver.EventServer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) : 2012
* Synchrotron Soleil
* L'Orme des merisiers
* Saint Aubin
* BP48
* This file is part of Tango.
* Tango is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Tango is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Tango. If not, see .
package org.tango.server.testserver;
import fr.esrf.Tango.AttrQuality;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevEncoded;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevFailed;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevState;
import org.tango.DeviceState;
import org.tango.server.ServerManager;
import org.tango.server.annotation.Attribute;
import org.tango.server.annotation.AttributeProperties;
import org.tango.server.annotation.Command;
import org.tango.server.annotation.Delete;
import org.tango.server.annotation.Device;
import org.tango.server.annotation.DeviceManagement;
import org.tango.server.annotation.Init;
import org.tango.server.annotation.State;
import org.tango.server.attribute.AttributePropertiesImpl;
import org.tango.server.attribute.AttributeValue;
import org.tango.server.device.DeviceManager;
import org.tango.server.events.EventType;
import org.tango.utils.DevFailedUtils;
* A device to test Tango events.
* @author ABEILLE
public class EventServer {
public static final String INSTANCE_NAME = "1";
public static final String NO_DB_DEVICE_NAME = "1/2/3";
public static final String SERVER_NAME = EventServer.class.getSimpleName();
@Attribute(isPolled = true, pollingPeriod = 100)
@AttributeProperties(changeEventAbsolute = "1", periodicEvent = "100")
private final double[] doubleArrayAtt = new double[]{1};
@Attribute(isPolled = true, pollingPeriod = 100)
private final String[] stringArrayAtt = new String[]{"1"};
@Attribute(isPolled = true, pollingPeriod = 100)
@AttributeProperties(changeEventAbsolute = "100")
private final boolean[] booleanArrayAtt = new boolean[]{false};
@Attribute(isPolled = true, pollingPeriod = 100)
DeviceState[] stateArray = new DeviceState[]{DeviceState.OFF};
DeviceManager deviceManager;
@Attribute(isPolled = true, pollingPeriod = 100)
@AttributeProperties(changeEventAbsolute = "1", periodicEvent = "100")
private volatile double doubleAtt = 1;
@Attribute(isPolled = true, pollingPeriod = 100, checkChangeEvent = true, pushChangeEvent = true)
@AttributeProperties(changeEventAbsolute = "0.9", periodicEvent = "100")
private double doubleAttSendTwice = 0;
@Attribute(isPolled = true, pollingPeriod = 100)
@AttributeProperties(changeEventRelative = "1")
private double changeRelative = 1;
@Attribute(isPolled = true, pollingPeriod = 100)
private String stringAtt = "1";
@Attribute(isPolled = true, pollingPeriod = 100)
@AttributeProperties(changeEventAbsolute = "5")
private int qualityAtt;
private AttrQuality quality = AttrQuality.ATTR_VALID;
@Attribute(isPolled = true, pollingPeriod = 100, checkArchivingEvent = false)
@AttributeProperties(archiveEventPeriod = "100")
private long archive = 1;
@Attribute(checkArchivingEvent = true, pushArchiveEvent = true)
@AttributeProperties(archiveEventRelative = "0.001")
private short archiveCheck = 3;
@Attribute(isPolled = true, pollingPeriod = 100)
@AttributeProperties(changeEventAbsolute = "100")
private boolean booleanAtt = false;
@Attribute(isPolled = true, pollingPeriod = 100)
@AttributeProperties(changeEventAbsolute = "1")
private DevEncoded devEncodedAttr;
private byte counterEncoded = 0;
private DeviceState state = DeviceState.OFF;
private int counter = 1;
private int error = 0;
public static void startNoDb(final int portNr) throws DevFailed {
System.setProperty("OAPort", Integer.toString(portNr));
ServerManager.getInstance().addClass(EventServer.class.getCanonicalName(), EventServer.class);
ServerManager.getInstance().startError(new String[]{INSTANCE_NAME, "-nodb", "-dlist", NO_DB_DEVICE_NAME},
public static void start() throws DevFailed {
ServerManager.getInstance().addClass(EventServer.class.getCanonicalName(), EventServer.class);
ServerManager.getInstance().startError(new String[]{INSTANCE_NAME}, EventServer.class.getSimpleName());
System.out.println("Event server started");
public static void main(final String[] args) throws DevFailed {
//System.setProperty("TANGO_HOST", "tango9-db1.ica.synchrotron-soleil.fr:20001");
public double getDoubleAtt() throws DevFailed {
doubleAtt = doubleAtt + 1;
final String value = Double.toString(doubleAtt);
final AttributePropertiesImpl properties = deviceManager.getAttributeProperties("doubleAtt");
deviceManager.setAttributeProperties("doubleAtt", properties);
return doubleAtt;
public short getArchiveCheck() throws DevFailed {
archiveCheck = (short) (archiveCheck + 1);
return archiveCheck;
public void sendCheckArchiveEvent() throws DevFailed {
deviceManager.pushEvent("archiveCheck", EventType.ARCHIVE_EVENT);
public void delete() throws DevFailed {
public double getDoubleAttSendTwice() throws DevFailed {
deviceManager.pushEvent("doubleAttSendTwice", new AttributeValue(doubleAttSendTwice - 1), EventType.CHANGE_EVENT);
doubleAttSendTwice = doubleAttSendTwice + 1;
return doubleAttSendTwice;
public double getChangeRelative() throws DevFailed {
changeRelative = changeRelative + 1;
return changeRelative;
public double[] getDoubleArrayAtt() throws DevFailed {
doubleArrayAtt[0] = doubleArrayAtt[0] + 1;
return doubleArrayAtt;
public String getStringAtt() {
stringAtt = Double.toString(Double.parseDouble(stringAtt) + 1);
return stringAtt;
public String[] getStringArrayAtt() {
stringArrayAtt[0] = Double.toString(Double.parseDouble(stringArrayAtt[0]) + 1);
return stringArrayAtt;
public AttributeValue getQualityAtt() throws DevFailed {
quality = quality == AttrQuality.ATTR_VALID ? AttrQuality.ATTR_CHANGING : AttrQuality.ATTR_VALID;
return new AttributeValue(10, quality);
public long getArchive() {
archive = archive + 1;
return archive;
public AttributeValue getBooleanAtt() throws DevFailed {
final AttributeValue val = new AttributeValue();
booleanAtt = !booleanAtt;
val.setValue(booleanAtt, 34567L);
return val;
public boolean[] getBooleanArrayAtt() {
booleanArrayAtt[0] = !booleanArrayAtt[0];
return booleanArrayAtt;
public DevEncoded getDevEncodedAttr() {
devEncodedAttr = new DevEncoded("toto", new byte[]{counterEncoded});
return devEncodedAttr;
public void init() throws DevFailed {
deviceManager.startPolling("State", 100);
public int getErrorAtt() throws DevFailed {
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed("test");
public DeviceState[] getStateArray() {
stateArray = stateArray[0] == DeviceState.OFF ? new DeviceState[]{DeviceState.ON}
: new DeviceState[]{DeviceState.OFF};
return stateArray;
@Attribute(pushDataReady = true)
public double getDataReady() {
return 10.0;
public void pushDataReady() throws DevFailed {
deviceManager.pushDataReadyEvent("doubleArrayAtt", counter++);
public String getUserEvent() throws DevFailed {
return "Hello";
public void pushUserEvent() throws DevFailed {
deviceManager.pushEvent("userEvent", EventType.USER_EVENT);
@Attribute(pushChangeEvent = true, checkChangeEvent = true)
@AttributeProperties(changeEventAbsolute = "100")
public int getError() throws DevFailed {
switch (error) {
case 0:
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed("error0");
case 1:
throw DevFailedUtils.newDevFailed("error1");
return 0;
public void setError(final int error) throws DevFailed {
this.error = error;
public void pushError() throws DevFailed {
deviceManager.pushEvent("error", EventType.CHANGE_EVENT);
public DeviceState getState() throws DevFailed {
state = state == DeviceState.OFF ? DeviceState.ON : DeviceState.OFF;
return state;
public void setState(final DeviceState state) {
this.state = state;
public void pushDeviceStateEvents() throws DevFailed {
DeviceState value = DeviceState.FAULT;
deviceManager.pushEvent("State", new AttributeValue(value), EventType.USER_EVENT);
public void pushDevStateEvents() throws DevFailed {
deviceManager.pushEvent("State", new AttributeValue(DevState.ALARM), EventType.USER_EVENT);
public void setDeviceManager(final DeviceManager deviceManager) {
this.deviceManager = deviceManager;