fr.esrf.TangoDs.DServer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// $Source$
// Project: Tango
// Description: java source code for the TANGO client/server API.
// $Author: pascal_verdier $
// Copyright (C) : 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,
// European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
// BP 220, Grenoble 38043
// This file is part of Tango.
// Tango is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Tango is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with Tango. If not, see .
// $Revision: 25297 $
package fr.esrf.TangoDs;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevFailed;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevState;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevVarLongStringArray;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DbDatum;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DeviceData;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION;
import org.omg.PortableServer.POA;
import org.omg.PortableServer.POAManager;
import org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage.ObjectNotActive;
import org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage.WrongPolicy;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Vector;
* @deprecated use {@link org.tango.server.admin.AdminDevice}
@SuppressWarnings( { "NestedTryStatement", "ErrorNotRethrown" })
public class DServer extends DeviceImpl {
protected String process_name;
protected String instance_name;
protected StringBuffer full_name;
protected Vector class_list = new Vector();;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : DServer()
// description : constructor for DServer object
// in : - cp : The class object
// - n : The device name
// - d : The device description
// - s : The device state
// - st : The device status
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DServer(final DeviceClass cl, final String n, final String d, final DevState s, final String st)
throws DevFailed {
super(cl, n, d, s, st);
process_name = Util.instance().get_ds_exec_name();
instance_name = Util.instance().get_ds_inst_name();
full_name = new StringBuffer(process_name);
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// call delete_device
final int nb_class = class_list.size();
for (int j = 0; j < nb_class; j++) {
final Vector> v = ((DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(j)).get_device_list();
final int nb_dev = v.size();
for (int k = 0; k < nb_dev; k++) {
final DeviceImpl dev = (DeviceImpl) v.elementAt(k);
if (dev.get_exported_flag() == true) {
try {
Util.out4.println("delete device " + dev.get_name());
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
// ignore error, kill the device anyway
Util.out4.println("unregister " + Util.instance().get_ds_name());
public void init_device() throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("DServer.DSserver() create dserver " + device_name);
// Now, creates all user classes
boolean class_factory_done = false;
int i = 0;
try {
// Activate the POA manager
final Util tg = Util.instance();
final POAManager manager = tg.get_poa().the_POAManager();
try {
} catch (final org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage.AdapterInactive ex) {
"The POA activate method throws an exception", "DServer.init_device()");
class_factory_done = true;
if (class_list.isEmpty() == false) {
// Add the DServer object class
// And Set the class list pointer in the Util class
// class_list.add(this.get_device_class());
// A loop for each class
final String ds_name = tg.get_ds_name();
for (i = 0; i < class_list.size(); i++) {
// Build class commands
final DeviceClass cl_ref = (DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(i);
// Sort command list
final MyComp comp = new MyComp();
Collections.sort(cl_ref.get_command_list(), comp);
// Build class attributes
cl_ref.get_class_attr().init_class_attribute(cl_ref.get_name(), 0);
// Set class name in command instances and analyse user
// methods (only for
// command created using the template method)
for (int k = 0; k < cl_ref.get_command_list().size(); k++) {
final Command cmd = (Command) cl_ref.get_command_list().elementAt(k);
if (cmd.is_template() == true) {
// Retrieve device(s) name list from the database. No need
// to implement
// a retry here (in case of db server restart) because the
// db reconnection
// is forced by the get_property call executed during
// xxxClass construction
// before we reach this code.
String[] dev_list = null;
if (Util._UseDb) {
final String[] ds = new String[2];
ds[0] = ds_name;
ds[1] = ((DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(i)).get_name();
final DeviceData send = new DeviceData();
final DeviceData received = tg.get_database().command_inout(
"DbGetDeviceList", send);
try {
dev_list = received.extractStringArray();
} catch (final BAD_OPERATION ex) {
.println("DServer.init_device() --> Wrong argument type for DbGetDeviceList command");
"Imcompatible command argument type returned by the DbGetDeviceList command",
if (dev_list.length == 0) {
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer(
"No device defined in database for class ");
o.append(((DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(i)).get_name());
Except.throw_exception("API_DatabaseAccess", o.toString(),
Util.out4.println(dev_list.length + " device(s) defined");
// Create all device(s)
((DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(i)).device_factory(dev_list);
} else {
Vector list = ((DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(i)).get_nodb_name_list();
String[] dev_list_nodb;
if (i != class_list.size() - 1) {
((DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(i)).device_name_factory(list);
} else {
if (tg.get_cmd_line_name_list().size() == 0) {
((DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(i)).device_name_factory(list);
} else {
list = tg.get_cmd_line_name_list();
if (list.isEmpty() == true) {
dev_list_nodb = new String[1];
dev_list_nodb[0] = "NoName";
} else {
dev_list_nodb = new String[list.size()];
for (int k = 0; k < list.size(); k++) {
dev_list_nodb[k] = (String) list.elementAt(k);
// Create all device(s)
((DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(i)).device_factory(dev_list_nodb);
} catch (final OutOfMemoryError ex) {
// If the class_factory method have not been successfully executed,
// erase
// all classes already built. If the error occurs during the command
// or device
// factories, erase only the following classes
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer("Can't allocate memory in server while ");
if (class_factory_done == false) {
final int class_err = class_list.size() + 1;
o.append("creating class number ");
if (class_list.isEmpty() == false) {
} else {
o.append("building command(s) or device(s) for class number ");
o.append(i + 1);
for (int j = i; j < class_list.size(); j++) {
Except.throw_exception("API_MemoryAllocation", o.toString(), "DServer.init_device()");
} catch (final DevFailed ex) {
// If the class_factory method have not been successfully executed,
// erase
// all classes already built. If the error occurs during the command
// or device
// factories, erase only the following classes
if (class_factory_done == false) {
if (class_list.isEmpty() == false) {
} else {
for (int j = i; j < class_list.size(); j++) {
throw ex;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : class_factory()
// description : Build all the DeviceClass embedded in a server
// There is a difference in this method between the C++
// version and the java version. In java, with its
// "introspection" capability (Class class), it is
// possible to build a class from its name. Using this nice
// feature, this method simply ask the database for a list
// of class name embedded ina device server process and
// creates all of them.
// In C++, it is the user responsability to write this
// method
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void class_factory() throws DevFailed {
// First, retrieve all classes embedded in this server
final Util tg = Util.instance();
String[] cl_list = null;
try {
if (Util._UseDb) {
final StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(tg.get_ds_exec_name());
final DeviceData send = new DeviceData();
final DeviceData received = tg.get_database().command_inout(
"DbGetDeviceServerClassList", send);
cl_list = received.extractStringArray();
} else {
final Vector v = tg.get_class_name_list();
cl_list = new String[v.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
cl_list[i] = (String) v.elementAt(i);
} catch (final BAD_OPERATION ex) {
.println("DServer.class_factory() --> Wrong argument type for DbGetDeviceServerClassList command");
"Imcompatible command argument type returned by the DbGetDeviceServerClassList command",
} catch (final DevFailed ex) {
Util.out3.println("DServer.class_factory() --> db command failed");
"The db command DbGetDeviceServerClassList failed", "DServer.class_factory()");
Util.out4.println(cl_list.length - 1 + " class(es) defined in server");
// Create each classes by calling its init method and store the
// constructed
// object in the class_list vector
int i = 0;
try {
for (i = 0; i < cl_list.length; i++) {
// Forget the DServer class
if (cl_list[i].equals("DServer") == true) {
// Build the array of object used to find the init method
final Class cl_param = Class.forName("java.lang.String");
final Class cl_param_array[] = new Class[1];
cl_param_array[0] = cl_param;
// If there is no "Class" at the end of the class name returned
// by the db,
// add it and create the Class object associated with the device
// class
Class cl;
final int pos = cl_list[i].indexOf("Class");
if (pos == -1) {
final StringBuffer class_name = new StringBuffer(cl_list[i]);
final int containsDot = cl_list[i].indexOf(".");
if (containsDot == -1) {
class_name.insert(0, ".");
class_name.insert(0, cl_list[i]);
} else {
Util.out4.println("Searching for class : " + class_name);
cl = Class.forName(new String(class_name));
} else {
cl = Class.forName(cl_list[i]);
// Retrieve the init method (which should be static) and execute
// it
final Method init_meth = cl.getMethod("init", cl_param_array);
final java.lang.Object[] meth_param = new java.lang.Object[1];
final int containsDot = cl_list[i].lastIndexOf(".");
if (containsDot == -1) {
meth_param[0] = cl_list[i];
} else {
meth_param[0] = cl_list[i].substring(containsDot + 1);
class_list.addElement(init_meth.invoke(null, meth_param));
} catch (final ClassNotFoundException ex) {
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer("Can't retrieve class ");
Util.out3.println("DServer.class_factory() --> Can't find class");
Except.throw_exception("API_ClassNotFound", new String(o), "DServer.class_factory()");
} catch (final NoSuchMethodException ex) {
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer("Can't retrieve init method in class ");
Util.out3.println("DServer.class_factory() --> Can't retrieve int method");
Except.throw_exception("API_InitMethodNotFound", new String(o),
} catch (final SecurityException ex) {
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer("Security exception while creating class ");
.println("DServer.class_factory() --> Security exception during class creation");
Except.throw_exception("API_JavaRuntimeSecurityException", new String(o),
} catch (final InvocationTargetException ex) {
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer("The init method of class ");
o.append(" throws an exception");
.println("DServer.class_factory() --> Init method send on exception during class creation");
final Throwable th = ex.getTargetException();
if (th instanceof fr.esrf.TangoApi.ConnectionFailed) {
throw (fr.esrf.TangoApi.ConnectionFailed) th;
} else if (th instanceof DevFailed) {
throw (DevFailed) th;
Except.throw_exception("API_InitThrowsException", new String(o),
} catch (final IllegalAccessException ex) {
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer("The init method of class ");
o.append(" is not public");
.println("DServer.class_factory() --> Init method not accessible during class creation");
Except.throw_exception("API_InitNotPublic", new String(o), "DServer.class_factory()");
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : query_class()
// description : command to read all the classes used in a device server
// process
// out : The class name list in a strings sequence
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public String[] query_class() throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("In QueryClass command");
final int nb_class = class_list.size();
String[] ret = null;
try {
ret = new String[nb_class];
for (int i = 0; i < nb_class; i++) {
ret[i] = ((DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(i)).get_name();
} catch (final OutOfMemoryError ex) {
Util.out3.println("Memory Allocation error in DServer.query_class method");
Except.throw_exception("API_MemoryAllocation", "Can't allocate memory in server",
return ret;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : query_device()
// description : command to read all the devices implemented by a device
// server process
// out : The device name list in a strings sequence
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public String[] query_device() throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("In QueryDevice command");
final int nb_class = class_list.size();
final Vector tmp_name = new Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < nb_class; i++) {
final int nb_dev = ((DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(i)).get_device_list().size();
for (int j = 0; j < nb_dev; j++) {
tmp_name.addElement(((DeviceImpl) ((DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(i))
String[] ret = null;
try {
ret = new String[tmp_name.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < tmp_name.size(); i++) {
ret[i] = (String) tmp_name.elementAt(i);
} catch (final BAD_OPERATION ex) {
Util.out3.println("Memory Allocation error in DServer.query_device method");
Except.throw_exception("API_MemoryAllocation", "Can't allocate memory in server",
return ret;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : DServer.restart()
// description : command to restart a device
// out : The device name to be re-started
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void restart(final String dev_name) throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("In DServer.restart(" + dev_name + ") method");
// Check if the wanted device exists in each class
final Util tg = Util.instance();
Vector dev_list = tg.get_device_list_by_class(((DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(0))
final int nb_class = class_list.size();
int i, j, nb_dev;
DeviceImpl dev_to_del = null;
DeviceClass dev_cl = null;
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nb_class; i++) {
dev_list = tg.get_device_list_by_class(((DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(i))
nb_dev = dev_list.size();
for (j = 0; j < nb_dev; j++) {
if (((DeviceImpl) dev_list.elementAt(j)).get_name().equals(dev_name) == true) {
// Get device & class reference
dev_to_del = (DeviceImpl) dev_list.elementAt(j);
dev_cl = (DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(i);
if (dev_to_del != null && dev_cl != null) {
// Throw exception if the device is not found
if (dev_to_del == null || dev_cl == null) // Have been found
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer("Device ");
o.append(" not found");
Except.throw_exception("API_DeviceNotFound", new String(o), "Dserver.restart()");
// Remove ourself from device list
// Store polling conditions if any
assert dev_to_del != null;
final Vector p_obj = dev_to_del.get_poll_obj_list(); // PollObj
final Vector dev_pol = new Vector(); // Pol
for (i = 0; i < p_obj.size(); i++) {
if (dev_pol.size() > 0) {
// Delete the device (deactivate it and remove it)
final POA r_poa = tg.get_poa();
if (dev_to_del.get_exported_flag() == true) {
try {
} catch (final WrongPolicy ex) {
} catch (final ObjectNotActive ex) {
// Re-create device
final String[] dev_name_list = new String[1];
dev_name_list[0] = dev_name;
assert dev_cl != null;
// Re-start device polling (if any)
final DevVarLongStringArray send = new DevVarLongStringArray();
send.lvalue = new int[1];
send.svalue = new String[3];
for (i = 0; i < dev_pol.size(); i++) {
final PollObj poll_obj = (PollObj) dev_pol.elementAt(i);
// Send command to the polling thread
send.lvalue[0] = poll_obj.get_upd_i();
send.svalue[0] = poll_obj.get_name();
if (poll_obj.type == Tango_POLL_CMD) {
send.svalue[1] = "command";
} else {
send.svalue[1] = "attribute";
send.svalue[2] = poll_obj.name;
try {
add_obj_polling(send, false);
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
if (Util._tracelevel >= 4) {
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : DServer.restart_server()
// description : command to restart a server
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void restart_server() throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("In DServer.restart_server() method");
// Reset initial state and status
set_status("The device is ON");
// Destroy and recreate the muli attribute object
final MultiAttribute tmp = new MultiAttribute(device_name, get_device_class());
// Deleting the dserver device is a specific case. We must also delete
// all
// TDSOM embedded in this server
if (class_list.isEmpty() == false) {
// Destroy already registered classes, devices and commands
// To destroy already created devices, we must disconnect them from
// the ORB
// otherwise their reference count will never decrease to 0 and the
// object will
// not be eligable for garbage collection.
final int nb_class = class_list.size();
final POA r_poa = Util.instance().get_poa();
for (int j = 0; j < nb_class; j++) {
final Vector v = ((DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(j)).get_device_list();
final int nb_dev = v.size();
for (int k = 0; k < nb_dev; k++) {
final DeviceImpl dev = (DeviceImpl) v.elementAt(k);
if (dev.get_exported_flag() == true) {
try {
r_poa.deactivate_object(((DeviceImpl) v.elementAt(k)).get_obj_id());
} catch (final WrongPolicy ex) {
} catch (final ObjectNotActive ex) {
((DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(j)).initClass();
System.out.println("DServer.restart_server - class list " + class_list);
// Restart everything
// Restart polling (if any)
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : kill()
// description : command to kill the device server process. This is done
// by starting a thread which will kill the process.
// Starting a thread allows the client to receive
// something from the server before it is killed
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void kill() {
Util.out4.println("In Kill command");
// call delete_device
final int nb_class = class_list.size();
for (int j = 0; j < nb_class; j++) {
final Vector> v = ((DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(j)).get_device_list();
final int nb_dev = v.size();
for (int k = 0; k < nb_dev; k++) {
final DeviceImpl dev = (DeviceImpl) v.elementAt(k);
if (dev.get_exported_flag() == true) {
try {
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
// ignore error, kill the device anyway
// Create the thread and start it
final KillThread killer = new KillThread();
// Miscellaneous obvious methods
public String get_process_name() {
return process_name;
public String get_personal_name() {
return instance_name;
public String get_instance_name() {
return instance_name;
public String get_full_name() {
return new String(full_name);
public Vector get_class_list() {
return class_list;
public Logger get_logger() {
return Logging.core_logger();
public void init_logger() {
// - no-op : done @startup
// ===========================================
// Polling commands
// ===========================================
// ===================================================================
* Command to read all the devices actually polled by the device server.
// ===================================================================
String[] polled_device() {
Util.out4.println("In polled_device command");
final int nb_class = class_list.size();
final Vector dev_name = new Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < nb_class; i++) {
final DeviceClass dc = (DeviceClass) class_list.elementAt(i);
final int nb_dev = dc.get_device_list().size();
for (int j = 0; j < nb_dev; j++) {
// Get DS name if it is polled
final DeviceImpl dev = dc.get_device_at(j);
if (dev.is_polled() == true) {
// Return an empty sequence if no devices are polled
if (dev_name.size() == 0) {
Util.out4.println("Return an empty sequence because no devices are polled");
return new String[0];
// Returned device name list to caller (sorted)
final MyComp comp = new MyComp();
Collections.sort(dev_name, comp);
final int nb_dev = dev_name.size();
final String[] ret = new String[nb_dev];
for (int i = 0; i < nb_dev; i++) {
ret[i] = (String) dev_name.elementAt(i);
return ret;
// ===================================================================
* command to read device polling status
* @param dev_name
* The device name.
* @return The device polling status as a string (multiple lines)
// ===================================================================
synchronized String[] dev_poll_status(final String dev_name) throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("In dev_poll_status command");
// Find the device
final DeviceImpl dev = Util.instance().get_device_by_name(dev_name);
final Vector poll_list = dev.get_poll_obj_list();
final int nb_poll_obj = poll_list.size();
// Return an empty sequence if nothing is polled for this device
if (nb_poll_obj == 0) {
return new String[0];
// Compute how many cmds and/or attributes are polled
int nb_cmd = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb_poll_obj; i++) {
final PollObj poll_obj = (PollObj) poll_list.elementAt(i);
if (poll_obj.get_type() == Tango_POLL_CMD) {
// Allocate memory for returned strings
final String[] ret = new String[nb_poll_obj];
// Populate returned strings
int cmd_ind = 0;
int attr_ind = nb_cmd;
String returned_info;
for (int i = 0; i < nb_poll_obj; i++) {
final PollObj poll_obj = (PollObj) poll_list.elementAt(i);
// First, the name
final int type = poll_obj.get_type();
if (type == Tango_POLL_CMD) {
returned_info = "Polled command name = ";
} else {
returned_info = "Polled attribute name = ";
returned_info += poll_obj.get_name();
// Add update period
returned_info += "\nPolling period (mS) = ";
final int tmp = poll_obj.get_upd();
returned_info = returned_info + tmp;
// Add ring buffer depth
returned_info += "\nPolling ring buffer depth = ";
final int depth = dev.get_poll_ring_depth();
if (depth == 0) {
returned_info += Tango_DefaultPollRingDepth;
} else {
returned_info += depth;
// Add a message if the data ring is empty
if (poll_obj.is_ring_empty() == true) {
returned_info += "\nNo data recorded yet";
} else {
// Add needed time to execute last command
returned_info += "\nTime needed for the last ";
if (type == Tango_POLL_CMD) {
returned_info += "command execution (mS) = ";
} else {
returned_info += "attribute reading (mS) = ";
returned_info += poll_obj.get_needed_time_i();
// Add not updated since... info
returned_info += "\nData not updated since ";
final double since = poll_obj.get_last_insert_date_i();
final long ctm = System.currentTimeMillis();
final int tv_sec = (int) (ctm / 1000);
final int tv_usec = (int) (ctm - 1000 * tv_sec) * 1000;
final double now_d = tv_sec + (double) tv_usec / 1000000;
final double diff_t = now_d - since;
if (diff_t < 1.0) {
final int nb_msec = (int) (diff_t * 1000);
returned_info = returned_info + nb_msec + " mS";
} else if (diff_t < 60.0) {
final int nb_sec = (int) diff_t;
final int nb_msec = (int) ((diff_t - nb_sec) * 1000);
returned_info = returned_info + nb_sec + " S and ";
returned_info = returned_info + nb_msec + " mS";
} else {
final int nb_min = (int) (diff_t / 60);
final int nb_sec = (int) (diff_t - 60 * nb_min);
final int nb_msec = (int) ((diff_t - (int) diff_t) * 1000);
returned_info = returned_info + nb_min + " MN";
if (nb_sec != 0) {
returned_info = returned_info + " ," + nb_sec + " S";
if (nb_msec != 0) {
returned_info = returned_info + " and " + nb_msec + " mS";
// Add delta_t between last record(s)
try {
returned_info += "\nDelta between last records (in mS) = ";
final double[] delta = poll_obj.get_delta_t_i(4);
for (int j = 0; j < delta.length; j++) {
final int nb_msec = (int) (delta[j] * 1000);
returned_info = returned_info + nb_msec;
if (j != delta.length - 1) {
returned_info = returned_info + ", ";
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
// Add last polling exception fields (if any)
if (poll_obj.is_last_an_error_i() == true) {
if (type == Tango_POLL_CMD) {
returned_info += "\nLast command execution FAILED :";
} else {
returned_info += "\nLast attribute read FAILED :";
final DevFailed ex = poll_obj.get_last_except_i();
returned_info += "\n\tReason = " + ex.errors[0].reason;
returned_info += "\n\tDesc = " + ex.errors[0].desc;
returned_info += "\n\tOrigin = " + ex.errors[0].origin;
// Init. string in sequence
if (type == Tango_POLL_CMD) {
ret[cmd_ind] = returned_info;
} else {
ret[attr_ind] = returned_info;
return ret;
// ===================================================================
* command to add one object to be polled
* @param argin
* The polling parameters(device name, object type,..)
// ===================================================================
public void add_obj_polling(final DevVarLongStringArray argin) throws DevFailed {
add_obj_polling(argin, true);
// ===================================================================
* command to add one object to be polled
* @param argin
* The polling parameters(device name, object type,..)
* @param with_db_upd
* Update db if true (false if no dbase).
// ===================================================================
public void add_obj_polling(final DevVarLongStringArray argin, final boolean with_db_upd)
throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("In add_obj_polling command");
for (final String value : argin.svalue) {
Util.out4.println("Input string = " + value);
for (final int value : argin.lvalue) {
Util.out4.println("Input long = " + value);
// Check that parameters number is correct
if (argin.svalue.length != 3 || argin.lvalue.length != 1) {
Except.throw_exception("API_WrongNumberOfArgs", "Incorrect number of inout arguments",
// Find the device
final Util tg = Util.instance();
DeviceImpl dev = null;
try {
dev = tg.get_device_by_name(argin.svalue[0]);
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
Except.re_throw_exception(e, "API_DeviceNotFound", "Device " + argin.svalue[0]
+ " not found", "DServer.add_obj_polling");
// Check that the command (or the attribute) exists.
// For command, also checks that it does not need input value.
final String obj_type = argin.svalue[1].toLowerCase();
final String obj_name = argin.svalue[2].toLowerCase();
int type = Tango_POLL_CMD;
assert dev != null;
if (obj_type.equals(Tango_PollCommand)) {
type = Tango_POLL_CMD;
} else if (obj_type.equals(Tango_PollAttribute)) {
type = Tango_POLL_ATTR;
} else {
"Object type " + obj_type + " not supported", "DServer.add_obj_polling");
// If it's for the Init command, refuse to poll it
if (type == Tango_POLL_CMD) {
if (obj_name.equals("Init")) {
"It's not possible to poll the Init command!", "DServer.add_obj_polling");
// Check if the object is not already polled
final Vector poll_list = dev.get_poll_obj_list();
for (int i = 0; i < poll_list.size(); i++) {
final PollObj poll_obj = (PollObj) poll_list.elementAt(i);
if (poll_obj.get_type() == type) {
if (poll_obj.get_name().equals(obj_name)) {
String s;
if (type == Tango_POLL_CMD) {
s = "Command ";
} else {
s = "Attribute ";
Except.throw_exception("API_AlreadyPolled", s + " " + obj_name
+ " already polled", "DServer.add_obj_polling");
// Check that the update period is not to small
final int upd = argin.lvalue[0];
if (upd < Tango_MIN_POLL_PERIOD && upd != 0) {
Except.throw_exception("API_NotSupported", upd
+ " is below the min authorized period (100 mS)", "DServer.add_obj_polling");
// Create a new PollObj instance for this object
poll_list.add(new PollObj(dev, type, obj_name, upd));
// Send command to the polling thread but wait in case of previous cmd
// still not executed
Util.out4.println("Sending cmd to polling thread");
final TangoMonitor mon = tg.get_poll_monitor();
final PollThCmd shared_cmd = tg.get_poll_shared_cmd();
if (shared_cmd.cmd_pending == true) {
shared_cmd.cmd_pending = true;
shared_cmd.cmd_code = Tango_POLL_ADD_OBJ;
shared_cmd.dev = dev;
shared_cmd.index = poll_list.size() - 1;
Util.out4.println("Cmd sent to polling thread");
// Wait for thread to execute command
boolean interupted;
while (shared_cmd.cmd_pending == true) {
interupted = mon.wait_it(Tango_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
if (shared_cmd.cmd_pending == true && interupted == false) {
Util.out4.println("TIME OUT");
poll_list.remove(poll_list.size() - 1);
Except.throw_exception("API_CommandTimedOut", "Polling thread blocked !!!",
Util.out4.println("Thread cmd normally executed");
// Update polling parameters in database (if wanted and possible)
// If the property is already there (it should not but...),
// only update its polling period
if (with_db_upd && Util._UseDb) {
final String upd_str = "" + upd;
boolean found = false;
final DbDatum db_info = new DbDatum("polled_cmd");
if (type == Tango_POLL_CMD) {
final Vector non_auto_list = dev.get_non_auto_polled_cmd();
for (int i = 0; i < non_auto_list.size(); i++) {
final String s = (String) non_auto_list.elementAt(i);
if (s.equals(obj_name)) {
db_info.name = "non_auto_polled_cmd";
found = true;
if (found == false) {
final Vector cmd_list = dev.get_polled_cmd();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < cmd_list.size(); i = i + 2) {
final String s = (String) cmd_list.elementAt(i);
if (s.equals(obj_name)) {
cmd_list.remove(i + 1);
cmd_list.insertElementAt(upd_str, i + 1);
if (i == cmd_list.size()) {
} else {
final Vector non_auto_list = dev.get_non_auto_polled_attr();
for (int i = 0; i < non_auto_list.size(); i++) {
final String s = (String) non_auto_list.elementAt(i);
if (s.equals(obj_name)) {
db_info.name = "non_auto_polled_attr";
found = true;
if (found == false) {
db_info.name = "polled_attr";
final Vector attr_list = dev.get_polled_attr();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < attr_list.size(); i = i + 2) {
final String s = (String) attr_list.elementAt(i);
if (s.equals(obj_name)) {
attr_list.remove(i + 1);
attr_list.insertElementAt(upd_str, i + 1);
if (i == attr_list.size()) {
final DbDatum[] send_data = new DbDatum[1];
send_data[0] = db_info;
Util.out4.println("Polling properties updated");
// Mark the device as polled
// ===================================================================
* command to upadte an already polled object update period
* @param argin
* The polling parameters(device name, object type,..)
// ===================================================================
void upd_obj_polling(final DevVarLongStringArray argin) throws DevFailed {
upd_obj_polling(argin, true);
void upd_obj_polling(final DevVarLongStringArray argin, final boolean with_db_upd)
throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("In upd_obj_polling command");
for (final String value : argin.svalue) {
Util.out4.println("Input string = " + value);
for (final int value : argin.lvalue) {
Util.out4.println("Input long = " + value);
// Check that parameters number is correct
if (argin.svalue.length != 3 || argin.lvalue.length != 1) {
Except.throw_exception("API_WrongNumberOfArgs", "Incorrect number of inout arguments",
// Find the device
final Util tg = Util.instance();
DeviceImpl dev = null;
try {
dev = tg.get_device_by_name(argin.svalue[0]);
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
Except.re_throw_exception(e, "API_DeviceNotFound", "Device " + argin.svalue[0]
+ " not found", "DServer.upd_obj_polling");
// Check that the device is polled
assert dev != null;
if (dev.is_polled() == false) {
Except.throw_exception("API_DeviceNotPolled", "Device " + argin.svalue[0]
+ " is not polled", "DServer.upd_obj_polling_period");
// Find the wanted object in the list of device polled object
final String obj_type = argin.svalue[1].toLowerCase();
final String obj_name = argin.svalue[2].toLowerCase();
int type = Tango_POLL_CMD;
if (obj_type.equals(Tango_PollCommand)) {
type = Tango_POLL_CMD;
} else if (obj_type.equals(Tango_PollAttribute)) {
type = Tango_POLL_ATTR;
} else {
"Object type " + obj_type + " not supported", "DServer.upd_obj_polling_period");
// Update polling period
final Vector poll_list = dev.get_poll_obj_list();
for (int i = 0; i < poll_list.size(); i++) {
final PollObj poll_obj = (PollObj) poll_list.elementAt(i);
if (poll_obj.get_type() == type) {
if (poll_obj.get_name().equals(obj_name)) {
// Send command to the polling thread
final TangoMonitor mon = tg.get_poll_monitor();
final PollThCmd shared_cmd = tg.get_poll_shared_cmd();
if (shared_cmd.cmd_pending == true) {
shared_cmd.cmd_pending = true;
shared_cmd.cmd_code = Tango_POLL_UPD_PERIOD;
shared_cmd.dev = dev;
shared_cmd.name = obj_name;
shared_cmd.type = type;
shared_cmd.new_upd = argin.lvalue[0];
// Update database property --> Update polling period if this object is
// already
// defined in the polling property. Add object name and update period if
// the
// object is not known in the property
if (with_db_upd && Util._UseDb) {
final String upd_str = "" + argin.lvalue[0];
final DbDatum db_info = new DbDatum("polled_attr");
if (type == Tango_POLL_CMD) {
db_info.name = "polled_cmd";
final Vector cmd_list = dev.get_polled_cmd();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < cmd_list.size(); i = i + 2) {
final String s = (String) cmd_list.elementAt(i);
if (s.equals(obj_name)) {
cmd_list.remove(i + 1);
cmd_list.insertElementAt(upd_str, i + 1);
if (i == cmd_list.size()) {
} else {
final Vector attr_list = dev.get_polled_attr();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < attr_list.size(); i = i + 2) {
final String s = (String) attr_list.elementAt(i);
if (s.equals(obj_name)) {
attr_list.remove(i + 1);
attr_list.insertElementAt(upd_str, i + 1);
if (i == attr_list.size()) {
final DbDatum[] send_data = new DbDatum[1];
send_data[0] = db_info;
Util.out4.println("Polling properties updated");
// ===================================================================
* command to remove an already polled object from the device polled object
* list
* @param argin
* The polling parameters(device name, object type,..)
// ===================================================================
public void rem_obj_polling(final String[] argin) throws DevFailed {
rem_obj_polling(argin, Util._UseDb);
// ===================================================================
* command to remove an already polled object from the device polled object
* list
* @param argin
* The polling parameters(device name, object type,..)
* @param with_db_upd
* Update db if true (false if no dbase).
// ===================================================================
public synchronized void rem_obj_polling(final String[] argin, final boolean with_db_upd)
throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("In rem_obj_polling command");
for (final String arg : argin) {
Util.out4.println("Input string = " + arg);
// Check that parameters number is correct
if (argin.length != 3) {
Except.throw_exception("API_WrongNumberOfArgs", "Incorrect number of inout arguments",
// Find the device
final Util tg = Util.instance();
DeviceImpl dev = null;
try {
dev = tg.get_device_by_name(argin[0]);
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
Except.re_throw_exception(e, "API_DeviceNotFound", "Device " + argin + " not found",
// Check that the device is polled
assert dev != null;
if (dev.is_polled() == false) {
Except.throw_exception("API_DeviceNotPolled", "Device " + argin[0] + " is not polled",
// Find the wanted object in the list of device polled object
final String obj_type = argin[1].toLowerCase();
final String obj_name = argin[2].toLowerCase();
int type = Tango_POLL_CMD;
if (obj_type.equals(Tango_PollCommand)) {
type = Tango_POLL_CMD;
} else if (obj_type.equals(Tango_PollAttribute)) {
type = Tango_POLL_ATTR;
} else {
"Object type " + obj_type + " not supported", "DServer.rem_obj_polling_period");
final Vector poll_list = dev.get_poll_obj_list();
for (int i = 0; i < poll_list.size(); i++) {
final PollObj poll_obj = (PollObj) poll_list.elementAt(i);
if (poll_obj.get_type() == type) {
if (poll_obj.get_name().equals(obj_name)) {
Util.out4.println("Sending cmd to polling thread");
final TangoMonitor mon = tg.get_poll_monitor();
final PollThCmd shared_cmd = tg.get_poll_shared_cmd();
if (shared_cmd.cmd_pending == true) {
shared_cmd.cmd_pending = true;
shared_cmd.cmd_code = Tango_POLL_REM_OBJ;
shared_cmd.dev = dev;
shared_cmd.name = obj_name;
shared_cmd.type = type;
Util.out4.println("Cmd sent to polling thread");
// Wait for thread to execute command
boolean interrupted;
while (shared_cmd.cmd_pending == true) {
interrupted = mon.wait_it(Tango_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
if (shared_cmd.cmd_pending == true && interrupted == false) {
// Util.out4
System.out.println("TIME OUT");
Except.throw_exception("API_CommandTimedOut", "Polling thread blocked !!!",
Util.out4.println("Thread cmd normally executed");
// Mark the device as non polled if this was the last polled object
if (poll_list.size() == 0) {
// Update database property. This means remove object entry in the
// polling
// properties if they exist or add it to the list of device not polled
// for automatic polling defined at command/attribute level.
// Do this if possible and wanted.
if (with_db_upd && Util._UseDb) {
final DbDatum db_info = new DbDatum("polled_attr");
boolean update_needed = false;
if (type == Tango_POLL_CMD) {
db_info.name = "polled_cmd";
final Vector cmd_list = dev.get_polled_cmd();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < cmd_list.size(); i++) {
final String s = (String) cmd_list.elementAt(i);
if (s.equals(obj_name)) {
update_needed = true;
if (update_needed == false) {
final Vector non_auto_cmd = dev.get_non_auto_polled_cmd();
for (i = 0; i < non_auto_cmd.size(); i++) {
final String s = (String) non_auto_cmd.elementAt(i);
if (s.equals(obj_name)) {
if (i == cmd_list.size()) {
db_info.name = "non_auto_polled_cmd";
update_needed = true;
} else {
final Vector attr_list = dev.get_polled_attr();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < attr_list.size(); i++) {
final String s = (String) attr_list.elementAt(i);
if (s.equals(obj_name)) {
update_needed = true;
if (update_needed == false) {
final Vector non_auto_attr = dev.get_non_auto_polled_attr();
for (i = 0; i < non_auto_attr.size(); i++) {
final String s = (String) non_auto_attr.elementAt(i);
if (s.equals(obj_name)) {
if (i == attr_list.size()) {
db_info.name = "non_auto_polled_cmd";
update_needed = true;
if (update_needed == true) {
final DbDatum[] send_data = new DbDatum[1];
send_data[0] = db_info;
Util.out4.println("Polling properties updated");
// ===================================================================
* command to stop the polling thread
// ===================================================================
synchronized void stop_polling() throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("In stop_polling method");
// Send command to the polling thread and wait for its execution
final Util tg = Util.instance();
final TangoMonitor mon = tg.get_poll_monitor();
final PollThCmd shared_cmd = tg.get_poll_shared_cmd();
if (shared_cmd.cmd_pending == true) {
shared_cmd.cmd_pending = true;
shared_cmd.cmd_code = Tango_POLL_STOP;
boolean interupted;
while (shared_cmd.cmd_pending == true) {
interupted = mon.wait_it(Tango_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
if (shared_cmd.cmd_pending == true && interupted == false) {
Util.out4.println("TIME OUT");
Except.throw_exception("API_CommandTimedOut", "Polling thread blocked !!!",
// Update polling status
set_status("The device is ON\nThe polling is OFF");
// ===================================================================
* command to start the polling thread
// ===================================================================
synchronized void start_polling() throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("In start_polling method");
// Send command to the polling thread and wait for its execution
final Util tg = Util.instance();
final TangoMonitor mon = tg.get_poll_monitor();
final PollThCmd shared_cmd = tg.get_poll_shared_cmd();
if (shared_cmd.cmd_pending == true) {
shared_cmd.cmd_pending = true;
shared_cmd.cmd_code = Tango_POLL_START;
boolean interupted;
while (shared_cmd.cmd_pending == true) {
interupted = mon.wait_it(Tango_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
if (shared_cmd.cmd_pending == true && interupted == false) {
Util.out4.println("TIME OUT");
Except.throw_exception("API_CommandTimedOut", "Polling thread blocked !!!",
// Update polling status
set_status("The device is ON\nThe polling is ON");
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
private String[] stringVect2StringArray(final Vector v) {
final String[] array = new String[v.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
array[i] = (String) v.elementAt(i);
return array;
public void delete_device() throws DevFailed {
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