fr.esrf.TangoDs.DeviceClass Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// $Source$
// Project: Tango
// Description: java source code for the TANGO client/server API.
// $Author: pascal_verdier $
// Copyright (C) : 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,
// European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
// BP 220, Grenoble 38043
// This file is part of Tango.
// Tango is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Tango is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with Tango. If not, see .
// $Revision: 25297 $
package fr.esrf.TangoDs;
import fr.esrf.Tango.DevFailed;
import fr.esrf.Tango.Device;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DbClass;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DbDatum;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DbDevExportInfo;
import org.omg.CORBA.Any;
import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION;
import org.omg.CORBA.ORB;
import org.omg.PortableServer.POA;
import java.util.Vector;
import static fr.esrf.TangoDs.TangoConst.*;
//TODO merge with DServerClass
public abstract class DeviceClass {
private final Vector nodb_name_list = new Vector();
* The TANGO device class name
protected String name;
* The TANGO device class documentation URL
protected String doc_url;
* The command(s) list
protected Vector command_list;
* The device(s) list
protected Vector device_list;
* The associated DbClass object
protected DbClass db_class;
* The class attributes object
protected MultiClassAttribute class_attr;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : DeviceClass(String s)
// description : DeviceClass constructor. Protected method which will
// be called automatically by the compiler.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Construct a newly allocated DeviceClass object.
* @param s The Tango device class name
protected DeviceClass(final String s) throws DevFailed {
name = s;
// Create the associated DbClass object
if (Util._UseDb) {
db_class = new DbClass(name);
// Create the vector object(s)
command_list = new Vector();
device_list = new Vector();
// initialise command_list with State and Status
// Retrieve basic class resource
// Create the multi class attribute object
class_attr = new MultiClassAttribute();
public void initClass() {
command_list.addElement(new StatusCmd("Status", Tango_DEV_VOID, Tango_DEV_STRING,
"Device status"));
command_list.addElement(new StateCmd("State", Tango_DEV_VOID, Tango_DEV_STATE,
"Device state"));
command_list.addElement(new InitCmd("Init", Tango_DEV_VOID, Tango_DEV_VOID));
Util.out4.println("DeviceClass add cmd State/Status/Init " + get_name());
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : get_class_system_resource(String s)
// description : Method to retrieve some basic class resource(s)
// The resource to be retrived are :
// - The class doc URL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void get_class_system_resource() {
// Try to retrieve the class resource doc_url
if (Util._UseDb) {
try {
// Call db server
final DbDatum res_value = db_class.get_property("doc_url");
if (res_value.is_empty() == true) {
Util.out4.println("doc_url property for class " + name
+ " is not defined in database");
doc_url = Tango_DefaultDocUrl;
} else {
doc_url = res_value.extractString();
} catch (final DevFailed ex) {
doc_url = Tango_DefaultDocUrl;
} catch (final BAD_OPERATION ex) {
doc_url = Tango_DefaultDocUrl;
} else {
doc_url = Tango_DefaultDocUrl;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : export_device()
// description : This method exports a device to the outside world.
// This is done by sending its CORBA network parameter
// (mainly the IOR) to the Tango database
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Export a device.
* Send device network parameter to TANGO database. The main parameter sent
* to database is the CORBA stringified device IOR.
* @param dev The device to be exported
* @throws DevFailed If the command sent to the database failed. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
protected void export_device(final DeviceImpl dev) throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("DeviceClass::export_device() arrived");
Device d;
// Activate the CORBA object incarnated by the Java object
final Util tg = Util.instance();
final ORB orb = tg.get_orb();
d = dev._this(orb);
// Get the object id and store it
byte[] oid = null;
final POA r_poa = tg.get_poa();
try {
oid = r_poa.reference_to_id(d);
} catch (final Exception ex) {
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer("Can't get CORBA reference ID for device ");
Except.throw_exception("API_CantGetDevObjectID", o.toString(),
// Before exporting, check if database is used
if (Util._UseDb == false) {
// Prepare sent parameters
final DbDevExportInfo exp_info = new DbDevExportInfo(dev.get_name(), orb
.object_to_string(d), tg.get_host_name(), tg.get_version_str());
// Call db server
Util.out4.println("Leaving DeviceClass::export_device method()");
// Mark the device as exported
* Export a device.
* This method activate the CORBA object associated with the servant dev. It
* is used for device where a CORBALOC string is used to connect with. This
* method is mainly used for the Tango database server.
* @param dev The device to be exported
* @param name The device CORBALOC name
* @throws DevFailed If the command sent to the database failed. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
protected void export_device(final DeviceImpl dev, final String name) throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("DeviceClass::export_device() arrived");
Util.out4.println("name = " + name);
// For server started without db usage (Mostly the database server). In
// this case,
// it is necessary to create our own CORBA object id and to bind it into
// the
// OOC Boot Manager for access through a stringified object reference
// constructed using the corbaloc style
final byte[] oid = name.getBytes();
final Util tg = Util.instance();
try {
final org.omg.PortableServer.POA r_poa = tg.get_poa();
r_poa.activate_object_with_id(oid, dev);
} catch (final Exception ex) {
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer("Can't activate device for device ");
Except.throw_exception("API_CantBindDevice", o.toString(),
// Get the object id and store it
final ORB orb = tg.get_orb();
// Mark the device as exported
Util.out4.println("Leaving DeviceClass::export_device method()");
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : command_handler()
// description : Command handler which is called by Device
// when a command is received. It will check
// to see if the command is implemented. If
// so it will test to see if it is allowed
// in this state. Finally it will execute the
// command by calling its execute method.
// If an error occurs it will throw a DevFailed
// exception.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Execute a command.
* It looks for the correct command object in the command object vector. If
* the command is found, it invoke the always_executed_hook method.
* Check if the command is allowed by invoking the is_allowed method
* If the command is allowed, invokes the execute method.
* @param device The device on which the command must be executed
* @param command The command name
* @param in_any The command input data still packed in a CORBA Any object
* @return A CORBA Any object with the output data packed in
* @throws DevFailed If the command is not found, if the command is not allowed
* in the actual device state and re-throws of all the
* exception thrown by the always_executed_hook,
* is_alloed and execute methods. Click here
* to read DevFailed exception specification
public Any command_handler(final DeviceImpl device, final String command, final Any in_any)
throws DevFailed {
Any ret = Util.instance().get_orb().create_any();
Util.out4.println("Entering DeviceClass::command_handler() method");
int i;
final String cmd_name = command.toLowerCase();
for (i = 0; i < command_list.size(); i++) {
final Command cmd = (Command) command_list.elementAt(i);
if (cmd.get_name().toLowerCase().equals(cmd_name) == true) {
// Call the always executed method
// Check if the command is allowed
if (cmd.is_allowed(device, in_any) == false) {
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer("Command ");
o.append(" not allowed when the device is in ");
o.append(" state");
Except.throw_exception("API_CommandNotAllowed", o.toString(),
// Execute the command
ret = cmd.execute(device, in_any);
if (i == command_list.size()) {
Util.out3.println("DeviceClass.command_handler(): command " + command + " not found");
// throw an exception to client
Except.throw_exception("API_CommandNotFound", "Command " + command + " not found",
Util.out4.println("Leaving DeviceClass.command_handler() method");
return ret;
// Two abstract methods
* Create command objects for all command supported by this class of device.
* In the DeviceClass class, this method is pure abstract and must be
* defined in sub-class. Its rule is to create the command object and to
* store them in a vector of command objects
public abstract void command_factory();
* Create all the attributes name supported by this class of device.
* In the DeviceClass class, this method does nothing and must be re-defined
* in sub-class if the sub-class supports attributes. Its rule is to store
* the name of all the supported attributes in a vector.
public void attribute_factory(final Vector v) throws DevFailed {
* Create device(s) name list (for no database device server).
* This method can be re-defined in DeviceClass sub-class for device server
* started without database. Its rule is to initialise class device name.
* The default method does nothing.
* @param list The device name list within a String vector
public void device_name_factory(final Vector list) {
* Create device(s).
* In the DeviceClass class, this method is pure abstract and must be
* defined in sub-class. Its rule is to create all the calss devices and to
* store them in a vector of device
* @param dev_list The device name list
* @throws DevFailed This method does not throw exception but a redefined
* method can. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
public abstract void device_factory(String[] dev_list) throws DevFailed;
// Miscellaneous obvious methods
* Get the command object vector.
* @return A reference to the command vector
public Vector get_command_list() {
return command_list;
* Get the device object vector.
* @return A reference to the device vector
public Vector get_device_list() {
return device_list;
* Get the DServer object at the index in vector.
* @return the DServer object found at index.
public DeviceImpl get_device_at(final int idx) {
return (DeviceImpl) device_list.elementAt(idx);
* Get the TANGO device class name.
* @return The TANGO device class name
public String get_name() {
return name;
* Get the TANGO device class documentation URL.
* @return The TANGO device class documentation
public String get_doc_url() {
return doc_url;
* Get a handle to the object with all the attributes defined at class level
* @return A reference to the MultiClassAttribute object
public MultiClassAttribute get_class_attr() {
return class_attr;
* Get a handle to the DbClass object
* @return A reference to the DbClass object
public DbClass get_db_class() {
return db_class;
* Get a reference to the vector with device name list (for no database
* device server).
* @return The device name list
public Vector get_nodb_name_list() {
return nodb_name_list;