fr.esrf.TangoDs.MultiAttribute Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// $Source$
// Project: Tango
// Description: java source code for the TANGO client/server API.
// $Author: pascal_verdier $
// Copyright (C) : 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,
// European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
// BP 220, Grenoble 38043
// This file is part of Tango.
// Tango is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Tango is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with Tango. If not, see .
// $Revision: 25297 $
package fr.esrf.TangoDs;
import fr.esrf.Tango.AttrDataFormat;
import fr.esrf.Tango.AttrQuality;
import fr.esrf.Tango.AttrWriteType;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevFailed;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.ApiUtil;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DbAttribute;
import java.util.Vector;
* There is one instance of this class for each device. This class is mainly
* an aggregate of Attribute or WAttribute objects. It eases management of
* multiple attributes
* @author $Author: pascal_verdier $
* @version $Revision: 25297 $
public class MultiAttribute implements TangoConst
private static final AttrProperty[] def_opt_prop = new AttrProperty[] {
new AttrProperty("label",Tango_LabelNotSpec),
new AttrProperty("description",Tango_DescNotSpec),
new AttrProperty("unit", Tango_UnitNotSpec),
new AttrProperty("standard_unit",Tango_StdUnitNotSpec),
new AttrProperty("display_unit",Tango_DispUnitNotSpec),
new AttrProperty("format",Tango_FormatNotSpec),
new AttrProperty("min_value",Tango_AlrmValueNotSpec),
new AttrProperty("max_value",Tango_AlrmValueNotSpec),
new AttrProperty("min_alarm",Tango_AlrmValueNotSpec),
new AttrProperty("max_alarm",Tango_AlrmValueNotSpec),
new AttrProperty("writable_attr_name",Tango_AssocWritNotSpec)};
* The Attribute objects vector.
* This vector is often referred as the main attributes vector
protected Vector attr_list = new Vector();
* The list of writable attribute.
* It is a vector of index in the main attribute vector
protected Vector writable_attr_list = new Vector();
* The list of attribute with an alarm level defined.
* It is a vector of index in the main attribute vector
protected Vector alarm_attr_list = new Vector();
* Create a new MultiAttribute object.
* This constructor will in-turn call the constructor of the Attribute or
* WAttribute class of all the device class attributes.
* @param dev_name The device name
* @param dev_class Reference to the device DeviceClass object
* @exception DevFailed If the command sent to the database failed.
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
public MultiAttribute(String dev_name, DeviceClass dev_class) throws DevFailed
Util.out4.println("Entering MultiAttribute class constructor for device " + dev_name);
// Retrieve attr name list
Vector tmp_attr_list = dev_class.get_class_attr().get_attr_list();
String[] attrlist = new String[tmp_attr_list.size()];
for (int i=0 ; i ");
o.append("\nProperty writable_attr_name for attribute ");
o.append(" is defined but this attribute data format is not SCALAR");
int j;
int tmp_ind = 0;
String assoc_name = att.get_assoc_name();
for (j = 0;j < writable_attr_list.size();j++)
tmp_ind = (Integer) (writable_attr_list.elementAt(j));
if (((Attribute)(attr_list.elementAt(tmp_ind))).get_name().equals(assoc_name) == true)
if (j == writable_attr_list.size())
StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer("Device --> ");
o.append("\nProperty writable_attr_name for attribute ");
o.append(" is set to ");
o.append(", but this attribute does not exists or is not writable");
// Also check if the associated write attribute is a scalar one
Attribute tmp_att = ((Attribute)(attr_list.elementAt(tmp_ind)));
if (tmp_att.get_data_format().value() != AttrDataFormat._SCALAR)
StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer("Device --> ");
o.append("\nProperty writable_attr_name for attribute ");
o.append(" is set to ");
o.append(", but this attribute is not of the SCALAR data format");
// Check that the two associated attributes have the same data type
if (tmp_att.get_data_type() != att.get_data_type())
StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer("Device --> ");
o.append("\nProperty writable_attr_name for attribute ");
o.append(" is set to ");
o.append(", but these two attributes do not support the same data type");
// method : add_attribute
// description : Construct a new attribute object and add it to the
// device attribute list
// argument : in : - dev_name : The device name
// - dev_class_ptr : Pointer to the DeviceClass object
// - index : Index in class attribute list of the new
// device attribute
void add_attribute(String dev_name, DeviceClass dev_class, int index) throws DevFailed
Util.out4.println("Entering MultiAttribute::add_attribute");
// Retrieve attr name list
Vector tmp_attr_list = dev_class.get_class_attr().get_attr_list();
Attr attr = (Attr) tmp_attr_list.get(index);
// Get device attribute properties
DbAttribute db_attr = null;
if (Util._UseDb)
db_attr = ApiUtil.get_db_obj().get_device_attribute_property(dev_name, attr.get_name());
// Get attribute class properties
Vector class_prop = attr.get_class_properties();
Vector def_user_prop = attr.get_user_default_properties();
// If the attribute has some properties defined at device level,
// build a vector of these properties
Vector dev_prop = new Vector();
if (Util._UseDb)
assert db_attr != null;
String[] propnames = db_attr.get_property_list();
for (int p=0 ; phere to read
* DevFailed exception specification
public Attribute get_attr_by_name(String attr_name) throws DevFailed
Attribute attribute = null;
for (int i=0 ; ihere to read
* DevFailed exception specification
public WAttribute get_w_attr_by_name(String attr_name) throws DevFailed
Attribute att = get_attr_by_name(attr_name);
return ((WAttribute)(att));
* Get Attribute index into the main attribute vector from its name.
* This method returns the index in the Attribute vector (stored in the
* MultiAttribute object) of an attribute with a given name. The name equality
* is case independant
* @param attr_name The attribute name
* @return The index in the main attributes vector
* @exception DevFailed If the attribute is not found in the vector.
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
public int get_attr_ind_by_name(String attr_name) throws DevFailed
int i;
int nb_attr = attr_list.size();
for (i = 0;i < nb_attr;i++)
if (((Attribute)(attr_list.elementAt(i))).get_name().equalsIgnoreCase(attr_name) == true)
if (i == nb_attr)
Util.out3.println("MultiAttribute.get_attr_ind_by_name throwing exception");
attr_name + " attribute not found",
return i;
* Check alarm on all attribute(s) with an alarm defined.
* This method returns a boolean set to true if one of the attribute with an
* alarm level defined is in alarm condition.
* @return A boolean set to true if one attribute is in alarm
* @exception DevFailed If the alarm level are not defined for one of the
* attribute in the list of alarmable one
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
public boolean check_alarm() throws DevFailed
boolean ret = false;
int nb_alarm = alarm_attr_list.size();
for (int i = 0;i < nb_alarm;i++)
boolean tmp_ret = check_alarm((Integer) (alarm_attr_list.elementAt(i)));
if (tmp_ret == true)
ret = true;
return ret;
* Check alarm for one attribute with a given name.
* This method returns a boolean set to true if the attribute with the given
* name is in alarm condition
* @param attr_name The attribute name
* @return A boolean set to true if the attribute is in alarm
* @exception DevFailed If the attribute does not have any alarm level defined.
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
public boolean check_alarm(String attr_name) throws DevFailed
return get_attr_by_name(attr_name).check_alarm();
* Check alarm for one attribute from its index in the main attributes vector.
* This method returns a boolean set to true if the attribute with the given
* index in the attrobite object vector is in alarm condition
* @param ind The attribute index
* @return A boolean set to true if the attribute is in alarm
* @exception DevFailed If the attribute does not have any alarm level defined.
* Click here to read
* DevFailed exception specification
public boolean check_alarm(int ind) throws DevFailed
return get_attr_by_ind(ind).check_alarm();
// method : add_write_value
// description : For scalar attribute with an associated write
// attribute, the read_attributes CORBA operation also
// returns the write value. This method gets the associated
// write attribute value and adds it to the read
// attribute
// in : att : Reference to the attribute which must be read
void add_write_value(Attribute att)
WAttribute assoc_att = get_w_attr_by_ind(att.get_assoc_ind());
switch (att.get_data_type())
case Tango_DEV_BOOLEAN :
boolean bool_write_val = assoc_att.getBooleanWriteValue();
case Tango_DEV_SHORT :
short sh_write_val = assoc_att.getShortWriteValue();
case Tango_DEV_USHORT :
short ush_write_val = assoc_att.getShortWriteValue();
case Tango_DEV_LONG :
int lg_write_val = assoc_att.getLongWriteValue();
case Tango_DEV_ULONG :
int ulg_write_val = assoc_att.getLongWriteValue();
case Tango_DEV_LONG64 :
long lg64_write_val = assoc_att.getLong64WriteValue();
case Tango_DEV_ULONG64 :
long ulg64_write_val = assoc_att.getULong64WriteValue();
case Tango_DEV_DOUBLE :
double db_write_val = assoc_att.getDoubleWriteValue();
case Tango_DEV_STRING :
String str_write_val = assoc_att.getStringWriteValue();
// method : read_alarm
// description : Add a message in the device status string if one of
// the device attribute is in the alarm state
// in : status : The device status
* Add alarm message to device status.
* This method add alarm mesage to the string passed as parameter. A message
* is added for each attribute which is in alarm condition
* @param status The string (should be the device status)
public void read_alarm(StringBuffer status)
int i;
for (i = 0;i < alarm_attr_list.size();i++)
Attribute att = get_attr_by_ind((Integer) (alarm_attr_list.elementAt(i)));
if (att.get_quality().value() == AttrQuality._ATTR_ALARM)
// Add a message for low level alarm
if (att.is_min_alarm() == true)
status.append("\nAlarm : Value too low for attribute ");
// Add a message for high level alarm
if (att.is_max_alarm() == true)
status.append("\nAlarm : Value too high for attribute ");
// Methods to retrieve/set some data members from outside the class and all
// its inherited classes
* Get list of attribute with an alarm level defined.
* @return A vector of Integer object. Each object is the index in the main
* attribute vector of attribute with alarm level defined
public Vector get_alarm_list()
return alarm_attr_list;
* Get attribute number.
* @return The attribute number
public int get_attr_nb()
return attr_list.size();
* Get Attribute object from its index.
* This method returns a reference to the Attribute object from the index in the
* main attribute vector
* @param ind The attribute index
* @return A reference to the Attribute object
public Attribute get_attr_by_ind(int ind)
return ((Attribute)(attr_list.elementAt(ind)));
* Get Writable Attribute object from its index.
* This method returns a reference to the Writable Attribute object from the
* index in the main attribute vector
* @param ind The attribute index
* @return A reference to the WAttribute object
public WAttribute get_w_attr_by_ind(int ind)
return ((WAttribute)(attr_list.elementAt(ind)));