fr.esrf.TangoApi.events.NotifdEventConsumer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// $Source$
// Project: Tango
// Description: java source code for the TANGO client/server API.
// $Author: pascal_verdier $
// Copyright (C) : 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,
// European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
// BP 220, Grenoble 38043
// This file is part of Tango.
// Tango is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Tango is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with Tango. If not, see .
// $Revision: $
package fr.esrf.TangoApi.events;
import fr.esrf.Tango.*;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.*;
import fr.esrf.TangoDs.Except;
import fr.esrf.TangoDs.TangoConst;
import org.omg.CORBA.ORB;
import org.omg.CORBA.Policy;
import org.omg.CORBA.TCKind;
import org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode;
import org.omg.CosNotification.EventType;
import org.omg.CosNotifyChannelAdmin.*;
import org.omg.CosNotifyFilter.ConstraintExp;
import org.omg.CosNotifyFilter.Filter;
import org.omg.CosNotifyFilter.FilterFactory;
import org.omg.CosNotifyFilter.FilterNotFound;
import java.util.Enumeration;
* @author pascal_verdier
public class NotifdEventConsumer extends EventConsumer implements TangoConst, Runnable, IEventConsumer {
private static NotifdEventConsumer instance = null;
private EventChannel eventChannel;
private ConsumerAdmin consumerAdmin;
private ProxySupplier proxySupplier;
private ORB orb;
private Thread runner;
private boolean orbRunning = false;
private NotifdEventConsumer() throws DevFailed {
orb = ApiUtil.get_orb();
runner = new Thread(this);
// Create a thread and start it
new Thread() {
public void run() {
System.out.println("======== Shutting down notifd event system =======");
if (orbRunning) {
// Shutdown the ORB and wait for Completion
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//System.out.println("ORB Shutdown");
* Creates a new instance of EventConsumer
* @return an instance of EventConsumer object
* @throws DevFailed in case of database connection failed.
public static NotifdEventConsumer create() throws DevFailed {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new NotifdEventConsumer();
return instance;
public static NotifdEventConsumer getInstance() throws DevFailed {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new NotifdEventConsumer();
return instance;
* activate POA and go into endless loop waiting for events to be pushed
public void run() {
try {
if (!ApiUtil.in_server()) {
// We need to serialize here as the event subscription
// thread needs also to access the poa
synchronized (this) {
org.omg.CORBA.Object obj =
org.omg.PortableServer.POA poa =
org.omg.PortableServer.POAManager pman =
orbRunning = true;
} catch (org.omg.CORBA.UserException ex) {
System.err.println("EventConsumer.run() : Unable to start orb");
public int subscribe_event(DeviceProxy device,
int event,
CallBack callback,
int max_size,
boolean stateless)
throws DevFailed {
// Cannot be used with notifd (IDL 5 only)
return 0;
private java.lang.Object extractAttributeObject(org.omg.CosNotification.StructuredEvent notification)
throws org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind {
TypeCode ty = notification.remainder_of_body.type();
if (ty.kind().equals(TCKind.tk_struct)) {
String ty_name = ty.name();
if (ty_name.equals("AttDataReady"))
return AttDataReadyHelper.extract(notification.remainder_of_body);
else if (ty_name.equals("AttributeConfig_3"))
return new AttributeInfoEx(
else if (ty_name.equals("AttributeConfig_2"))
return new AttributeInfoEx(
else if (ty_name.equals("AttributeValue_4"))
return new DeviceAttribute(
else if (ty_name.equals("AttributeValue_3"))
return new DeviceAttribute(
else if (ty_name.equals("AttributeValue"))
return new DeviceAttribute(
else {
DevError[] dev_err_list = new DevError[1];
dev_err_list[0] = new DevError("API_IncompatibleAttrDataType",
"Unknown structure used to pass attribute value (Need compilation ?)",
return dev_err_list;
} else
return DevErrorListHelper.extract(notification.remainder_of_body);
private EventCallBackStruct getEventCallBackStruct(String eventName) {
Enumeration keys = event_callback_map.keys();
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = (String) keys.nextElement();
// Notifd do not use tango host
int start = key.indexOf('/', "tango:// ".length());
String shortName = key.substring(start+1);
if (eventName.equalsIgnoreCase(shortName)) {
return event_callback_map.get(key);
return null;
public void push_structured_event(org.omg.CosNotification.StructuredEvent notification) {
String domainName = notification.header.fixed_header.event_type.domain_name;
String eventType = notification.header.fixed_header.event_name;
try {
// Check if Heartbeat event
if (eventType.equals("heartbeat")) {
// Else check if event is registered and get its CB struct
String eventName = domainName + "." + eventType;
EventCallBackStruct callBackStruct = getEventCallBackStruct(eventName);
if (callBackStruct!=null) {
CallBack callback = callBackStruct.callback;
DeviceAttribute attr_value = null;
AttributeInfoEx attr_config = null;
AttDataReady data_ready = null;
DevError[] dev_err_list = null;
// Extract CORBA object to check What kind (Value or config)
java.lang.Object obj = extractAttributeObject(notification);
if (obj instanceof AttributeInfoEx)
attr_config = (AttributeInfoEx) obj;
else if (obj instanceof AttDataReady)
data_ready = (AttDataReady) obj;
else if (obj instanceof DeviceAttribute)
attr_value = (DeviceAttribute) obj;
else if (obj instanceof DevError[])
dev_err_list = (DevError[]) obj;
// And build event data
EventData event_data =
new EventData(callBackStruct.device,
domainName, eventType,
callBackStruct.event_type, EventData.NOTIFD_EVENT,
attr_value, null, attr_config, data_ready, null, dev_err_list);
if (callBackStruct.use_ev_queue) {
EventQueue ev_queue = callBackStruct.device.getEventQueue();
} else if (callback != null)
System.err.println(eventName + " event not found");
} catch (Exception e) {
private void cleanup_event_filters() {
Enumeration keys = event_callback_map.keys();
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) keys.nextElement();
EventCallBackStruct callback_struct = event_callback_map.get(name);
if (callback_struct.consumer instanceof NotifdEventConsumer) {
try {
EventChannelStruct ec_struct = channel_map.get(callback_struct.channel_name);
Filter filter = ec_struct.structuredProxyPushSupplier.get_filter(callback_struct.filter_id);
} catch (FilterNotFound e) {
// Do nothing
private void cleanup_heartbeat_proxies() {
// disconnect the pushsupplier to stop receiving events
Enumeration keys = event_callback_map.keys();
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) keys.nextElement();
EventCallBackStruct callback_struct = event_callback_map.get(name);
try {
EventChannelStruct ec_struct = channel_map.get(callback_struct.channel_name);
if (ec_struct.structuredProxyPushSupplier != null) {
//System.out.println("Disconnect " + callback_struct.channel_name);
ec_struct.structuredProxyPushSupplier = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
private DbEventImportInfo getEventImportInfo(String channelName,
Database dbase,
DeviceProxy adminDevice)
throws DevFailed {
DbEventImportInfo received = null;
try {
if (dbase != null) {
// Check if info have been set to the device
adminDevice = DeviceProxyFactory.get(channelName, dbase.getUrl().getTangoHost());
received = adminDevice.get_evt_import_info();
if (received == null || !received.channel_exported) {
received = dbase.import_event(channelName);
} else {
// Get event chanel info object from admin device
received = new DbEventImportInfo();
adminDevice = DeviceProxyFactory.get(channelName);
DeviceData data = adminDevice.command_inout("QueryEventChannelIOR");
received.channel_ior = data.extractString();
received.channel_exported = true;
// get the hostname where the notifyd should be running
IORdump id = new IORdump(null, received.channel_ior);
received.host = id.get_hostname();
} catch (DevFailed df) {
if (dbase != null)
channelName + " has no event channel defined in the database " +
dbase.getUrl().getTangoHost() +
"\nMay be the server is not running.",
channelName + " did not returned event channel IOR\n"
+ " May be the server is not running.",
return received;
protected void checkDeviceConnection(DeviceProxy device,
String attribute, DeviceData deviceData, String event_name) throws DevFailed {
String deviceName = device.name();
if (!device_channel_map.containsKey(deviceName)) {
connect(device, attribute, event_name, deviceData);
if (!device_channel_map.containsKey(deviceName)) {
"Failed to connect to event channel for device",
private void connectToNotificationDaemon(DbEventImportInfo received)
throws DevFailed {
boolean channel_exported = received.channel_exported;
if (channel_exported) {
org.omg.CORBA.Object event_channel_obj = orb.string_to_object(received.channel_ior);
try {
eventChannel = EventChannelHelper.narrow(event_channel_obj);
// Set timeout on eventChannel
final org.omg.CORBA.Policy p =
new org.jacorb.orb.policies.RelativeRoundtripTimeoutPolicy(10000 * 3000);
new Policy[] { p }, org.omg.CORBA.SetOverrideType.ADD_OVERRIDE);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
"Failed to connect notification daemon (hint : make sure the notifd daemon is running on this host",
if (eventChannel == null) {
channel_exported = false;
if (!channel_exported) {
"Failed to narrow EventChannel from notification daemon (hint : make sure the notifd daemon is running on this host",
// Obtain a consumer admin : we'll use the channel's default consumer admin
try {
consumerAdmin = eventChannel.default_consumer_admin();
} catch (Exception e) {
"Received " + e.toString() +
"\nduring eventChannel.default_consumer_admin() call",
if (consumerAdmin == null) {
"Failed to get default consumer admin from notification daemon (hint : make sure the notifd daemon is running on this host",
// Obtain a ProxySupplier : we are using Push model and Structured data
org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder pId = new org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder();
try {
proxySupplier = consumerAdmin.obtain_notification_push_supplier(ClientType.STRUCTURED_EVENT, pId);
if (proxySupplier == null) {
"Failed to get a push supplier from notification daemon (hint : make sure the notifd daemon is running on this host",
} catch (org.omg.CORBA.TIMEOUT ex) {
"Failed to get a push supplier due to a Timeout",
} catch (org.omg.CosNotifyChannelAdmin.AdminLimitExceeded ex) {
"Failed to get a push supplier due to AdminLimitExceeded (hint : make sure the notifd daemon is running on this host",
private StructuredProxyPushSupplier getStructuredProxyPushSupplier(String channelName)
throws DevFailed {
StructuredProxyPushSupplier structuredProxyPushSupplier =
if (structuredProxyPushSupplier == null) {
"Failed to narrow the push supplier due to AdminLimitExceeded (hint : make sure the notifd daemon is running on this host",
return null; // Just to remove warning
// Connect to the proxy consumer
try {
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
e + " detected when subscribing to " + channelName,
} catch (org.omg.CosEventChannelAdmin.AlreadyConnected ex) {
"Failed to connect the push supplier due to CosEventChannelAdmin.AlreadyConnected.AlreadyConnected exception",
} catch (org.omg.CosEventChannelAdmin.TypeError ex) {
"Failed to connect the push supplier due to CosEventChannelAdmin.AlreadyConnected.TypeError exception",
return structuredProxyPushSupplier;
private void connect(DeviceProxy device_proxy, String attributeName, String eventName, DeviceData deviceData) throws DevFailed {
String deviceName = device_proxy.name();
String adm_name = null;
try {
adm_name = device_proxy.adm_name();
} catch (DevFailed e) {
"Can't subscribe to event for device " + deviceName
+ "\n Check that device server is running...",
String channelName = adm_name;
// If no connection exists to this channel, create it
Database dbase = null;
if (!channel_map.containsKey(channelName)) {
if (device_proxy.use_db())
dbase = device_proxy.get_db_obj();
ConnectionStructure connectionStructure =
new ConnectionStructure(device_proxy.get_tango_host(), channelName,
deviceName, attributeName, eventName, dbase, deviceData, false);
} else if (device_proxy.use_db()) {
dbase = device_proxy.get_db_obj();
EventChannelStruct eventChannelStruct = channel_map.get(channelName);
eventChannelStruct.adm_device_proxy = device_proxy.get_adm_dev();
eventChannelStruct.use_db = device_proxy.use_db();
eventChannelStruct.dbase = dbase;
device_channel_map.put(deviceName, channelName);
* We need to serialize as this method need access the POA
* @param cs the connection information structure
* @throws DevFailed if connection failed on notification service
protected synchronized void connect_event_channel(ConnectionStructure cs) throws DevFailed {
// Get a reference to an EventChannel for
// this device server from the tango database
DeviceProxy adminDevice = DeviceProxyFactory.get(
cs.channelName, cs.database.getUrl().getTangoHost());
DbEventImportInfo received = getEventImportInfo(cs.channelName, cs.database, adminDevice);
// Keep host name without Fully Qualify Domain Name
int idx = received.host.indexOf('.');
if (idx > 0)
received.host = received.host.substring(0, idx);
// Connect the notify daemon
structuredProxyPushSupplier = getStructuredProxyPushSupplier(cs.channelName);
if (cs.reconnect) {
EventChannelStruct eventChannelStruct = channel_map.get(cs.channelName);
eventChannelStruct.eventChannel = eventChannel;
eventChannelStruct.structuredProxyPushSupplier = structuredProxyPushSupplier;
eventChannelStruct.last_heartbeat = System.currentTimeMillis();
eventChannelStruct.heartbeat_skipped = false;
eventChannelStruct.host = received.host;
eventChannelStruct.has_notifd_closed_the_connection = 0;
try {
int filter_id = eventChannelStruct.heartbeat_filter_id;
Filter filter = eventChannelStruct.structuredProxyPushSupplier.get_filter(filter_id);
} catch (FilterNotFound e) {
// Do Nothing
// Add filter for heartbeat events on channelName
String constraint_expr = "$event_name == \'heartbeat\'";
eventChannelStruct.heartbeat_filter_id = add_filter_for_channel(eventChannelStruct, constraint_expr);
setEventChannelTimeoutMillis(eventChannelStruct.eventChannel, 3000);
} else {
EventChannelStruct newEventChannelStruct = new EventChannelStruct();
newEventChannelStruct.eventChannel = eventChannel;
newEventChannelStruct.structuredProxyPushSupplier = structuredProxyPushSupplier;
newEventChannelStruct.last_heartbeat = System.currentTimeMillis();
newEventChannelStruct.heartbeat_skipped = false;
newEventChannelStruct.adm_device_proxy = adminDevice;
newEventChannelStruct.host = received.host;
newEventChannelStruct.has_notifd_closed_the_connection = 0;
newEventChannelStruct.consumer = this;
// Add filter for heartbeat events on channelName
String constraint_expr = "$event_name == \'heartbeat\'";
newEventChannelStruct.heartbeat_filter_id = add_filter_for_channel(newEventChannelStruct, constraint_expr);
channel_map.put(cs.channelName, newEventChannelStruct);
setEventChannelTimeoutMillis(newEventChannelStruct.eventChannel, 3000);
int add_filter_for_channel(EventChannelStruct event_channel_struct, String constraint_expr) throws DevFailed {
Filter filter = null;
int filter_id = -1;
try {
FilterFactory ffp = event_channel_struct.eventChannel.default_filter_factory();
filter = ffp.create_filter("EXTENDED_TCL");
} catch (org.omg.CosNotifyFilter.InvalidGrammar ex) {
"Caught Invalid Grammar exception while creating heartbeat filter : check filter",
ConstraintExp[] exp = new ConstraintExp[1];
exp[0] = new ConstraintExp();
exp[0].event_types = new EventType[0];
exp[0].constraint_expr = constraint_expr;
try {
if (filter != null) {
filter_id = event_channel_struct.structuredProxyPushSupplier.add_filter(filter);
} catch (org.omg.CosNotifyFilter.InvalidConstraint ex) {
"Caught InvalidConstraint exception while adding constraint for heartbeat : check filter",
return filter_id;
private String buildConstraintExpr(String device_name, String attribute, String event_name, String[] filters) {
String str =
"$domain_name == \'" + device_name.toLowerCase() + "/" +
attribute.toLowerCase() + "\'" + " and $event_name == \'" +
event_name + "\'";
if (filters != null && filters.length != 0) {
str += " and ((";
for (String filter : filters)
str += filter;
str += " ) and $forced_event > 0.5 )";
return str;
* Check if DS is now running on another host
* (another notifd too).
* @return true if host has changed
private boolean checkIfHostHasChanged(EventChannelStruct event_channel_struct) {
boolean retVal = false;
try {
IORdump dump = new IORdump(event_channel_struct.adm_device_proxy);
String server_host = dump.get_hostname();
// Keep server_host name without Fully Qualify Domain Name
int idx = server_host.indexOf('.');
if (idx > 0)
server_host = server_host.substring(0, idx);
if (!event_channel_struct.host.equals(server_host))
retVal = true;
} catch (DevFailed e) { /* */ }
return retVal;
protected void checkIfAlreadyConnected(DeviceProxy device, String attribute, String event_name, CallBack callback, int max_size, boolean stateless)
throws DevFailed {
if (device == null || (callback == null && max_size < 0)) {
"Device or callback pointer NULL and event queue not used !!",
if (device == null || device.name() == null)
"Failed to connect to device",
else {
// Check if already connected (exists in map)
String callback_key = device.name().toLowerCase() + "/" + attribute + "." + event_name;
if (event_callback_map.containsKey(callback_key))
"Already connected to event " + callback_key,
// Check if already trying to connects (exists in map)
if (stateless && failed_event_callback_map.containsKey(callback_key))
"Already trying to connect to event " + callback_key,
protected String getEventSubscriptionCommandName() {
return "EventSubscriptionChange";
protected void setAdditionalInfoToEventCallBackStruct(EventCallBackStruct callback_struct,
String device_name, String attribute, String event_name,
String[]filters, EventChannelStruct channel_struct) throws DevFailed{
String constraint_expr = buildConstraintExpr(device_name, attribute, event_name, filters);
int filter_id = add_filter_for_channel(channel_struct, constraint_expr);
callback_struct.filter_constraint = constraint_expr;
callback_struct.filter_id = filter_id;
callback_struct.consumer = this;
* Push event containing exception
private void pushServerNotRespondingException(EventChannelStruct eventChannelStruct, EventCallBackStruct callbackStruct) {
try {
if (eventChannelStruct != null) {
if (eventChannelStruct.consumer instanceof NotifdEventConsumer) {
if (!callbackStruct.filter_ok) {
callbackStruct.filter_id = NotifdEventConsumer.getInstance().add_filter_for_channel(
eventChannelStruct, callbackStruct.filter_constraint);
callbackStruct.filter_ok = true;
} else
CallBack callback = callbackStruct.callback;
DevError[] errors = {new DevError()};
errors[0].severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
errors[0].origin = "EventConsumer.KeepAliveThread";
errors[0].reason = "API_EventTimeout";
errors[0].desc = "Event channel is not responding any more, maybe the server or event system is down";
String domain_name = callbackStruct.device.name() + "/" + callbackStruct.attr_name.toLowerCase();
EventData event_data =
new EventData(eventChannelStruct.adm_device_proxy,
domain_name, callbackStruct.event_name, EventData.NOTIFD_EVENT,
callbackStruct.event_type, null, null, null, null, null, errors);
event_data.device = callbackStruct.device;
event_data.name = callbackStruct.device.name();
event_data.event = callbackStruct.event_name;
if (callbackStruct.use_ev_queue) {
EventQueue ev_queue = callbackStruct.device.getEventQueue();
} else
} catch (DevFailed e) { /* */ }
protected void checkIfHeartbeatSkipped(String name, EventChannelStruct eventChannelStruct) {
// Check if heartbeat have been skipped, can happen if
// 1- the notifd is dead (if not ZMQ)
// 2- the server is dead
// 3- The network was down;
// 4- The server has been restarted on another host.
// long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
// boolean heartbeat_skipped =
// ((now - eventChannelStruct.last_heartbeat) > KeepAliveThread.getHeartBeatPeriod());
if (KeepAliveThread.heartbeatHasBeenSkipped(eventChannelStruct) ||
eventChannelStruct.heartbeat_skipped || eventChannelStruct.notifd_failed) {
eventChannelStruct.heartbeat_skipped = true;
// Check notifd by trying to read an attribute of the event channel
DevError dev_error = null;
try {
// Check if DS is now running on another host
if (checkIfHostHasChanged(eventChannelStruct))
eventChannelStruct.notifd_failed = true;
} catch (RuntimeException e1) {
// MyFactory has failed
dev_error = new DevError();
dev_error.severity = ErrSeverity.ERR;
dev_error.origin = "NotifdEventConsumer.checkIfHeartbeatSkipped()";
dev_error.reason = "API_EventException";
dev_error.desc = "Connection failed with notify daemon";
// Try to add reason
int pos = e1.toString().indexOf(":");
if (pos > 0) dev_error.desc += " (" + e1.toString().substring(0, pos) + ")";
eventChannelStruct.notifd_failed = true;
// reset the event import info stored in DeviceProxy object
// Until today, this feature is used only by Astor (import with external info).
try {
} catch (DevFailed e) {
System.err.println("API received a DevFailed : " + e.errors[0].desc);
// Force to reconnect if not using database
if (!eventChannelStruct.use_db)
eventChannelStruct.notifd_failed = true;
// Check if has_notifd_closed_the_connection many times (nework blank)
if (!eventChannelStruct.notifd_failed &&
eventChannelStruct.has_notifd_closed_the_connection >= 3)
eventChannelStruct.notifd_failed = true;
// If notifd_failed --> try to reconnect
if (eventChannelStruct.notifd_failed) {
eventChannelStruct.notifd_failed = !reconnect_to_channel(name);
if (!eventChannelStruct.notifd_failed)
Enumeration callback_structs = EventConsumer.getEventCallbackMap().elements();
while (callback_structs.hasMoreElements()) {
EventCallBackStruct callback_struct = (EventCallBackStruct) callback_structs.nextElement();
if (callback_struct.channel_name.equals(name)) {
// Push exception
if (dev_error != null)
pushReceivedException(eventChannelStruct, callback_struct, dev_error);
pushServerNotRespondingException(eventChannelStruct, callback_struct);
// If reconnection done, try to re subscribe
// and read attribute in synchronous mode
if (!callback_struct.event_name.equals(eventNames[DATA_READY_EVENT]))
if (!eventChannelStruct.notifd_failed)
if (eventChannelStruct.consumer.reSubscribe(eventChannelStruct, callback_struct))
readAttributeAndPush(eventChannelStruct, callback_struct);
}// end if heartbeat_skipped
eventChannelStruct.has_notifd_closed_the_connection = 0;
* Try to connect if it failed at subscribe
* Re subscribe event
protected boolean reSubscribe(EventChannelStruct event_channel_struct,
EventCallBackStruct callback_struct) {
boolean retVal = true;
try {
DeviceData subscriber_in = new DeviceData();
String[] subscriber_info = new String[4];
subscriber_info[0] = callback_struct.device.name();
subscriber_info[1] = callback_struct.attr_name;
subscriber_info[2] = "subscribe";
subscriber_info[3] = callback_struct.event_name;
event_channel_struct.adm_device_proxy.command_inout("EventSubscriptionChange", subscriber_in);
event_channel_struct.heartbeat_skipped = false;
event_channel_struct.last_subscribed = System.currentTimeMillis();
callback_struct.last_subscribed = event_channel_struct.last_subscribed;
} catch (Exception e) {
retVal = false;
return retVal;
* Reconnect to event
* @param name admin device name
void reconnect_to_event(String name) {
Enumeration callback_structs = event_callback_map.elements();
while (callback_structs.hasMoreElements()) {
EventCallBackStruct callback_struct = (EventCallBackStruct) callback_structs.nextElement();
if (callback_struct.channel_name.equals(name) && (callback_struct.callback != null)) {
try {
EventChannelStruct event_channel_struct = channel_map.get(name);
callback_struct.filter_id = add_filter_for_channel(event_channel_struct, callback_struct.filter_constraint);
callback_struct.filter_ok = true;
} catch (DevFailed e1) {
callback_struct.filter_ok = false;
private void setEventChannelTimeoutMillis(EventChannel eventChannel, int millis) {
// Change Jacorb policy for timeout
org.omg.CORBA.Policy p =
new org.jacorb.orb.policies.RelativeRoundtripTimeoutPolicy(10000 * millis);
eventChannel._set_policy_override(new Policy[]{p},
private void cleanup_heartbeat_filters() {
Enumeration channel_names = channel_map.keys();
while (channel_names.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) channel_names.nextElement();
EventChannelStruct eventChannelStruct = channel_map.get(name);
if (eventChannelStruct.consumer instanceof NotifdEventConsumer) {
try {
int filter_id = eventChannelStruct.heartbeat_filter_id;
Filter filter =
} catch (FilterNotFound e) {
// do nothing
protected void removeFilters(EventCallBackStruct cb_struct) throws DevFailed {
try {
EventChannelStruct ec_struct = channel_map.get(cb_struct.channel_name);
if (ec_struct != null) {
StructuredProxyPushSupplier supplier =
Filter filter = supplier.get_filter(cb_struct.filter_id);
if (filter != null) {
} catch (FilterNotFound e) {
"Failed to unsubscribe event, caught exception while calling remove_filter()" +
" (hint: check notification daemon is running)",
protected void unsubscribeTheEvent(EventCallBackStruct callbackStruct) {
// Nothing
* Reconnect to channel
* @param name channel name
* @return true if reconnection done
boolean reconnect_to_channel(String name) {
boolean ret = true;
Enumeration callback_structs = event_callback_map.elements();
while (callback_structs.hasMoreElements()) {
EventCallBackStruct callback_struct = (EventCallBackStruct) callback_structs.nextElement();
if (callback_struct.channel_name.equals(name) && (callback_struct.callback != null)) {
try {
EventChannelStruct event_channel_struct = channel_map.get(name);
connect_event_channel(new ConnectionStructure(
name, event_channel_struct.dbase, true));
ret = true;
} catch (DevFailed e1) {
ret = false;
return ret;
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