fr.esrf.TangoDs.Util Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// $Source$
// Project: Tango
// Description: java source code for the TANGO client/server API.
// $Author: pascal_verdier $
// Copyright (C) : 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,
// European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
// BP 220, Grenoble 38043
// This file is part of Tango.
// Tango is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Tango is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with Tango. If not, see .
// $Revision: 25482 $
package fr.esrf.TangoDs;
import fr.esrf.Tango.*;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.ApiUtil;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.Database;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DbDevImportInfo;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.omg.CORBA.*;
import org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName;
import org.omg.PortableServer.POA;
import org.omg.PortableServer.POAHelper;
import java.lang.Object;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static fr.esrf.TangoDs.TangoConst.*;
* This class is a used to store TANGO device server process data and to provide
* the user with a set of utilities method. This class is implemented using the
* singleton design pattern. Therefore a device server process can have only one
* instance of this class and its constructor is not public.
* @deprecated use {@link org.tango.server.ServerManager}
* @author $Author: pascal_verdier $
* @version $Revision: 25482 $
@SuppressWarnings( { "NestedTryStatement" })
public class Util {
* The UtilPrint object used for level 1 printing
static public UtilPrint out1;
* The UtilPrint object used for level 2 printing
static public UtilPrint out2;
* The UtilPrint object used for level 3 printing
static public UtilPrint out3;
* The UtilPrint object used for level 4 printing
static public UtilPrint out4;
* The UtilPrint object used for level 5 printing
static public UtilPrint out5;
static public boolean _UseDb = true;
static public boolean _daemon = false;
static public int _sleep_between_connect = 10;
static int _tracelevel = 0;
* Get the serial model (TangoConst.BY_DEVICE, TangoConst.BY_Class or
* TangoConst.NO_SYNC)
// ==========================================================
static int access_counter = 0;
private static Util _instance = null;
static private int serial_model = BY_DEVICE;
* returns the POA thread_pool_max value for ORB
// ==========================================================
private static int thread_pool_max = 20; // Default value from
// jacob.property (in jacrob
// distrib.)
private static boolean thread_pool_max_done = false;
private final UtilExt ext;
private final Vector cmd_line_name_list = new Vector();
private final Vector class_name_list = new Vector();
private String ds_exec_name;
private String ds_instance_name;
private StringBuffer ds_name;
private String real_server_name;
private String db_host;
private Database db = null;
private String hostname;
private String version_str;
private String pid_str;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : instance()
// description : static method to retrieve the Util object once it has
// been initialised
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private Vector class_list;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : Init()
// description : static method to create/retrieve the Util object.
// This method is the only one which enables a user to
// create the object
// in : - argv : The command line argument
// - class_name : The device server class name
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private ORB orb;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : Util()
// description : Constructor of the Util class.
// in : - argv : The command line argument
// - class_name : The device server class name
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private POA _poa;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : ckeck_args()
// description : Check the command line arguments. The first one is
// mandatory and is the server personal name. A -v option
// is authorized with an optional argument. The other
// option should be ORBacus option
// in : - argv : The command line argument
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Constructs a newly allocated Util object.
* This constructor is protected following the singleton pattern
* @param argv
* The device server command line argument
* @param class_name
* The TANGO device class name
protected Util(final String[] argv, final String class_name) {
// Init ds executable name
ds_exec_name = class_name;
// Check server option
if (argv.length < 1) {
// Manage command line option (instance name and -v option)
// Build the four print objects
out1 = new UtilPrint(Level.INFO);
out2 = new UtilPrint(Level.INFO);
out3 = new UtilPrint(Level.DEBUG);
out4 = new UtilPrint(Level.DEBUG);
out5 = new UtilPrint(Level.DEBUG);
// Get Tango_host property
if (_UseDb == true) {
org.omg.PortableServer.POA root_poa = null;
try {
// Initialise CORBA
orb = ApiUtil.get_orb();
root_poa = POAHelper.narrow(orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA"));
// boot_manager =
// BootManagerHelper.narrow(orb.resolve_initial_references("BootManager"));
} catch (final InvalidName ex) {
System.err.println("Can't intialise CORBA ORB !!!");
System.err.println("Failed when trying to get root POA reference");
} catch (final DevFailed ex) {
System.err.println("Can't intialise CORBA ORB !!!");
System.err.println("Failed when trying to get root POA reference");
// If the database is not used, create a POA with the USER_ID policy
org.omg.PortableServer.POA nodb_poa = null;
try {
if (Util._UseDb == false) {
final org.omg.PortableServer.IdAssignmentPolicy pol = root_poa
final org.omg.CORBA.Policy[] policy_list = new org.omg.CORBA.Policy[2];
policy_list[0] = pol;
policy_list[1] = root_poa
final org.omg.PortableServer.POAManager manager = root_poa.the_POAManager();
nodb_poa = root_poa.create_POA("nodb_poa", manager, policy_list);
} catch (final org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage.AdapterAlreadyExists ex) {
System.err.println("Can't create CORBA POA !!!");
System.err.println("POA already exists");
} catch (final org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage.InvalidPolicy ex) {
System.err.println("Can't create CORBA POA !!!");
System.err.println("Invalid policy");
// Store POA
if (_UseDb == true) {
_poa = root_poa;
} else {
_poa = nodb_poa;
if (_UseDb == true) {
// Connect to the database
// Connect to the database
Logging.init(ds_name.toString(), _tracelevel, db);
if (_UseDb == true) {
// check if the server is not already running somewhere else
// create UtilExt class
ext = new UtilExt();
// Create the polling thread and start it
ext.poll_th = new PollThread(ext.shared_data, ext.poll_mon);
// Get process PID, host name and Tango version
Util.out4.println("Util object singleton constructed");
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : Tango::print_usage()
// description : Print device server command line syntax
// in : - serv_name : The server name
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get the singleton object reference.
* This method returns a reference to the object of the Util class. If the
* class has not been initialised with it's init method, this method print a
* message and abort the device server process
* @return The Util object reference
public static Util instance() {
if (_instance == null) {
System.err.println("Util is not initialised !!!");
return _instance;
* Create and get the singleton object reference.
* This method returns a reference to the object of the Util class. If the
* class singleton object has not been created, it will be instanciated
* @param argv The process argument String array
* @param exec_name The device server executable name
* @return The Util object reference
public static Util init(final String[] argv, final String exec_name) {
if (_instance == null) {
_instance = new Util(argv, exec_name);
return _instance;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : read_env()
// description : Get the TANGO_HOST system property and extract the
// database server host and port for it.
// This system property should be set when the java
// interpreter is started with its -D option
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Create and return an empty CORBA Any object.
* Create an empty CORBA Any object. Could be used by command which does not
* return anything to the client. This method also prints a message on
* screen (level 4) before it returns
* @param cmd The cmd name which use this empty Any. Only used to create the
* thrown exception (in case of) and in the displayed message
* @return The empty CORBA Any
* @throws DevFailed If the Any object creation failed. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
public static Any return_empty_any(final String cmd) throws DevFailed {
Any ret = null;
// noinspection ErrorNotRethrown
try {
ret = Util.instance().get_orb().create_any();
} catch (final OutOfMemoryError ex) {
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer(cmd);
Util.out3.println("Bad allocation while in " + cmd + ".execute()");
Except.throw_exception("API_MemoryAllocation", "Can't allocate memory in server", o
Util.out4.println("Leaving " + cmd + ".execute()");
return ret;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : misc_init()
// description : This method initialises miscellaneous variable which
// are needed later in the device server startup
// sequence. These variables are :
// The process ID
// The host name
// The Tango version
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* idem fabs in c libraray.
// ===============================================================
public static double fabs(final double d) {
if (d >= 0.0) {
return d;
} else {
return -1.0 * d;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : connect_db()
// description : This method builds a connection to the Tango database
// servant. It uses the db_host and db_port object
// variables. The Tango database server implements its
// CORBA object as named servant.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static int getPoaThreadPoolMax() {
if (!thread_pool_max_done) {
final String str = System.getProperty("jacorb.poa.thread_pool_max");
int value;
try {
value = Integer.parseInt(str);
if (value > 0) {
thread_pool_max = value;
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
thread_pool_max_done = true;
return thread_pool_max;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : server_already_running()
// description : Check if the same device server is not already running
// somewhere else and refuse to start in this case
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get the serial model (TangoConst.BY_DEVICE, TangoConst.BY_Class or
* TangoConst.NO_SYNC)
// ==========================================================
static public int get_serial_model() {
return serial_model;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : server_init()
// description : To initialise all classes in the device server process
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set the serial model. The default is TangoConst.BY_DEVICE
* @param model the specified model (TangoConst.BY_DEVICE, TangoConst.BY_Class
* or TangoConst.NO_SYNC)
// ==========================================================
static public void set_serial_model(final int model) {
serial_model = model;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : server_run()
// description : To start a device server
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static synchronized void increaseAccessConter() {
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : get_device_list()
// description : To return a list of device reference which name match the
// specified pattern
// in : - pattern : The device name pattern
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static synchronized void decreaseAccessConter() {
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : get_device_list_by_class()
// description : To return a reference to the vector of device for a
// specific class
// in : - class_name : The class name
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static synchronized int getAccessConter() {
return access_counter;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : get_device_by_name()
// description : To return a reference to the device object from its
// name
// in : - dev_name : The device name
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void check_args(final String argv[]) {
if (argv[0].charAt(0) == '-') {
if (argv[0].equals("-?")) {
} else {
ds_instance_name = argv[0];
if (argv.length > 1) {
int ind = 1;
String dlist;
while (ind < argv.length) {
if (argv[ind].charAt(0) == '-') {
switch (argv[ind].charAt(1)) {
// The verbose option
case 'v':
if (argv[ind].length() == 2) {
if (argv.length - 1 > ind) {
if (argv[ind + 1].charAt(0) == '-') {
} else {
} else {
} else {
final String level_str = argv[ind].substring(2);
int level = 0;
try {
level = Integer.parseInt(level_str);
} catch (final NumberFormatException ex) {
// Device server without database
case 'n':
if (argv[ind].equals("-nodb") == false) {
} else {
_UseDb = false;
// Device list (for device server without database)
case 'd':
if (argv[ind].equals("-dlist") == false) {
} else {
if (_UseDb == true) {
if (ind == argv.length) {
} else {
dlist = argv[ind].toLowerCase();
// Extract each device name
String str;
int start = 0;
int pos;
while ((pos = dlist.indexOf(',', start)) != -1) {
str = dlist.substring(start, pos);
start = pos + 1;
if (start != dlist.length()) {
str = dlist.substring(start);
// Check that the same device name is not used
// twice
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < cmd_line_name_list.size(); i++) {
for (j = 0; j < cmd_line_name_list.size(); j++) {
if (i != j) {
if (cmd_line_name_list.elementAt(i).equals(
cmd_line_name_list.elementAt(j))) {
.println("Each device name must have different name");
} else {
if (argv[ind - 1].substring(0, 2).equals("-v")) {
// Build server name in lower-case letters
real_server_name = ds_exec_name + "/" + ds_instance_name;
ds_exec_name = ds_exec_name.toLowerCase();
ds_instance_name = ds_instance_name.toLowerCase();
ds_name = new StringBuffer(ds_exec_name);
// Check that the server name is not too long
if (ds_name.length() > Tango_MaxServerNameLength) {
System.err.println("The device server name is too long! Max length is "
+ Tango_MaxServerNameLength + " characters.");
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : get_dserver_device()
// description : To return a reference to the dserver device automatically
// attached to each device server process
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void print_usage() {
System.err.print("usage : java -DTANGO_HOST=$TANGO_HOST " + ds_exec_name
+ " instance_name [-v[trace level]]");
System.err.println(" [-nodb [-dlist ]]");
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : unregister_server()
// description : Unregister the server from the database
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : printInstanceNames
// description : Print server instances found in database
// in : - serv_name : The server name
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void printInstanceNames() {
try {
System.out.println("Instance name defined in database for server PowerSupply :");
final String[] instnames = ApiUtil.get_db_obj().get_instance_name_list(ds_exec_name);
for (final String instname : instnames) {
System.out.println("\t" + instname);
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : return_empty_any
// description : Build and return one emty any for all commands which
// returns an empty any (obvious no!)
// arguments : in : - cmd : The command name
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void read_env() {
String env;
try {
if ((env = System.getProperty("TANGO_HOST")) == null) {
if ((env = System.getenv("TANGO_HOST")) == null) {
"Property \"TANGO_HOST\" not exported", "TangoDs.Util.read_env()");
assert env != null;
if (env.indexOf(":") < 0) {
"Unknown \"TANGO_HOST\" property " + env, "TangoDs.Util.read_env()");
final String[] array = ApiUtil.parseTangoHost(env);
db_host = array[0];
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
// Miscellaneous basic methods
private void misc_init() {
// Get PID
pid_str = String.valueOf(0);
// Get hostname
try {
final String tmp_host1 = InetAddress.getLocalHost().toString();
int pos = tmp_host1.indexOf('/');
final String tmp_host2 = tmp_host1.substring(0, pos);
pos = tmp_host2.indexOf('.');
if (pos == -1) {
hostname = tmp_host2;
} else {
hostname = tmp_host2.substring(0, pos);
} catch (final UnknownHostException ex) {
System.err.println("Cant retrieve server host name");
Util.out4.println("Hostname = " + hostname);
// Convert Tango version number to string (for device export)
version_str = String.valueOf(Tango_DevVersion);
* Connect the process to the TANGO database.
* If the connection to the database failed, a message is displayed on the
* screen and the process is aborted
public synchronized void connect_db() {
// Try to connect to the database
if (_daemon == true) {
boolean connected = false;
while (connected == false) {
try {
db = ApiUtil.get_db_obj();
if (db == null) {
Util.out4.println("Can't contact db server, will try later");
try {
wait(_sleep_between_connect * 1000);
} catch (final InterruptedException ex) {
} else {
connected = true;
} catch (final Exception e) {
Util.out4.println("Can't contact db server, will try later");
try {
wait(_sleep_between_connect * 1000);
} catch (final InterruptedException ex) {
} else {
try {
db = ApiUtil.get_db_obj();
if (db == null) {
System.err.println("Can't build connection to TANGO database server, exiting");
System.err.println("DB server host = " + db_host);
} catch (final Exception ex) {
System.err.println("Can't build connection to TANGO database server, exiting");
System.err.println("DB server host = " + db_host);
Util.out4.println("Connected to database");
private synchronized void server_already_running() {
Util.out4.println("Entering Tango::server_already_running method");
// First, sleep a while in order to solve race condition for two
// servers started at the "same time" and a schedulling happens between
// the database check and the export device. This system is inherited
// from what has been implemented for the TACO control system
final Random rand = new Random();
final int sl = rand.nextInt(1000);
Util.out4.println("Waiting " + sl + " ms....");
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException ex) {
// Build device name and try to import it from database
final StringBuffer dev_name = new StringBuffer(Tango_DSDeviceDomain);
final String dev_name_str = new String(dev_name);
Device dev = null;
try {
final DbDevImportInfo db_dev = db.import_device(dev_name_str);
Util.out4.println("db.import_device(" + dev_name_str + "); DONE ");
Util.out4.println("db_dev.exported ==" + db_dev.exported);
// If the device is not imported, leave function
if (db_dev.exported == false) {
Util.out4.println("Leaving Tango::server_already_running method");
final org.omg.CORBA.Object obj = orb.string_to_object(db_dev.ior);
Util.out4.println("orb.string_to_object(db_dev.ior); DONE ");
// Try to narrow the reference to a Tango_Device object
dev = DeviceHelper.narrow(obj);
Util.out4.println("dev = DeviceHelper.narrow(obj); DONE ");
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
if (e.errors[0].reason.equals("DB_DeviceNotDefined") == true) {
System.err.println("This device server is not defined in database. Exiting!");
} catch (final org.omg.CORBA.TIMEOUT e) {
// Receive a Timeout exception ---> It is not running !!!!
// System.err.println("org.omg.CORBA.TIMEOUT");
} catch (final BAD_OPERATION e) {
System.err.println("Can't pack/unpack data sent to/from database in/to Any object");
} catch (final TRANSIENT e) {
Util.out4.println("Leaving Tango::server_already_running method");
} catch (final OBJECT_NOT_EXIST e) {
Util.out4.println("Leaving Tango::server_already_running method");
} catch (final COMM_FAILURE e) {
Util.out4.println("Leaving Tango::server_already_running method");
} catch (final Exception e) {
if (dev == null) {
Util.out4.println("Leaving Tango::server_already_running method");
// Now, get the device name from the server
try {
final String n = dev.name();
if (n.equals(dev_name_str) == true) {
System.err.println("This server is already running, exiting!");
} catch (final NO_RESPONSE e) {
System.err.println("This server is already running but is blocked!");
} catch (final SystemException e) {
Util.out4.println("Leaving Tango::server_already_running method");
* Initialise all the device server pattern(s) embedded in a device server
* process.
* @exception DevFailed
* If the device pattern initialistaion failed Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
public void server_init() throws DevFailed {
// Initialise main class
// Configure polling from the polling properties
* Ask a device server to listen for incoming request.
* This method does not return.
public void server_run() {
* Get the list of device references which name name match the specified
* pattern Returns a null vector in case there is no device matching the
* pattern
* @param pattern
* The device name pattern
public Vector get_device_list(String pattern) {
// - The returned list
final Vector dl = new Vector();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// CASE I: pattern does not contain any '*' char - it's a device name
if (pattern.indexOf('*') == -1) {
DeviceImpl dev = null;
try {
dev = get_device_by_name(pattern);
} catch (final DevFailed df) {
// - Ignore exception
if (dev != null) {
return dl;
// - For the two remaining cases, we need the list of all DeviceClasses.
final Vector dcl = get_class_list();
// - A temp vector to store a given class' devices
Vector temp_dl;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// CASE II: pattern == "*" - return a list containing all devices
if (pattern.equals("*")) {
for (int i = 0; i < dcl.size(); i++) {
temp_dl = ((DeviceClass) dcl.elementAt(i)).get_device_list();
for (final Object aTemp_dl : temp_dl) {
final DeviceImpl dev = (DeviceImpl) aTemp_dl;
return dl;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// CASE III: pattern contains at least one '*' char
Iterator dl_it;
String dev_name;
DeviceImpl dev;
final Iterator dcl_it = dcl.iterator();
// - Compile the pattern
pattern = pattern.replace('*', '.');
final Pattern p = Pattern.compile(pattern);
// - For each DeviceClass...
while (dcl_it.hasNext()) {
// ...get device list
temp_dl = ((DeviceClass) dcl_it.next()).get_device_list();
// for each device in in list...
dl_it = temp_dl.iterator();
while (dl_it.hasNext()) {
// ...get device ...
dev = (DeviceImpl) dl_it.next();
// ...and device name
dev_name = dev.get_name().toLowerCase();
// then look for token(s) in device name
if (p.matcher(dev_name).matches()) {
return dl;
* Get the list of device references for a given TANGO class.
* Return the list of references for all devices served by one
* implementation of the TANGO device pattern implemented in the process
* @param class_name
* The TANGO device class name
* @return The device reference list
* @exception DevFailed
* If in the device server process there is no TANGO device
* pattern implemented the TANGO device class given as
* parameter Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
public Vector get_device_list_by_class(final String class_name) throws DevFailed {
// Retrieve class list. Don't use the get_dserver_device() method
// followed by
// the get_class_list(). In case of several classes embedded within
// the same server and the use of this method in the object creation, it
// will fail because the end of the dserver object creation is after the
// end of the last server device creation.
final Vector cl_list = class_list;
// Check if the wanted class really exists
final int nb_class = cl_list.size();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nb_class; i++) {
if (((DeviceClass) cl_list.elementAt(i)).get_name().equals(class_name) == true) {
// Throw exception if the class is not found
if (i == nb_class) {
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer("Class ");
o.append(" not found");
Except.throw_exception("API_ClassNotFound", o.toString(),
return ((DeviceClass) cl_list.elementAt(i)).get_device_list();
* Get a device reference from its name
* @param dev_name
* The TANGO device name
* @return The device reference
* @exception DevFailed
* If in the device is not served by one device pattern
* implemented in this process. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
public DeviceImpl get_device_by_name(String dev_name) throws DevFailed {
// Retrieve class list. Don't use the get_dserver_device() method
// followed by
// the get_class_list(). In case of several classes embedded within
// the same server and the use of this method in the object creation, it
// will fail because the end of the dserver object creation is after the
// end of the last server device creation.
final Vector cl_list = class_list;
// Check if the wanted device exists in each class
dev_name = dev_name.toLowerCase();
Vector dev_list = get_device_list_by_class(((DeviceClass) cl_list.elementAt(0)).get_name());
final int nb_class = cl_list.size();
int i, j, nb_dev;
j = nb_dev = 0;
boolean found = false;
for (i = 0; i < nb_class; i++) {
dev_list = get_device_list_by_class(((DeviceClass) cl_list.elementAt(i)).get_name());
nb_dev = dev_list.size();
for (j = 0; j < nb_dev; j++) {
if (((DeviceImpl) dev_list.elementAt(j)).get_name().toLowerCase().equals(dev_name) == true) {
found = true;
if (found == true) {
// Check also the dserver device
if (found == false) {
final DServerClass ds_class = DServerClass.instance();
dev_list = ds_class.get_device_list();
final String name = ((DeviceImpl) dev_list.elementAt(0)).get_name();
if (name.compareToIgnoreCase(dev_name) == 0) {
j = 0;
// Throw exception if the class is not found
if (i == nb_class && j == nb_dev) {
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer("Device ");
o.append(" not found");
.throw_exception("API_DeviceNotFound", o.toString(),
return (DeviceImpl) dev_list.elementAt(j);
* Get a reference to the dserver device attached to the device server
* process
* @return A reference to the dserver device
public DServer get_dserver_device() {
return (DServer) DServerClass.instance().get_device_list().elementAt(0);
* Unregister a device server process from the TANGO database.
* If the database call fails, a message is displayed on the screen and the
* process is aborted
public void unregister_server() {
Util.out4.println("Entering Tango::unregister_server method");
if (Util._UseDb == true) {
// Mark all the devices belonging to this server as unexported
try {
} catch (final SystemException e) {
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
} catch (final UserException e) {
Util.out4.println("Leaving Tango::unregister_server method");
* Get the process trace level.
* @return The process trace level
public int get_trace_level() {
return _tracelevel;
* Get a reference to the CORBA Boot Manager
* @return The CORBA boot manager public BootManager get_boot_manager() {
* return boot_manager; }
* Set the process trace level.
* @param level
* The new process level
public void set_trace_level(final int level) {
_tracelevel = level;
* Get the device server instance name.
* @return The device server instance name
public String get_ds_inst_name() {
return ds_instance_name;
* Get the device server executable name.
* @return The device server executable name
public String get_ds_exec_name() {
return ds_exec_name;
* Get the device server name.
* The device server name is the device server executable name/the device
* server instance name
* @return The device server name
public String get_ds_name() {
return new String(ds_name);
* Get the real (not only lowercase) server name.
* The device server name is the device server executable name/the device
* server instance name
* @return The real server name
public String get_ds_real_name() {
return real_server_name;
* Get the host name where the device server process is running.
* @return The host name
public String get_host_name() {
return hostname;
* Get the device server TANGO version.
* @return The device server version
public String get_version_str() {
return version_str;
// ===============================================================
* Get the TANGO database object reference
* @return The database reference
public Database get_database() {
return db;
// ==========================================================
* Get a reference to the CORBA ORB
* @return The CORBA ORB
public ORB get_orb() {
return orb;
* Get a reference to the CORBA Portable Object Adapter (POA).
* For classical device server, this is the root POA. For no database device
* server, this is a specific POA with the USER_ID policy.
* @return The CORBA POA
public POA get_poa() {
return _poa;
* Get the device server process identifier as a String
* Return 0 as process identifer. Is ther any way to know process identifier
* in a PURE java class ?
public String get_pid_str() {
return pid_str;
* Get the DeviceClass list vector
* @return The DeviceClass vector reference
Vector get_class_list() {
return class_list;
* Set the DeviceClass list vector
* @param list
* The DeviceClass vector reference
public void set_class_list(final Vector list) {
class_list = list;
// ==========================================================
* Get the commnd line device name list (for device server without database)
* @return The command line device name list
Vector get_cmd_line_name_list() {
return cmd_line_name_list;
// ==========================================================
* Add a new class in this device server (For no database device server)
* @param name
* The class name
public void add_class(final String name) {
// ==========================================================
* Get the class name list (For no database device server)
* @return A string vector. Each element is a class name
public Vector get_class_name_list() {
return class_name_list;
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
* WARNING: The following code is JacORB specific. The jacorb.jar must have
* been modified by adding org.jacorb.orb.ORB.putObjectKeyMap method. public
* void putObjectKeyMap(String s, String t) { objectKeyMap.put(s, t); }
* Add device name in HashTable used for JacORB objectKeyMap if
* _UseDb==false.
* @param name
* The device's name.
void registerDeviceForJacorb(final String name) {
// Get the 3 fields of device name
final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(name, "/");
final String[] field = new String[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3 && st.countTokens() > 0; i++) {
field[i] = st.nextToken();
// After a header used by JacORB, in the device name
// the '/' char must be replaced by another separator
final String separator = "&%25";
final String targetname = "StandardImplName/nodb_poa/" + field[0] + separator + field[1]
+ separator + field[2];
// And set the JacORB objectKeyMap HashMap
final org.jacorb.orb.ORB jacorb = (org.jacorb.orb.ORB) orb;
// Method added by PV for server without database.
// in org/jacorb/orb/ORB.java
jacorb.addObjectKey(name, targetname);
* This method sends command to the polling thread for all cmd/attr with
* polling configuration stored in db.
// ==========================================================
void polling_configure() {
// Send a stop polling command to thread in order not to poll devices
final DServer adm_dev = get_dserver_device();
try {
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
final Vector tmp_cl_list = adm_dev.get_class_list();// DeviceClass
int upd;
// Create the structure used to send data to the polling thread
final DevVarLongStringArray send = new DevVarLongStringArray();
send.lvalue = new int[1];
send.svalue = new String[3];
// A loop on each class and each device in class
for (int i = 0; i < tmp_cl_list.size(); i++) {
final DeviceClass dc = (DeviceClass) tmp_cl_list.elementAt(i);
final Vector dev_list = dc.get_device_list(); // id() ==
* dev_mon.get_locking_thread_id()) { cout4 <<
* "Possible deadlock detected!" << endl; deadlock = true;
* dev_mon.rel_monitor(); dev_mon.rel_monitor(); }
interupted = mon.wait_it(Tango_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* if (deadlock == true) { dev_mon.get_monitor();
* dev_mon.get_monitor(); }
if (shared_cmd.trigger == true && interupted == false) {
out4.println("TIME OUT");
Except.throw_exception("API_CommandTimedOut", "Polling thread blocked !!!",
out4.println("Thread cmd normally executed");
* This method fills the polling buffer for one polled attribute registered
* with an update period defined as "externally triggerred" (polling period
* set to 0)
* @param dev
* The TANGO device
* @param att_name
* The attribute name which must be polled
* @param data
* The data stack with one element for each history element
* @throws DevFailed
* If the call failed
// ==========================================================
public void fill_attr_polling_buffer(final DeviceImpl dev, final String att_name,
final TimedAttrData[] data) throws DevFailed {
// Check that the device is polled
if (dev.is_polled() == false) {
Except.throw_exception("API_DeviceNotPolled", "Device " + dev.get_name()
+ " is not polled", "Util.fill_attr_polling_buffer()");
// Attribute name in lower case letters and check that it is marked as
// polled
final String obj_name = att_name.toLowerCase();
dev.get_polled_obj_by_type_name(Tango_POLL_ATTR, obj_name);
// Get a reference on the Attribute object
final Attribute att = dev.get_device_attr().get_attr_by_name(att_name);
// Check that it is a READ only attribute
final AttrWriteType w_type = att.get_writable();
if (w_type != AttrWriteType.READ) {
final String desc = "Attribute " + att_name + " of device " + dev.get_name()
+ " is not READ only";
Except.throw_exception("API_DeviceNotPolled", desc, "Util.fill_attr_polling_buffer()");
// Check that history is not larger than polling buffer
final int nb_elt = data.length;
final int nb_poll = dev.get_poll_ring_depth();
if (nb_elt > nb_poll) {
final String desc = "The polling buffer depth for attribute " + att_name
+ " for device " + dev.get_name() + " is only " + nb_poll
+ " which is less than " + nb_elt + " !";
Except.throw_exception("API_DeviceNotPolled", desc, "Util.fill_attr_polling_buffer()");
// A loop on each record
DevFailed save_except = null;
AttributeValue back = null;
final TimeVal zero = new TimeVal(0, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < nb_elt; i++) {
// Check if read attr has failed
boolean attr_failed = false;
if (data[i].err != null && data[i].err.length > 0) {
attr_failed = true;
save_except = new DevFailed(data[i].err);
} else {
// Allocate memory for the AttributeValueList sequence
back = new AttributeValue();
// Init name,date and quality factor
back.time = new TimeVal(0, 0, 0);
back.time.tv_sec = data[i].t_val.tv_sec;
back.time.tv_usec = data[i].t_val.tv_usec;
back.time.tv_nsec = 0;
back.quality = data[i].qual;
back.name = att_name;
back.dim_x = 0;
back.dim_y = 0;
if (data[i].qual == AttrQuality.ATTR_VALID
|| data[i].qual == AttrQuality.ATTR_ALARM
|| data[i].qual == AttrQuality.ATTR_CHANGING) {
// Set Attribute object value
// Init remaining fields in AttributeValueList
final Any any = ApiUtil.get_orb().create_any();
switch (att.get_data_type()) {
case Tango_DEV_BOOLEAN:
att.set_value(data[i].bool_ptr, data[i].x, data[i].y);
DevVarBooleanArrayHelper.insert(any, att.get_boolean_value());
case Tango_DEV_SHORT:
att.set_value(data[i].sh_ptr, data[i].x, data[i].y);
DevVarShortArrayHelper.insert(any, att.get_short_value());
case Tango_DEV_LONG:
att.set_value(data[i].lg_ptr, data[i].x, data[i].y);
DevVarLongArrayHelper.insert(any, att.get_long_value());
case Tango_DEV_LONG64:
att.set_value(data[i].lg64_ptr, data[i].x, data[i].y);
DevVarLong64ArrayHelper.insert(any, att.get_long64_value());
case Tango_DEV_FLOAT:
att.set_value(data[i].fl_ptr, data[i].x, data[i].y);
DevVarFloatArrayHelper.insert(any, att.get_float_value());
case Tango_DEV_DOUBLE:
att.set_value(data[i].db_ptr, data[i].x, data[i].y);
DevVarDoubleArrayHelper.insert(any, att.get_double_value());
case Tango_DEV_STRING:
att.set_value(data[i].str_ptr, data[i].x, data[i].y);
DevVarStringArrayHelper.insert(any, att.get_string_value());
* case Tango_DEV_USHORT :
* DevVarUShortArrayHelper.insert(any,
* att.get_ushort_value()); break;
* case Tango_DEV_UCHAR : DevVarUCharArrayHelper.insert(any,
* att.get_uchar_value()); break;
"att.get_data_type() returns " + att.get_data_type()
+ "\nType NOT supported",
back.value = any;
back.dim_x = data[i].x;
back.dim_y = data[i].y;
// Fill one slot of polling buffer
try {
final PollObj item = dev.get_polled_obj_by_type_name(Tango_POLL_ATTR, obj_name);
final TimeVal when = new TimeVal(0, 0, 0);
if (attr_failed == false) {
when.tv_sec = back.time.tv_sec - Tango_DELTA_T;
when.tv_usec = back.time.tv_usec;
item.insert_data(back, when, zero);
} else {
when.tv_sec = data[i].t_val.tv_sec - Tango_DELTA_T;
when.tv_usec = data[i].t_val.tv_usec;
item.insert_except(save_except, when, zero);
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
* This class is used for polling
// ==========================================================
class UtilExt {
Vector cmd_line_name_list;
* The polling thread object
PollThread poll_th;
* The shared buffer
PollThCmd shared_data;
* The monitor
TangoMonitor poll_mon;
* Polling on flag
boolean poll_on;
UtilExt() {
shared_data = new PollThCmd();
shared_data.cmd_pending = false;
poll_mon = new TangoMonitor();